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SECO News January 2023


Happy New Year! As we welcome in 2023, I want to introduce you to SECO Energy’s new Strategy Map. The energy industry itself is changing. In the past, power was distributed from centralized bulk generation and sold as energy to consumers – this was a one-direction transaction. In the future, consumers and businesses have the potential to be both users and creators of energy. This could be in the form of electric vehicles (EV), self-managed demand responsive smart buildings, variable sustainable resources, homes that are more energy efficient driven by consumer choice and an electric grid that is self-healing, self-optimizing and secure.


The future is here. Member-owned solar arrays and EVs are examples of how the energy industry has already changed. Protecting and securing the electric grid and reducing outage times through self-healing measures is paramount for member satisfaction. Members want to be as efficient as possible.   


A new buzz word in the industry is beneficial electrification which means finding the best energy source while replacing fossil fuels with electricity in a way that reduces carbon emissions and cost. An example of this would be EVs. We recently installed EV charging stations at our Sumterville headquarters for our employees’ use. 


For SECO Energy’s strategy to take us into the future, we will focus on our core business; continue to meet the demands of increasing homes and businesses in our area and overcome the labor and supply chain shortages that I have shared with you in prior editions of Wynn’s Wire. 


SECO Energy must also maintain competitive rates and member satisfaction while gaining efficiencies and reducing operating expenses. We aim to modernize the distribution system – read about our investment in advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) on page 2.  We are also committed to reducing wholesale power costs, which in turn reduces costs for the entire membership.


Our strategy encompasses a new Mission, Vision and Core Values. Mission: As a not-for-profit cooperative, SECO Energy provides reliable and innovative energy services to our members and communities. Vision: SECO Energy will lead the industry in member satisfaction and engagement and be the preferred employer in our region. Values: Safety, Member Commitment, Honesty & Integrity, Strong Work Ethic, Inclusive Culture, Accountability and Teamwork.


As we execute our strategy and implement our Mission, Vision and Values, we want you to know that SECO Energy is reliable and a good value. SECO Energy helps you manage your energy usage. And finally, SECO Energy is your trusted source for energy solutions. Visit our website to read the full Strategy Map and our Balanced Performance Scorecard to see our future plans from 2023 to 2025, at > Your Co-Op > Strategy Map.  





Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO ENERGY JANUARY 2023 Advance Metering Infrastructure

Advance Metering Infrastructure


SECO Energy is excited to announce we are embarking on a systemwide AMI (advanced metering infrastructure) metering project in 2023. The AMI meter will provide detailed usage data and other energy-saving tools to help members save money on their bills.


We began investigating the possibility of integrating an AMI system in 2020 with the first of two AMI Pilot programs. First, we replaced aging prepaid meters with new Honeywell AMI meters that used cellular data to obtain daily interval readings. For the second pilot, we chose Landis+Gyr as the manufacturer to test that AMI meter’s capabilities. Both pilots occurred over a 12-month span to obtain data for all seasons. SECO analyzed data from both pilots, made a recommendation to the Board of Trustees and sought approval to move forward integrating AMI throughout our service area. 


After much data evaluation and Board approval, SECO Energy has chosen Honeywell as its AMI vendor to build a hybrid system to best serve both our dense suburban areas and rural locales in our service area. The Honeywell meter is highly accurate and offers many benefits to members. The meter communicates with SECO Energy to reduce the costs of monthly meter reading and supplies members with 15-minute reading interval data. Members will have access to this energy-usage data through SmartHub.  


We have invested in additional technology called Bidgely that uses an algorithm of your usage data to estimate how much energy – and when – your home’s appliances are using based on the interval readings to help you identify potential energy wasters in your home. If there’s an HVAC, water heater or other large energy use device malfunction, you’ll know sooner rather than later. Bidgely can’t view your actual in-home behavior. Its software assesses your home’s load profile and estimates usage of items that use electricity based on average consumer usage and behavior.


During the meter exchange, you will experience a short outage. There is no need to be home. To ensure accurate billing, Honeywell will take a photo of the previous meter’s out reading. This work is linear in nature, contractors are following established routes within substation and feeder boundaries. Due to operational needs with a linear installation/integration plan, we are unable to offer appointments in advance for meter exchanges.


This is an investment that will pay off over time. Each year the cooperative will save millions of dollars in reduced costs to physically read more than 225,000 meters in our 2,100 square mile service territory.   


Once the AMI meter at your location has been installed, data integration with the new meter may take up to 60 days. To view your 15-minute interval usage data, compare historical usage, set usage alerts, schedule a payment, enroll in bank draft, or pay your bill with a stored form of payment, make sure you’re enrolled in SmartHub at 


While the AMI project begins in 2023, full completion will take three to four years for all locations in our service area to receive a new AMI meter.



SECO NEWS JANUARY 2023 SECO Energy's Electric Vehicle (EV) Level 2 Fast Charger Lease/Purchase

SECO Energy’s Electric Vehicle (EV) Level 2 Fast Charger Lease/Purchase


Save Money, Save Gas, Charge Fast

Lease or purchase a ChargePoint Level 2 EV Fast Charger from SECO Energy!


For a limited time, we’re waiving the $50 installation fee – lease for only $14.50 per month plus tax or purchase for $699 plus tax. 


Visit > Energy Solutions > EV Charger Lease/Purchase to learn more about how EVs offer long term fuel and maintenance cost savings. If you have questions, send an email to


SECO NEWS JANUARY 2023 District 5 Trustee Shannon Wright Earns Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate

District 5 Trustee Shannon Wright Earns Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate


Congratulations to SECO Energy Board of Trustees District 5 Trustees Mrs. Shannon Wright on earning her Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) Certificate from the NRECA. Earning the CCD is the initial step in the NRECA’s Director Education program that is designed to assist cooperative Trustees to meet the challenges facing electric cooperatives.


Trustee Wright lives in Lake Panasoffkee and was elected to the SECO Energy Board of Trustees in 2022. She has been a SECO member since 2014. Learn more about the Board of Trustees, visit > Your Co-op > Board of Trustees.



SECO News August 2022 SECO Energy Foundation Pennies From Heaven Transition

SECO Energy Foundation Enrollment Change – January 2023


As of January 2023, the SECO Energy Pennies from Heaven program officially transitioned to the SECO Energy Foundation. Unless you notified us previously, your account has automatically been enrolled in the Foundation.


The Foundation rounds up your bill to the nearest dollar. The average donation per member whose bill is rounded up is $6 annually.


The SECO Energy Foundation’s goal is to increase community outreach with an emphasis on increased member bill payment assistance, energy-efficiency, education/STEM, environmental projects, veterans’ initiatives and health/public safety.


Contributions are tax-deductible and allow the Foundation (as a nonprofit entity) to apply for grants from other local, state and federal sources. Grants may include investments in first responder equipment, energy-efficiency grants for low-income communities and senior/youth centers.


Foundation dollars may assist in purchasing smart thermostats for members who can’t afford one or other energy-efficiency improvements that lower consumption. Investments that help members reduce energy usage, lead to lower bills and reduce SECO Energy’s peak demand. A reduction in demand reduces SECO’s wholesale power bill, lowers costs for all members and decreases the need to build new power plants.


Local organizations in SECO Energy’s service territory can begin applying for grants in early January 2023.  


If you would like to unenroll and stop your bill from rounding up to donate the extra pennies to the Foundation, visit > Contact > SECO Energy Foundation. You can also send an email to, call (352) 793-3801 or write to SECO Energy, Attn: Corp Comm, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585. 


Thank you, members, who support the SECO Energy Foundation and our local communities.



Read the full January 2023 SECO News online.