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SECO News, May 2017

SECO News, May 2017 - Duncan's Digest, Storm Ready

Duncan’s Digest – Storm Ready


Atlantic Hurricane season is just around the corner – beginning on June 1. The Old Farmer’s Almanac advises us to watch for tropical storm threats in mid-May, predicts a rainy summer and forecasts the possibility of hurricanes in September. Colorado State University’s Tropical Meteorology study was recently released and it calls for the number of named storms and hurricanes to be slightly below historical averages. Still, per NOAA’s Hurricane Research Division, the U.S. averages one to two hurricane landfalls each season, so we have to prepare even with a below average hurricane forecast.


“Storm Ready” isn’t just a slogan. We invest in and prepare for the worst, but hope and pray for the best. “Storm Ready” is using social media to update members about severe weather and its possible impact to our service area. “Storm Ready” is SECO’s System Operations Center that is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. “Storm Ready” means that Operations crews and support staff are available for restoration around-the-clock. “Storm Ready” means that local Call Centers and Member Service Centers are fully staffed to help you weather the storm.


SECO can help you get your family “Storm Ready” as well. Visit our website’s Storm Preparation section for an Emergency Checklist. Before inclement weather arrives, bookmark SECO’s Storm Center page on your smartphone or tablet in case you need to report a power outage, and update your primary contact phone number and email address through your online account (called SmartHub at “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” the cooperative on Twitter for weather information and warnings.


It’s time to check your emergency kit – now. Make sure your supplies are fully stocked and that medicines, water and foodstuffs aren’t out-of-date. Remember, emergency supplies sell out quickly when storms and hurricanes are imminent.


SECO News, May 2017 - Duncan's Digest, Storm Ready


During the 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season, Florida Governor Rick Scott engaged with utility leaders collaboratively and encouraged us across the state to work together to restore all consumers’ power as quickly as possible. “Storm Ready” also applies to SECO’s willingness to lend a hand to assist our fellow cooperatives, as well as state municipal and investor-owned utilities when possible. In February, SECO assisted Clay Electric Cooperative when its members were affected by widespread outages due to a strong storm. Since SECO’s system held up well in that storm and the few members who experienced outages had their service restored the same day, the SECO team jumped into action and sent 20 employees to help restore power to Clay members.


SECO News, May 2017- Annual Meeting Recap


Annual Meeting Recap


Attendance boomed at SECO Energy’s 79th Annual Meeting of the Membership on Saturday, March 25. Thousands of members, guests, vendors and VIPs enjoyed hot breakfast biscuits, sweet treats, energy efficiency displays, live entertainment, gifts and a chance to win grand prizes and various door prizes. Members received a copy of SECO’s 2016 Annual Report and a gift bag with two commemorative insulated steel tumblers. SECO and its wholesale power provider Seminole Electric distributed over 6,000 LED bulbs to members. Members visited SECO’s vendor-partners who were on hand to display their energy-saving products and services in the Energy Showcase.


Margo Rochelle & Rodeo Drive provided live entertainment, playing current country tunes and old favorites while members sang along and line danced. A special character, LED Lucy, brightened the day with her antics and smiles.


Members took home loads of door prizes. The grand prizes up for grabs were four cash prizes, a refurbished Dodge Dakota truck, and a refurbished electric golf cart.


SECO News, May 2017- Annual Meeting , pictures form 79th annual meeting of SECO Members


This year’s grand prize winners are:

  • Michael Niemiec from Inverness won the refurbished 2005 Dodge Dakota truck.
  • Lake Panasoffkee’s Shannon Jessup was the winner of the refurbished electric golf cart from The Villages Golf Carts.
  • The Villages resident Edward Maffuccio was the happy winner of the $1,500 cash prize.
  • Clark Smith from Webster won the $1,000 cash prize.
  • Christine Bartow from The Villages and Edward James from Leesburg both won a $500 cash prize.


Congratulations to all winners, and thank you for attending the event. Mark your calendar, as next year’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 17, 2018. Hope you can join us for our 80th Annual Meeting!


SECO News, May 2017 - Save Money Save Energy


Save Energy, Save Money


Summer is almost here – set your HVAC thermostat at 78 or higher in the summer and always keep your fan setting on “Auto.” Invest in a programmable thermostat and save $180 annually per ENERGY STAR®.


SECO News, May 2017 - Safety Corner, Downed Power Lines


Safety Corner – Downed Power Lines


Always assume overhead power lines are live and dangerous – even when lines and poles are downed during storms or accidents. Warn children to never touch a downed line with any part of their body or another object such as a stick or bat. Instruct children to leave the area immediately and call for help if they see a downed line.


Read the full May 2017 SECO News here.

Nature’s Reflections – Florida’s Live Oak

One of the most majestic trees of the South


The huge old Florida live oaks (Quercus virginiana) draped in Spanish moss, are among the most magnificently beautiful trees. Standing forty to fifty feet in height, they grow in a variety of soils. These long-lived, pest-free trees are among our most valuable and historic shade trees. The Spanish moss and resurrection ferns grow on live oak branches but are not harmful to the trees. Loved by some and disliked by others, these three plants have historically grown together in harmony.


Many of the largest live oaks are actually registered and thought to be more than two hundred years old. As a native hardwood, the live oak ranks the heaviest – weighing 55 pounds per cubic foot when air dry (75 pounds per cubic foot, fresh weight). These trees are known for their resistance to disease and incredible density. Periodic pruning helps to decrease the tremendous weight of the branches and keeps the tree from splitting under its own weight.


Today, the live oak is a prized shade tree. In past centuries, the trees were used to build naval ships. In 1828, the United States set aside 1,300 acres of land in the Florida Panhandle known as the Naval Live Oaks, which is now part of the National Park Service. Among the ships constructed from live oaks were the revolutionary privateer the Hancock, “Old Ironsides” herself – USS Constitution, and the USS Constellation, built in the 1790s. The wood was also used for: cart hubs, axles, screws and cogs of mill wheels, waterwheels and pilings. The wood is attractive for use as furniture or flooring, but proves to be too hard to work and finish easily.


Nature's Reflections, April 2017 - These trees are known for their resistance to disease and incredible density.


When planting, leave a lot of room for growth. The key is not to plant them too close together, or in areas likely to suffer road, building or power line construction.


In January–February, live oaks shed their leaves when the old leaves are actually pushed off by the new growth. Acorns mature in September through October, average 390 per pound and germinate soon after falling. Acorns are favored by all kinds of wildlife and are of great nutritional value to many birds and mammals.


Column & photos by Sandi Staton –

Nature’s Reflections-Pileated Woodpecker

The Pileated Woodpecker, (Melanerpes carolinus) is the largest and most famous of Florida’s seven woodpeckers. It was the inspiration for the cartoon character Woody Woodpecker. A mature bird is fifteen to nineteen inches tall and weighs about twelve ounces.


This woodpecker is easily identified by its bold black and white striped head and neck, long bill, white wing linings and the distinctive flame-red crest found on both male and female. Only the male has a red mustache stripe on the side of his face. The juvenile is similar, with a shorter crest.


Its long, straight, pointy beak is just right for making unique rectangular holes and its long, sticky tongue is equipped with a sharp end for spiking ants, larvae and a variety of other bugs lodged in tree bark. Carpenter ants are its primary food. It also eats nuts, berries and wild fruits and has been known to visit bird feeders.


It has an extra-thick skull. Its pecking or drumming (14 to 17 beats per second) is a distinctive loud hammering sound. Pairs establish territories which can cover as much as 4,000 acres. Although the Pileated mates for life, each bird normally sleeps alone. Roost cavities provide protection from weather and have multiple entrance and exit holes for alternate escape routes from predators.

Pileated woodpecker, March 2017 Nature's Reflections


All woodpeckers have feet especially adapted for hanging onto trees. Two toes go forward and two go backward, like having an extra thumb. That, along with very sharp claws, helps the woodpecker keep its grip. Stiff tail feathers give added support.


Each spring, a pair works together to excavate a new nest cavity in a dead tree where two to four eggs are laid. Both parents incubate the eggs during the day, but the male takes the night shift. The eggs hatch after two weeks and the young fledge in about a month. The young depend on their parents for several months while learning to feed themselves, and then gradually wander away to find a mate the following spring. The new pair establishes their own territory, and mate for life, but may take a new mate if one dies.


Florida woodpeckers don’t migrate but live here year round. The oldest known lived twelve years.

Nature’s Reflections-Florida’s Cattle Egret

The Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis), native to Africa and Asia, is believed to have traveled across the Atlantic to South America in the late 1800s. From there, it migrated north to the US in the early 1940s. Over the next fifty years, it became one of the most prolific herons in all of North America. Today it is found in almost every state and on every continent except Antarctica. It is a year round resident of Florida.


The Cattle Egret generally lives in pastures and wetlands. During the breeding season, it seeks out woods near water, but generally remains far away from water. This small white heron is commonly seen in groups along roadsides and in pastures as constant companions to cattle. Often it is seen perched on the backs of cattle where it gobbles up the bugs, ticks and other parasites that plague livestock – their diet benefits cattle, ranchers, farmers and themselves. It is an opportunistic feeder and will travel great distances to follow a tractor plowing, or mowing a field to catch grasshoppers, crickets, spiders and moths that are stirred up by farm machinery.

Florida's cattle egret profile


Both male and female are similar in appearance, standing eighteen to twenty-two inches tall with a three-foot wingspan. Coloration is generally white with a yellow bill and dark green legs. Breeding age begins at two to three years of age. During its twenty-day courtship, the bill and legs of breeding egrets turn a vivid red and display orange-buff colored plumes on the head and back. Non-breeding egrets remain white.


Cattle Egrets form colonies and prefer to roost and nest in trees near water. Males establish and defend a territory while the female lays two to six light blue-green eggs in a shallow, platform-like nest of twigs. Both parents incubate the eggs for twenty-one to twenty-four days. Down-covered young have dark legs and a black bill. The young leave the nest about three weeks after hatching and are on their own at six weeks.

Flock of cattle egret


In captivity the Cattle Egret has been known to live more than ten years – lifespan in the wild is unknown.


Column and photo by Sandi Staton

Nature’s Reflections-West Indian Manatee

A Unique Native Floridian


The West Indian manatee, (Trichechus manatus), is found throughout Florida’s shallow, slow-moving rivers, estuaries, saltwater bays and coastal areas. This large aquatic mammal with its innocent looking face reaches ten feet in length and weighs more than a thousand pounds. It has two flippers and a round elongated body that tapers to a flat, paddle-shaped tail.


Manatees spend most of their day traveling slowly, resting and eating five to ten percent of their weight per day. It breathes air through unique nostrils that close when it goes underwater and holds its breath for up to twenty minutes. Even when sleeping, manatees surface to breathe fresh air and submerge again without ever waking up. Manatees shed their old teeth and regrow new ones, as needed.


Female manatees mature at five years of age, and males at nine years. On average, one calf is born every two to five years after a 13 month gestation period. Mothers nurse their young for one to two years.

West Indian Manatee


This plant-eating giant has no natural enemies and may live fifty to sixty years. Its friendly nature is its greatest threat. It associates the sound of boats and people with food and ventures too close to speeding boats. Manatee zones help to reduce watercraft collisions and provide better protection. They are protected by both federal and state laws making it illegal to harass, hunt, capture or kill this marine animal.


Sensitive to cold temperatures, manatees congregate in Florida’s springs where water temperatures remain constant and power plants that discharge warm water. Manatees can be killed or harmed by cold temperatures, ingesting fish hooks and line, litter, entanglement in crab trap lines, poaching and loss of natural habitat.


Column & photo by Sandi Staton

Nature’s Reflections – Florida’s Scenic Dora Canal

Mile-long canal connects Lakes Eustis and Dora


The Dora Canal, originally known as the Elfin River, was once home to the Timucuan Indians, followed by French, Spanish and British settlers. In the late 1800s the waterway was dredged out and widened to accommodate easier passage of small steamboats and subsequently became known as the Dora Canal.


This scenic passage is a one-and-a-quarter mile-long waterway located in Lake County. It connects Lake Dora and Lake Eustis and is part of the Harris Chain of Lakes – nine lakes connected by streams and canals that extend north to the Ocklawaha River. Many of the county’s 1,000 lakes, with connecting canals, are part of the Ocklawaha Chain of Lakes. In the 1800s, steamboats, were vital to the area before the arrival of the railroad. The scenic Dora Canal connects the six-mile-long Lake Dora with other lakes leading to the St. John’s River, Jacksonville, and Atlantic Ocean.


This pristine, jungle-like waterway is part of a large wetland swamp, fed by underground springs and abundant rainfall. Its beautiful, stately old Bald Cypress trees draped with Spanish moss provide a picturesque canopy for the abundant flora and fauna below. During winter months, the cypress, although conifers, lose their leaves. The canal is different in the summer when the foliage is full.


SECO News December 2016, Nature’s Reflections – Florida’s Scenic Dora Canal 02


The opportunity to see wildlife in this sanctuary makes it a favorite location to observe many creatures in their natural habitat. A plethora of wading birds, herons, egrets, anhinga, wood ducks, ospreys, eagles, otters, alligators, turtles, snakes and fish are commonly seen here. The canal provides great subjects for photography, or an opportunity for a peaceful, quiet and enjoyable ride.


In 1951, the Dora Canal location was used to reshoot some of the river scenes in the now-classic movie, African Queen, starring Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn. Although it had been originally filmed in Africa, the Dora Canal was selected for the retakes because, other than a few residences at the southern end of the canal, it looks much like a wild river running through an uninhabited jungle.


Column & photo by: Sandi Staton



Nature’s Reflections – Florida Panther: Our Biggest Cat

A subspecies of the western cougar


The Florida panther (Felis concolor corti) was first listed as an endangered species in 1973 and protected by both state and federal laws. These large, tawny-colored, long-tailed, elusive cats average 80-130 pounds. They are reported to live about twelve years in the wild. These large cats are mostly nocturnal and rarely seen. Panthers are solitary, skilled hunters who live and hunt in large home ranges up to 200 square miles. They maintain boundaries by scent markings and rarely fight over territory. Deer and feral hogs are the preferred food, but panthers also eat raccoons, rabbits, armadillos, alligators, fowl and other small animals.


Habitat loss and collisions with vehicles are the principal reasons for population decline. In the early 1990s genetic defects from inbreeding and mercury poisoning also threatened their survival.




In 1995, Florida imported eight female Texas cougars to breed with the panthers and strengthen their genetic diversity. The kittens produced from the cross-breeding are considered Florida panthers and protected the same as the purebreds. Today, panthers roam remote swamplands like the Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve. Others go mostly undetected, roaming remote areas in central and north Florida, making it difficult to get an exact count. Female panthers begin breeding at about two and a half years of age. After a three-month gestation period, a litter of one to three kittens are born in a simple, secluded den. Spots on their tawny coats help them blend with dense vegetation. Weaned at two months, the kittens follow their mother for up to two years to learn hunting and survival skills. Once trained, the mother leaves her kittens at a kill and doesn’t return, leaving them to make their own way.


Current plans focus on securing and enhancing available habitat and breeding panthers in captivity, then reintroducing them into the wild. Let’s hope endeavors to help save this symbol of Florida’s wilderness are successful.


Column & photo by: Sandi Staton



Nature’s Reflections – Arachnophobia Anyone?

Scary looking, but few are dangerous to humans


Spiders are arachnids, pronounced uh-rack-nids. There are reported to be more than 45,000 species worldwide and 1,200 in the U.S. Florida certainly has its fair share. While most species are never seen by humans, there are 29 that are common.


The largest, sometimes called the banana spider, is the Golden Silk Orbweaver (Nephila clavipes). Named for its large and impressive golden web placed at eye level, it will certainly give you a fright if stumbled into. Another large spider is the Yellow Garden spider (Argiope aurantia), which builds a web with a zig-zag design through the middle. Both are non-aggressive and seldom bite.


There are five small, yet dangerous spider species with strong venom. The Black Widow is native to Florida. The Red, Brown and Southern Black Widows and the Brown Recluse are newer residents. If bitten by any spider, try to preserve it in rubbing alcohol for identification. If the bite is from a Widow or Brown Recluse, seek medical attention immediately.


SECO Energy, October 2016 SECO News - Nature's Reflections, Arachnophobia Anyone?


Spiders come in a variety of sizes, colors and combinations. Females are bigger and live about a year; males are small and die soon after mating. Spiders have two body regions, no antennae, eight legs and up to eight eyes. Thankfully, most do not see very well. Tiny hairs on their legs enable them to feel when a bug is in their web. Tiny claws are used to cut the silk. Spider silk is being studied due to its tinsel strength. Some strands are sticky, to catch bugs, and some are dry. When the spider feels a strand jiggle, it races to find the bug that is caught. If it’s a leaf or a big bug that might tear the web, the spider cuts the strands, to let it fall away. Once an insect is caught, the spider injects venom and wraps the bug in silk. Spiders inject a digestive fluid into their prey and suck up the digested food. They can go for long periods without feeding. Spiders eat more insects than birds do.


Baby spiders, called spiderlings, are born from eggs in an egg sack. Once born, they shoot out a strand of silk and float away on a breeze. They are born colorless, making it easier to hide from predators.


Column & photo by: Sandi Staton



Nature’s Reflections – Salty Lightfoot Crab

Salty Lightfoot Crab

Colorful, feisty crab lives and hunts in rock crevices


The Salty Lightfoot crab, (Grapsus grapsus) also called the red rock crab, is found on rocky beaches in the Americas on both the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines. It is a common crab on the Galapagos and along the Atlantic coast of Africa. In Florida, it can be found along the Atlantic coastline, living in the rocks of the jetties.


The Salty Lightfoot crab is a bright multi-colored crustacean. Its body, called the carapace, is three to four inches across and bright red with black, orange and yellow markings. It has ten jointed legs with a bright orange or yellow tip on each leg. Two legs are claws, called pinchers that are larger and are more vivid red. It has two large bluish eyes and four antennae. Males tend to be slightly smaller than females and the right claw is slightly larger than the left. The underbelly is pale white. Young Salty Lightfoot crabs are darker-colored.


Salty Lightfoot crabs can move quickly and demonstrate remarkable agility clinging to the rocks while powerful waves crash over them. It will eat practically anything it can get, from algae to dead fish. It is known to clean the beach of broken eggs and bird and bat droppings.


SECO Energy, SECO News September 2016 Nature’s Reflections – Salty Lightfoot Crab


While Salty serves an important role as predator and beach janitor, it is also a vital part of the ecosystem as prey for many animals including large birds, octopuses, sea turtles, etc. In addition, fishermen use the species for bait and others become part of the pet trade. Average lifespan in captivity is seven years.


Breeding occurs year round. Males battle for females in a crab-style boxing match and the victor wins brief access to the female. Males and females may have multiple partners over a breeding season. After mating both return to a solitary life. Eggs remain suspended in a female’s belly until hatching in about three weeks, normally during a full moon. Females may bear twenty to a hundred offspring in a clutch. Once the young drop into the water they are on their own. Females molt after hatching the eggs and are ready to mate again in about three weeks.


Column & photo by: Sandi Staton



Nature’s Reflections – What To Do?

On finding an injured, or orphaned wild animal


First, determine if help is really needed. In the spring it is common to see baby wild animals or birds that may appear to be in need of assistance. Most often it is being well cared for by a parent who may be hunting for food, or watching from an unseen location. Back away and observe the animal to see if the parent returns. A bird, fallen from the nest, could be returned if possible or moved to a branch, or safer location.


Signs that an animal may actually need assistance: Has it been cornered by another animal or domestic pet? Is there evidence of bleeding? Does it look like it has a broken limb? Is it shivering, or appear stressed? Is there a dead parent, or siblings nearby? Is it crying and wandering about? If any of these signs are observed, it’s time to take action.


Do not try to handle an animal without first consulting a wildlife professional. Even small animals can cause injury. Contact the Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) regional office in Ocala at (352) 732-1225, and report the situation, or consult a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. They will give direction for care until help arrives. A list of rehabilitators can be found at:
SECO Energy's Nature’s Reflections March 2016, What to do? On finding an injured, or orphaned wild animal.
Once in touch with a professional, describe the animal and its physical condition as accurately as possible.


If your safety is at risk, watch from a safe distance. Otherwise, while waiting for help to arrive take these steps: Put the animal in a container safe for transport such as a cardboard box. First, punch air holes and line it with an old t-shirt or soft cloth. Wearing gloves, cover the animal with a towel or pillowcase and gently place it in the container. Keeping the animal covered will help calm and reduce its stress. Do not give it food or water.


Place the container in an area out of direct sunlight where it is quiet. Wild animals can become stressed by voices and other man-made noises. If injured or orphaned, they’re already in a compromised condition. Keep their world dark and quiet to lower their stress level and help keep them alive until help arrives.


Read the full March 2016 SECO News here.

Column & photo by: Sandi Staton