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SECO Energy Announces 2025 Virtual Annual Business Meeting

SECO Energy will host its 2025 Annual Business Meeting virtually on Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 6 p.m. Members can join the webcast by visiting and clicking the virtual Annual Meeting banner at the top of the homepage. Links to the broadcast will also be published on SECO Energy’s Facebook, X, and Instagram pages.


Members who tune into the Virtual Annual Meeting will be introduced to SECO Energy’s nine-member Board of Trustees, Board President Gerald Anderson will deliver the President’s Report, and CEO Curtis Wynn will provide a cooperative update.


SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn encourages members to take part in the upcoming Annual Meeting and make their voices heard.  “Members, we need your vote on Annual Meeting business,” said Wynn.


SECO is giving away 100 Annual Meeting prizes including five $1,000 cash prizes, SECO bill credits of up to $500, and randomly selecting 15 members during the live broadcast to win a $50 bill credit. To be entered into the prize drawing chance to win, submit voting ballots online at, complete the ballot included with the Annual Meeting Notice, or call (352) 793-3801.


On the evening of the Annual Meeting, a live Member Engagement Panel will open for questions and comments starting at 5 p.m. Members may participate by emailing or by calling (352) 329-MEET. Selected questions and comments appealing to the broader SECO Energy membership may be addressed live during the panel.


Member votes will be tallied, and prize winners will be announced at the end of the Annual Meeting broadcast on March 27. The list of prize winners will be available at after the Meeting’s conclusion. Cash prize winners will be contacted to arrange delivery. Bill credit prizes will appear on the winners’ next billing statements.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit, cooperatively structured utility that believes in fostering member engagement and offering innovative energy services. As SECO Energy’s membership continues to grow, the shift to a Virtual Annual Meeting format has been proven to reduce costs while increasing member participation in Annual Meeting voting and business matters.


Visit to read the 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes and vote to approve. Members without internet access may pick up a copy of the 2024 Annual Meeting Minutes at one of SECO Energy’s five Member Service Centers located in Eustis, Groveland, Inverness, Ocala, and Sumterville.

SECO Energy District 9 Members Re-Elect Trustee Morgan Hatfield

SECO Energy members who reside in District 9 re-elected Morgan Hatfield as the District 9 Trustee to serve on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. The District 9 Meeting was held within the District on January 30 at Spring Creek Elementary School in Paisley.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative operated for and owned by its members. SECO’s service area is geographically divided into nine Districts. One Trustee is elected from each of the nine Districts to represent their fellow members on SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees. Collectively, the Board represents the SECO membership, meeting monthly to monitor the cooperative’s financial status while providing fiduciary oversight and participating in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the membership at large.


The District 9 election was uncontested, with Ms. Hatfield retaining the seat for another 3-year term. SECO’s Bylaws require that the cooperative hold District Meetings. Subsequently, Florida Statute requires SECO to hold in-person elections. A drive-thru voting option was available for members for added convenience and to encourage participation.


A SECO member since 2019, Ms. Hatfield currently holds the position of Secretary/Treasurer for the Board of Trustees. She attained the Director Gold credential, which is the highest level of achievement through the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). Trustee Hatfield earned a degree in Finance from UCF and is a Senior Wealth Advisor/Partner of Ruggie Wealth Management.


Ms. Hatfield shared with the District 9 audience, “I want to thank all District 9 members for attending and showing your interest in participating as SECO members. I am eager to continue working with my fellow Board of Trustees and doing our best to serve our members with an outstanding product supported by industry-leading service.”


Board President Gerald Anderson stated, “Congratulations, Ms. Hatfield, on your re-election as District 9 Trustee. I am grateful to the District 9 members who attended the Meeting and participated in our cooperative’s governance process. On behalf of our fellow Board members and peers, we are excited to support SECO Energy’s Mission and Vision through our Board service.”


Curtis Wynn CEO stated, “The Board of Trustees and the SECO Energy membership are grateful to all Trustees who give generously of their time and experience. We are very happy to have Ms. Hatfield continue with her leadership and strong contributions to the success of SECO Energy in her role as a Board Trustee and her expanded responsibilities as Secretary/Treasurer. Thank you, District 9 members, for your attendance at the meeting and your interest in SECO Energy and the strategic direction in which the board, executive leadership team and employees are taking your electric cooperative.”


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.

SECO News March 2023


Dear Members,


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative operated for and owned by its members. Our business model requires and encourages member participation in District and Annual Meetings. One of the seven cooperative principles is Democratic Member Control which gives members a voice in the cooperative’s governance process. 


Our service area covers 2,100-square miles and is divided into nine Districts. SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees is a nine-member Board. One member from each District is elected by the members in that District to serve a three-year term.  


Collectively, the Board of Trustees represents the membership as a whole and meets monthly to monitor the cooperative’s financial status. The Board provides fiduciary and policy-making oversight to serve the best interests of the membership at large.  


This year SECO Energy held three District Meetings (Districts 2, 4, and 6) for members to elect a Trustee to serve on the Board. 


In District 2, four candidates submitted letters of intent to run. From those candidates, members re-elected incumbent Joyce Anderson as the District 2 Trustee. Mrs. Anderson has been a SECO member since 2017 and was first elected to the Board in 2020. She has earned the Director Gold Credential from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), which is its highest Trustee accreditation. Mrs. Anderson also currently serves on the Board as Secretary-Treasurer. 


In District 4, members re-elected incumbent Richard Dennison as the District 4 Trustee. Mr. Dennison was first elected to the Board in 2015 and has been a SECO member since 1999. He too has earned the Director Gold Credential from the NRECA. 


Mr. Dennison has served previously as Board Vice President and President.  


In District 6, members re-elected incumbent Mike Muffett as the District 6 Trustee. Mr. Muffett was first elected to the Board in 2020 and has been a SECO member since 1984. He also has earned the Director Gold Credential from the NRECA.     


Please join the SECO team in congratulating Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Dennison and Mr. Muffett on their re-elections to the SECO Energy Board of Trustees. We look forward to continuing to support SECO Energy’s Mission, Vision and Core Values through the execution of our Strategy Map. 




Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer


Gerald Anderson

President, Board of Trustees



SECO Energy Foundation

SECO Energy Foundation


In January we launched the SECO Energy Foundation as an enhancement to our existing Pennies from Heaven. The Foundation is funded by members who round up their bills to the nearest dollar. The average donation is $6 annually. 


The enrollment mode changed in January from opt-in to opt-out. This decision was made with much forethought, research and more than anything, with strong consideration for improving the quality of life in the communities we serve. Like Pennies from Heaven, the Foundation will be funded largely through SECO’s electric bill round-up program. As a tax exempt nonprofit 501c3 entity, the Foundation can also apply for grants through other local, state and federal funding programs that align with SECO Energy’s and the Foundation’s goals.   


Just like Pennies from Heaven, participating members’ pennies are donated to the Foundation to fund grants and bill payment assistance that make a difference in the lives of members across the communities we serve. The SECO Energy Foundation will have more funding for our United Way partners and social service agencies to apply toward bill payment assistance for members in need and will also fund the scholarship program starting this year.  Equally important, the Foundation will also be able to accept a variety of grant applications that support SECO Energy initiatives outlined in our Strategy Map. 


SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees voted in March 2022 to create the Foundation and change the enrollment method. SECO Energy incorporated the SECO Energy Foundation, Inc. and it has complied with IRS and Florida’s Check a Charity registration requirements. Foundation Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation were filed appropriately and are posted on our website. Our research showed that an opt-out enrollment is becoming more mainstream.  


Contributions are tax-deductible for members who donate and allow the Foundation (as a nonprofit entity) to apply for grants from other local, state and federal sources. Grants may include investments in first responder equipment, energy-efficiency grants for low-income communities and senior/youth centers. 


Helping people in need and reducing costs are critical in today’s economic environment but we understand that supporting the Foundation is a personal choice. Any Pennies unknowingly/unintentionally donated will be fully refunded upon member request.  


If you want to stop your bill from rounding up to donate the extra pennies to the Foundation, visit > Contact > SECO Energy Foundation. You can log into SmartHub and change your enrollment status, email, call (352) 793-3801 or write to SECO Energy, Attn: Corp Comm, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585. 


Our ability to help disadvantaged members, to reduce our carbon footprint and lower costs for all members will be impacted by the Foundation’s focus on supporting SECO’s energy-efficiency initiatives. 

Read the full March 2023 SECO News online.


SECO Energy Board of Trustees Elects 2022 Officers

The SECO Energy Board of Trustees elected 2022 Officers at its Trustees’ Meeting on Monday, March 28. District 3 Trustee Gerald Anderson was elected as Board President. District 1 Trustee Scott Boyatt was elected as Board Vice President. District 2 Trustee Joyce Anderson was elected to serve another term as Board Secretary/Treasurer.


Newly elected Board of Trustees President Gerald Anderson lives in The Villages and formerly served as Board Vice President. A SECO Energy member since 2013, Trustee Anderson was first elected to the Board of Trustees in May 2019.


Newly elected Board of Trustees Vice President Scott Boyatt lives in Clermont. Trustee Boyatt has been a SECO Energy member since 2004 and represents the members of District 1. Mr. Boyatt was first elected to the SECO Energy Board of Trustees in 2013.


Current Board of Trustees Secretary/Treasurer and District 2 Trustee Joyce Anderson resides in Sumterville. Mrs. Anderson was elected to the Board in February 2020 and has been a SECO member since 2017.


SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn congratulated the 2022 Board of Trustees officers. Mr. Wynn stated, “Congratulations, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Boyatt on your new positions as Board President and Vice President respectively, and congratulations, Mrs. Anderson on your re-election as Board Secretary/Treasurer. I thank you and your Board peers for your collective service to the SECO Energy membership. I look forward to working with each of you to continue the success of our not-for-profit electric cooperative as SECO embraces new technologies to lead us into the future.”


The SECO Energy Board of Trustees welcomed Shannon Wright as the newly elected District 5 Trustee. Mrs. Wright lives in Lake Panasoffkee and was elected in February. She has been a SECO member since 2014.


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for member contests, news releases, cooperative updates and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. To learn more about SECO Energy, visit our About SECO website section.