SECO News April 2023

SECO News April 2023

Dear Members,   Did you watch SECO Energy’s 85th Annual Meeting on March 23? Were you one of our 100 prize winners? Watch our Annual Meeting video on to see the list of 100 prize winners to find out if you are a winner. The video is also available on Facebook and YouTube.    […]

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SECO News March 2023

SECO News March 2023

  Dear Members,   SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative operated for and owned by its members. Our business model requires and encourages member participation in District and Annual Meetings. One of the seven cooperative principles is Democratic Member Control which gives members a voice in the cooperative’s governance process.    Our service area […]

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SECO News February 2023

SECO News February 2023

  Dear Members,   SECO Energy’s 85th Annual Meeting is being brought to you live via virtual webcast on Thursday, March 23, at 6 p.m. Tune in to learn about our new Strategy and new Mission from me and Board of Trustees President Gerald Anderson. Watch to find out if you are one of 100 […]

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SECO News January 2023

SECO News January 2023

  Happy New Year! As we welcome in 2023, I want to introduce you to SECO Energy’s new Strategy Map. The energy industry itself is changing. In the past, power was distributed from centralized bulk generation and sold as energy to consumers – this was a one-direction transaction. In the future, consumers and businesses have […]

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SECO News December 2022

SECO News December 2022

  Dear Members,   ‘Tis the season for giving and sharing the magic of the holidays. I commend our SECO Energy employees who generously support our corporate giving efforts and other worthy charitable causes.   One cause close to many SECO Energy employees’ hearts is our annual United Way Employee Giving Campaign. Many of our […]

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Florida Fauna & Flora – Zebra Butterfly

Florida Fauna & Flora – Zebra Butterfly

  Florida Fauna & Flora – Zebra Butterfly   The zebra butterfly, formerly known as the zebra longwing butterfly, became Florida’s state insect in 1996. It is typically 3 to 4 inches in length with long wings that are black with thin yellow bands or stripes.   Zebra butterflies are found in Everglades National Park […]

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SECO News, July 2021

SECO News, July 2021

  Duncan’s Digest – Solar Investments – Sensible or Scam?   Dear Members,   Solar system Inquiries from members are on the rise. Currently, nearly 2,600 SECO Energy members have chosen to invest in member-owned solar systems. SECO is a reliable source of information about solar power for our members, but unfortunately, we hear from […]

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SECO News, June 2021

SECO News, June 2021

  Duncan’s Digest – StormReady: Hurricane Season Warning   The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season began June 1. SECO Energy uses a unique and well-tested response plan that stands ready when typical afternoon thunderstorms occur and when our service area is affected by tropical storms or hurricanes. SECO is StormReady, and I urge you and your […]

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Florida Fauna & Flora – Florida Manatee

Florida Fauna & Flora – Florida Manatee

  Florida Fauna & Flora – Florida Manatee   One animal that is uniquely Floridian is the manatee. Florida manatees are native to Florida and are a sub-species of the West Indian manatee. These gentle giants grow to 9 – 10 feet long and weigh in at about 1,000 pounds. This gray aquatic mammal has […]

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Florida Fauna & Flora – Roseate Spoonbill

Florida Fauna & Flora – Roseate Spoonbill

  Florida Fauna & Flora – Roseate Spoonbill   One of Florida’s most unique and colorful birds is the roseate spoonbill. This species is the only spoonbill that is native to the Western Hemisphere. It has pink wings, long pink legs and a white neck and back. There is no color difference between males and […]

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