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January 2025 Sunshine State Stats

In January 2025, the monthly average temperature fell by 9 degrees from December, and the total rainfall was just .51 inches. 


The average temperature in January was 53 degrees, which is 7 degrees cooler than the typical average. The average high for the month reached 65 degrees, also 7 degrees lower than the average high in December. Similarly, the average low temperature fell to 44 degrees, 8 degrees lower than in December. 


The highest temperature of the month was 81 degrees on the last day of January, and the lowest was 34 degrees on January 25th. 


January 2025 weather stats


The January 2025 rainfall of just over one-half inch was well below the January average of 3.12 inches and 1.5 inches below the December 2024 total. Measurable rainfall occurred on six days, with only three days experiencing more than .1 inch of rain. 


Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport occurred on just one day: January 19, during which a total of 64 cloud-to-ground strikes were recorded. The image below shows the location of the strikes as documented by WeatherSentry within the 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport (KLEE).



Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE)


Cloud to Ground Lightning – January 19, 2025 

Data and charts provided by



February Forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts that February in Central Florida will bring a mix of cool temperatures, rain, and sunshine. The month starts off with rainy periods and cool weather from February 1-12, so keeping an umbrella and a light jacket handy will be a good idea. From February 13-16, conditions will improve with sunnier skies and milder temperatures, making for pleasant outdoor activities. Between February 17-23, expect mostly sunny weather at first, followed by heavy rain and a noticeable drop in temperatures. The month will close out with sunshine from February 24-28, but very cold conditions will settle in before gradually warming up again. Overall, temperatures will average 59°F, about 3° below normal, while precipitation is expected to total 2.5 inches, with drier-than-usual conditions in the north and wetter conditions in the south. Expect a cooler-than-average February with a mix of sun, rain, and occasional cold snaps. 


SECO Smart Connect Program: A New Way to Save on Your Electric Bill

Thousands have already enrolled—and there’s still room for you to help reduce the impact on the electric grid during times of peak energy usage and save money, too! 


Review our new SECO Smart Connect Program – this is an opportunity for members to receive bill credits for allowing SECO Energy to make brief changes to the settings on residential devices during times of peak energy demand. Residential members who enroll in the SECO Smart Connect Program will receive enrollment and seasonal incentives via bill credits based on the type of device(s) enrolled. Learn more and enroll here.


Protect Your Appliances

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form. 

December 2024 Sunshine State Stats

Although winter officially arrived on December 21, the month ended warmer than it started, while dry conditions continued in Central Florida. The average temperature in December was 62 degrees, 2 degrees below the normal average, and 9 degrees lower than the November average. The average high for the month was 72 degrees, 2 degrees lower than the average high in December. Likewise, the average low temperature dropped to 52 degrees, also 2 degrees lower than the average low in December. 


The month’s highest temperature reached 83 degrees on December 17th, and the lowest temperature, 36 degrees, was recorded on December 4th. 


The December 2024 rainfall totaled 1.66 inches, .99 inch less than the typical December total of 2.65 inches, and well below the 4.31 inches that one year ago. Measurable rainfall occurred on 5 days, with only two days experiencing more than .02 inch of rain. The U.S. Drought Monitor labels the entire SECO Energy service area as “Abnormally Dry.” However, parts of Marion and Citrus Counties and all of Levy County are drier and qualify as “Moderate Drought” areas as of December 25, 2024. 



The U.S. Drought Monitor is jointly produced by the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Map courtesy of NDMC. 



Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport occurred just two days. On December 11, WeatherSentry recorded 34 cloud-to-ground strikes, while a fast-moving front on December 29 generated 59 strikes. The images below indicate the location of strikes as recorded within the 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport (KLEE). 


Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE)
Data and charts provided by

Cloud to Ground Lightning – December 11, 2024 


Cloud to Ground Lightning – December 29, 2024 


January forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac weather outlook for January 2025 predicts a week of sunny and warm conditions with scattered showers to start the year, followed by a solid week of sunny and warm conditions. A mid-month change to rain mixed with sun and cooling temperatures foretells a very cold final six days of the month. Bundle up! 


The estimated average temperature for January is 61 degrees, and the expected rainfall is 2 inches, which is .5 inch below the average for the month. 


SECO Smart Connect Program: A New Way to Save on Your Electric Bill

Review our new SECO Smart Connect Program – this is an opportunity for members to receive bill credits for allowing SECO Energy to make brief changes to the settings on residential devices during times of peak energy demand. By enrolling approved smart device(s), members can help limit the impact on the electric grid when the most energy is being used. Residential members who enroll in the SECO Smart Connect Program will receive enrollment and seasonal incentives via bill credits based on the type of device(s) enrolled. Learn more and enroll here.


Protect Your Appliances

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form.

SECO News January 2025

Wynn's Wire








The new year is bringing new opportunities for innovation and savings. SmartHub, SECO Energy’s trusted online platform for bill payments, now offers enhanced options to reduce energy and manage your home’s energy consumption more efficiently.


Over 180,000 accounts have been upgraded to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology. These members can now access their home’s detailed energy use in 15-minute intervals, which is much more frequent compared to traditional monthly meter readings. With AMI technology, you can also set up high-energy usage alerts to spot spikes in energy use and take action to reduce consumption before the high-energy usage hits your bill at the end of the month.


To pinpoint appliance and electronics use more accurately, visit SmartHub and build your home energy profile. When you add your appliances and devices to your profile in SmartHub, you can see how much electricity each appliance consumes and how that use translates into dollars spent. Using appliance-specific data, you can leverage analytics to find ways to reduce unnecessary energy consumption. Building your home profile in SmartHub takes only a few minutes.


Consider joining our new SECO Smart Connect Program for even more savings! This program rewards residential members for lowering energy use during peak demand times through eligible devices like smart thermostats, electric vehicle (EV) chargers, and battery backup systems. By enrolling eligible devices and adhering to the program’s terms and conditions, you will earn reward credits that will be directly applied to your SECO Energy bill for your participation.


Every little bit helps, and this year, SECO Energy wants to offer you innovative energy services along with tools and resources to help and incentivize you to monitor and manage your home’s energy usage.





Chief Executive Officer





SECO News January 2025 Now Accepting Applications for SECO Energy's 2025 Scholarship Program


SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees has approved $36,000 to fund the 2025 Scholarship Program to ease the financial burden for up to twelve graduating high school seniors with a passion for powering the future. The program awards each recipient a $3,000 scholarship to continue their pursuit of higher education at an accredited institution in Florida.


Eligibility Criteria:


➡️  Applicants must reside in a household within SECO Energy’s service area or live with a parent or legal guardian who is an active SECO Energy member.

➡️  Candidates must graduate from high school by the end of the 2024- 2025 academic year (May/June) and enroll in a Florida-based college, university, or technical school by the conclusion of the same year.

➡️  Special consideration will be given to those seeking a STEM-related degree or aiming for a career in the energy sector. Relevant majors include computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical, nuclear, environmental, civil, agricultural/ biological, industrial, materials science, and various branches of mathematics.


Evaluation Process:

When assessing applicants, SECO Energy will weigh financial need, academic accomplishments, community engagement, quality of the personal statement or essay, and relevance of the candidate’s major in preparation for a STEM-related or energy sector career.


Application Deadline: March 28, 2025







Smart Connect homepage banner


The SECO Smart Connect Program rewards you for reducing energy consumption through enrolled Wi-Fi connected smart thermostats, electric vehicle (EV) chargers, and battery backup systems during peak demand.



Enrolling allows SECO Energy to temporarily adjust the settings on eligible Wi-Fi connected smart devices during periods of peak energy demand. These minor adjustments help reduce the strain on the electric grid when energy usage is at its highest.



🔲  Are you a residential member?

🔲  Do you have an approved smart device such as a thermostat, EV charger, or battery?

🔲  Do you have a Wi-Fi network that is compatible with your smart device?

🔲  If you plan to enroll a thermostat, do you have a working central air conditioning unit?



Learn more and sign up today! Click HERE.





SECO News January 2025 Trustee Education Milestones A Message from Board President Gerald Anderson


Your SECO Energy Board of Trustees encompasses nine of your fellow SECO members. Each elected Trustee represents a District. Trustees provide governance and oversight to the cooperative, as well as oversee the establishment of corporate policies. SECO Energy is member-owned and member-governed, so your Trustees prioritize members’ need for reliable, affordable, and safe electricity.


To prepare for their Board leadership role, SECO Energy Trustees invest extensive time and resources to complete a nationally recognized curriculum offered by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). Our two newest Trustees, James LaMotte from District 4 and Marty Proctor from District 8 have completed the requirements to be recognized as Credentialed Cooperative Directors (CCD).


The initial step in the NRECA’s Director Education program is earning the CCD. The next step is to build on their core education by completing the Board Leadership Certificate and ultimately completing the requirements for the distinguished Director Gold Credential. Through their full engagement with the NRECA’s curriculum, these two gentlemen are well on their way to achieving Gold.


These education programs equip us with the knowledge and skills to serve on your behalf, focusing on the responsibilities and liabilities of a Trustee, understanding the electric business, board operations and processes, strategic planning, and financial decision-making.




SECO Energy employees and Trustees have pledged $59,381 to local United Ways for 2025! SECO has held an annual United Way pledge donation for over 20 years. Since 2004, the total pledged to United Way has eclipsed $1.1 million! Thank you, SECO team, for your generous contributions to our local communities.




Read the full January SECO News.

November 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In November 2024, the monthly average temperature fell by 4 degrees from October, while the total rainfall plummeted to just .6 inches. This was well below the normal precipitation level of 2.53 inches in November and 5.27 inches less than what fell in October. 


The average temperature in November was 71 degrees, 2 degrees below the normal average. The average high for the month was 80 degrees, 4 degrees less than the average high in October. Likewise, the average low temperature dropped to 61 degrees, 6 degrees lower than in October. 


The month’s high temperature was 87 degrees on November 3rd and 12th, and the lowest temperature, 42 degrees, was recorded on the final day of November. 



Measurable rainfall occurred on 7 days, with only two days experiencing more than one-tenth inch of rain. SECO Energy serves three counties that are listed as “Abnormally Dry” by the National Integrated Drought Information System as of November 28, 2024.



All of Levy County and parts of Marion and Citrus Counties are in an “Abnormally Dry” status.

Map source:



Thunderstorm activity was minimal in November. Only six cloud-to-ground lightning strikes were recorded by WeatherSentry within the 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport (KLEE); all occurred on the 6th.


December Forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac weather outlook for December 2024 predicts the first week will be sunny and warm, followed by two days of cooler temperatures and showers. From December 10 to 14, sunshine returns, accompanied by cool temperatures. This will be followed by an eight-day period of isolated showers and warmer conditions. The final week, including Christmas and New Year’s Eve, is forecast to be sunny and cold. 


The estimated average temperature for December is 64 degrees, and the expected rainfall is 1.5 inches, which is 1 inch below the average for the month.


SECO Smart Connect Program: A New Way to Save on Your Electric Bill

Review our new SECO Smart Connect Program – this is an opportunity for members to receive bill credits for allowing SECO Energy to make brief changes to the settings on residential devices during times of peak energy demand. By enrolling approved smart device(s), members can help limit the impact on the electric grid when the most energy is being used. Residential members who enroll in the SECO Smart Connect Program will receive enrollment and seasonal incentives via bill credits based on the type of device(s) enrolled. Learn more and enroll here.


Protect Your Appliances

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form.

October 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In October 2024, the monthly average temperature fell by 8 degrees from September, while the rainfall total remained well above average due to Hurricane Milton, which delivered 73% of the month’s total on a single day. Although precipitation decreased by 3.49 inches from last month, it was still 4.46 inches more than the October rainfall recorded last year at Leesburg International Airport (KLEE). The month’s average high temperature was 84 degrees, 6 degrees lower than the September average high temperature. The average low fell to 67 degrees, 8 degrees lower than in September.


The month’s high temperatures during the first five days all peaked in the 90s, with October 4th reaching the monthly high of 92 degrees. High temperatures after the 5th remained in the 80s and even 70s. The lowest temperature, 53 chilly degrees, occurred on October 17.


Measurable rainfall occurred on 9 days, with all but .01 inch falling during the first nine days of the month. Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport was limited to just the first two days of October and totaled 81 cloud-to-ground strikes as reported by WeatherSentry.



Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE) 

Data and charts provided by 


Cloud to Ground Lightning  –  October 1-2, 2024 (81 strikes)



Thunderstorm activity typically decreases in Central Florida during fall and winter months, but SECO Energy reminds members that hurricane activity is still possible in November. Continue to keep an eye on local weather alerts for tropical storm systems that may develop. Stay connected to SECO’s StormCenter for updates on approaching severe weather, possible outages, and restorations.


November Forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac weather outlook for November 2024 predicts showers and warm conditions during the first six days, followed by sunny and cooler weather through November 14. Showers and warm temperatures return from November 15 through 21 then change to sunny and colder days before becoming milder with rainy weather during the final three days. 


The estimated average temperature for November is 68 degrees, and the expected rainfall is 3.5 inches, which is 1 inch above the average for the month. 


SECO Smart Connect Program: A New Way to Save on Your Electric Bill

Have you seen the SECO Smart Connect Program? This is a new opportunity for members to receive bill credits for allowing SECO Energy to make brief changes to the settings on residential devices during times of peak energy demand. By enrolling approved smart device(s), members can help limit the impact on the electric grid when the most energy is being used. Residential members who enroll in the SECO Smart Connect Program will receive enrollment incentives via bill credits based on the type of device(s) enrolled. We are also offering additional seasonal and monthly incentives. Learn more and enroll here. 


Protect Your Appliances

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form.