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SECO News January 2025

Wynn's Wire








The new year is bringing new opportunities for innovation and savings. SmartHub, SECO Energy’s trusted online platform for bill payments, now offers enhanced options to reduce energy and manage your home’s energy consumption more efficiently.


Over 180,000 accounts have been upgraded to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) technology. These members can now access their home’s detailed energy use in 15-minute intervals, which is much more frequent compared to traditional monthly meter readings. With AMI technology, you can also set up high-energy usage alerts to spot spikes in energy use and take action to reduce consumption before the high-energy usage hits your bill at the end of the month.


To pinpoint appliance and electronics use more accurately, visit SmartHub and build your home energy profile. When you add your appliances and devices to your profile in SmartHub, you can see how much electricity each appliance consumes and how that use translates into dollars spent. Using appliance-specific data, you can leverage analytics to find ways to reduce unnecessary energy consumption. Building your home profile in SmartHub takes only a few minutes.


Consider joining our new SECO Smart Connect Program for even more savings! This program rewards residential members for lowering energy use during peak demand times through eligible devices like smart thermostats, electric vehicle (EV) chargers, and battery backup systems. By enrolling eligible devices and adhering to the program’s terms and conditions, you will earn reward credits that will be directly applied to your SECO Energy bill for your participation.


Every little bit helps, and this year, SECO Energy wants to offer you innovative energy services along with tools and resources to help and incentivize you to monitor and manage your home’s energy usage.





Chief Executive Officer





SECO News January 2025 Now Accepting Applications for SECO Energy's 2025 Scholarship Program


SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees has approved $36,000 to fund the 2025 Scholarship Program to ease the financial burden for up to twelve graduating high school seniors with a passion for powering the future. The program awards each recipient a $3,000 scholarship to continue their pursuit of higher education at an accredited institution in Florida.


Eligibility Criteria:


➡️  Applicants must reside in a household within SECO Energy’s service area or live with a parent or legal guardian who is an active SECO Energy member.

➡️  Candidates must graduate from high school by the end of the 2024- 2025 academic year (May/June) and enroll in a Florida-based college, university, or technical school by the conclusion of the same year.

➡️  Special consideration will be given to those seeking a STEM-related degree or aiming for a career in the energy sector. Relevant majors include computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical, nuclear, environmental, civil, agricultural/ biological, industrial, materials science, and various branches of mathematics.


Evaluation Process:

When assessing applicants, SECO Energy will weigh financial need, academic accomplishments, community engagement, quality of the personal statement or essay, and relevance of the candidate’s major in preparation for a STEM-related or energy sector career.


Application Deadline: March 28, 2025







Smart Connect homepage banner


The SECO Smart Connect Program rewards you for reducing energy consumption through enrolled Wi-Fi connected smart thermostats, electric vehicle (EV) chargers, and battery backup systems during peak demand.



Enrolling allows SECO Energy to temporarily adjust the settings on eligible Wi-Fi connected smart devices during periods of peak energy demand. These minor adjustments help reduce the strain on the electric grid when energy usage is at its highest.



🔲  Are you a residential member?

🔲  Do you have an approved smart device such as a thermostat, EV charger, or battery?

🔲  Do you have a Wi-Fi network that is compatible with your smart device?

🔲  If you plan to enroll a thermostat, do you have a working central air conditioning unit?



Learn more and sign up today! Click HERE.





SECO News January 2025 Trustee Education Milestones A Message from Board President Gerald Anderson


Your SECO Energy Board of Trustees encompasses nine of your fellow SECO members. Each elected Trustee represents a District. Trustees provide governance and oversight to the cooperative, as well as oversee the establishment of corporate policies. SECO Energy is member-owned and member-governed, so your Trustees prioritize members’ need for reliable, affordable, and safe electricity.


To prepare for their Board leadership role, SECO Energy Trustees invest extensive time and resources to complete a nationally recognized curriculum offered by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). Our two newest Trustees, James LaMotte from District 4 and Marty Proctor from District 8 have completed the requirements to be recognized as Credentialed Cooperative Directors (CCD).


The initial step in the NRECA’s Director Education program is earning the CCD. The next step is to build on their core education by completing the Board Leadership Certificate and ultimately completing the requirements for the distinguished Director Gold Credential. Through their full engagement with the NRECA’s curriculum, these two gentlemen are well on their way to achieving Gold.


These education programs equip us with the knowledge and skills to serve on your behalf, focusing on the responsibilities and liabilities of a Trustee, understanding the electric business, board operations and processes, strategic planning, and financial decision-making.




SECO Energy employees and Trustees have pledged $59,381 to local United Ways for 2025! SECO has held an annual United Way pledge donation for over 20 years. Since 2004, the total pledged to United Way has eclipsed $1.1 million! Thank you, SECO team, for your generous contributions to our local communities.




Read the full January SECO News.

September 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In September 2024, the monthly average temperature fell by 1 degree from the previous month, while the rainfall total recorded at Leesburg International Airport (KLEE) increased by 2.2 inches. The month’s average high temperature was 90 degrees, lower than the August average high temperature by 2 degrees. The average low was 75 degrees, just 1 degree lower than in August. The month’s highest temperature reached 94 degrees on September 1 and 18, and the lowest temperature of 71 degrees occurred on September 22.


September temperatures and rainfall


Reported rainfall in September totaled 9.36 inches, 3.6 inches more than “normal,” as stated by WeatherSentry. Measurable rainfall occurred on 16 days, with the 3-day period of September 3, 4, and 5 amounting to 3.88 inches, over one-third of the monthly total. During the three days surrounding Hurricane Helene (9/25 – 27), rainfall totaled only 1.03 inches.  


Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport decreased by 57% from August. WeatherSentry detected 3,023 cloud-to-ground strikes in September compared to 7,074 in August. Lightning was most active during the first two weeks of September.



Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE) 

Data and charts provided by 


Early September lightning strikes

Cloud to Ground Lightning  –  September 1-15, 2024 (2937 strikes)


Late September lightning strikes

Cloud to Ground Lightning –  September 16-30, 2024 (86 strikes) 


Historically, thunderstorm activity decreases in Central Florida during fall and winter months, but SECO Energy reminds members that hurricane season is not over. Continue to keep an eye on local weather alerts for tropical storm systems that may develop. Stay connected to SECO’s StormCenter for updates on approaching severe weather, possible outages, and restorations.


October Forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac weather outlook for October 2024 predicts sunny and mild conditions during the first two weeks with just a scattered shower or two. Temperatures are predicted to rise somewhat in the second half of the month, with isolated showers amidst mostly sunny skies. The estimated average temperature for October is 76 degrees, and the expected rainfall is 1.5 inches, which is 3 inches below the average for the month. 


Online Energy-Efficiency Tools 

Log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts to check historical usage. If you want help in reducing your energy usage, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill. 


Use the Energy Estimator to easily calculate the energy consumed by your appliances, lighting, and electronic devices. 


Protect Your Appliances

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form. 



To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.

August 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In August 2024, Central Florida experienced an increase in rainfall and slightly cooler temperatures compared to the previous month. The average high for August was 92degrees, 2 degrees cooler than July, while the average low remained steady at 76 degrees. The average high and low for August matched historical “normal” average temperatures recorded at Leesburg International Airport (KLEE). The highest temperature of the month was recorded on August 27, reaching 96 degrees; the lowest temperature was 71 degrees and recorded on August 17. 



Reported rainfall in August totaled 7.16 inches, 3.05 inches more than in July and 2.47 inches more than August of last year. Measurable rainfall for August began on the 1st and occurred on 18 of 31 days. The rainiest day was during Hurricane Debby on August 5th, when 4.25 inches fell. 


WeatherSentry detected 7,074 cloud-to-ground lightning strikes within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport in August. The most active period was the first 15 days of the month when lightning struck 5,253 times versus 1,821 times during the last 16 days.



Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE) 

Data and charts provided by 

Cloud to Ground Lightning  –  August 1 – 15, 2024  (5,253  strikes)  


Cloud to Ground Lightning –  August 16 – 31, 2024  (1,821 strikes)  


Thunderstorms are common in the summer in Central Florida. SECO Energy encourages members to seek shelter promptly if a thunderstorm approaches.


September Forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac weather forecast for September 2024 predicts warm temperatures and thunderstorms for the first 13 days. For the latter half of the month, the forecast suggests slightly cooler temperatures with continued thunderstorms in the South and sunshine in the northern regions from September 24-30. 


The estimated average temperature for September is 80 degrees, and the expected rainfall is 9.5 inches, 2 inches above average. 


Stay Informed 

StormCenter is SECO Energy’s outage and communications platform for members to report outages, check the status of an existing outage, and enroll in outage communications and alerts via email, text, voice, or all three. Visit StormCenter today and bookmark it on your smartphone or tablet to report outages quickly and easily. 


Protect Your Appliances 

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form. 


Hurricane Preparedness 

September is the peak of Hurricane Season! It’s crucial to prepare in advance for any storm. Refer to the SECO Energy Hurricane Handbook available online here, or pick up a printed copy at one of our Member Service Centers.  


Online Energy-Efficiency Tools 

Log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts to check historical usage. If you want help reducing your energy usage, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.  


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.

July 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In July 2024, the average high and low temperatures climbed higher from last month, along with increased lightning and thunderstorms across Central Florida. The month’s average high was 94 degrees, and the low was 76, both temperatures were 1 degree higher than June. The average high for July increased by 2 degrees and the average low was 1 degree higher than the “normal” average temperatures as recorded at Leesburg International Airport (KLEE). The month’s highest temperature was recorded on July 8, touching 97 degrees; the lowest temperature was 72 degrees and occurred on July 19.  

Reported rainfall in July totaled 4.11 inches, 1.66 inches lower than in June and 1.56 inches lower than the “normal” amount for July. Measurable rainfall for July began on the 4th and occurred on 16 of 31 days. The rainiest day was July 19, when 1.02 inches fell.  


WeatherSentry detected 28,330 cloud-to-ground lightning strikes within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport in July. The most active period was the last 15 days of the month when lightning struck 19,659 times versus 8,671 times during the first 16 days.  


Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE) 

Data and charts provided by 


Cloud to Ground Lightning – July 1-16, 2024  (8,671 strikes)  


Cloud to Ground Lightning – July 17-31, 2024  (19,659  strikes)  


Thunderstorms are a frequent occurrence in the summer in Central Florida. SECO Energy reminds members to seek shelter promptly if a thunderstorm approaches. 


August Forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac  weather forecast for August 2024 predicts warm and mild temperatures with thunderstorms in the north and sunshine in the south the first 6 days, followed by 5 days of isolated thunderstorms, and 8 days of sunny weather in the north and thunderstorms in the south. The forecast projects additional thunderstorms in the south and a hurricane threat for the north between August 25-28, followed by 3 days of sunny and warm conditions. 


The estimated average temperature for August is 85 degrees, and the expected rainfall is 7 inches, 1 inch below average. 



Stay Informed 

StormCenter is SECO Energy’s outage and communications platform for members to report outages, check the status of an existing outage, and enroll in outage communications and alerts via email, text, voice, or all three. Visit StormCenter today and bookmark it on your smartphone or tablet to report outages quickly and easily. 



Protect Your Appliances 

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form. 



Hurricane Preparedness 

Hurricane Season is now in its third month. It’s crucial to prepare in advance for any storm. Refer to the SECO Energy Hurricane Handbook available online here, or pick up a printed copy at one of our Member Service Centers.  


Online Energy-Efficiency Tools 

Log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts to check historical usage. If you want help reducing your energy usage, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.  


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.

June 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In June 2024, the average high and low temperatures climbed higher from last month, along with increased rainfall and thunderstorm activity across Central Florida. The month’s average high temperature was 93 degrees, 2 degrees higher than in May. The average low was 75, an increase of 4 degrees. The high and low June average temperatures were 2 degrees higher than the “normal” averages as recorded at Leesburg International Airport (KLEE). The month’s highest temperature of 98 degrees occurred on June 6, 8, and 9; the lowest temperature was recorded on June 2, touching 69 degrees.

June 2024 temperatures and rainfall

Reported rainfall in June totaled 5.77 inches, .83 inches higher than in May, but still .36 inches lower than the “normal” amount for June. Measurable rainfall occurred on 13 of 30 days and did not begin until June 11. The rainiest day was June 28, when 2.48 inches fell. 


WeatherSentry detected 6,777 cloud-to-ground lightning strikes within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport in June. The most active period was the last 14 days of the month when lightning struck 5535 times versus 1242 times during the first 16 days. 



Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE) 

Data and charts provided by 


early June 2024 lightning strikes

Cloud to Ground Lightning June 1-16, 2024 (1242 strikes) 



Late June 2024 lightning strikes

Cloud to Ground Lightning – June 17-30, 2024 (5535 strikes) 



Florida residents know that thunderstorm activity is expected to be a mainstay of Central Florida’s summer weather, and SECO Energy reminds members to take shelter quickly if a thunderstorm approaches. Stay connected to SECO’s StormCenter for updates on outages and restoration progress. SECO offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances (motors and compressors) by reducing surges at the meter BEFORE they enter the home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form. 


Hurricane Season is now in its second month. It is important to prepare in advance for a storm’s arrival. Please refer to the SECO Energy Hurricane Handbook online here, or pick up a printed copy at one of our Member Service Centers. 


July forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac weather forecast for July 2024 is isolated thunderstorms and hot temps in the first 12 days, followed by five days of warm temps and continued storm activity. A three-day break of sunny and warm conditions is projected for June 19-21, and July is expected to conclude with more scattered thunderstorms and hot conditions during the final ten days. 


The estimated average temperature for July is 85 degrees, and the expected rainfall is 6 inches, 1 inch less than the July average.


Online Energy-Efficiency Tools

Log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts to check historical usage. If you want help in reducing your energy usage, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill. 


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.

May 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In May 2024, the average high and low temperatures rose 9 degrees from last month while rainfall and thunderstorm activity increased substantially across Central Florida. The month’s average high temperature was 91 degrees, and the average low was 71 degrees, measurements that were 3 and 2 degrees higher, respectively, than the “normal” averages as recorded at Leesburg International Airport (KLEE). The month’s highest temperature reached 96 degrees on the 29th and the lowest temperature was recorded on the 1st and 21st, when the mercury fell to 66 degrees.

May 2024 Sunshine State Stats

Reported rainfall in May totaled 4.94 inches, .81 inch higher than “normal,” and a significant increase from the 1.88-inch total of April. Measurable rainfall occurred on just 8 days, between May 11 and 20; the rainiest day was May 18, when 1.58 inches fell. 


Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport increased substantially.  WeatherSentry detected 6,191 cloud-to-ground strikes in May, versus 602 in April. May 11, 14, and 18 were the most active lightning strike days recorded in the month.



Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE) 

Data and charts provided by 


Cloud to Ground Lightning – May 2024

Cloud to Ground Lightning May 1-15, 2024 (3176 strikes) 



Cloud to Ground Lightning late May 2024

Cloud to Ground Lightning – May 16-31, 2024 (3015 strikes) 



Florida residents know that thunderstorm activity will maintain a steady presence in Central Florida’s summer weather, and SECO Energy reminds members to take shelter quickly if a thunderstorm approaches. Stay connected to SECO’s StormCenter for updates on outages and restoration progress. SECO offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances (motors and compressors) by reducing surges at the meter BEFORE they enter the home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by filling out a contact form.


HVAC is the largest energy user in Central Florida homes, accounting for an average of 35 to 40% of kWh usage. As daytime temperatures rise into the 90s, many households may notice an increase in energy costs. Be sure to check your thermostat settings to properly update them for these warmer months. The energy-efficient thermostat setting during hotter months is 78 degrees.


June forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac weather outlook for June 2024 predicts mild temperatures with isolated thunderstorms in the first eleven days, followed by a week of sunny and warm conditions. The period between June 19 and 30 is projected to bring hot conditions with scattered thunderstorms toward the end of the month. The estimated average temperature for June is 83 degrees, and the expected rainfall is 4 inches, which is much less than the average for June. 


Online Energy-Efficiency Tools

Log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts to check historical usage. If you want help in reducing your energy usage, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill. 


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.

April 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In April 2024, the average high and low temperatures continued to rise from last month as the arrival of warmer weather prevailed in Central Florida. The month’s average high temperature was 82 degrees, and the average low was 62 degrees, both measurements are 2 degrees lower than the “normal” averages as recorded at Leesburg International Airport (KLEE). The month’s highest temperature peaked at 90 degrees on the 19th and the lowest temperature was recorded on the 14th, when the mercury fell to 52 degrees.

April 2024 Sunshine State Stats

Reported rainfall decreased significantly from the March total, dropping to 1.88 inches, nearly one inch less than normal for April. Measurable precipitation was limited to just 3 of 30 days, the rainiest day was April 3, when .8 inches fell. 


Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport declined from the 2,227 strikes recorded in March. In April, WeatherSentry detected 593 cloud-to-ground strikes on just two days, the 3rd and 11th. The second half of the month was much less active with only nine strikes recorded on the 21st.



Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE) 

Data and charts provided by 


Cloud to ground lightning in April 2024

Cloud to Ground Lightning April 1-14, 2024 (593 strikes) 



Cloud to Ground Lightning – April 2024

Cloud to Ground Lightning – April 15-30, 2024 (9 strikes) 



Florida residents know that thunderstorm activity will likely increase in the coming months, and SECO Energy reminds those who own a backup power generator to be sure the unit is in safe operating condition. In 2023, lightning was the single highest cause of power outages in SECO Energy’s service area. SECO offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances (motors and compressors) by reducing surges at the meter BEFORE they enter the home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by filling out a contact form.


HVAC is the largest energy user in Central Florida homes, accounting for an average of 35 to 40% of kWh usage. As daytime temperatures are rising into the 80s and 90s, many households may notice an increase in energy costs. Be sure to check your thermostat settings to properly update them for these warmer months. The energy-efficient thermostat setting during hotter months is 78 degrees.


May forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac weather outlook for May 2024 begins with sunny conditions and warm temps in the first week, changing to cooler temps and thunderstorms between May 8 and 12. A return to sunny and warm weather is forecast for May 13 to 17, followed by cooling conditions under sunshine through May 20. The last ten days of May are predicted to offer scattered thunderstorms amid warm temperatures.


Online Energy-Efficiency Tools

Log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts to check historical usage. If you want help in reducing your energy usage, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill. 


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator. 

March 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In March 2024, the average high and low temperatures rose substantially over February. The month’s lowest temperature of 47 degrees was 7 degrees higher than in February, while the highest temperature of 88 degrees was 4 degrees higher than last month. Central Florida is headed away from the coolest part of the year into milder spring weather. The average high of 79 degrees matches the “normal” temperature for March, while the average low of 60 degrees was two degrees warmer than usual, as recorded at Leesburg International Airport (KLEE). 

Reported rainfall increased slightly from February, totaling 3.44 inches. This total is .59 inches lower than the average March precipitation level of 4.03 inches, but significantly higher than a year ago when only .16 inches fell. Measurable precipitation was limited to just 7 of 31 days and the rainiest days were March 10 and 22, when 1.14 inches fell. 


March recorded its highest temperature of 88 degrees on the 9th. The lowest daily recorded temperature of 47 degrees was on the 20th, one day after the lowest measured high temp of 67 degrees.


Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport was much higher in the first half of March than in the second half. WeatherSentry recorded 2045 cloud-to-ground lightning strikes on March 2, 3, 6, and 10, while only 182 strikes were recorded on March 18 and 27.



Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE)

Data and charts provided by


Cloud to ground lightning in March 2024

Cloud to Ground Lightning – March 1-14, 2024 (2045 strikes)



Cloud to ground lightning in March 2024

Cloud to Ground Lightning March 1531, 2024 (182 strikes) 



The increase in thunderstorm activity is a reminder to those who own a backup power generator to be sure the unit is in safe operating condition. In 2023, lightning was the single highest cause of power outages in the SECO Energy service area. SECO offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances (motors and compressors) by reducing surges at the meter BEFORE they enter the home. Members can lease or purchase the “Surge MitiGator by filling out a contact form.


HVAC is the largest energy user in Central Florida homes, accounting for an average of 35 to 40% of kWh usage. As daytime temperatures are rising into the 80s and 90s, many households may notice an increase in energy costs. Be sure to check your thermostat settings to properly update them for these warmer months. The energy-efficient thermostat setting during hotter months is 78 degrees.


April forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The weather outlook for April 2024 begins with sunny and warm temperatures with scattered showers in the first two weeks. The following two weeks are expected to deliver isolated showers to heavy rain while temps remain mild to warm.


Online Energy-Efficiency Tools

Log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts to check historical usage. If you want help in reducing your energy usage, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.

February 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In February 2024, both the average high and low temperatures inched two degrees higher than in January. While the month’s lowest temperature of 40 degrees was 6 degrees higher than in January, its high was 2 degrees lower, at 84 degrees. The slow upward trend suggests the “peak” of winter’s chill may have passed Central Florida. The average high of 72 degrees and low of 51 degrees are still cooler than the “normal” for February (75/54), as recorded at Leesburg International Airport (KLEE).

February 2024 Sunshine State Stats data


Reported rainfall at Leesburg International Airport (KLEE) increased by 1.25 inches from last month, totaling 3.25 inches. This total is .26 inches higher than the February normal precipitation level of 2.99 inches. Measurable precipitation was limited to just 7 of 29 days in this “Leap Year” version of February. The rainiest day occurred on February 17, when 1.29 inches fell.


February recorded its highest temperature of 84 degrees on the 11th and the lowest daily recorded temperature occurred on the 22nd, when the mercury bottomed out at 40 degrees.


Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport occurred on February 4, when WeatherSentry recorded 94 cloud-to-ground lightning strikes.


Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE)

Data and charts provided by


Lightning strikes on February 4, 2024

Cloud to Ground Lightning – February 4, 2024


HVAC is the largest energy user in Central Florida homes, accounting for an average of 35 to 40% of kWh usage. As daytime temperatures are rising into the 80s with evenings dipping lower, many homes may be using both cooling and heating on the same day. Depending on one’s HVAC use, homeowners may experience higher-than-expected energy costs at this time of year.


Now is a good opportunity to complete seasonal maintenance on your HVAC system. Also, be sure to check your thermostat settings to properly update them for these cooler months. The energy-efficient thermostat setting during hotter months is 78 degrees and during colder months it is 68 degrees.


March forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The weather outlook for March 2024 begins with isolated showers and cool temperatures in the first five days. The following ten days are expected to remain sunny and cool, followed by a few days of showers with cool temperatures. The projection for the second half of March suggests warmer weather with a few scattered showers.


Online Energy-Efficiency Tools

Log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts to check historical usage. If your usage is high, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.