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SECO News October 2023

Wynn's WireDear Members,

SECO Energy and Central Florida were fortunate to escape most of the destruction from Hurricane Idalia. Our system fared extremely well – only 10,400 members were without power during the 24-hour period when Idalia reached closest to us. All outages were restored safely and quickly by dedicated line technicians. The SECO team executed their respective duties admirably and was prepared to confront more severe conditions that, fortunately, did not evolve.


SECO is a not-for-profit electric cooperative that is member-owned and operated for the benefit of all members we serve. We are also very thankful for the over 500 crews – including line and tree contractors – who answered our distress call and traveled to our location to assist with Hurricane Idalia restoration. SECO is StormReady and prepared for the worst, which thankfully did not happen.


While SECO Energy members were relatively unscathed, our neighbors in Northern Florida, which received a direct hit from Hurricane Idalia, fared far worse.


Hurricane Idalia made landfall in the Big Bend area on Wednesday, August 30. Some of the most affected were members served by Tri-County Electric Cooperative in Jefferson, Madison and Taylor Counties. Tri-County serves almost 25,000 members – 100% of which were without electric service from Hurricane Idalia. On Friday, September 1, a contingent of SECO line technicians, a mechanic, a superintendent and a supervisor traveled to Tri-County to assist in restoring power.


Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) serves more than 28,000 members in Columbia, Hamilton, Lafayette and Suwannee Counties and also needed help. SECO released seven Pike contractor crews to SVEC to join their restoration effort. Both Tri-County and SVEC sustained extensive damage to their electric systems. While their members experienced days without electricity, our SECO crews received many gestures of thankfulness and appreciation.


These opportunities to offer mutual aid and support to each other are vital to the electric cooperative industry. They also underscore two primary tenets of the Seven Cooperative Principles to which we adhere: Cooperation Among Cooperatives and Concern for Community. SECO Energy will continue to embrace these standards and is grateful for the assistance we received.


Hurricane season runs through November 30; at the time of this column printing, we are monitoring three tropical disturbances. Preparing your homes and families for a tropical storm or hurricane is still vital. Read our Hurricane Handbook at > Safety > Hurricane Handbook for more information about what to do before, during and after a storm.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn
Chief Executive Officer



SECO News October 2023 Move Over Law A Message from District 5 Trustee Shannon Wright


THERE IS AN UPDATE TO FLORIDA’S MOVE OVER LAW THAT TAKES EFFECT IN JANUARY 2024. HB 425, known as “Florida’s Move Over Law,” passed the House on April 26, 2023, and passed the Senate on May 4. It was signed into law by Governor DeSantis on June 5.


The new changes will expand the Move Over law by adding a disabled motor vehicle to those currently protected. A disabled vehicle will be treated the same as emergency vehicles if stopped, displaying warning lights, hazard lights, emergency flares, or posting emergency signage, or if it is stopped with one or more persons visibly present.


The Move Over law is intended to protect vehicles and nearby operators and workers from passing traffic. Currently, the law spells out responsibilities for drivers on an interstate highway or other highway with two or more lanes. Drivers are to vacate the lane closest to emergency or sanitation vehicles, utility service trucks, wreckers, and road and bridge maintenance or construction vehicles when traveling in the direction of these vehicles.


If moving over cannot be safely accomplished, the driver must reduce their speed to 20 miles per hour less than the posted speed limit (when the posted speed limit is 25 miles per hour or greater), or travel at 5 miles per hour when the posted speed limit is 20 miles per hour or less.


Drivers who do not slow down and move over could receive a noncriminal moving violation and be hit with a hefty monetary fine.



SECO News October 2023 Escape Phantom Load


Phantom load, also known as standby or vampire power, refers to electricity consumed by electronic devices when turned off or in standby mode. Many modern devices, such as televisions, computers, chargers, and more, draw tiny amounts of energy when plugged in. These devices consume a small amount of power, which adds up over time. Phantom load contributes to higher energy use, which increases monthly bills.


Combining awareness, habit changes, and energy-efficient technologies reduces phantom load. Effective strategies include:


UNPLUG DEVICES: The simplest solution is unplugging electronics when they are not in use. This eliminates phantom load from these devices.

SMART POWER STRIPS: Plug electronics into innovative power strips that detect when devices are in standby mode or not being actively used. Smart power strips will automatically de-energize power to those devices. Convenient and reduces energy.

ENERGY-EFFICIENT DEVICES: Choose electronics and appliances with energy-saving features. Look for ENERGY STAR-certified products designed to consume less energy in standby mode.

TIMERS AND AUTOMATION: Use timers or smart home automation systems to schedule when devices should be powered on and off.

MANUAL POWER MANAGEMENT: Make it a habit to power down devices when not in use. Shut down computers, turn off lights and unplug chargers when not needed.

EDUCATION AND AWARENESS: Raising awareness among family members about phantom load and its impact can lead to using less energy at home.


Put these strategies into practice to significantly reduce electricity from phantom loads. Do you need additional energy-saving advice? SECO Energy has two online energy-saving tools to help you reduce energy and save money on your bill. Our Home Energy Assessment is a complete online energy audit tailored to your home and lifestyle. The Energy Estimator shows the math associated with your energy usage. Find both energy-saving tools at > Energy Solutions.



SECO News October 2023 Surge MitiGator Free Installation


Starting October 1, we’re offering free installation for all new Surge MitiGator enrollments through November 30. That’s a $25 savings for you and added protection for the electronics in your home.


SECO’s meter-based surge arrester is made in the USA. It has proven reliable for over 25 years by reducing or eliminating surges BEFORE they enter your home through the meter. More than 55,000 members already trust SECO’s Surge MitiGator.


The Surge MitiGator has a 15-year warranty and is designed to protect your home’s large-motor appliances. Household appliances and sensitive electronics such as televisions and computers can be damaged or destroyed by power surges. These also require in-home point-of-use devices that can be purchased at hardware or big-box retailers for adequate coverage.


Start at the meter base with the Surge MitiGator for the best protection. You can lease the MitiGator for only $5.95 plus tax per month with free installation – a $25 savings. The purchase price ranges from $349 to $399 plus tax, and installation is free. Visit > Surge MitiGator and complete the contact form to learn more or enroll during this free installation promotion.


Read the full October 2023 SECO News.

SECO News, September 2020


Duncan’s Digest – Peak of Hurricane Season


The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season has been especially active. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the possibility of a hurricane forming is highest during September.


May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


Hurricanes are massive tropical cyclones. Typically, hurricanes reach a width of 300 miles or more. The distinctive center eye is a calm space, while the eyewall outside of the eye holds the densest clouds and the storm’s highest winds. A storm’s outer rainbands are heavy thunderstorms that bring rain, lightning and tornadoes. These bands can extend out as much as 300 miles from the storm’s center eye. Hurricane-force winds – 74 mph and higher – can extend to 150 miles outward from the eye. Tropical-storm force winds – 39 mph to 73 mph – can reach out as far as 300 miles.


The right side of the storm is the most dangerous. A storm’s side is relative to its path. A westward-moving storm’s right side is north. Cyclone storms spin counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and move forward as well. On a storm’s right side, the winds are moving in the same direction as its forward motion. These two velocities create higher wind speeds; thus, the likelihood of storm surges, stronger winds and tornadoes is higher on the storm’s right side than the left.


Living in Florida, the threat of hurricanes is a yearly reality. Unfortunately, these storms can cause extended power outages even for a system like SECO’s that is well constructed and rigorously inspected and maintained.


I urge you to prepare for the worst. This month’s edition of SECO News focuses on preparing for a storm, what to do during and after a storm and interesting facts and information found in our Hurricane Handbook – available online and as a brochure from one of our Member Service Centers. Review our “people and pets” supply list, enroll in outage notifications and alerts through StormCenter, sign up for the Florida Special Needs Registry, research generator safety tips and more.


SECO Energy is StormReady and prepared for the possibility of tropical storms and hurricanes that may come our way. COVID-19 may complicate an emergency restoration response this year, so patience and cooperation will play an even more important role than in the past. I assure you that we will perform at our very best within the bounds of health and safety for both members and employees.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer


*source: and



September SECO News Hurricane Stats


Hurricane Strength Stats


The Saffir–Simpson wind scale classifies hurricanes that exceed the intensities of tropical depressions and tropical storms into five categories distinguished by the intensities of sustained winds.


CAT 1 74 to 95 MPH
CAT 2 96 to 110 MPH
CAT 3 111 to 129 MPH (major)
CAT 4 130 to 156 MPH (major)
CAT 5 157 MPH or HIGHER (major)


Even tropical storms can cause significant damage and flooding. Most storm casualties are from drowning and not wind. Always heed weather warnings, evacuate as instructed and don’t drive into high water. Keep your family safe.



Hurricane Handbook


Restoration Priority – Who’s First?


SECO Energy provides world-class reliability to 200,000+ homes and businesses. Unexpected outages due to weather, vehicle accidents, equipment issues, animal or tree contact with lines result in utilities being unable to guarantee 100 percent uninterrupted electric service.


During emergency restoration with widespread damage, SECO Energy’s first responsibilities are shelters, hospitals, schools and government agencies like emergency ops centers, fire stations and law enforcement facilities. SECO’s next priority is large commercial accounts supplying food, water and damage-recovery supplies. Feeders with the largest number of members served are next. Our goal is to restore service to the highest volume of members as quickly as possible.


Disconnecting in Advance: Myth or Fact?


Many years ago, it was a common practice for utilities to completely de-energize their electric systems ahead of a storm to prevent damage during the storm. SECO Energy does not employ this practice.



SECO News September 2019 Before a Storm


Florida’s Special Needs Registry:


Do you have a family member who lives in your home who has special needs? Register with the Florida Division of Emergency Management at before a storm hits to receive county-specific lifesaving information. If an evacuation or emergency is declared, you will receive alert information from local emergency management by signing up with your county’s emergency alert notifications (Alert Citrus, Alert Hernando, Alert Marion, Alert Levy, Alert Lake, Alert Sumter, Alert Pasco). Visit your county’s Emergency Operations online to sign up for the alerts you would like to receive.


Members Using Medical Equipment:


Residential members’ accounts coded as having medically necessary service are not the priority after a storm with widespread damage. These members should prepare before storm season for the possibility of extended outages that could last for days. If you are dependent on electric-powered medical equipment, register with your county emergency management center’s Special Needs Registry. Most important, purchase a generator for use during power outages.


Outage Notifications:


Visit us online and click StormCenter at the top right. Scroll down and select “Manage Notifications.” Log in with your account number or phone number. View and update your preferences for email, text or voice notifications. Set do not disturb parameters.


Add StormCenter App to Mobile Device Home Screen:


Click the StormCenter menu on our website. Select the Outage Map tile. Tap the Share Arrow. Select “Add to Home Screen” from options.


Bookmark Daily Restoration Plan Map:


SECO utilizes this interactive map when the Emergency Response Plan is activated. This map is different from the StormCenter outage map. The Restoration Plan Map displays the areas where crews are working each day and helps you know when you can reasonably expect service restoration. Access this map from the website home page banner during emergencies.


Supply Stock Up – Seven Days


September 2019 SECO News Supply Stock Up - Seven Days


Pro Tips:


Turn your refrigerator and freezer to the coldest settings. Only open refrigerator and freezer doors when necessary. Move freezable foods into the freezer. A refrigerator will keep food cold for about four hours after a power outage; a full freezer will keep food frozen for about 48 hours.


Move your emergency supplies into a secure room with no windows or fireplaces.



SECO News September 2019 During a Storm


Hunker Down – Stay Informed


During a storm, remain indoors and prepare to wait out the weather safely. Stay informed with a battery-powered weather radio. Be ready to relocate your family and pets to a secure location in your home with no windows or fireplaces. Break out the family board games and preserve your phone’s battery power.


No Restoration in Winds Above 35 MPH


SECO Energy invests heavily in an aggressive vegetation management program to keep our overhead lines clear. Still, severe storms with high winds create tree-related outages. Once sustained wind speeds reach 35 mph, it is not safe to use bucket trucks or perform restoration. When wind speeds have fallen below 35 mph, SECO deploys employees and mutual aid to begin restoration.


Tornadoes – Watch vs. Warning


Tornadoes are vertical funnels of rapidly spinning air, often referred to as nature’s most violent storm. Winds can reach speeds of 300 mph. Tornadoes are associated with severe thunderstorms. Tornadoes are likely during a hurricane.


Tornado Watch: Tornadoes are possible in/near the watch area. Check supplies and your safe room. Be ready to act fast if a warning is issued or you suspect a tornado is approaching.


Tornado Warning: A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. There is imminent danger to life and property. Go immediately to your safe room, interior room or hallway. Avoid windows.


If you experience a tornado, stay clear of downed power wires and damaged buildings. Treat downed lines as if they are energized.



SECO News September 2019 Electric System 101


Electric System 101


High Voltage Transmission Lines: These supply power to our 48 substations that serve 210,000+ homes and businesses. If a storm damages a transmission line, substations also lose power. Much of the transmission serving SECO’s substations is owned/operated by Duke Energy. If Duke’s lines are down, SECO cannot restore power to members until these lines are repaired.


Distribution Substation: A substation serves thousands of members. Our line crews inspect substations to determine if problems stem from transmission lines feeding into the substation, the substation itself, or if problems exist further down the feeders and lateral lines.


Feeder Distribution Lines: When problems cannot be isolated at a substation, distribution lines are inspected. These larger lines originate from substations and distribute power to large groups of members in our service area.


Lateral Distribution Lines: These smaller lines deliver power to transformers, either mounted on poles or placed on pads for underground service and provide power to smaller groups of members in less densely populated areas.


Service Lines: The service line is the line between a transformer and your residence or business.



SECO News September 2019 Generator Safety


Generator Safety


Stationary Generator: A permanently affixed generator installed by a licensed technician with an approved disconnect and transfer switch that isolates your home’s circuits from SECO Energy and eliminates the risk of backfeeding on utility lines.


Portable Generator: A common type of generator that does not require a licensed technician to install. Use extension cords to plug certain appliances into the outlets on the generator. Never operate indoors.



September SECO News Hurricane Supplies Word Search

Hurricane Supplies Word Search


Need help deciding what to include in your hurricane supply kit? Complete our hurricane supplies word search to get started. You can find a list of hurricane essentials on our Storm Preparation page.


Hurricane Supplies Word Search September SECO News



SECO News September 2019 After a Storm


Return Home – Assess Damage


If your home or business is damaged and it is safe, turn off your main breaker to prevent fires. If appliances are wet, turn off each appliance’s main breaker. Once you’ve turned the breaker off, unplug the wet appliance.


If fuses blow when your power is restored, turn off the breakers and contact a licensed electrician. Always call an electrician or an appliance repair service if in doubt.


Debris Cleanup


Once a storm has passed, ensure that you and your home are safe while power is being restored. Do not make debris piles that interfere with utility trucks. Keep piles away from power lines, transformers and downed lines for safety and speedy restoration. Call your county’s emergency operations center if public roadway debris prevents utility and emergency vehicle access.


SECO News September 2019 Move Over It's the Law


Move Over It’s The Law


• Move over a lane for law enforcement, emergency, sanitation, utility vehicles and tow trucks.
• If you can’t move over, slow to 20 mph less than the posted speed limit.
• If the posted speed limit is 20 mph or less, slow down to 5 mph.





September SECO News Safety Corner


Safety Corner


Hurricanes, tropical storms and tornadoes bring high winds that can knock down power poles and bring power lines crashing to the ground. Wires and poles on the ground create a hazardous situation. Always assume lines on the ground are live and that you or a loved one can be injured or killed.


NEVER touch a downed pole or line. If poles or lines are down in your area, please stay away. Keep children and grandchildren safely inside where they cannot play near the downed poles or wires. Warn your neighbors of the danger.


If you see power poles or lines on the ground, call SECO Energy or 911 to report.


Read the full September 2020 SECO News online.

SECO News, May 2020


Duncan’s Digest – Choose EV and Plug In To Win!


Florida is quickly emerging as a leader in electric vehicle (EV) sales. In early March, the Florida House passed Senate Bill 7018 that paves the way for the Florida Department of Transportation to work with the Florida Public Service Commission, Office of Energy and others to develop plans to expand EV infrastructure across the state.


May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


According to the Alternative Fuels Data Center at, Florida has the third-highest number of EVs in the United States.


Earlier this year we surveyed about 100,000 SECO members to gauge interest in electric vehicles. The results were interesting. Five percent of SECO members already own an EV. Thirty-four percent indicate an interest in purchasing an EV in the future. Of those with interest, forty percent have not yet decided on a brand or model. Surprisingly, forty-two percent of those who aren’t even interested in owning an EV believe SECO should promote and support the use of electric vehicles in our service area.


In response, we have developed a new electric vehicle section for our website. You’ll find an overview of EV models, ownership savings benefits, EV facts and information on how electric vehicles can help you reduce your carbon footprint.


Use the savings calculator to compute the amount of money you would save on gasoline by purchasing an EV. Input the number of miles you drive in a year and the savings calculator will provide you with the amount you can save versus charging your vehicle and filling up with gas.


You’ll also find information about charging your EV. For efficiency and quick charging, consider installing a Level 2 fast charger to charge your EV four to six times faster than a Level 1 charger. If you’re on the go, locate a charger across the country using the charger finder. We’ve also added information about IRS tax credits for EV purchase and the purchase of a Level 2 fast charger.


Interested in an EV and Level 2 charging? Enter to win a SECO Energy branded 50-amp JuiceBox Pro 40 Electric Vehicle Charger. This 9.6kW charger is UL listed with a 24-foot cable, a 5-year manufacturer warranty, built-in Wi-Fi and is 110-240VAC. We’ll choose one random winner each month starting June 15 while supplies last.


You have three ways to enter to win. Scan the QR code and click the link to enter. Text “EV” to (352) 320-4500, you’ll receive a link to enter. Or visit our Electric Vehicles page and choose Offers & Events or click the homepage banner. Installation not included. Winner must agree to terms and conditions.


Shift your EV interest into high gear – enter to win a JuiceBox EV charger and visit our website to learn if an electric vehicle is the right choice for you and your family.



Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer


SECO News May 2020 Pennies From Heaven banner


Pennies from Heaven


SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program helps change the lives of your fellow members – one penny at a time. Enroll today to round up your monthly bill to the nearest dollar and donate those pennies to the Angel Fund. The extra pennies are used to provide financial assistance in our local communities.


The funds can be used for local worthy causes or to help your fellow members with payment assistance. The funds are administered through local agencies that partner with Florida 211. Reach out via phone or text if you need assistance.


Our CEO Jim Duncan supports the Pennies from Heaven program and so do our employees. Employees, even those who are not members, donate funds to the program through internal fundraising efforts to provide support for our service area and members.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have received many new Pennies from Heaven enrollments. Members, we thank you for your generosity and willingness to help your fellow cooperative neighbors.


If you would like to donate your extra pennies, visit our Pennies from Heaven page to enroll.


SECO News May 2020 298 Megawatts of Solar Coming Soon! Banner


298 Megawatts of Solar Coming Online


SECO Energy’s wholesale power provider Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc. has contracted with Florida Renewable Partners (FRP) for 298 megawatts of solar generation to add to their fuel portfolio. FRP will construct four new photovoltaic (PV) solar sites that will provide solar power to Seminole’s nine member distribution electric cooperatives through purchased power agreements. These facilities are expected to be online in 2023 to serve SECO’s and other cooperatives’ members.


SECO News May 2020 Move Over - It's The Law banner


Move Over It’s the Law


Change lanes when you see flashing lights, or you may pay a hefty fine. Florida’s Move Over Law requires drivers to move over a lane when emergency, law enforcement, sanitation, utility service vehicles and tow trucks and wreckers are stopped on the shoulder.


If you can’t move over safely, slow down to a speed that is at least 20 miles per hour under the posted speed limit. Slow down and move over safely to protect defenseless workers and drivers stopped on the side of the road. Break the law and you’ll pay a fine, fees and incur points on your driving record.


SECO News May 2020 Special Needs Registry Banner


Special Needs Registry


Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1. Prepare today – as we have seen locally and nationally with the COVID-19 pandemic, supplies sell out quickly. Don’t be left unprepared.


If you or a loved one who lives in your home has special needs, add your name to the Florida Special Needs Registry. The Registry was created to allow residents with special needs to receive assistance and valuable information about evacuation and shelter options. It also helps first responders and local emergency management officials determine shelter needs and disaster response. Providing this information could help save your life.


To register, visit the Florida Disaster website and select your county. You will receive periodic emails to verify that your information and needs are current.


Before storm season arrives, verify your contacts are up to date in StormCenter to receive outage communications. You can choose to receive an email, text or voice message or all three. Visit StormCenter to manage your notifications. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” us on Twitter for updates on current outages, press releases and more.


Read the full May 2020 SECO News online.

Shelters Opening in Preparation of Hurricane Dorian

Shelters are opening in the counties served by SECO Energy that will feel the effects of Hurricane Dorian. SECO urges members who are dependent on electricity to operate life-sustaining devices to seek refuge at a shelter or have a backup source for power before Hurricane Dorian’s high winds and rain cause lengthy power outages.


In Sumter County, two pet-friendly shelters will open at 10 a.m. The Sumter County Fairgrounds at 7620 SR 471 in Webster will be available for the general population. The Wildwood Community Center at 5600 Powell Road in Wildwood is open for citizens with special needs. Sumter County officials will determine if additional shelter openings are necessary. Shelters are available for residents living in mobile homes, recreational vehicles and low-lying flood prone areas and east-coast evacuees.


Lake County is scheduled to open six shelters at noon today. The general public shelter is at Mount Dora High School located at 700 N. Highland Street in Mount Dora. Two public, pet-friendly shelters are opening at Round Lake Elementary 31333 Round Lake Road, Mount Dora and Spring Creek Elementary 44440 Spring Creek Road, Paisley. Special needs and pet-friendly shelters are opening at noon at Leesburg Elementary 2229 South Street, Leesburg and Lost Lake Elementary 1901 Johns Lake Road, Clermont and Umatilla Elementary 401 Lake Street, Umatilla.


At this time, shelters are not opening in Citrus, Hernando, Marion or Pasco Counties. Levy County is prepared to open shelters as needed. Schools are closed Tuesday in Citrus, Marion and Sumter Counties. In Lake County, schools are closed Tuesday and Wednesday.


Hurricane Dorian remains a CAT 5 storm with 165 mph sustained winds and has slowed to a 1 mph crawl. It is expected to maintain this slow speed for the next 24 hours. This pace will result in SECO Energy’s service area feeling the first effects around 2 a.m. on Wednesday morning and lasting through noon. The area will experience 25-30 mph sustained winds with 35-60 mph gusts.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Forecasters predict Hurricane Dorian will skirt Florida’s east coast and not make landfall in Florida. That track does not put SECO’s service area in the clear. SECO Energy is StormReady and prepared to begin what may be a lengthy restoration event. Crews from out of state begin arriving today to assist. Do not jeopardize your family’s safety – seek shelter in your county if needed.”


SECO Energy’s Hurricane Handbook is available on SECO’s homepage by clicking on the homepage banner. The Hurricane Handbook offers members tips for preparing before, during and after a storm. The cooperative has included tips on generator safety, downed power line safety, electric system 101, Florida’s Move Over Law and more.


StormCenter is SECO Energy’s outage and communications platform for members to report outages, check the status of an existing outage and enroll in outage communications and alerts via email, text, voice or all three. Visit StormCenter today at and bookmark on your smartphone or tablet to report outages quickly and easily. Once the hurricane has passed SECO’s area later next week, members should use our Daily Restoration Plan Map to identify if crews are working in their area that day. Visit and click on the homepage banner to access the map.


Stay up to date on weather affecting SECO Energy’s service area, the latest news releases and cooperative updates by “liking” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter.

SECO News, August 2017

SECO News, August 2017 - Duncan's Digest, Third JD Power Award


Duncan’s Digest

Third J.D. Power Award!!


Thank you, members, for honoring SECO Energy with a third J.D. Power award. J.D. Power’s 2017 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study, has once again ranked your not-for-profit electric cooperative “Highest in Customer Satisfaction among Electric Cooperatives.” Our 2017 trophy marks a three-year streak of J.D. Power awards for SECO Energy’s customer satisfaction.


In 2015, J.D. Power named SECO “Highest in Customer Satisfaction among Midsize Utilities in the South.” The next year, J.D. Power placed cooperatives in a separate category and the cooperative set its sights on another win. We accomplished our original goal with a second win in 2016. And this year, we far exceeded our original goal with a third win, gaining the top spot and earning our “Triple Crown.”


The J.D. Power study measures customer satisfaction with electric utility companies by examining six factors:

  • Power Quality and Reliability
  • Price
  • Billing and Payment
  • Corporate Citizenship
  • Communications
  • Customer Service


SECO’s 2017 overall score is an incredible 789, which is a 20-point increase from our 2016 score.


SECO News, August 2017 - Duncan's Digest, Third JD Power Award, Triple Crown, visit for more information


How does SECO continue to rise above the competition and retain its customer satisfaction crown? The quick answer is the 400+ employees who make SECO the nation’s top electric cooperative. SECO employees are the best in the state, if not the nation. Our local employees are your friends, neighbors and family. SECO employees are the heart of the cooperative and without them, awards and recognition wouldn’t be possible.


I am beyond grateful for our employees and their dedication to not only customer satisfaction, but their dedication to our members. I am also thankful for the forward-thinking vision of our executive leadership team and the SECO Board Members who oversee the governance of the cooperative.


This third J.D. Power award culminates a decade-long effort to increase reliability, maintain low rates and provide world-class customer service to members. I am humbled by the praise and goodwill from our members and privileged to be employed by the best electric cooperative in the country.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer


SECO News, August 2017 - Right Tree Right Place


Right Tree Right Place


Trees interfering with power lines are a leading cause of unexpected outages. When trees contact power lines they can create sparks, fires, shock hazards and as mentioned previously – power outages. To avoid these problems, SECO has developed a holistic Vegetation Management program that includes regular tree trimming and educating members about how trees save energy and reduce monthly bills.


Don’t plant trees close to power lines. Consider how tall the tree will be when it is mature. Plant small ornamental trees or shrubs at least 15 feet away from lines and plant the tallest trees at least 70 feet away. That small oak sapling planted today may one day grow into a majestic live oak towering 80 feet in the air.


SECO also encourages members to plant the right tree in the right place to reduce annual energy costs. Planting deciduous trees to the south, southwest or west side will provide your home with shade during the summer, which reduces your cooling costs. To reduce heating costs, plant evergreens and shrubs on the north and west sides of your home to block winter winds.


Learn more about how trees can reduce energy costs and tree planting ideas at


SECO News, August 2017 - Safety Corner: Move Over Law


Safety Corner


Move Over Law


When you see an emergency vehicle, tow truck, sanitation crew or utility vehicle on the road shoulder with lights flashing, do you reduce your speed or move over a lane?


You should. In fact, under Florida’s Move Over Law it’s mandatory. Utility workers, law enforcement personnel, EMTs and sanitation workers are at risk of being injured or killed by vehicles traveling at high rates of speed when working on the road shoulder.


SECO technicians routinely park near roadways and are particularly vulnerable to careless/distracted drivers who cause accidents. It is common to see a SECO Energy line technician replacing a pole or repairing lines while inside a bucket that is 40 or 50 feet aloft. Oftentimes this mid-air roadside work takes place in the dark and during thunderstorms. Technicians are focused on their assigned tasks and working safely, they may not be able to get out of the way if a vehicle crashes into their work area.


On a multi-lane road, the Move Over Law requires drivers to move over a lane away from the vehicle on the shoulder. If you cannot move over safely, the law
requires you to reduce your speed to 20 mph below the posted speed limit. On two lane roads where there isn’t a lane to move over into, the law requires you to reduce your speed to 20 mph below the posted speed limit. Drivers can be ticketed for failure to comply with the Move Over Law, which will cost you over $100, add points to your driving record and raise your insurance premiums.


Please do your part to ensure workers return home safely to their loved ones. Pay attention to the road, don’t text while driving, move over and slow down for emergency vehicles – it’s the law.


SECO News, August 2017 - Energy Savings: Solar Window Screens


Energy Savings


Solar Window Screens


Florida summers certainly offer chances for fun in the sun, but when humidity is at 100% and temps reach the triple-degree mark, energy bills increase. The sun’s heat transfers through your windows and raises the temperature inside your home. In turn, your HVAC unit runs more often and uses more energy – thus raising your electric bill.


What low-cost step can you take to prevent heat transfer into your home? Install solar window screens. Indoor shading techniques such as curtains and blinds block light and heat after it is already inside your home. Solar screens fight heat transfer through your windows on the outside of your home. These screens are designed to reflect up to 90% of the sun’s heat and glare before it enters your home without compromising visibility. Solar screens also provide a level of daytime privacy by preventing outsiders from peeking in your windows. The heavy screens provide a level of bug protection as well.


Solar screens come in a variety of colors to complement the aesthetics of your home. Visit our website for additional tips to reduce energy usage and lower your monthly bills.


Read the full August 2017 SECO News here.