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Sparking Interest in Energy Industry Careers

SECO Energy is participating in job fairs in Central Florida, helping to spark an interest in the energy industry for young students and current job seekers in the area.


On January 12, representatives from SECO’s Human Resources and Information Technology departments attended the Youth Career Expo at On Top of the World’s Circle Square Cultural Center in Ocala. Career Source of Citrus, Levy and Marion worked with the Marion County School District to introduce middle school students to an assortment of careers available in Marion County. Many careers available at SECO require a solid “S.T.E.M.” (science, technology, engineering and math) background.

Meagan and Rina at the job fair


SECO team members from Human Resources and Operations personnel attended the Construction Trades Job Fair at Wildwood Middle-High School sponsored by Compass HRM on Saturday, January 14. The job fair was attended by job seekers who live in or near Lake County who want to learn more about open positions in the area. Florida Governor Rick Scott also made an appearance at the job fair. Governor Scott is spreading the word that Florida is hiring and is open for business.

Governor Scott, Todd and Rina


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO is hiring and our Human Resources group is actively recruiting at job fairs in Central Florida. We are a regional utility serving members in seven counties in Central Florida. The commute from Tampa, Orlando, Daytona, Ocala and surrounding areas to our headquarters in Sumter County is only about an hour.”


Duncan added, “By attending job fairs geared for students, we are presenting students with information they need to make career plans. We want to attract current students to the energy industry for future employment. And we want them to know there are stable, well-paying jobs, with benefits, right here in their Central Florida hometowns.”


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Extends Gratitude to Hurricane Matthew Partners

In early October, Hurricane Matthew – an extremely powerful Category 3 hurricane – traveled north along Florida’s east coast bringing strong winds and rain gusts to SECO Energy’s service area. SECO enacted its emergency restoration plan to prepare for and recover from Hurricane Matthew successfully – due in part to the assistance from additional contractors and vendors. Their speedy response and willingness to help were truly awe-inspiring.



SECO proactively organized an army of additional line crews, tree contractors and hospitality-related vendors to aid in its restoration efforts before, during and after Hurricane Matthew. It took an immense collaborative effort to restore power to over 28,000 SECO members in under 36 hours. The average outage was only 129 minutes. SECO members would have been without power for much longer without the willingness and dedication of its employees, contractors and vendors.


SECO Energy CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Florida’s Governor, Rick Scott, was engaged and encouraging before, during and after the event. SECO appreciates the thousands of hard working utility workers who joined forces to restore power to millions of Floridians. Without question, SECO is Storm Ready and willing to lend a hand to assist our fellow cooperatives, as well as state municipal and investor-owned utilities during times of crisis.”


Members can “like” SECO Energy’s Facebook page and “follow” the company on Twitter for cooperative updates and the latest news releases.