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SECO News July 2022

Dear Members,

SECO Energy continues to deal with supply chain constraints due to the pandemic aftermath. Utilities across the state and the nation are experiencing shortages of raw materials, labor shortages, shipping delays and increased demand for utility products. We are challenged to procure transformers, PVC pipe, meter boxes and any equipment that relies on a microchip. This shift changes our business model to operating around the available materials. In fact, utilities across the state and the nation are feeling the strain of the supply chain issue.  Learn more from the Florida Electric Cooperatives Association in its recent statement.  


These constraints also result in increased cost of inventory and price escalation due to runaway inflation – which is at a 40-year high. In May, the price of natural gas hit a decade high $9 per million BTUs (British thermal units) and this significantly affects the cost of power SECO delivers to you from our wholesale provider, Seminole Electric Cooperative. Given the domestic and global events causing these market trends to continue, SECO must prepare to meet our business targets and member requests in an environment today that is extremely challenging. 


We anticipate the continuation of cost increases and supply chain interruptions. Ultimately, these factors will result in our members paying more for their energy needs – just as we at SECO find ourselves paying more for the materials we buy to construct new services and maintain existing infrastructure.  


Roughly 70 cents of every dollar SECO spends is to purchase power from Seminole. Members who read SECO News regularly and review their electric bill each month have seen a line item referred to as the PCA – or Power Cost Adjustment. This calculation allows SECO to adjust for the rise or fall of fuel costs in real time without formally adjusting the actual rate.  


This is a common utility practice that prevents the over or under collection of funds from our members. The PCA factor was changed in April bringing our cost per thousand kilowatt hours from $121.00 to $128.05. Unfortunately, projections from Seminole require us to make yet another adjustment to the PCA – sooner rather than later. 


The fuel cost adjustment was approved by the Board and takes effect on July 1 with an increase to $137.60 per thousand kilowatt hours consumed at the residential level. Know that utilities across the state and the nation for that matter are all in the same boat and are making fuel cost adjustments and raising rates. 


Notwithstanding all of this, SECO will strive, as we always do, to minimize such impact on our members by keeping our rates as affordable as possible and making sure our rates remain competitive locally, regionally and nationally. 


In a June report from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), it forecasts the U.S. residential electricity price will average 14.6 cents/kWh between June and August 2022. SECO’s residential cost per kWh remains well below that and we’re hopeful we can hold that line through the remainder of the summer when members consume the most energy. 


I realize that I’ve written to you largely about costs this month, but I want to close with the topic of reliability. Surveys show that the reliability of electric service is the most important driver of member satisfaction. Despite our collective current cost crunch, we continue to invest in expanding and maintaining our electric facilities throughout the entire service territory. With hurricane season upon us, I encourage you to view our System Improvement Map at for Expansion and Reliability Projects to see where contractors and SECO Energy crews are working to enhance your experience as a SECO Energy member. 




Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



Advice From The Old Farmer's Almanac

Advice From The Old Farmer’s Almanac: Summer Fishing Days


Cast a line, the fishing’s fine! The best fishing time is when fish are most active just after sunup and as the sun is going down and for an hour after. According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, anglers should fish during the full moon period when tides are higher than average. Also, one hour before and one hour after the high tides in your favorite fishing spot is an ideal time. Another indication of a good fishing day is when the breeze comes from the west, and the water is still or only slightly rippled. Fishing with family or friends, or enjoying quiet time alone makes for a great day!


The best fishing days are between the new and full moon according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. This summer, drop your line between July 1 – 13, July 28 – August 11 and August 27 – September 10. Read Florida Fauna & Flora this month to learn about red snapper.



SECO News July 2022 Summer Energy Efficiency Savings

Summer Energy Efficiency Savings

The long, hot days of summer are here. The EIA calculates the highest amount of electricity consumed in the U.S. is attributed to HVAC use. For Floridians, HVAC use is a longer span (typically early spring to late fall) than in other parts of the country and runs more frequently. It is likely the highest energy user in your home.


Energy efficiency and reducing energy costs are hot topics, especially in the summer months. SECO Energy offers several online tools to help members understand their home usage and identify energy wasters. 


The first stop is SmartHub, SECO’s online account platform. See past bills to compare last year’s usage with 2022’s usage – is it higher? Is it related to the weather? Visit our Sunshine State Stats in the Newsroom Blog to see how temperatures fluctuate and affect your bill. 


Your next stop is our online Home Energy Assessment – a home energy audit you conduct from the comfort of home. Fill out the assessment based on your home’s specifics (construction type, roof age, amount of insulation, etc.) and lifestyle. Submit your answers to receive personal energy-savings advice tailored to the data you input in the Assessment. Implement our suggestions, and you’ll be on your way to consuming less energy – and saving money.

Energy Usage Chart


The Energy Estimator is an online tool that explores the math associated with your energy usage. The Estimator will calculate the estimated cost for each of your home’s appliances and electronics. Submit your email address to receive no-cost and low-cost energy-savings suggestions via email.


You’ll find these energy-efficiency tools and more energy-saving tips at > Energy Solutions. Use our online tools today to save energy and money tomorrow.












SECO News July 2022 Florida Fauna & Flora: Red Snapper

Florida Fauna & Flora: Red Snapper


Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission announced that Florida’s 2022 recreational red snapper season opened June 17 and runs consecutively through July 31. Visit for upcoming fall dates.


Red snapper in deeper waters tend to be redder than those caught in shallower waters. They have a long triangular face with the upper part sloping more strongly than the lower and earned the name snapper from their enlarged canine teeth. 


Age wise, red snapper can live a long time—red snapper as old as 57 years have been reported in the Gulf of Mexico and can grow to 40 inches long and 50 pounds. Females are able to reproduce as early as age 2. Males and females spawn from May to October, depending on their location.


Red snapper feed on fish, shrimp, crab, worms, cephalopods (octopus or squid) and some plankton. Young red snapper are food for the large carnivorous fish that share their habitat, such as jacks, groupers, sharks, barracudas, and morays.


These fish are generally found at 30 to 620 feet deep in the Gulf of Mexico and along the eastern coasts of North America, Central America, and northern South America. They are rare north of the Carolinas.


Read the full July 2022 SECO News online.


Florida Fauna & Flora – Red Snapper

Florida Fauna & Flora: Red Snapper


Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission announced that Florida’s 2022 recreational red snapper season opened June 17 and runs consecutively through July 31. Visit for upcoming fall dates.


Red snapper in deeper waters tend to be redder than those caught in shallower waters. They have a long triangular face with the upper part sloping more strongly than the lower and earned the name snapper from their enlarged canine teeth. 


Age wise, red snapper can live a long time—red snapper as old as 57 years have been reported in the Gulf of Mexico and can grow to 40 inches long and 50 pounds. Females are able to reproduce as early as age 2. Males and females spawn from May to October, depending on their location.


Red snapper feed on fish, shrimp, crab, worms, cephalopods (octopus or squid) and some plankton. Young red snapper are food for the large carnivorous fish that share their habitat, such as jacks, groupers, sharks, barracudas, and morays.


These fish are generally found at 30 to 620 feet deep in the Gulf of Mexico and along the eastern coasts of North America, Central America, and northern South America. They are rare north of the Carolinas.


Read the full July 2022 SECO News online.


Florida Fauna & Flora – Drought-tolerant Florida Landscaping

Florida’s traditional dry seasons are spring and fall. When choosing plants, shrubs, grasses and trees for landscaping, select drought-tolerant species that need less water and have a better chance of survival during drier months. 


Annuals and perennials add color and brightness to your outdoor space. Plants such as aloe, lantana, butterfly milkweed, black-eyed susans, salvia, lavender, plumbago and spider lilies are good choices. 


Low-maintenance, drought-tolerant landscapes should include native Florida grasses and shrubs. Especially resistant to drought are native grasses such as cordgrass, lovegrass, crown grass and fakahatchee grass. Native shrubs including podocarpus, Texas sage, yucca, Indian hawthorn, bougainvillea, firebrush and lyonia may survive off rainwater alone.


Sabal palm, jelly palm, sago palm, date palms and saw palmettos are drought, heat and wind tolerant. Bottlebrush, live oak, pine, hollies, cypress, cedars and elms are drought-tolerant native trees. 


Remember, before beginning any planting project, contact before you dig. Sunshine 811 is a free service that locates and marks underground utilities in your digging area. In Florida, it’s the law.


Source: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences


Read the full June 2022 SECO News online.


Florida Fauna & Flora – Zebra Butterfly


Florida Fauna & Flora – Zebra Butterfly


The zebra butterfly, formerly known as the zebra longwing butterfly, became Florida’s state insect in 1996. It is typically 3 to 4 inches in length with long wings that are black with thin yellow bands or stripes.


Zebra butterflies are found in Everglades National Park and throughout Florida. Its habitats include thickets, hardwood forests, hammocks and gardens. Most adult butterflies rely on flower nectar for food. They sip the liquid nectar using their proboscis that looks like a long, coiled straw.


Butterflies’ life cycle has four stages: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis) and adult. Female butterflies lay eggs on or near a larval host plant, and within days the eggs hatch, and the larvae begin to feed on the plant. Its appetite is voracious, and it grows and sheds its skin often. The fully grown larva seeks shelter and attaches with silk under a leaf or twig. It then molts into a winged pupa before becoming an adult.


Fun Fauna Fact: Over 180 butterfly species live in Florida with 40 unique to the state. Florida’s butterfly species diversity is higher than any state east of the Mississippi River.


Source: University of Florida IFAS Extension


Read the full February 2022 SECO News online.


Florida Fauna & Flora – Southeastern American Kestrel


Florida Fauna & Flora – Southeastern American Kestrel


A native Florida raptor, the southeastern American kestrel is the smallest falcon found in the United States. Its white face has black “tears” extending down from its eyes. Its brown back has black flecking, its belly is white and its tail is russet. The male’s wings have bluish-gray markings, while the female’s wings are a less colorful brown.


Kestrels’ raise up to four chicks per nesting season which is early spring to June. They nest in holes in dead trees or cavities made by pileated woodpecker. Their habitat includes open woodlands, sandhills and pine savannahs, but alternate habitats in residential areas are pastures and open fields. Nest boxes have become an essential artificial substitute.


Kestrels feed on insects and small mammals. They perch up high to find their prey and then fly in to catch a meal with their feet.


The southeastern American kestrel is listed on Florida’s Threatened Species List. Kestrels are threatened by the loss of habitat, pollutants and collisions with vehicles and aircraft.


Fun Fauna Fact: The kestrels found in May and June are southeastern American kestrels that live in Florida year-round. The northern American kestrel is a true Florida snowbird. This subspecies migrates here from September through April.


Source: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission


Read the full October 2021 SECO News online.


Florida Fauna & Flora – Resurrection Fern


Florida Fauna & Flora – Resurrection Fern


Resurrection ferns are found from Florida to New York and west into Texas. It is an epiphytic fern that grows on the surface of another plant or structure. This fern is an air plant; it does not steal nutrients or water from its host plant. It reproduces by spores that are housed in structures called sori located on the underside of its green fronds. In Florida, resurrection ferns often prefer to grow on oak trees.


Why the name resurrection fern? It may lose up to 75% of its water content during dry periods and shrivel into a grayish-brown clump of leaves. When exposed to water again, the fern regains its healthy green fronds and comes back to life as though it was never dead. It’s estimated that during times of extreme drought, some resurrection ferns may survive losing 97% of their water content. Most other plants can only survive losing 10% of their water content.


Fun Flora Fact: The resurrection fern is a space traveler. In 1997, it was taken into space on the Space Shuttle Discovery to study its resurrection in zero gravity.


Source: The National Wildlife Federation


Read the full August 2021 SECO News online.

SECO News, July 2021


Duncan’s Digest – Solar Investments – Sensible or Scam?


Dear Members,


Solar system Inquiries from members are on the rise. Currently, nearly 2,600 SECO Energy members have chosen to invest in member-owned solar systems. SECO is a reliable source of information about solar power for our members, but unfortunately, we hear from members who’ve been misinformed by a contractor or misunderstood the solar system’s generation capabilities and the financial investment.


May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


Some solar contractors use misleading sales pitches – we’ve seen the ads: No-cost solar. No electric bill. Free solar panels. Power during an outage. Without question, investing in solar technology is costly. At an average of $2.73 per watt (per the NREL and dependent on the type of system), a 10-kW residential system costs $27,300.00 (offset by a current federal tax credit). If you finance the system, you will pay interest over the term of the loan. If you lease a system, the leasing company receives the federal tax credit rather than you. Before investing, crunch the numbers on to estimate potential generation capacity and financial performance.


Cost, however, is only one consideration. The Sunshine State is not always sunny. Members who own a solar system without battery or generator backup still consume (and pay for) utility-supplied power when the sun isn’t shining – at night, rainy afternoons and cold winter mornings.


If allowable by city/county ordinance, members can go completely off-grid if the system has a battery to store power generated while the sun is shining to use during times when the sun doesn’t shine. During utility outages, solar systems without a backup power source do not continue to generate power as most inverters require electricity to operate. By design, this requirement prevents power generated by a solar system from backfeeding onto the utility’s electric system – which in turn can cause damage, injury or death to unsuspecting lineworkers.


If you’re interested in solar, SECO is here to help. We recommend obtaining three quotes from reputable contractors. Review Better Business Bureau ratings and visit the Florida Solar Energy Industries Association at for contractor recommendations.


The name of the game is buyer beware. Recently, members reported solar representatives claiming they are working on behalf of SECO – this is untrue. One of the most appalling scenarios we encountered this year came from a Marion County family who financed a solar system and had already signed the contract before reaching out to SECO. Can you guess which home in the photo has rooftop solar panels?


July 2021 SECO News Duncan's Digest image


The solar panels are not even visible due to the dense tree coverage. Unless the homeowner incurs the expense of cutting the trees down, their solar system will not generate productively. And if they cut the trees down, their home will not receive the cooling benefit of tree shade. Don’t let this happen to you. Do your homework BEFORE you sign a contract.


Visit our Solar website section. You’ll learn about the capabilities and limits of solar power. Email our Solar team and an Energy Services Specialist will conduct a Solar Assessment to determine your home’s conduciveness to solar. We’ll also answer your questions about panels, inverters, insurance, net metering and more. Becoming an educated consumer is your best protection.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News July 2021 Advice From The Old Farmer's Almanac

Advice from The Old Farmer’s Almanac


Whether you live in an urban or rural area, predatory animals may be closer than you think. The number of Floridians encountering bears in populated areas is increasing. The Old Farmer’s Almanac lists what to look for to determine if a bear has visited your home and how to deter it. If you suspect bear activity: Look for fur left behind, crushed vegetation, teeth and claw marks and hindfoot tracks like a human footprint. Bears are attracted to food. To deter bears: Use bear-proof containers for garbage or items with a strong scent, cover compost, change lever doorknobs (which bears can open) to round knobs. Clean outdoor cooking or fish-scaling areas.


Turn to page 7 to read about the Florida black bear in this month’s Florida Fauna & Flora.



SECO News July 2021 Pennies From Heaven Pennies Change Lives

Pennies Change Lives


SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program was established to make a difference in our local communities one penny at a time. Every cent collected is distributed for the benefit of your fellow members.


Members enrolled in Pennies from Heaven allow SECO to round up their bill to the nearest dollar automatically. As an example, if the bill is $97.72, you will pay $98.00. The extra 28 pennies go directly to Pennies from Heaven.


SECO Energy employees also contribute to Pennies from Heaven through individual donations and corporate fundraisers.


Enroll today to be a part of this worthy program. Visit our Pennies from Heaven website section and fill out the webform to enroll.


SECO Energy absorbs any small administrative costs associated with the Pennies program. Just a few cents every month can change lives. If you’d like to provide a donation* by check instead, please mail it to us at: SECO Energy Pennies from Heaven 330 S US Highway 301 Sumterville, FL 33585


Requests for bill payment assistance are administered through several area agencies. Call 211 or reach out to a social service agency that offers utility assistance.


*Pennies from Heaven donations are not tax deductible.



SECO News July 2021 Enroll In Surge Protection For A Monthly Chance To Win A New Generator

Enroll in Surge Protection for a Monthly Chance to Win a New Generator


The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season is here, and forecasters predict there will be above-normal named storm activity this year. According to the National Weather Service at, a typical lightning flash is about 300 million volts and 30,000 amps – and carries enough energy to power a 100-watt incandescent light bulb for three months. Florida storm season brings almost daily thunderstorms with high-voltage lightning.


To prepare, SECO is giving away three new portable generators! We’ll pick one winner each month in July, August and September. To be eligible to win, lease or purchase SECO’s Surge MitiGator™ meter-based surge arrester. Members in a current surge lease or prior purchase will automatically be eligible.


Lightning is the most common cause of power surges that can damage or destroy your home’s appliances or electronics. Other causes of surges are vehicle accidents involving SECO facilities, small animals or birds contacting electric lines or fallen trees.


SECO’s Surge MitiGator helps prevent unnecessary financial loss by reducing surges BEFORE they enter your home through the meter. The Surge MitiGator has a beastly 15-year warranty and is designed to protect your home’s large-motor appliances.


You can lease the MitiGator for only $5.95 plus tax per month plus a $25 installation fee. The purchase price ranges from $349 to $399, with installation included.


Enroll in SECO’s Surge MitiGator to take the bite out of damaging surges and spikes and be eligible to win a generator. Members currently enrolled in surge are also eligible as winners are drawn from all current surge protection enrollees. Visit our Surge MitiGator website section and click on the enroll icon to complete an enrollment webform.


For members without internet access, call (352) 793-3801 to enroll.



SECO News July 2021 Surgeo Loves Pets Donation Total

Surgeo Loves Pets Donation Total


Thank you, members, for making our Surgeo Loves Pets charitable initiative an outstanding success! For each new Surge MitiGator™ sign up between February 1 and June 15, your not-for-profit electric cooperative donated $5 from the Pennies from Heaven program to a local shelter or rescue on the member’s behalf in Citrus, Lake, Marion or Sumter County.


2,461 members enrolled resulting in donations totaling $12,305 to the shelters listed below:



• Critterville Inc. $200

• Citrus County Animal Services$500

• Humane Society of Citrus County$500

• Precious Paws Rescue, Inc. $200

• St. Francis’s Sunny Side Up Farm Animal Rescue $200

• Ziggy’s Haven Parrot Sanctuary$200


LAKE COUNTY – $3,405


• AFHAR-A Forever Home Animal Rescue, Inc. $200

• Florida Boxer Rescue $200

• From Trails To Happy Tails $200

• Hoffmeyer Animal Rescue $200

• Howey Horse Haven Rescue $200

• Humane Society of Lake County$1,000

• Lake County Animal Shelter $605

• Leesburg Humane Society $200

• Sugarloaf Mountain Ranch, Inc. $200

• The Animal League $200

• The Cat Protection Society $200




• Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue Inc. $200

• Endangered Animal Rescue Sanctuary $200

• Forest Animal Rescue $200

• Front Range Equine Rescue $200

• Fur Kids Pet Rescue Inc. $200

• Humane Society of Marion County $1000

• Kindred Spirits Sanctuary $200

• Marion County Animal Services $500

• Ocala Wildlife Sanctuary Inc.(Owls Ocala Inc.) $200

• Pets in Distress Inc. $200

• Quality of Life Rehab and Foster $200

• Sheltering Hands $200

• SPCA of Marion County $200

• SPCA of Ocala $200

• Vocal (Voices of Change Animal League) $200

• Forest Animal Rescue $200




• Sumter County Animal Control $1,000

• YOUR Humane Society SPCA of Sumter County, Inc. $2000



SECO News October 2020 EV Charger Winner!

EV Charger Winner


Michael Underwood from Ocala is the latest winner of a SECO Energy branded JuiceBox Pro 40 EV Level 2 charger. We’re giving one charger away each month while supplies last. To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner.


Learn more about the benefits of electric vehicle ownership on our EV website pages. You’ll find an EV savings calculator, information about CO2 reduction, an EV and PHEV model finder and a nationwide charger-finder map. Visit our Electric Vehicles website section for more details.


Watch SECO News for next month’s charger winner.



SECO News February 2021 Winners' Circle

Winners’ Circle


Have you engaged with our virtual assistant Electra who can answer thousands of calls without missing a beat? Ask Electra for assistance instead of waiting to speak with a representative. Each week, we’ll draw one winner who will receive a $25 gift card. Winners are drawn from all members who called and successfully took care of business with Electra.


Winners Are:


Jan Chapple from Oxford

Jacquelyn Thomas from Eustis

Anna Hazel from Floral City

Byron Lowe from Ocala


Winners in our Go Green and Win: Paperless Billing and Bank Draft incentive


Wendy Albertson from The Villages is the winner of a $200 SECO Energy bill credit.

Bexaida Martinez from Clermont is the winner of a NEST thermostat.

Scott Evans from Tavares is the winner of an Amazon Echo Dot with Alexa.


Read Winners’ Circle next month for more winners. Want to win next month? Visit and scroll through the homepage banner arrows to view our drawing promotions.



SECO News July 2021 Safety Corner #MoveOverFlorida

Safety Corner – #MoveOverFL


What do emergency or law enforcement vehicles, sanitation vehicles, wreckers or tow trucks and SECO Energy utility vehicles have in common? Florida’s Move Over law or Statute 316.126 requires drivers to move over a lane – safely – when these vehicles are parked on the side of the road.


What should I do if I’m unable to change lanes? If unable to move over safely, drivers must reduce their speed to 20 mph less than the posted speed. For example, the speed limit posted on the roadway is 55, which means you are required to reduce your rate of speed to 35 or less. When the posted speed is 25 mph, drivers must slow down to 5 mph.


Failure to Move Over puts defenseless workers and yourself at risk. You can strike a worker or a parked vehicle. Drivers will be ticketed and pay a fine and incur points on their driving record.


For safety, #MoveOverFL – it’s the law.


Read the full July 2021 SECO News online.

Florida Fauna & Flora – Florida Manatee


Florida Fauna & Flora – Florida Manatee


One animal that is uniquely Floridian is the manatee. Florida manatees are native to Florida and are a sub-species of the West Indian manatee. These gentle giants grow to 9 – 10 feet long and weigh in at about 1,000 pounds. This gray aquatic mammal has two fore-limb flippers and a paddle-shaped tail that help it steer and propel through the water. Manatees can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes. When active, they rise up to breathe every 3 to 5 minutes.


Manatees are herbivores who spend up to 8 hours a day grazing on aquatic plants and seagrass, and eating about 10% of their body weight daily. They have no front teeth – only molars in the back of their mouth that are replaced when a tooth is lost.


Scientists are concerned about the number of observed manatee deaths this year. In 2021, there are 539 recorded deaths from January 1 through March 19, compared to 637 total deaths for 2020. This is an alarming trend that is on the rise. Manatee deaths can be attributed to a decline in seagrass and added pollution.


Fun Fauna Fact: Manatees have been a protected species in Florida since 1893. They feed and rest in shallow waters which makes them an easy target for boats.


Source: Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission


Read the full May SECO News online.

Florida Fauna & Flora – Ocala National Forest

The Ocala National Forest is located in SECO Energy’s backyard. This national landmark was established in 1909 and is the southernmost forest in the United States. In the forest’s beautiful 383,000 acres, you’ll find over 600 lakes, rivers and streams, as well as trails, animals, recreation areas and outdoor activities.


According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the core of the Ocala National Forest is the Big Scrub that was first placed under protection by President Theodore Roosevelt, making it the first National Forest east of the Mississippi River. Most of the forest is in Marion County, with smaller portions found in Lake and Putnam Counties. The Florida Trail is a 1,300-mile United States National Scenic Trail that travels through the Ocala National Forest.


When visiting the Ocala National Forest, look for various wildlife, including alligators, coyotes, white-tailed deer, wild boar and small animals such as squirrels, gopher tortoises, bats, river otters, bobcats and more. Within the forest boundaries, you’ll also find the highest concentration of wild Florida black bears.


Fun Flora Fact: The 1946 movie The Yearling starring Gregory Peck and Jane Wyman based on Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings’ novel of the same name was filmed in the Ocala National Forest.


Read the full December 2020 SECO News online.

Florida Fauna & Flora – Northern Bobwhite Quail

Northern bobwhite quails are medium-sized birds with round bodies, short tails and short necks. Their plumage is reddish-brown with white and gray streaks. Bobwhites are named for their distinctive “bob-white” call.


Bobwhite quails feed and roost in coveys of 8 to 25 birds. They forage on the ground for seeds, insects, fruits and plants. Females lay 12 to 16 eggs in a shallow nest built on the ground hidden beneath vegetation. Adults measure about 10 inches from the tip of beak to tail.


This quail is found throughout most of Florida except the southern tip. Muted plumage makes them hard to spot in their preferred habit of grassy fields and pine woods. Pesticide use and loss of habitats are contributing factors to the decline in northern bobwhite quail numbers. Its conservation status is “near threatened.”


Fun Fauna Fact: Northern bobwhite quails are the only galliform (an order of ground-feeding birds that includes turkey, pheasant, chickens, peafowl and more) native to eastern North America.


Read the full November 2020 SECO News online.