Sunshine State Stats July 2020

Sunshine State Stats July 2020

July was a scorcher! Twenty-six out of thirty-one days reached a high of 90 degrees or above. The average low temperature for July 2020 was 75 degrees with an average low of 69. The average high temperature was 92 degrees with a daily high of 96. The average temperature was 1 degree warmer this year […]

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Sunshine State Stats June 2020

Sunshine State Stats June 2020

Nine days of rain in the first 13 days of June contributed to a total of 6.12 inches of rain during the month. The average low temperature was 72.1 and the average high temperature was 91.3 degrees. Even though the average temperature in June was 82 degrees which was the same average temp in June […]

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SECO News, July 2020

SECO News, July 2020

  Duncan’s Digest – Marion Oaks Substation Rebuild   In the December 2019 edition of SECO News, I shared an overview of our $55 million 2020 construction work plan. I want to share an exciting project from the plan that is currently in progress.     Recently, crews and contractors have begun the Marion Oaks […]

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Sunshine State Stats May 2020

Sunshine State Stats May 2020

Summer is almost here in Central Florida and we are feeling the heat. The average monthly temperature in May 2020 was 78.5 degrees only slightly lower than the average monthly temperature of 80.1 degrees in May 2019. The hottest day of the month was on May 22 when temperatures soared to 97 degrees. The lowest […]

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Sunshine State Stats March 2020

Sunshine State Stats March 2020

March was a very warm month for Central Florida. The average temperature was 74 degrees – 6.8 degrees warmer than the average March temperature. The lows dipped down to 43 degrees early in the month and later the high peaked at 92 degrees. This 49-degree temperature swing would have potentially called for both heating and […]

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Sunshine State Stats December 2019

Sunshine State Stats December 2019

Central Florida didn’t see a White Christmas in December 2019. The temperatures were warm even by Central Florida standards. The monthly average temperature was a mild 66 degrees – which was 4 degrees warmer than the average temperature in December 2018. The highest daily recorded temperature was 85 degrees and the lowest daily recorded temperature […]

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Sunshine State Stats November 2019

Sunshine State Stats November 2019

Cooler temperatures arrived in Central Florida in November 2019. The monthly average temperature was a comfortable 67 degrees – which was the same average temperature in November 2018. The highest daily recorded temperature was 90 degrees and the lowest daily recorded temperature was 46 degrees. That’s a big fluctuation between hot and cold so both […]

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Sunshine State Stats October 2019

Sunshine State Stats October 2019

October 2019’s monthly average temperature was a warm 79 degrees – which was 2 degrees warmer than last October’s average temperature of 77 degrees. The highest daily recorded temperature was 92 degrees and the lowest daily recorded temperature was 65 degrees.     Central Floridian’s felt the effects of Tropical Storm Nestor in the middle […]

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Sunshine State Stats September 2019

Sunshine State Stats September 2019

September 2019 gave Floridians a small glimpse of fall weather with temperatures that were a little cooler than September 2018. The average high temperature in September 2019 was 90 degrees compared to an average high temperature of 92 degrees in September 2018. Hurricane Dorian’s near visit to our area increased rainfall in September 2019 to […]

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SECO News, July 2019

SECO News, July 2019

DUNCAN’S DIGEST   The dog days of summer have arrived. With warmer temperatures and increased humidity, your home’s HVAC works overtime to keep you cool. Pool pumps run for extended hours to prevent algae growth. These factors add up to increased kilowatt-hour use and higher electric bills. SECO is your local not-for-profit electric cooperative committed […]

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