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SECO Contributes $3,000 to Marion County’s Public Education Foundation

SECO Energy has contributed $3,000 for Marion County school students through the Public Education Foundation of Marion County (PEF Marion). As a local not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO believes its contribution bolsters the community and provides much needed financial assistance to dedicated educators.


PEF Marion is a not-for-profit corporation whose mission is to financially and materially support Marion County Public Schools, its students and teachers. The Foundation is organized to assist students from as young as pre-Kindergarten to vocational and adult education programs.


The funds contributed to the Foundation can support programs such as the Golden Apple Teacher Recognition program that honors and rewards excellence in teaching; the Take Stock in Children initiative that provides deserving low-income young people/students the opportunity to escape the cycle of poverty through education; and Grants for Great Ideas that has awarded hundreds of grants to teachers and principals in support of teaching innovation – impacting more than 100,000 students.


SECO Energy’s $3,000 contribution can also benefit the Foundation’s Tools 4 Teaching program. Tools 4 Teaching accepts donations of unused office supplies from local businesses and puts them to good use in Marion County schools. Tools 4 Teaching allows teachers to shop for supplies for their classrooms – pencils, paper, art supplies and more – without spending their personal money. Tools 4 Teaching assists Coats 4 Kids during colder months – accepting donations of new or gently used winter coats for local children without a warm jacket.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “As a not-for-profit cooperative, SECO supports its members by participating in community endeavors that support education. We have deep roots in Marion County and serve over 58,000 families and businesses in that county alone. Financially supporting education is an investment in future community leaders, members and possibly future employees. SECO is honored to donate $3,000 to Marion County’s Public Education Foundation to strengthen education in the community.”


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