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SECO Purchases Students’ Livestock at Marion County Youth Fair

SECO Energy once again participated in the Marion County Southeastern Youth Fair Auction. Through the resale process, SECO purchased one steer and two pigs during the week-long Youth Fair auction event. 


The first purchase of the week was Zachary Duncan’s 960-pound steer named Steeler. Zachary is an eighth grader at Liberty Middle School. This event marks Zachary’s fifth year participating in the Youth Fair. He looks forward to attending West Port High School next school year. Most important, Zachary looks forward to showing one of his “homegrown” yearlings at next year’s Youth Fair. After high school, Zachary wants to become a diesel mechanic and a cattle rancher.


SECO Energy’s Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations Kathy Judkins also engaged with a few of Belleview Middle School’s Future Farmers of America (FFA) Chapter during the Youth Fair. The participants entered the arena with a pig weighing in at 273 pounds. The students were so excited to take part. Though they were exhausted by the long week of activities, it was evident by the welcoming smiles they loved being a part of their FFA chapter and appreciated SECO’s purchase of their pig.


SECO also purchased Taylor Burns’ 252-pound. Taylor is a senior at Vanguard High School, and she plans to attend the University of Florida in the fall to study Agricultural Law. Kathy Judkins is impressed with this year’s Youth Fair participants. She stated, “These students are gaining skills that are preparing them for the workforce and companies such as SECO Energy are always seeking employees who have organizational, time management, dedication, teamwork, analytical and problem-solving skills. It is a pleasure to interact with them.”


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