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SECO Energy Joins Hurricane Idalia Restoration Effort

SECO Energy is lending a hand to a fellow Florida cooperative Tri-County Electric Cooperative in Madison. Tri-County’s service area was ravaged by Hurricane Idalia as it made landfall in the Big Bend area on Wednesday, August 30. When Tri-County put out the call for mutual aid from its fellow cooperatives, SECO Energy answered the call to join the restoration effort in the Panhandle. 


On Friday, September 1, a contingent of SECO Energy line employees, a superintendent, a supervisor and mechanic, left the Ocala Operations Center on their way to Tri-County Electric Cooperative. Tri-County serves almost 25,000 members in Jefferson, Madison and Taylor Counties. This area includes some of the most devastated areas in the state. Currently, almost 30,000 homes and businesses are without power in Tri-County Electric’s three-county service territory.  


Cooperation Among Cooperatives and Concern for Community are two of the Seven Cooperative Principles to which cooperatives adhere. Providing mutual aid in the form of experienced technicians and other resources is critical for restoring essential electric service to all residents affected by Hurricane Idalia.  


SECO Energy also released seven full-time Pike contract crews that are stationed at SECO to Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) in Live Oak, Florida. SVEC serves more than 28,000 members in Columbia, Hamilton, Lafayette and Suwannee Counties. Over 40,000 members are waiting for power restoration in these four counties. 


CEO Curtis Wynn is pleased to assist SECO Energy’s cooperative peers. Wynn stated, “We are extremely thankful that SECO Energy’s service area and members were spared the brunt of Hurricane Idalia’s destruction. It is our privilege to assist both Tri-County Electric Cooperative and Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative. When we asked for volunteers to travel to these hurricane-devastated areas, many of our team members volunteered quickly to assist.” 


“During major storm repairs, mutual aid is a tenet that leads our cooperative and others across the state. We are praying for our teams’ safety and that of all utility workers who are traveling and working to make Floridian’s lives better every day.” 


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on X (formerly, Twitter) for news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews and contractors are working in your area, visit the System Improvement map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About. 

SECO Energy Recovers from Hurricane Idalia

SECO Energy is recovering from Hurricane Idalia as the storm’s outer rain bands and tropical storm-force winds moved across its Central Florida service area. SECO employees and contracted line and tree crews worked overnight Tuesday into Wednesday through inclement weather to restore service to members affected by power outages. SECO welcomed almost 500 mutual aid crews to aid in the restoration effort. 


In the last 24 hours, just over 10,400 members experienced a service interruption due to Hurricane Idalia. As of 12:00 p.m., just over 600 accounts remain out of service. The hurricane made landfall near Keaton Beach at 7:45 a.m., sparing Central Florida from the heaviest winds and most severe damage imposed by the hurricane. Idalia’s wind and rain bands extended into the SECO Energy service territory late Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning as it moved north, nearly 100 miles west of Tampa Bay. 


The Big Bend of Florida took the brunt of Hurricane Idalia’s Category 3 winds and unprecedented storm surge that pummeled the shoreline from Cedar Key to Horseshoe Beach. Extreme wind warnings were issued to parts of Taylor and Madison County, including the towns of Perry, Steinhatchee, Lee, Madison, Hanson and Pinetta. 


CEO Curtis Wynn was grateful for the limited impact Hurricane Idalia had on the not-for-profit electric cooperative’s 230,000+ members and praised the SECO team and mutual aid crews for their preparation. Wynn stated, “Our team was exceptionally well-prepared for Hurricane Idalia and their response was second to none. We caught a break – Hurricane Idalia could have turned east and left us with massive outages and destruction. There is no guarantee with the weather. StormReady means that we prepare for and are ready for emergencies that storms often create. We bring in the appropriate number of outside contractors and, with our own team of employees, apply the appropriate response plan.” 


StormCenter is SECO Energy’s outage and communications platform for members to report outages, check the status of an existing outage and enroll in outage communications and alerts via email, text, voice or all three. Visit StormCenter and bookmark it on your smartphone or tablet to report outages quickly and easily. 


SECO Energy’s Hurricane Handbook includes how to prepare before, during and after a storm. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on X (formerly, Twitter) for news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews and contractors are working in your area, visit the System Improvement map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About.

SECO News, October 2017


Duncan’s Digest



Hurricane Irma is indeed the biggest, baddest, meanest named storm we’ve seen in a long time. Irma’s damage to our system was more significant than we experienced in the infamous 2004 hurricane season.


Hurricane Irma – the aptly named “war goddess” – arrived with an arsenal of hurricane-force winds. She wreaked havoc as she traveled directly through SECO’s service territory as a Category 1 to a Category 3 hurricane, per data from the National Hurricane Center. Power outages began late Sunday evening September 10, and members continued to lose power through Monday morning.


SECO News, October 2017 - Duncan's Digest , Hurricane Irma Hits Hard


From Irma’s onset until winds subsided Monday mid-day, approximately 139,000 outages were reported by members and captured by our outage management system. Over half of our system was damaged by the hurricane-force winds with lines, transformers and poles on the ground covered by trees and debris.


Executing an emergency action plan before, during and after a named storm is a standard practice for a Florida utility like SECO Energy. Storm hardening and emergency response are key investments for a not-for-profit electric cooperative. To successfully react to a weather crisis, we rely heavily on our tried and true emergency response plan and advanced preparation.


Members always want to know how SECO decides who is first in line for restoration. Florida requires substations and feeders serving hospitals, shelters, schools and government agencies to be restored as the highest priority. The next priority is restoring power to large groups of members, and then to less populated areas with individual electric services.


SECO News, October 2017 - Hurricane Irma Hits Hard, downed power lines, linemen working, damaged poles


Due to SECO’s demographic, we serve a large number of nursing homes and assisted living facilities. During Hurricane Irma, these facilities became a priority as well as they began to run out of generator fuel. The same held true for communication towers a few days into the recovery. Water treatment facilities and lift stations were also a strong consideration.


The bottom line is every member wants power turned back on – now. SECO is sensitive to that, and we understand the discomfort and inconvenience members experience. Personally, I slept on a cot in my office for four nights because my home was without power. I’m sharing that not for sympathy but to emphasize that SECO follows the plan and does not give special treatment or favors.


Once an emergency begins, logistics like fuel, food, lodging, manpower and a solid work plan are all critical to a timely restoration. Securing line and tree trimming contractor support from neighboring areas was difficult because Irma had such far-reaching effects. We searched far and wide and brought in contractors from Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas and other parts of Florida.


SECO News, October 2017 - Hurricane Irma Hits Hard, SECO brought in contractors from Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas and other parts of Florida.


Fuel, ice, food and hotel rooms for these folks became a logistical challenge as the state seemingly shut down before, during and after Irma. From the beginning of the restoration effort on Monday, fuel availability for our trucks was limited. Traffic on I-75 southbound delayed the out-of-state contractors’ arrivals. Evacuees understandably fled from coastal areas to central Florida, reducing the availability of hotels to lodge our restoration teams from out of state.


Contract line and tree crews arrived and suited up alongside our SECO home team after winds died down around noon that Monday. These professionals were in it to win it. SECO made significant progress, restoring power to over 90,000 members during the first three days of restoration – 49,000 members remained without power.


To better communicate with members, SECO developed an interactive restoration plan map that was launched Tuesday evening. The map was updated nightly to reflect the next day’s restoration plan.


SECO News, October 2017 - Hurricane Irma Hits Hard, To better communicate with members, SECO developed an interactive restoration plan map


This resource became a useful communication tool for members seeking information on the timing of their particular area’s restoration. Social media was a blessing throughout the hurricane and restoration, and helped members keep in touch when CenturyLink went down.


When Thursday dawned, progress slowed as SECO fought through new challenges and obstacles. High waters across roads and in homes prevented restoration in south Sumter County. Areas with significant damage took longer than planned. Stolen wire delayed restoration in Webster, Croom-A-Coochee and Lake Panasoffkee. Crews were redirected to allow restoration to continue in areas where we could restore larger numbers quickly.


SECO News, October 2017 - Hurricane Irma Hits Hard, Areas of south Sumter County were engulfed by rising water


The weather threatened to hinder progress on Friday and Saturday, as the presence of lightning would bring restoration to a stop. We put the word out for farmers to stop cutting hay and for residents to not wash their cars. We prayed and crossed our fingers.


Prayers were answered, and on Saturday at noon, less than 10,000 members were without power. We were determined to have full restoration complete by the end of the day Sunday, September 17. More than 1,200 SECO crews, along with line and tree contractors converged for the last time on our territory to finish rebuilding the remaining lines, clear trees, replace poles, avoid alligators and respond to the remaining small pockets of outages.


Though it was admittedly a rough week for those who lost power, I am proud to say that by Sunday night, 99.9% of SECO members had power restored. Only about 70 accounts in south Sumter County were unable to receive electric service due to high water conditions.


Many of our employees worked 20-hour days, didn’t have power at home and could have auditioned for a role on The Walking Dead. I am grateful for the hard work and dedication of the entire SECO team. I’m also grateful for the thousands of line and tree contractors who traveled thousands of miles to Florida, leaving their families to aid ours during Hurricane Irma restoration. They have my respect and appreciation.


In each major restoration event, there are lessons learned. Sometimes Murphy’s Law prevailed and other times, thankfully, we had favor and won the day. As a team, we celebrated the highs and worried through the lows.


Nature’s Reflections will be back next month. Clearly, Mother Nature made her presence known through Hurricane Irma as these photos show.


I believe in preparing for the worst and praying for the best. Hurricane Irma may be as close to the worst we will ever see. Today, let’s count our blessings and be thankful.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer


Read the full October 2017 SECO News here.


SECO Recovers Quickly from Hurricane Hermine Pounding

Late Thursday night and early Friday morning, Hurricane Hermine pounded SECO’s service territory with buckets of rain and high winds as it sped toward the Florida Panhandle.  In addition to the storms, WESH Channel 2 advised at least one tornado touched down in Sumter County near Webster. This event began a series of weather-related outages for SECO Energy members in the storm’s path.


At the height of the high winds and rainfall, approximately 7,500 members were without power.  As of 8 a.m. on Friday, the outages were reduced to under 3,000 members out. As of 7 p.m. on Friday,  SECO has less than 100 members without power.
SECO Energy, SECO Territory Pounded by Hurricane Hermine
Hurricane Hermine brought damage across the state, including broken trees and utility poles, flooding, roadway debris and at least one death in Marion County. Earlier today, NBC News reported that more than 250,000 consumers across the state are without power. Fortunately, most SECO Energy members weren’t affected with power outages due to an expertly designed, soundly built and well maintained system whose reliability is enhanced by an aggressive vegetation management program.


Vice President of Corporate Communications & Energy Services Kathryn Gloria stated, “SECO continually maintains, inspects and upgrades its system to provide the most reliable power possible to our members.  SECO is Storm Ready – it prepared well in advance for the possibility of Hurricane Hermine and its impact on our service area.  SECO continued to update members this week about Hurricane Hermine’s projected path and status and warned members to be prepared for outages if the storm made landfall near our area.”

SECO Energy, SECO Territory Pounded by Hurricane Hermine, power line pole being replace after major damage.


Part of SECO’s strategy included pairing a tree trimming crew with a line crew during restoration. As of 7 p.m. on Friday, there were less than 100 SECO members whose service has yet to be restored.  SECO is continuing its emergency restoration plan until every member on the system is restored. SECO predicts the remainder of members’ service will be restored before midnight Friday – unless additional storms on the tail of Hurricane Hermine come into play.


As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO is dedicated to being its members’ first source for storm information. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” the company on Twitter for the latest news releases and cooperative updates.