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Find, Feed & Restore Awarded $2500 SECO Energy Foundation Grant

The SECO Energy Foundation joined the battle to aid local homeless families in need by approving a $2,500 grant for Find, Feed & Restore to support the Restore Lake Project. The $2500 SECO Energy Foundation Grant supports its Health and Human Services efforts by sponsoring Find, Feed & Restore’s Love & Laughter Event on May 6 at the Clermont City Center to raise money for the housing solutions project.


The Restore Lake Project provides transitional housing for ten to 14 local families with children. In an effort to combat homelessness, Find, Feed & Restore provides housing solutions, including transitional housing, no-cost housing, permanent housing, Women’s Mental Health and Domestic Violence Shelter and homelessness avoidance in Lake County. The programs help families who are struggling with financial difficulties avoid homelessness. Restore Lake’s facility provides no- or low-cost housing, financial education resources and a case manager to help families into future homeownership, job opportunities and more. The facility’s goal is for its families to reach mental and physical balance and become self-sufficient.


The SECO Energy Foundation Board of Directors District 1 Director Sara Meyer is pleased the SECO Energy Foundation is making a difference in local communities. Ms. Meyer stated, “Affordable housing options for low to moderate income families have drastically decreased by Florida’s recent increased population boom. To improve the quality of life in SECO Energy’s service area for residents, the Restore Lake Project will help the families most impacted by the COVID pandemic, increasing costs and housing prices on the rise. I am extremely pleased that my fellow Directors and I unanimously approved a health and human services grant for Lake County citizens who desperately need our assistance.”


Find, Feed & Restore Vice President of Development Stephen Shylkofski is grateful for the SECO Energy Foundation’s partnership. Mr. Shylkofski stated, “We are thankful for the opportunity to build on the partnership with the SECO Energy Foundation to grow our programs in Lake and Sumter Counties. Along with the SECO Energy Foundation and our other community partners, we can begin to achieve our goal of eradicating homelessness from our communities.”


The SECO Energy Foundation is a nonprofit 501c3 entity funded largely through SECO’s electric bill roundup program and will be supplemented by grants the Foundation applies for through other private and federal funding programs that align with the SECO Energy Foundation’s goals. Participating members’ extra pennies are donated to the Foundation to fund grants and bill payment assistance that make a difference in the lives of members across the communities served by SECO Energy.


SECO Energy’s CEO Curtis Wynn stated, “Concern for community is a key co-op principle that ties in with health and human services in our local communities – especially for its most vulnerable members. Surveys tell us that members want to be part of an organization that does more for their consumers and communities than sell goods and services. The SECO Energy Foundation’s focus is to improve the quality of life in and around SECO’s service area. The Foundation’s support of the Restore Lake Project creates a difference in our communities.”


To learn more about the SECO Energy Foundation, visit>Your Co-op>Foundation. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About.


SECO Energy Foundation Approves $5,319 Grant for Marion County Fire Rescue

The newly established SECO Energy Foundation approved a grant of $5,319 to benefit public safety for Marion County Fire Rescue (MCFR). MCFR requested $5,319 to equip three MCFR fire engines with updated material.


The new equipment for the three MCFR fire engines consists of line pressure gauges, gate valves and three-way ball valves. The improved equipment prepares the local fire rescue team to respond to emergency calls, provide service to citizens and protect its team of first responders who put their lives in danger to assist the community in fire, rescue and medical emergencies.


According to the Marion County Fire Rescue’s website (, MCFR is a progressive, professional fire rescue department dedicated to the community’s health, safety and well-being providing excellent service, education and prevention in partnership with the citizens of Marion County.


The SECO Energy Foundation Board of Directors President James LaMotte is excited to begin the process of approving grants that align with the SECO Energy Foundation’s goals and objectives. Mr. LaMotte stated, “The SECO Energy Foundation was founded to improve quality of life and expand services within the communities in SECO Energy’s service territory in the areas of public safety, educational STEM projects, environmental projects, scholarships, Veterans’ initiatives, health and human services, energy-related projects and bill payment assistance. Safety is SECO Energy’s most important Core Value and funding public safety initiatives is one of the Foundation’s goals. I am extremely pleased that my fellow Directors and I were able to unanimously approve a grant that will improve safety for Marion County citizens through the Marion County Fire Rescue team.”


Marion County Fire Rescue Lieutenant Henry Herrera is thankful for the grant award. Lieutenant Herrera stated, “The Marion County Fire Rescue team is thankful for the grant award that will help MCFR to respond to and provide service and protection to Marion County residents. The grant will purchase needed equipment to meet new challenges the MCFR team faces in responding to fire, rescue and medical emergencies.”


The SECO Energy Foundation is a nonprofit 501c3 entity that is funded largely through SECO’s electric bill round up program and will be supplemented by grants the Foundation applies for through other local, state and federal funding programs that align with the SECO Energy Foundation’s goals. Participating members’ extra pennies are donated to the Foundation to fund grants and bill payment assistance that make a difference in the lives of members across the communities served by SECO Energy.


SECO Energy’s CEO Curtis Wynn stated, “Concern for community is a key co-op principle and remains a high priority. Surveys tell us that members want to be part of an organization that does more for their consumers and communities than profit from the goods/services it sells. Our ability to support public safety, is one example of the Foundation’s focus to help improve the quality of life in and around SECO’s service territory.”


To learn more about the SECO Energy Foundation, visit >  Your Co-op >  Foundation. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op>About. 


SECO News March 2023


Dear Members,


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative operated for and owned by its members. Our business model requires and encourages member participation in District and Annual Meetings. One of the seven cooperative principles is Democratic Member Control which gives members a voice in the cooperative’s governance process. 


Our service area covers 2,100-square miles and is divided into nine Districts. SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees is a nine-member Board. One member from each District is elected by the members in that District to serve a three-year term.  


Collectively, the Board of Trustees represents the membership as a whole and meets monthly to monitor the cooperative’s financial status. The Board provides fiduciary and policy-making oversight to serve the best interests of the membership at large.  


This year SECO Energy held three District Meetings (Districts 2, 4, and 6) for members to elect a Trustee to serve on the Board. 


In District 2, four candidates submitted letters of intent to run. From those candidates, members re-elected incumbent Joyce Anderson as the District 2 Trustee. Mrs. Anderson has been a SECO member since 2017 and was first elected to the Board in 2020. She has earned the Director Gold Credential from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), which is its highest Trustee accreditation. Mrs. Anderson also currently serves on the Board as Secretary-Treasurer. 


In District 4, members re-elected incumbent Richard Dennison as the District 4 Trustee. Mr. Dennison was first elected to the Board in 2015 and has been a SECO member since 1999. He too has earned the Director Gold Credential from the NRECA. 


Mr. Dennison has served previously as Board Vice President and President.  


In District 6, members re-elected incumbent Mike Muffett as the District 6 Trustee. Mr. Muffett was first elected to the Board in 2020 and has been a SECO member since 1984. He also has earned the Director Gold Credential from the NRECA.     


Please join the SECO team in congratulating Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Dennison and Mr. Muffett on their re-elections to the SECO Energy Board of Trustees. We look forward to continuing to support SECO Energy’s Mission, Vision and Core Values through the execution of our Strategy Map. 




Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer


Gerald Anderson

President, Board of Trustees



SECO Energy Foundation

SECO Energy Foundation


In January we launched the SECO Energy Foundation as an enhancement to our existing Pennies from Heaven. The Foundation is funded by members who round up their bills to the nearest dollar. The average donation is $6 annually. 


The enrollment mode changed in January from opt-in to opt-out. This decision was made with much forethought, research and more than anything, with strong consideration for improving the quality of life in the communities we serve. Like Pennies from Heaven, the Foundation will be funded largely through SECO’s electric bill round-up program. As a tax exempt nonprofit 501c3 entity, the Foundation can also apply for grants through other local, state and federal funding programs that align with SECO Energy’s and the Foundation’s goals.   


Just like Pennies from Heaven, participating members’ pennies are donated to the Foundation to fund grants and bill payment assistance that make a difference in the lives of members across the communities we serve. The SECO Energy Foundation will have more funding for our United Way partners and social service agencies to apply toward bill payment assistance for members in need and will also fund the scholarship program starting this year.  Equally important, the Foundation will also be able to accept a variety of grant applications that support SECO Energy initiatives outlined in our Strategy Map. 


SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees voted in March 2022 to create the Foundation and change the enrollment method. SECO Energy incorporated the SECO Energy Foundation, Inc. and it has complied with IRS and Florida’s Check a Charity registration requirements. Foundation Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation were filed appropriately and are posted on our website. Our research showed that an opt-out enrollment is becoming more mainstream.  


Contributions are tax-deductible for members who donate and allow the Foundation (as a nonprofit entity) to apply for grants from other local, state and federal sources. Grants may include investments in first responder equipment, energy-efficiency grants for low-income communities and senior/youth centers. 


Helping people in need and reducing costs are critical in today’s economic environment but we understand that supporting the Foundation is a personal choice. Any Pennies unknowingly/unintentionally donated will be fully refunded upon member request.  


If you want to stop your bill from rounding up to donate the extra pennies to the Foundation, visit > Contact > SECO Energy Foundation. You can log into SmartHub and change your enrollment status, email, call (352) 793-3801 or write to SECO Energy, Attn: Corp Comm, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585. 


Our ability to help disadvantaged members, to reduce our carbon footprint and lower costs for all members will be impacted by the Foundation’s focus on supporting SECO’s energy-efficiency initiatives. 

Read the full March 2023 SECO News online.


SECO Energy Foundation Announces Scholarship Program for Energy Industry Students

The SECO Energy Foundation proposes $36,000 in scholarships for students interested in pursuing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) related careers in the energy industry. Scholarships are funded by the newly established SECO Energy Foundation, a 501c3 program previously known as Pennies from Heaven.


The Foundation Board of Directors is comprised of a member from each of the nine Trustee Districts to review and approve or deny scholarship and grant requests based on SECO Energy’s strategic initiatives, needs in the community, balance among members served, and other ranking factors determined on a grant score matrix.


The 2023 SECO Scholarship Program may award up to 12 recipients to receive a $3,000 scholarship each, subject to the Foundation Board of Directors’ approval. Scholarship winners may also be eligible for ongoing financial support and/or internship opportunities from SECO Energy throughout their studies.


The scholarship program is open to high school seniors graduating in May/June 2023. Applicants must live in a home served by SECO Energy and plan to pursue a career in the energy industry. Awardees must also be enrolled full-time by the end of 2023 in a vocational/technical school or accredited college/university located in Florida. Qualifying certifications or degrees are in technology, engineering, math or business. Applicants must apply through the new, streamlined online application process at>Foundation banner>Scholarship Application. The deadline to apply for a scholarship is March 24, 2023.


The SECO Energy Foundation Board of Directors will determine scholarship winners during the April 27 Board Meeting. The winners will be notified via email.


SECO Energy is hiring and wants to connect with students who are potential employees through its Foundation’s Scholarship Program. According to the 2021 U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER), Florida currently employs 113,766 energy workers statewide. With an aging workforce and the number of employees needed to sustain the electric power generation and infrastructure in the energy sector, it is imperative SECO Energy recruits a steady stream of applicants to fill the requirement in this growing sector.


CEO Curtis Wynn encourages students to pursue a career in the energy industry. Wynn stated, “The SECO Energy Foundation Scholarship Program is a recruiting tool that helps us attract local students entering the energy field. The energy industry and SECO Energy are hiring bright, career-minded individuals for positions that offer competitive wages, quality benefits and life/work balance. We hope to engage students who want hands-on experience through paid-internship opportunities, our apprenticeship program or as a new employee on one of our dynamic teams.”


Wynn continued, “As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO Energy prioritizes community support, environmental stewardship, corporate citizenship and sustainability. SECO provides employees with a pension plan and a robust 401k match. We offer high-quality, low-cost medical plans, dental and vision coverage and a generous paid-time-off program. SECO is an essential employer offering internal advancement opportunities in fields like electric vehicle charging and solar energy.”


Ready to apply for employment today? Visit Careers at to view open positions and set notifications for new postings. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About.


SECO Energy is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


SECO Energy District 2 Members Re-elect Trustee Joyce Anderson

SECO Energy members who reside in District 2 re-elected Joyce Anderson as the District 2 Trustee to serve on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. The meeting was held on February 2 at the Sumter County School Board located within the District for the purpose of electing a Trustee to represent District 2 on SECO’s Board of Trustees.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, operated for and owned by its members. SECO’s service area is geographically divided into nine Districts. One Trustee is elected from each of the nine Districts to represent their fellow members on SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees. Collectively, the Board represents the SECO membership, meeting monthly to monitor the financial status of the cooperative while providing fiduciary oversight and participating in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the membership at large.


Trustee Anderson along with Mr. Leon “Lee” N. Chitty of The Villages, Mr. Vincent Heuser of The Villages and Mr. Mark Moran also of The Villages all submitted a letter of intent to run for Trustee. SECO’s Bylaws currently require that the cooperative hold District Meetings. Subsequently, Florida Statute requires SECO to hold in-person elections; therefore, the cooperative continues to hold District Meetings as a means of electing Trustees. A drive-thru voting option was available for members for added convenience and to encourage participation.


A SECO member since 2017, Mrs. Anderson was first elected to SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees in 2020. She has earned the Director Gold Credential from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) which is the highest Trustee accreditation from the NRECA. Mrs. Anderson also serves in an officer position on the Board of Trustees as Secretary-Treasurer.


Trustee Anderson enjoys serving her fellow District 2 neighbors. Mrs. Anderson stated, “Thank you to all District 2 members who were able to attend the District Meeting and for once again entrusting me to serve as your Trustee. It has been my honor to serve as the District 2 Trustee for the last three years. I have enjoyed learning about SECO Energy, serving the membership as a whole and continuing my Board of Trustees education through the NRECA and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve my community.”


Board President Gerald Anderson stated, “Congratulations, Mrs. Anderson, on your re-election as District 2 Trustee. And I also thank the District 2 members who attended the Meeting and participated in our cooperative’s governance process. On behalf of my fellow Board Officers and peers, we are excited to support SECO Energy’s Mission and Vision through our Board service.”


Curtis Wynn CEO stated, “Mrs. Anderson, the Board of Trustees and the SECO Energy membership is thankful for your Board service as District 2 Trustee. I congratulate you on your re-election and look forward to working with you and the Board for continued success at SECO Energy.”


To learn more about the Board of Trustees, visit>Your Co-op. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About.

SECO News February 2023


Dear Members,


SECO Energy’s 85th Annual Meeting is being brought to you live via virtual webcast on Thursday, March 23, at 6 p.m. Tune in to learn about our new Strategy and new Mission from me and Board of Trustees President Gerald Anderson. Watch to find out if you are one of 100 prize winners. 


Look for your Official 2023 Annual Meeting Notice enclosed in billing statements from mid-February through early March. Your Notice will provide further details on the meeting and voting instructions.


To access the meeting, click on the Virtual Business Meeting homepage banner on at 6 p.m. on March 23. Links to the webcast will be published on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.


As SECO Energy’s member count increases, Virtual Annual Meetings allow us to reach more members through our live webcast, Member Engagement Panel (via phone and email) and interactions on social media. The Board of Trustees has voted to continue the practice of holding Annual Meetings virtually for cost-saving reasons and to make the meeting more inclusive. 


Once you receive your Official Notice, we need your vote on Annual Meeting business (and voting is how you enter the prize drawing as well)! This year the Board of Trustees has developed a short Bylaws Revision for membership vote. We also need approval of the 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes. Review the Bylaws Revision and the 2022 Annual Meetings by visiting Vote from February 10 until the start of the Annual Meeting on March 23 at 6 p.m.


After February 10, members without Internet access may pick up a copy of the proposed Bylaws Revision and 2022 Meeting Minutes at one of our five Member Service Centers and ask a Member Services Representative to cast their vote that enters them in the prize drawing.


Members can vote by mail or phone once they receive their Official Annual Meeting Notice. Voting opens on on February 10, 2023. Click the Vote Now homepage banner. All members who cast a vote are counted as present in person for the determination of quorum as stated in the Bylaws Article III, Section E, #4.


We have 100 prizes up for grabs! All members who vote on Annual Meeting Business (Bylaws Revision and 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes) are eligible to win one of 100 prizes. The grand prizes are two golf carts, three $1,000 cash prizes, three Generac 7117 generators and two ChargePoint Level 2 EV Fast Chargers. Other prizes include SECO Energy electric bill credits, Wi-Fi programmable thermostats, smart power strips and more! Winners are announced at the close of the Annual Meeting and posted on the website that evening.  


Mark your calendar to tune in to our Virtual Annual Meeting on Thursday, March 23, at 6 p.m. If you miss it, the meeting’s video will be posted on YouTube in April.  





Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News February 2023 Official Annual Meeting Notice

Official 2023 Annual Meeting Notice


Starting after February 10, watch your billing statement for your Official 2023 Annual Meeting Notice. You’ll find details about SECO Energy’s 85th Annual Meeting on Thursday, March 23. The meeting will be webcast at 6 p.m.


Listed in the Official Notice is the full list of 100 prizes that are up for grabs for members who vote on the Bylaws Revision that is proposed by the Board of Trustees and approve the 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes. Voting begins on February 10, until the meeting start time on March 23.


Also included in the Notice is the Meeting Agenda, voting ballot, a summary of the proposed Bylaws Revision, information about the Live Member Engagement Panel and more!



SECO News February 2023 Annual Meeting Agenda

Official 2023 Annual Meeting Agenda


Virtual Engagement Panel Opens for Questions

5 p.m. 


Business Meeting

6 p.m. 


Welcome and Call to Order 

Gerald Anderson President, Board of Trustees


Pledge of Allegiance 

Scott Boyatt Vice President, Board of Trustees


Invocation and Trustee Introductions  

Kathryn Gloria Vice President of Corporate Communications


Quorum Determination/2023 Notice Certification   

Joyce Anderson Secretary/Treasurer, Board of Trustees


President’s Report   

Gerald Anderson


Chief Executive Officer’s Report   

Curtis Wynn, Chief Executive Officer


Member Vote Results & Certification   

Scott Gerken, Cooperative Attorney


Old Business/New Business    

Curtis Wynn



Gerald Anderson


Virtual Prize Drawing    

Kathryn Gloria 




SECO News February 2023 Bylaws Revision Summary

Bylaws Revision Summary

This year, the Board of Trustees has proposed a Bylaws Revision and is requesting member votes for approval.

In order to better serve the membership, the proposed Bylaws revision would allow the Board of Trustees to make adequate plans and preparations for the Annual Meeting. Although the Board of Trustees has the authority to provide for a virtual Annual Meeting, the proposed revision would expressly set forth that provision in the Bylaws. 


The full text of the proposed revision may be obtained on or after February 10 by reviewing the red-line version of the Bylaws revision at or visiting any SECO Energy Member Service Center or calling to request a mailed packet.  



SECO News February 2023 Live Member Engagement Panel

Live Member Engagement Panel


Do you have a comment or question for us? Engage with SECO Energy during the 2023 Virtual Annual Business Meeting, and your question or comment may be addressed live. 

You can get in touch with us via email before the meeting at Or on the day of the meeting, give us a call at (352) 329-MEET (answered on March 23 after 5 p.m. only) or send a message on Facebook or Twitter starting at 5 p.m. on March 23. 


If you have an account-specific question, please get in touch with Member Services at Our Member Services staff will follow up on any account-specific questions received. 




SECO News February 2023 Ways To Vote

Ways To Vote


Vote on Annual Meeting business for the chance to win one of 100 prizes! This year we have two items to vote on. The Board of Trustees has asked for the membership vote on a proposed Bylaws Revision. We also ask your approval of the 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes.


To review the proposed Bylaws Revision and 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes, visit For members without Internet access, you can stop by any of our five Member Service Centers to pick up a copy of the proposed Bylaws Revision and 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes. 


Voting opens on February 10. To cast your vote online, visit  Your Co-op  Annual Meeting, or text “VOTE” to (352) 320-2200. 


The mail-in ballot will be included in the Official 2023 Annual Meeting Notice starting February 10. 


We look forward to seeing you virtually on Thursday, March 23, at 6 p.m. for our 85th Annual Meeting! 


Read the full February 2023 SECO News online.


SECO Energy District 6 Members Re-elect Trustee Mike Muffett

SECO Energy members who reside in District 6 re-elected Mike Muffett as the District 6 Trustee to serve on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. The meeting was held in the District on Tuesday, January 31, at the Village View Community Church in Marion County for the purpose of electing a Trustee to represent District 6 on SECO’s Board of Trustees.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, operated for and owned by its members. SECO’s service area is geographically divided into nine Districts. One Trustee is elected from each of the nine Districts to represent their fellow members on SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees. Collectively, the Board represents the SECO membership, meeting monthly to monitor the financial status of the cooperative while providing fiduciary oversight and participating in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the membership at large.


Trustee Muffett submitted a letter of intent to run for Trustee and was unopposed in his candidacy. SECO’s Bylaws currently require that the cooperative hold District Meetings. Subsequently, Florida Statute requires SECO to hold in-person elections; therefore, the cooperative continues to hold District Meetings as a means of electing Trustees. A drive-thru voting option was available for members for added convenience, to encourage participation, to practice social distancing and to reduce the size of the indoor meeting.


A SECO member since 1984, Mr. Muffett was first elected to SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees in 2020. Trustee Muffett earned his Director Gold Credential from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). The Director Gold Credential is the highest Trustee accreditation from the NRECA.


Trustee Muffett is grateful for the support of his fellow District 6 SECO Energy members. Mr. Muffett stated, “Thank you to all District 6 members who attended the District Meeting and participated in SECO Energy’s democratic voting process. I am grateful for the community support I have received from District 6 members and SECO’s membership as a whole. Serving my community through my SECO Energy Board of Trustees service is an honor.”


Board President Gerald Anderson stated, “Congratulations, Mr. Muffett, on your re-election as District 6 Trustee. Thank you to the District 6 members who attended the Meeting. On behalf of my fellow Board Officers and peers, we are excited to support SECO Energy’s Mission and Vision through our Board service.”


Curtis Wynn CEO stated, “Mr. Muffett, the Board of Trustees and the SECO Energy membership is thankful for your Board service as District 6 Trustee. I congratulate you on your re-election and look forward to working with you and the Board for continued success at SECO Energy.”


To learn more about the Board of Trustees, visit>Your Co-op. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About.

SECO News January 2023


Happy New Year! As we welcome in 2023, I want to introduce you to SECO Energy’s new Strategy Map. The energy industry itself is changing. In the past, power was distributed from centralized bulk generation and sold as energy to consumers – this was a one-direction transaction. In the future, consumers and businesses have the potential to be both users and creators of energy. This could be in the form of electric vehicles (EV), self-managed demand responsive smart buildings, variable sustainable resources, homes that are more energy efficient driven by consumer choice and an electric grid that is self-healing, self-optimizing and secure.


The future is here. Member-owned solar arrays and EVs are examples of how the energy industry has already changed. Protecting and securing the electric grid and reducing outage times through self-healing measures is paramount for member satisfaction. Members want to be as efficient as possible.   


A new buzz word in the industry is beneficial electrification which means finding the best energy source while replacing fossil fuels with electricity in a way that reduces carbon emissions and cost. An example of this would be EVs. We recently installed EV charging stations at our Sumterville headquarters for our employees’ use. 


For SECO Energy’s strategy to take us into the future, we will focus on our core business; continue to meet the demands of increasing homes and businesses in our area and overcome the labor and supply chain shortages that I have shared with you in prior editions of Wynn’s Wire. 


SECO Energy must also maintain competitive rates and member satisfaction while gaining efficiencies and reducing operating expenses. We aim to modernize the distribution system – read about our investment in advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) on page 2.  We are also committed to reducing wholesale power costs, which in turn reduces costs for the entire membership.


Our strategy encompasses a new Mission, Vision and Core Values. Mission: As a not-for-profit cooperative, SECO Energy provides reliable and innovative energy services to our members and communities. Vision: SECO Energy will lead the industry in member satisfaction and engagement and be the preferred employer in our region. Values: Safety, Member Commitment, Honesty & Integrity, Strong Work Ethic, Inclusive Culture, Accountability and Teamwork.


As we execute our strategy and implement our Mission, Vision and Values, we want you to know that SECO Energy is reliable and a good value. SECO Energy helps you manage your energy usage. And finally, SECO Energy is your trusted source for energy solutions. Visit our website to read the full Strategy Map and our Balanced Performance Scorecard to see our future plans from 2023 to 2025, at > Your Co-Op > Strategy Map.  





Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO ENERGY JANUARY 2023 Advance Metering Infrastructure

Advance Metering Infrastructure


SECO Energy is excited to announce we are embarking on a systemwide AMI (advanced metering infrastructure) metering project in 2023. The AMI meter will provide detailed usage data and other energy-saving tools to help members save money on their bills.


We began investigating the possibility of integrating an AMI system in 2020 with the first of two AMI Pilot programs. First, we replaced aging prepaid meters with new Honeywell AMI meters that used cellular data to obtain daily interval readings. For the second pilot, we chose Landis+Gyr as the manufacturer to test that AMI meter’s capabilities. Both pilots occurred over a 12-month span to obtain data for all seasons. SECO analyzed data from both pilots, made a recommendation to the Board of Trustees and sought approval to move forward integrating AMI throughout our service area. 


After much data evaluation and Board approval, SECO Energy has chosen Honeywell as its AMI vendor to build a hybrid system to best serve both our dense suburban areas and rural locales in our service area. The Honeywell meter is highly accurate and offers many benefits to members. The meter communicates with SECO Energy to reduce the costs of monthly meter reading and supplies members with 15-minute reading interval data. Members will have access to this energy-usage data through SmartHub.  


We have invested in additional technology called Bidgely that uses an algorithm of your usage data to estimate how much energy – and when – your home’s appliances are using based on the interval readings to help you identify potential energy wasters in your home. If there’s an HVAC, water heater or other large energy use device malfunction, you’ll know sooner rather than later. Bidgely can’t view your actual in-home behavior. Its software assesses your home’s load profile and estimates usage of items that use electricity based on average consumer usage and behavior.


During the meter exchange, you will experience a short outage. There is no need to be home. To ensure accurate billing, Honeywell will take a photo of the previous meter’s out reading. This work is linear in nature, contractors are following established routes within substation and feeder boundaries. Due to operational needs with a linear installation/integration plan, we are unable to offer appointments in advance for meter exchanges.


This is an investment that will pay off over time. Each year the cooperative will save millions of dollars in reduced costs to physically read more than 225,000 meters in our 2,100 square mile service territory.   


Once the AMI meter at your location has been installed, data integration with the new meter may take up to 60 days. To view your 15-minute interval usage data, compare historical usage, set usage alerts, schedule a payment, enroll in bank draft, or pay your bill with a stored form of payment, make sure you’re enrolled in SmartHub at 


While the AMI project begins in 2023, full completion will take three to four years for all locations in our service area to receive a new AMI meter.



SECO NEWS JANUARY 2023 SECO Energy's Electric Vehicle (EV) Level 2 Fast Charger Lease/Purchase

SECO Energy’s Electric Vehicle (EV) Level 2 Fast Charger Lease/Purchase


Save Money, Save Gas, Charge Fast

Lease or purchase a ChargePoint Level 2 EV Fast Charger from SECO Energy!


For a limited time, we’re waiving the $50 installation fee – lease for only $14.50 per month plus tax or purchase for $699 plus tax. 


Visit > Energy Solutions > EV Charger Lease/Purchase to learn more about how EVs offer long term fuel and maintenance cost savings. If you have questions, send an email to


SECO NEWS JANUARY 2023 District 5 Trustee Shannon Wright Earns Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate

District 5 Trustee Shannon Wright Earns Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate


Congratulations to SECO Energy Board of Trustees District 5 Trustees Mrs. Shannon Wright on earning her Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) Certificate from the NRECA. Earning the CCD is the initial step in the NRECA’s Director Education program that is designed to assist cooperative Trustees to meet the challenges facing electric cooperatives.


Trustee Wright lives in Lake Panasoffkee and was elected to the SECO Energy Board of Trustees in 2022. She has been a SECO member since 2014. Learn more about the Board of Trustees, visit > Your Co-op > Board of Trustees.



SECO News August 2022 SECO Energy Foundation Pennies From Heaven Transition

SECO Energy Foundation Enrollment Change – January 2023


As of January 2023, the SECO Energy Pennies from Heaven program officially transitioned to the SECO Energy Foundation. Unless you notified us previously, your account has automatically been enrolled in the Foundation.


The Foundation rounds up your bill to the nearest dollar. The average donation per member whose bill is rounded up is $6 annually.


The SECO Energy Foundation’s goal is to increase community outreach with an emphasis on increased member bill payment assistance, energy-efficiency, education/STEM, environmental projects, veterans’ initiatives and health/public safety.


Contributions are tax-deductible and allow the Foundation (as a nonprofit entity) to apply for grants from other local, state and federal sources. Grants may include investments in first responder equipment, energy-efficiency grants for low-income communities and senior/youth centers.


Foundation dollars may assist in purchasing smart thermostats for members who can’t afford one or other energy-efficiency improvements that lower consumption. Investments that help members reduce energy usage, lead to lower bills and reduce SECO Energy’s peak demand. A reduction in demand reduces SECO’s wholesale power bill, lowers costs for all members and decreases the need to build new power plants.


Local organizations in SECO Energy’s service territory can begin applying for grants in early January 2023.  


If you would like to unenroll and stop your bill from rounding up to donate the extra pennies to the Foundation, visit > Contact > SECO Energy Foundation. You can also send an email to, call (352) 793-3801 or write to SECO Energy, Attn: Corp Comm, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585. 


Thank you, members, who support the SECO Energy Foundation and our local communities.



Read the full January 2023 SECO News online.


SECO News December 2022


Dear Members,


‘Tis the season for giving and sharing the magic of the holidays. I commend our SECO Energy employees who generously support our corporate giving efforts and other worthy charitable causes.


One cause close to many SECO Energy employees’ hearts is our annual United Way Employee Giving Campaign. Many of our employees pledged a portion of their 2023 earnings to local United Ways. Next year, United Ways across our Central Florida counties will benefit from these generous pledges.


SECO Energy employees pledged $38,843 to local United Ways through the employee-led 2023 United Way Pledge Drive. Our employees have been actively supporting United Way for almost 20 years. During that time, employees have pledged over $1,083,287 to support local families through the United Way.


Most of our employees live in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties, receiving the highest dollar amounts in donations. The 400+ SECO Energy employees choose the county and the program their donated dollars will benefit.



Lake and Sumter Counties: $15,929
Marion County: $14,257
Citrus County: $4,182
Other Counties $4,476
The total pledge for 2023 is $38,843


Not only do our employees assist local communities through United Way, but they also help fill Santa’s sleigh with donations for our corporate Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots donation drive. Starting in November, employees brought new, unwrapped toys for the drive. All toys donated are dispersed in the local area where they were collected.


Many of our members joined in the effort by dropping off toys at our Member Service Centers. Thank you for your generosity. Retired Marines and other volunteers picked up donations in early December to distribute to children in need in time for the holidays. Members who want to register to receive toys donated through Toys for Tots can visit > Request a Toy.


From the SECO Energy family to yours, we wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!




Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



September SECO News Safety Corner

Electric Safety


Everyone who uses electricity should be aware of its risks and dangers. Over 51,000 American homes are damaged or destroyed by fire caused by electrical failures each year, and 500 lives are lost (Electrical Safety Foundation International).


Adults over 65 and young children are at the highest risk of injury or death from a home fire.


You should learn the basics of your home’s electrical system and how to prevent electrical fires. Outdated wiring is a common culprit of electrical fires. Flickering lights, tripped breakers, or a burning smell could indicate overloaded circuits. Hire an electrician to investigate. If the home’s wiring is outdated, the electrical outlets are as well. Outlets are as well. Outlets that are damaged, loose or warm to the touch must be repaired or replaced.


Home wiring and troubleshooting is a job best left to a professional. Contact a reputable electrician who is licensed, insured and adheres to local code requirements. Electricians can update breaker panels and add extra electrical outlets that will avoid circuit overload.


Electrical safety extends outside the home. Never touch utility equipment such as underground transformers or overhead power lines. Always consider power lines to be energized and dangerous. Stay away from downed lines and call 911 and SECO Energy to report immediately.


Teach children electrical safety as well. Never allow children to play on or near electrical equipment or climb a substation fence. Children should not climb trees near energized lines. Keep remote-control toys, hobby drones and kites away from overhead lines.


Learn more about electrical safety at > Safety > Electrical Safety.



SECO News December 2022 Winter HVAC Service A Message from District 4 Trustee Richard Dennison

Winter HVAC Service – A Message from District 4 Trustee Richard Dennison


Your HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) unit is likely the largest energy user in your home. Before winter’s cold temperatures arrive, schedule an HVAC service call to ensure your unit is operating efficiently.


The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts winter 2022 – 2023 will be cold with above-normal rainfall. The forecast calls for temperatures 1 to 4 degrees below average, with the coldest temperatures in January.


Preventative maintenance and routine filter changes extend the life of your HVAC unit. A qualified technician will thoroughly inspect the unit and recommend maintenance or repairs. A well-working HVAC unit operates more efficiently and uses less energy.


Set a calendar reminder to change your unit’s air filter monthly or follow the manufacturer’s suggested filter change schedule.


For more ways to reduce energy usage, visit > Energy Solutions and complete the Home Energy Assessment and Energy Estimator. The Home Energy Assessment is an online energy audit that provides energy efficiency advice tailored to your home’s features. The Energy Estimator calculates the energy used and associated costs for your home’s electricity users. Submit your answers with your email address to receive immediate low-cost energy-saving advice.



SECO News December 2022 12 Ways To Pay

12 Ways to Pay


SECO Energy offers members 12 Ways to Pay their monthly energy bills. Most payment options are available with no convenience fee.


PAY ONLINE – Our account manager SmartHub allows you to view and pay your bill, enroll in bank draft or eBill and compare energy usage by month or year.


BANK DRAFT – Draft your monthly amount from a bank account of your choice – the ultimate in convenience. Enroll in bank draft with SmartHub.


IN PERSON – Five Member Service Centers open in Eustis, Groveland, Sumterville, Ocala and Inverness with walk-in, drive-thru facilities and kiosks.


BY PHONE – 1 (877) 371-9382, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX, debit card or electronic check.


PAY NOW – Instant payment using your account number and form of payment through SmartHub – no registration required.


BY MAIL – SECO Energy (Dept. 3035), P.O. Box 11407, Birmingham, AL 35246-1407


MYWAY PREPAY – Pay for energy before you use it. View daily usage and receive phone or text notifications.


FIDELITY EXPRESS – Locations accept cash, check or money orders. Not recommended for MyWay PrePay members. $1.50 processing fee.


MONEYGRAM – Available at many retail locations and for MyWay PrePay enrolled members. $1.50 processing fee.


WESTERN UNION – In-person payments received in real time. Max amount per transaction is $1,000. $1.50 processing fee.


BUDGET BILLING – Levels out bills by averaging most recent 12 months usage. Debit/credit balances accumulate based on seasonal usage.


VANILLADIRECT PAY – Pay with cash at thousands of locations. Barcode required via SmartHub. $1.50 processing fee.



SECO News December 2020 Surgeo Picks A Winner

Winners’ Circle – Generator


Congratulations to our three members who enrolled in SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator Surge Protection program and won a generator!


SEPTEMBER – Jack Bonniwell from The Villages

OCTOBER – Barney Newbern from Leesburg

NOVEMBER – Kenneth Christensen from Clermont


The Surge MitiGator takes the bite out of damaging surges and spikes. Members can lease the protection for $5.95 per month plus tax and $25 installation fee or purchase for $349 to $399 plus tax and free installation. Learn more about the Surge MitiGator, visit > Energy Solutions > Surge MitiGator and fill out our handy web form.



SECO News August 2022 SECO Energy Foundation Pennies From Heaven Transition

SECO Energy Foundation Enrollment Change – January 2023


SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program transitions to the SECO Energy Foundation in January 2023.


The SECO Energy Foundation will expand community outreach and member bill payment assistance. The Foundation is funded by SECO Energy rounding enrolled members’ bills up to the nearest dollar and donating the pennies to the Foundation. The average donation per member whose bill is rounded up is $6 annually.


At year-end, all SECO members will be automatically enrolled in the SECO Energy Foundation unless they have proactively advised us over the last five months that they wish to unenroll. There are multiple ways (see below) to unenroll from the Foundation’s electric bill round-up program. Please update your SECO Energy Foundation enrollment status before December 31, 2022.


To update your SECO Energy Foundation enrollment status, visit > Contact >  SECO Energy Foundation. Send an email to, call (352) 793-3801 or write to SECO Energy, Attn: Corp Comm, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585 by December 31, 2022.


Read the full December 2022 SECO News online.


SECO Energy District 5 Trustee Shannon Wright Earns Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate

SECO Energy congratulates District 5 Trustee Shannon Wright on earning her Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) Certificate from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). Earning the CCD is the initial step in the NRECA’s Director Education program that is designed to assist cooperative Trustees to meet the challenges facing electric cooperatives.


To earn the CCD certification from the NRECA, directors/trustees complete five courses that focus on basic cooperative governance and the essential skills needed for cooperative directors/trustees. The CCD prepares directors/trustees to fulfill their fiduciary duty as elected officials serving on behalf of their membership. Upon completion of the five CCD required courses, directors/trustees are awarded the Credential Cooperative Director Certificate.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, operating for and owned by its members. SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees consists of members who live in SECO’s service area. They are elected to oversee the governance of the cooperative. Each Trustee on the Board is elected by the members who reside in his/her District. Collectively, the Trustees are responsible for establishing, reviewing and revising corporate policies to ensure that SECO continues to preserve reliable, affordable service for all members.


Trustee Wright welcomes the opportunity to expand her energy industry knowledge. Mrs. Wright stated, “I am excited to learn more about the electric cooperative business model and the energy industry through Director Certificate Program courses from the NRECA. Serving my fellow SECO Energy members, neighbors and my community through my Board of Trustees service is a rewarding experience. I am very thankful for the opportunity.”


SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn stated, “Congratulations, Mrs. Wright, on earning your Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate, and taking the first steps on your continuing education path. Thank you for your community involvement and dedication to the SECO Energy membership through your Board service.”


To learn more about the Board of Trustees, visit>Your Co-op. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About.