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Elementary Students Learn About Electrical Safety

Gus Kornegay, Energy Services Specialist, presented SECO Energy’s “Kids and Electrical Safety” presentation to almost 200 elementary students at The Villages Charter Elementary School on Thursday, July 7.


“Kids and Electrical Safety” is a visual display that uses lights and sounds to demonstrate the dangers of electricity. Specifically designed for grade school students, children are encouraged to pay attention to the dangers of electricity in the home and while playing outside. Gus also advised the children to share their new-found knowledge with their parents.


Gus kept the children’s attention by displaying some of the personal protective gear utility workers wear when working with electricity. The children gathered close to get a good look at Gus’s hard hat, gloves, safety glasses and the fire retardant clothing he wears.


SECO Energy, Elementary Students Learn About Electrical Safety


As a father of three and a utility employee, Gus has a unique understanding of the risks electricity poses to children. “Our children may not realize how many times a day they, or their parents, are using electricity. Kids should be taught early to recognize the hazards of electricity. This knowledge could help keep them and their parents safe and may save their life.”


After the presentation, Gus answered the students’ questions and each child received a small gift courtesy of SECO. Commitment to community support and education are important focuses for a not-for-profit electric cooperative like SECO Energy, and the cooperative purpose differentiates the company from other electric providers in this area.


SECO Energy offers a variety of topics and speakers available for groups of any age and size. Are you a leader or member of a group or organization that would like to learn more about energy efficiency or electric safety? Contact SECO to request a speaker at “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” SECO on Twitter for cooperative updates and news releases.