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January 2025 Sunshine State Stats

In January 2025, the monthly average temperature fell by 9 degrees from December, and the total rainfall was just .51 inches. 


The average temperature in January was 53 degrees, which is 7 degrees cooler than the typical average. The average high for the month reached 65 degrees, also 7 degrees lower than the average high in December. Similarly, the average low temperature fell to 44 degrees, 8 degrees lower than in December. 


The highest temperature of the month was 81 degrees on the last day of January, and the lowest was 34 degrees on January 25th. 


January 2025 weather stats


The January 2025 rainfall of just over one-half inch was well below the January average of 3.12 inches and 1.5 inches below the December 2024 total. Measurable rainfall occurred on six days, with only three days experiencing more than .1 inch of rain. 


Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport occurred on just one day: January 19, during which a total of 64 cloud-to-ground strikes were recorded. The image below shows the location of the strikes as documented by WeatherSentry within the 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport (KLEE).



Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE)


Cloud to Ground Lightning – January 19, 2025 

Data and charts provided by



February Forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts that February in Central Florida will bring a mix of cool temperatures, rain, and sunshine. The month starts off with rainy periods and cool weather from February 1-12, so keeping an umbrella and a light jacket handy will be a good idea. From February 13-16, conditions will improve with sunnier skies and milder temperatures, making for pleasant outdoor activities. Between February 17-23, expect mostly sunny weather at first, followed by heavy rain and a noticeable drop in temperatures. The month will close out with sunshine from February 24-28, but very cold conditions will settle in before gradually warming up again. Overall, temperatures will average 59°F, about 3° below normal, while precipitation is expected to total 2.5 inches, with drier-than-usual conditions in the north and wetter conditions in the south. Expect a cooler-than-average February with a mix of sun, rain, and occasional cold snaps. 


SECO Smart Connect Program: A New Way to Save on Your Electric Bill

Thousands have already enrolled—and there’s still room for you to help reduce the impact on the electric grid during times of peak energy usage and save money, too! 


Review our new SECO Smart Connect Program – this is an opportunity for members to receive bill credits for allowing SECO Energy to make brief changes to the settings on residential devices during times of peak energy demand. Residential members who enroll in the SECO Smart Connect Program will receive enrollment and seasonal incentives via bill credits based on the type of device(s) enrolled. Learn more and enroll here.


Protect Your Appliances

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form. 

January 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In January 2024, the monthly average high temperature dropped one degree while the average low fell 5 degrees from December as winter’s chill strengthened its grasp of Central Florida. The average high temperature of 70 degrees and low of 49 degrees nearly match the “normal” for January (71/49), as recorded at Leesburg International Airport (KLEE).

January 2024 Sunshine State Stats


Reported rainfall at Leesburg International Airport (KLEE) decreased over 2 inches from December’s total, amounting to 2 inches versus 4.35 inches last month. This total is below the January normal precipitation level of 3.32 inches. Measurable precipitation occurred on 12 of 31 days, with the rainiest day occurring on January 9, when just .57 inches fell.


The month of January recorded its highest temperature of 84 degrees on the 27th and the lowest daily recorded temperature occurred on the 21st, when the mercury bottomed at 34 degrees.


Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport occurred on three days in January. WeatherSentry recorded 155 cloud-to-ground lightning strikes on January 9, 25 strikes on January 16, and 7 strikes on January 27.


Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE)

Data and charts provided by


Lightning strikes on January 9, 2024

Cloud to Ground Lightning – January 9, 2024


Lightning strikes on January 16 & 27, 2024

Cloud to Ground Lightning – January 16 & 27, 2024


HVAC is the largest energy user in Central Florida homes, accounting for an average of 35 to 40% of kWh usage. As days and evenings become cooler during these winter months, many homes utilize heating instead of air conditioning. Depending on one’s heating system and the fuel used to produce heat (electricity or gas), homeowners may experience higher-than-expected energy costs at this time of year.


Now is a good opportunity to consider having seasonal maintenance performed on your HVAC system. Also, be sure to check your thermostat settings to properly update them for these cooler months. The energy-efficient thermostat setting during hotter months is 78 degrees and during colder months it is 68 degrees.


February forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The weather outlook for February 2024 begins with sunny skies and cool temperatures in the first two weeks. The outlook for February 15-18 suggests rainy weather with milder temps, while February 19-24 looks to return to sunshine with cold temps changing to warmer temps. The projection for the final 4 days of the month is a period of rainy weather accompanied by mild temperatures.


Online Energy-Efficiency Tools

Log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts to check historical usage. If your usage is high, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.