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SECO FUN-Raises $1,181 for Red Nose Day

At SECO Energy’s five Service Centers located across its Central Florida territory, employees and members joined the FUN-raising by donating to Red Nose Day, a charitable movement that encourages us to, “Laugh. Give. Save a Kid.” Wearing big, red noses may be funny, but Red Nose Day is serious support for many global charities.


SECO Energy, its employees and members brought the laughs and raised over $1,181 to support children through Red Nose Day. Donations contribute to meals for children in homeless shelters, antibiotics to treat pneumonia, eye exams, medical supplies and support homeless shelters for children.


SECO Energy Employees raise money for Red Nose Day


Vice President of Corporate Communications and Energy Services Kathryn Gloria states, “As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO believes in responsible corporate citizenship by supporting the communities it serves. We are all part of the global community and SECO is proud to support children in need all over the world. A thank you to the employees and members who came together for such a worthy but fun cause.”


In the last 25 years, Red Nose Day has raised over $1 billion to help kids all over the world. Visit for more information about the global charities supported through laughter.


SECO Energy Employees raise money for Red Nose Day


Find more information about SECO Energy’s commitment to community online at Members can join SECO in supporting local communities by enrolling in its Pennies from Heaven program. Pennies from Heaven automatically rounds members’ bills up to the nearest dollar. These extra pennies are distributed locally to SECO members for bill payment assistance.


SECO Energy Employees raise money for Red Nose Day



SECO Employees Raise $12,000 at Relay for Life

On Friday, April 29, SECO’s team of employee volunteers participated in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Fundraiser for Sumter County. Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature event; and it raises donations that contribute to cancer research as well as providing support for cancer patients and their caregivers.


This year’s theme was “Stopping Cancer in its Tracks,” inspired by the iconic television show Soul Train. SECO team members and other volunteers boogied through the night and into the morning to represent their commitment to continue the fight against cancer. The SECO team’s fundraising efforts paid off. It raised over $12,000 for the American Cancer Society.


The SECO team danced to the DJ and brought the ‘70s back to life with bright lights, disco balls and psychedelic colors. SECO Energy’s Service Center Manager Donna Etts and Accounting Analyst Tanya Mikeals wore the grooviest costumes of the night and won the ‘70s themed costume contest.


SECO Energy Employees Raise $12,000 at Relay for Life


The SECO team members took turns walking or running laps to remind the community that cancer never sleeps. At the event, SECO team members walked special laps dedicated to cancer survivors and patient caregivers. A quiet memorial lap was walked in honor of loved ones who have lost their cancer fight. The memorial lap is particularly moving to many SECO team members.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO supports the communities it serves through strong corporate citizenship efforts. SECO employees embody the cooperative spirit by playing an active role in the communities where they live through volunteering and monetary donations. SECO employees make a difference in their communities every day.”


For more information about SECO Energy and its corporate citizenship, visit