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SECO Energy Announces 2025 Youth Scholarship Program

SECO Energy is proud to continue its commitment to education and community development through its 2025 Youth Scholarship Program. This year, SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees has approved $36,000 in scholarships for up to twelve outstanding high school seniors residing in SECO’s service area. Each scholarship winner will be awarded $3,000 to support their educational journey.


Recognizing the significant labor shortage in the energy sector, SECO understands that investing in education is vital for developing a workforce capable of meeting future challenges. The cooperative is committed to delivering reliable, safe, and affordable electric service to communities. By fostering talent through the scholarship program, SECO is not only preparing students for careers in the energy industry but also cultivating a skilled workforce that can contribute meaningfully to their communities.


SECO Energy’s CEO Curtis Wynn emphasizes the importance of nurturing a future workforce. “As the energy industry evolves, SECO Energy and other utilities are committed to attracting and developing individuals who can thrive in a dynamic environment,” Wynn stated. “SECO Energy’s Vision is to become the employer of choice in our region. The Youth Scholarship Program is a direct investment in local students’ education, equipping them for successful careers in the energy sector. Our local communities are rich with talented students who will be essential assets to future employers and the region as a whole.”


The 2025 SECO Energy Youth Scholarship Program application is available online at > Your Co-op > Youth Scholarship Program and must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 28, 2025.


Through these efforts, SECO Energy is not only supporting education but also empowering the next generation to succeed and lead in the energy industry.


Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must graduate from high school by the end of the 2024-2025 academic year (May/June) and enroll in a Florida-based college, university, or technical school by the conclusion of the same year.


Special emphasis will be given to those aspiring to attain degrees in technology, business, engineering, or mathematics, especially those related to the energy sector. Relevant majors include computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical, nuclear, environmental, civil, agricultural/biological, industrial, materials science, and various branches of mathematics.


Applicants must reside in a household within SECO Energy’s service area or live with a parent or legal guardian who is an active SECO Energy member.


Evaluation Process

When evaluating applicants, SECO Energy will weigh factors such as financial need, academic accomplishments, community engagement, personal statement or essay quality, and the relevance of the applicant’s major in preparation for a STEM-related or energy sector career. Please note that the evaluation process is final, and no appeals or feedback regarding the scoring will be provided.


Application Details 

The 2025 SECO Energy Youth Scholarship Program application is available online at > Your Co-op > Youth Scholarship Program. Completed applications must be submitted to SECO Energy by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 28, 2025. For inquiries regarding SECO Energy’s 2025 Scholarship Program, please contact


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SECO Supports STEM-Focused Fifth Annual Youth Energy Academy

On June 20 and 21, SECO Energy along with Duke Energy and Ocala Electric Utilities partnered to bring the Fifth Annual Youth Energy Academy to Marion County teens. Industry experts created an environment for students to explore and discover careers in the energy industry. The event was held at the College of Central Florida’s Hampton Center and Ocala Electric Services.


According to the U.S. Department of Labor, more than 40 percent of the current workforce in the electric and natural gas utilities will retire within five years. The average age of energy industry employees is over 50. Marion County Schools, the CEP, SECO Energy, Ocala Electric Utilities, Duke Energy and Clay Electric realizing the need for future energy industry employees assisted in forming the Power Generation Academy (PGA) at Dunnellon High School. PGA Instructor Don Slocum dropped by the Youth Energy Academy to provide the students’ enrollment and program information.


Employees from SECO, Duke and Ocala Electric volunteered countless hours teaching, presenting and sharing their knowledge and experience with this year’s Youth Energy Academy students. Representatives from Siemens, College of Central Florida, Boys & Girls Club, CLM CareerSource, Lockheed Martin, Cheney Brothers and the three electric utility providers worked together to make this event an education success for attendees.


At this year’s two-day event, students gained essential knowledge related to the array of jobs, careers and occupational requirements in the energy field. Student activities covered a variety of subjects such as how electricity travels from the generation plant to homes demonstrated by Duke Energy’s Engineer Derick Farfan, and a live demonstration by Duke Energy’s Ronnie Bailey of restoring power during an outage. Students learned the difference between soft and hard skills via a presentation from Heaven Colon, CLM CareerSource, and delved into high-skill, high-wage careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) by taking a closer look at robotics. Students also met Forest High School EMIT program students – EMIT stands for Engineering and Manufacturing Institute of Technology.


The students were mesmerized by the Tesla Model 3 electric vehicle (EV) driven to the Academy by a Southern Alliance of Clean Energy (SACE) representative. A surprise visit from NFL Steelers draft pick Ulysees Gilbert III, his brother Uriah Gilbert who plays for Bethune Cookman University, and a previous youth energy academy student, Maurice Gilbert, who is currently a student at Florida A&M University provided the teens with substantial life coaching skills and drove home the importance of time management skills. The Gilberts reminded the participants that attending the Academy is a valuable investment in themselves.


On day two, attendees toured the City of Ocala electric utility operation center and water treatment plant. Utility Director Mike Poucher demonstrated the effects of texting while driving through a presentation of car accidents that involve utility poles and how to exit a vehicle safely after an accident. Participants also rode in bucket trucks and learned about Ocala’s fiber-optic internet system. Finally, participants learned about drones and how they are used in the energy industry.


As a supporter of STEM-based projects, SECO was an event sponsor and also provided funding for transportation expenses to the Boys and Girls Club that bussed the students for their exploration tours. SECO Energy CEO Jim Duncan stated, “The Youth Academy aligns with two key cooperative principles – Education, Training and Information and Concern for Community. The energy field offers a multitude of diverse careers just waiting for talented candidates to apply. Participating in youth education programs gives SECO a hand in crafting its future workforce and offers local, talented youngsters employment opportunities close to home and family.”


The Florida Chapter of the American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) incorporated a Youth Energy Academy model focused on, but not limited to, minority students in St. Petersburg, Jacksonville, Orlando, and Ocala. “Each year, we gain the interest of our emerging workforce by proving new career paths and sessions to let students know what the energy industry offers and how they can create career paths of their own. In 2012, we established Youth Energy Academy programs in the Northeast and Central regions of the AABE Florida Chapter with the intent of beginning programs in the Southeast and Northwest regions in 2020. We won’t be able to solve the energy industry workforce shortage overnight, but since inception, more than 1,500 students have been exposed to the energy industry through the Youth Energy Academy,” stated Kathy Judkins, AABE Florida Chapter President. The AABE Florida Chapter is led by members from seven Florida energy providers, as well as several entrepreneurs and business partners.


Learn more about SECO Energy and its Concern for Community online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO News, July 2019



The dog days of summer have arrived. With warmer temperatures and increased humidity, your home’s HVAC works overtime to keep you cool. Pool pumps run for extended hours to prevent algae growth. These factors add up to increased kilowatt-hour use and higher electric bills.

May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest

SECO is your local not-for-profit electric cooperative committed to serving as your energy-efficiency partner. To help members reduce energy use, we’ve created energy-efficiency tools on our Energy Solutions menu.


Visit Energy Solutions today and complete our Home Energy Assessment. SECO designed this tool as an online audit that provides specialized energy-efficiency advice tailored to your home and lifestyle. The Home Energy Assessment is available to members 24/7. No need to wait for an appointment for an in-home audit.


To get started, input the characteristics of your home including age, construction, insulation and roof type. Include details about occupancy, type and number of windows, and exterior doors. The Home Energy Assessment will also query about completed energy-efficiency upgrades such as additional insulation, window tint, weather stripping and caulking.


After entering your home’s details, provide your email address to receive your energy-efficiency report based on your home’s specifics. It will provide low-cost ways to decrease your energy usage and your bill.


Win a prize! 1) Nest Wi-Fi Thermostat 2) Honeywell Wi-Fi Thermostat or 3) Ecobee Wi-Fi Thermostat. Members who complete the Home Energy Assessment will be entered in a drawing for the high-tech programmable thermostats listed above. Three winners will be drawn August 15.


ENERGY STAR recommends using your programmable thermostat’s energy-efficiency settings to save as much as $180 per year.


Browse the Energy Solutions tab for other energy-efficiency tools. Our Energy Estimator calculates the amount of energy and cost for electronics and appliances.


It’s pretty handy if you’re thinking of adding a pool, charging a golf cart or installing a refrigerator in the garage or lanai.


SECO is proud to serve as your energy-efficiency partner.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer


Sponsorships & Donations July 2019 SECO News

SECO Energy is a strong corporate citizen. Our cooperative supports programs based on commitment to the key cooperative principle “Concern for Community.” SECO Energy is also a not-for-profit utility. We do not have the deep pockets of investor-owned, for-profit organizations. Thus, we partner with organizations whose culture and programs align with our core values and purpose.


Annually, we ally with United Way chapters to facilitate employee pledging. Over the years, employees have donated $860,000. In addition, SECO provides quarterly allocations from our Pennies from Heaven program to fund local agencies for bill payment assistance for members in need.


Over the holidays, we sponsor a Toys for Tots drive, and our Member Service Centers are designated drop off locations. Our employees are annual, generous supporters of the program, donating hundreds of bikes, trikes and toys over the years.


SECO is also a strong corporate participant in the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life events raising $132,000 over the last decade. Based on our headquarters’ location, we belong to the Sumter County Relay program but we also provide funding to other counties’ Relay programs on a pro-rata basis.


To request that SECO sponsor or donate to your organization, please use our new Contact Us form. Submissions based on these focuses will be considered:


Educational STEM Projects
Environmental Projects
Energy-Related Projects
Veterans Initiatives
Public Safety Programs
Health/Human Services


Please note SECO does not sponsor individual sports teams or booster club initiatives, as there are thousands across our service territory. SECO participates in golf tournaments selectively if we can set up a booth to engage with members. We fund initiatives in our seven-county footprint of Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Levy, Marion, Pasco and Sumter.


Individual bill payment, basic need or job training assistance is offered by Florida 211 and funded by our Pennies from Heaven program. Members can call or text 211 to request assistance.

Surge MitiGator free installation July 2019 SECO News

Take the bite out of damaging power surges and spikes with SECO Energy’s “Made in the USA” Surge MitiGator. Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage which can damage or destroy household appliances and electronic devices. The most obvious cause of surges is lightning, but birds, small animals, trees or vehicles crashing into power poles are culprits as well.


Protect your home’s large appliances by leasing or purchasing SECO’s Surge MitiGator. Enroll online through August 30th and installation (a $25 value) is free. Lease the Surge MitiGator for $5.95 per month or purchase for $349 (standard 200-amp service). For residential services greater than 200 amps, the purchase price is $399 with $75 installation. Studies indicate that more than half of all surges actually originate from inside the home so be sure to also purchase point-of-use devices at your local hardware or big box store to protect your electronics.


Learn more about SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator online. Protect your home’s appliances from surges – lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator today.

SECO Champion Dustin Merritt July 2019 SECO News






“SECO HELPS MEMBERS.” A Central Florida native raising four children in Webster with his wife Kimberly, Dustin has worked for SECO for 15 years. His SECO career began as a meter reader, and he eventually worked his way into Energy Services. Dustin was promoted to Supervisor of the Surge Protection Program in 2018. He is responsible for oversight of his team and SECO’s surge protection contractor. Dustin enjoys the opportunity to help and educate members. He and his team advocate the Surge MitiGator™ as protection against surges that may enter a home through power lines. Surges may occur due to downed lines, car accidents, animal contact or lightning strikes, and our surge protection ring installed at the meter base provides a layer of protection for large motor driven appliances in the home. Visit with Dustin or one of his team members by emailing Surge.

Winners' Circle July 2019 SECO News

Congratulations to Norma Jean Bottoms from Paisley who is the winner of the Microsoft Surface Go! Ms. Bottoms registered to join America’s electric cooperatives’ advocacy hub the Cooperative Action Network. You too can become a key voice for electric co-ops to protect affordable, reliable energy in Florida. Visit to learn more.


Hundreds of members played 2018 Annual Report trivia with SECO on our Facebook page. Our three winners are: Jonathan Dove from Clermont won the Apple iPad; the $200 bill credit went to Rosalie Wilke from Ocala; and Carolyn Wheelis from Sorrento won the Honeywell Wi-Fi thermostat. Congratulations, winners!


Read the full July 2019 SECO News online.