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SECO News May 2024

During our 2024 Annual Meeting, I gave update on SECO Energy’s system reliability, reviewing three key metrics that affirm our commitment to providing reliable electric service to almost half a million consumers:


Wynn's Wire

  • The System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI)
  • The System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI)
  • The Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI)


In 2023, SECO’s SAIDI measurement, or average time a consumer was without power, averaged only 64 minutes or just over an hour. To compare, the national average based on 2022 data for utilities, was five and a half hours.


SAIFI indicates the frequency of power interruptions per year. SECO’s average frequency dipped below one for the first time in our 85-year history. In practical terms, on average, SECO members experienced only one power outage. Nationally, compared to 2022 figures, consumers experienced an average of 1.43 interruptions annually.


CAIDI evaluates the duration it takes our talented and dedicated SECO crews to restore power following an outage notification. In 2023, SECO’s restoration time was 69 minutes, slightly over an hour. This is quite remarkable, considering the national average from 2022 was nearly four hours.


These metrics place SECO in the “Best in Class” category for reliability, a position we’ve upheld for years.


The foundation of these statistics lies in continuous maintenance and ongoing investments in our electric infrastructure. Our engineering and operations team adheres to a meticulous maintenance and inspection regimen covering substations, poles, and overhead and underground equipment.


Our proactive approach to vegetation management, which involves trimming trees along hundreds of miles of power lines and removing potential hazards, further safeguards our system against outages.


While these reliability measurements are impressive, our focus remains on improving our performance. Last year, we were spared from severe damage during hurricane season. As we continue into 2024, we will plan and act decisively in response to severe weather events to ensure our reliability remains intact and you, our members, are satisfied.


Atlantic hurricane season is just around the corner, beginning on June 1. SECO Energy is StormReady and prepared for hurricanes, tropical storms, lightning, or the occasional outages experienced during our rainy summer. We ask you, too, to prepare for hurricane season, have a plan in place for your family, stock up early on hurricane supplies, and for those with a medical need for electricity, plan to have a backup power source or to seek shelter during a storm.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News May 2024 SECO Energy Energizes Education at Lake-Sumter State College


SECO Energy believes in demonstrating our commitment to education and empowering the next wave of professionals in the energy sector. In fact, Education, Training, and Information is one of the Seven Cooperative Principles that SECO Energy holds dear as a not-for-profit cooperative.


Lake-Sumter State College, located just around the corner from our Sumterville headquarters, is one of Florida’s leading colleges that trains students who are interested in a future energy career. The College desperately needed new wooden utility poles for firsthand student training exercises.


SECO Energy stepped up in a big way by donating utility poles to the College. This is a game-changer for students who will be our future lineworkers of tomorrow. Through SECO’s pole donation, students participate in hands-on learning setting up, climbing, and replacing utility poles —skills crucial for success in the energy field. This opportunity bridges classroom learning and real-world application, preparing students for the future in a tangible way.


Read on to learn how you can have a hand in educating future Florida lineworkers by purchasing a “Thank a Lineman” license plate today. Enjoy the photos of students in action, getting a head start on their future careers, thanks to the donation of utility poles from SECO Energy to Lake- Sumter State College.



SECO News May 2024 Vice President & District 1 Trustee Scott Boyatt Thank A Lineman License Plate

Over the years, many members have asked how to show appreciation to SECO Energy lineworkers and utility personnel who tirelessly restore power after natural disasters. One impactful way is ordering a “Thank a Lineman” license plate. This initiative, which gained approval from the Florida Legislature in 2020 after Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 1135 into law, allows members to express their gratitude and support to all the thousands of Florida lineworkers and utility personnel.


Ordering this license plate is more than a gesture of thanks; it directly contributes to a significant cause. The proceeds assist a key recruitment partner for SECO Energy, supporting the next generation of utility workforce. Specifically, $25 from each sale funds scholarships for students enrolling in Electric Utility programs at Lake-Sumter State College (LSSC). According to LSSC’s website (, the college is ranked nationally among the top 150 Community Colleges. This opportunity uniquely honors lineworkers while investing in the education and future of those entering the utility workforce in Central Florida.


To reserve your plate today, visit or contact your local county tax collector’s office. Purchase avenues vary from county to county.


The actual “Thank a Lineman” license plates will be available once the pre-sale threshold is met.



SECO News May 2024 Rate Tariff Update

EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 2024, SECO Energy will implement several miscellaneous and lighting schedule fee adjustments detailed in the Cooperative’s Rate Tariff.


SECO Energy operates as a not-for-profit cooperative, structuring rates to cover operational costs rather than generate profits. Many of our posted miscellaneous fees have remained unchanged for over a decade. While we understand that any fee adjustment could affect our members, the miscellaneous fees added or changed will impact a small population and are designed to cover increased labor and material costs for specific services only.


TO REVIEW THE RATE TARIFF, visit >Your Co-op > Rate Tariff. These adjustments are necessary to maintain the reliability and sustainability of service.



SECO News May 2024 Bill Payment Mailing Address Change

SECO Energy’s payment address for check payment processing is changing as of June 1, 2024.

The new payment address is:


SECO Energy

P.O. Box 70997

Charlotte, NC 28272-0997


Instead of writing a monthly check, consider enrolling in bank draft. With bank draft, your payment will draft on the due date. Bank draft will alleviate the worry of a missed payment, or late fee. Bank draft is the least expensive payment option. The Cooperative currently absorbs the convenience fees charged to SECO when a member pays using a credit or debit card. To enroll in bank draft, contact Member Services at or enroll through SmartHub.


Read the full May 2024 SECO News.



SECO News April 2024

Thank you to all who tuned in to our 2024 Annual Meeting and participated in your cooperative’s governance process! If you were unable to tune in live, watch the Annual Meeting video on to see the list of 101 prize winners. The video is also available on YouTube and Facebook.


Wynn's Wire


17,209 members voted on Annual Meeting business. Both the revisions to SECO Energy’s Bylaws pertaining to District Meetings and Trustee qualifications and the 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes were approved by the membership.


During the meeting, Board of Trustees President Gerald Anderson and I provided an update on SECO Energy’s successful 2023, specifically celebrating our 85th anniversary as an electric cooperative. This significant milestone represents decades of service, innovation, and community involvement that originated from a collective effort of rural households in 1938. Our journey has brought electricity to over 240,000 members and employment opportunities to Central Florida making 2023 a truly remarkable achievement.


In response to growth and the evolving energy landscape, SECO Energy introduced a new Strategy Map at the start of 2023. Our Mission steadfastly remains committed to providing reliable and innovative energy services and our Vision is to lead the industry in member satisfaction and engagement while becoming the preferred employer in our region. This strategic approach enables the Cooperative to focus on our core business, navigate industry changes and rising costs, operate more efficiently, enhance member engagement, and overcome labor and supply chain shortages.


In 2022, the SECO Energy Board of Trustees approved a multi-million-dollar investment in advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) with plans to implement the technology across our service area. AMI is one of the most innovative services investments we can provide that will reach practically every member.


Reducing labor and contractor costs, identifying service anomalies, and almost instantaneous power outage detection make AMI a win for members and the Cooperative.


AMI allows us to connect and engage directly with you through the system’s ability to provide real insight into your home’s energy use. This technology is the first step for SECO to open the door to new ideas and innovations. Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems, or DERMS, will pave the way for a more resilient and sustainable energy infrastructure. Soon, you will be able to enroll your smart devices, such as your thermostat, water heater, Wi-Fi-connected whole home generator, batteries, and electric vehicle, to connect with our DERMS provider.


We plan to incentivize members who take advantage of this newer technology that will help us consume less energy when demand is high. Watch for an announcement of the program launch in an upcoming edition of SECO News.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News April 2024 Annual Meeting Trivia


If you missed this year’s Annual Meeting or didn’t win a prize, don’t worry – there’s a second chance to win. Simply head over to and play 2024 Annual Meeting trivia.



• Two (2) $250 SECO Energy bill credits

• Three (3) $100 Amazon gift cards

• Five (5) $50 SECO Energy bill credits


HOW DO YOU PLAY? On SECO Energy’s 2024 Annual Meeting trivia Facebook post, answer these five questions in the comments section:

1. What anniversary milestone did SECO Energy commemorate in 2023?

2. What was SECO Energy’s 2023 ACSI score?

3. How many Trustee Districts make up the SECO Energy Board?

4. What was the total number of members served by SECO Energy by the end of 2023?

5. What does AMI stand for?


NEED SOME HELP FINDING THE ANSWERS? No problem! Visit > Your Co-op > Annual Member Meeting and watch the recorded virtual meeting. You can submit your answers by mail to SECO Energy, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585, or play online. Make sure to submit your answers before June 14th. Winners will be notified by June 21st. GOOD LUCK!



2024 Annual Meeting Prize Winners

All members who voted on 2024 Annual Meeting business were eligible to win 1 of 101 prizes. To check and see if you’re one of the lucky winners, head over to > Your Co-Op > Annual Member Meeting.


In case you missed out on the live feed of the Annual Meeting, you can watch the video posted on our website and YouTube channel. Don’t miss the chance to catch up on the latest updates and to find out if you’re among the fortunate prize recipients!



SECO News April 2024 Tree Line USA


SECO Energy has been named a 2024 Tree Line USA Utility by the Arbor Day Foundation for 17 years in a row. Tree Line USA recognizes public and private utilities that help to preserve and enhance America’s urban forests. Nationally, Tree Line USA fosters the coexistence of reliable and safely delivered electricity with communities that maintain healthy trees.


To earn the Tree Line USA designation, SECO Energy meets five program standards: quality tree care, providing yearly worker training in best tree care practices, sponsoring a tree planting and education program, maintaining a tree-based energy conservation program, and participating in an Arbor Day celebration. Celebrate Arbor Day on Friday, April 26, by planting a tree. Be sure to call 811 before you dig and plant the tree away from overhead power lines.



SECO News April 2024 Invest In Surge Mitigator™ For A Chance To Win A Generator


SECO’s Surge MitiGator™ protection program takes the bite out of damaging spikes and surges, and you can too! Enroll in the Surge MitiGator™ program by June 30, 2024, for a chance to win one of three portable generators. Members in a current lease or have a previously purchased Surge MitiGator™ are automatically entered to win.


Scan the QR code or go to > Energy Solutions > Surge MitiGator™ and complete the web form to get started. We’ll pick a winner in April, May, and June.


The Surge MitiGator™ program provides a meter-based arrestor that acts as the first line of defense to block electrical disturbances from entering through the electric line before they damage appliances and lead to financial loss. Surges are often caused by lightning, vehicle accidents involving SECO Energy’s infrastructure, small animals, fallen trees, and other unforeseeable events.


Lease the Surge MitiGator™ for a monthly fee* of only $5.95 or purchase the protection for $349. Both options include a 15-year manufacturer warranty.


SECO Energy recommends installing point-of-use devices to provide additional protection for sensitive appliances inside the home. These can be purchased at most major home improvement stores.


*Plus tax and applicable installation fees.



SECO News April 2024 A Message from Presiden Anderson: National Safe Digging Month (811)


April is National Safe Digging Month, which serves as an important reminder to always know what lies beneath before breaking ground on any outside projects requiring digging.


It’s alarming to note that every year, millions of dollars in property damage, personal injury, and even fatalities occur due to accidental digging into buried utility lines. Whether you’re planning to install a fence, plant a tree, or embark on a construction project, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to know what’s below to avoid potential hazards underground before digging.



1. Plan Your Project. Gather specific information about your digging project, such as street address, type of project, and timeline.

2. Call 811 or Submit a Request Online at It’s free and easy. You’ll receive a ticket number and a list of public utility companies that will be notified of your intent to dig.

3. Wait Two Full Business Days. Affected public utilities will be notified of your intent to dig and will dispatch someone to the approximate location of these underground facilities on your property.

4. Confirm Utility Responses and Marks. Before breaking ground, confirm that all utilities have responded to your request and marked the appropriate locations.

5. Dig Carefully. If digging within 24 inches from the outer edge of each marked facility can’t be avoided, consider moving your project location.


Florida's Sunshine 811 logo

Ensuring your safety and the integrity of SECO Energy’s infrastructure remains the utmost priority. By following these steps and calling 811 before digging, you not only safeguard yourself but our entire community.


Let’s use this month as an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to prioritizing safety and ensuring that every digging project is approached with caution and foresight. Together, we can prevent accidents, protect infrastructure, and promote a safer environment for all.


Read the full April 2024 SECO News.

SECO News December 2022


Dear Members,


‘Tis the season for giving and sharing the magic of the holidays. I commend our SECO Energy employees who generously support our corporate giving efforts and other worthy charitable causes.


One cause close to many SECO Energy employees’ hearts is our annual United Way Employee Giving Campaign. Many of our employees pledged a portion of their 2023 earnings to local United Ways. Next year, United Ways across our Central Florida counties will benefit from these generous pledges.


SECO Energy employees pledged $38,843 to local United Ways through the employee-led 2023 United Way Pledge Drive. Our employees have been actively supporting United Way for almost 20 years. During that time, employees have pledged over $1,083,287 to support local families through the United Way.


Most of our employees live in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties, receiving the highest dollar amounts in donations. The 400+ SECO Energy employees choose the county and the program their donated dollars will benefit.



Lake and Sumter Counties: $15,929
Marion County: $14,257
Citrus County: $4,182
Other Counties $4,476
The total pledge for 2023 is $38,843


Not only do our employees assist local communities through United Way, but they also help fill Santa’s sleigh with donations for our corporate Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots donation drive. Starting in November, employees brought new, unwrapped toys for the drive. All toys donated are dispersed in the local area where they were collected.


Many of our members joined in the effort by dropping off toys at our Member Service Centers. Thank you for your generosity. Retired Marines and other volunteers picked up donations in early December to distribute to children in need in time for the holidays. Members who want to register to receive toys donated through Toys for Tots can visit > Request a Toy.


From the SECO Energy family to yours, we wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!




Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



September SECO News Safety Corner

Electric Safety


Everyone who uses electricity should be aware of its risks and dangers. Over 51,000 American homes are damaged or destroyed by fire caused by electrical failures each year, and 500 lives are lost (Electrical Safety Foundation International).


Adults over 65 and young children are at the highest risk of injury or death from a home fire.


You should learn the basics of your home’s electrical system and how to prevent electrical fires. Outdated wiring is a common culprit of electrical fires. Flickering lights, tripped breakers, or a burning smell could indicate overloaded circuits. Hire an electrician to investigate. If the home’s wiring is outdated, the electrical outlets are as well. Outlets are as well. Outlets that are damaged, loose or warm to the touch must be repaired or replaced.


Home wiring and troubleshooting is a job best left to a professional. Contact a reputable electrician who is licensed, insured and adheres to local code requirements. Electricians can update breaker panels and add extra electrical outlets that will avoid circuit overload.


Electrical safety extends outside the home. Never touch utility equipment such as underground transformers or overhead power lines. Always consider power lines to be energized and dangerous. Stay away from downed lines and call 911 and SECO Energy to report immediately.


Teach children electrical safety as well. Never allow children to play on or near electrical equipment or climb a substation fence. Children should not climb trees near energized lines. Keep remote-control toys, hobby drones and kites away from overhead lines.


Learn more about electrical safety at > Safety > Electrical Safety.



SECO News December 2022 Winter HVAC Service A Message from District 4 Trustee Richard Dennison

Winter HVAC Service – A Message from District 4 Trustee Richard Dennison


Your HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) unit is likely the largest energy user in your home. Before winter’s cold temperatures arrive, schedule an HVAC service call to ensure your unit is operating efficiently.


The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts winter 2022 – 2023 will be cold with above-normal rainfall. The forecast calls for temperatures 1 to 4 degrees below average, with the coldest temperatures in January.


Preventative maintenance and routine filter changes extend the life of your HVAC unit. A qualified technician will thoroughly inspect the unit and recommend maintenance or repairs. A well-working HVAC unit operates more efficiently and uses less energy.


Set a calendar reminder to change your unit’s air filter monthly or follow the manufacturer’s suggested filter change schedule.


For more ways to reduce energy usage, visit > Energy Solutions and complete the Home Energy Assessment and Energy Estimator. The Home Energy Assessment is an online energy audit that provides energy efficiency advice tailored to your home’s features. The Energy Estimator calculates the energy used and associated costs for your home’s electricity users. Submit your answers with your email address to receive immediate low-cost energy-saving advice.



SECO News December 2022 12 Ways To Pay

12 Ways to Pay


SECO Energy offers members 12 Ways to Pay their monthly energy bills. Most payment options are available with no convenience fee.


PAY ONLINE – Our account manager SmartHub allows you to view and pay your bill, enroll in bank draft or eBill and compare energy usage by month or year.


BANK DRAFT – Draft your monthly amount from a bank account of your choice – the ultimate in convenience. Enroll in bank draft with SmartHub.


IN PERSON – Five Member Service Centers open in Eustis, Groveland, Sumterville, Ocala and Inverness with walk-in, drive-thru facilities and kiosks.


BY PHONE – 1 (877) 371-9382, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX, debit card or electronic check.


PAY NOW – Instant payment using your account number and form of payment through SmartHub – no registration required.


BY MAIL – SECO Energy (Dept. 3035), P.O. Box 11407, Birmingham, AL 35246-1407


MYWAY PREPAY – Pay for energy before you use it. View daily usage and receive phone or text notifications.


FIDELITY EXPRESS – Locations accept cash, check or money orders. Not recommended for MyWay PrePay members. $1.50 processing fee.


MONEYGRAM – Available at many retail locations and for MyWay PrePay enrolled members. $1.50 processing fee.


WESTERN UNION – In-person payments received in real time. Max amount per transaction is $1,000. $1.50 processing fee.


BUDGET BILLING – Levels out bills by averaging most recent 12 months usage. Debit/credit balances accumulate based on seasonal usage.


VANILLADIRECT PAY – Pay with cash at thousands of locations. Barcode required via SmartHub. $1.50 processing fee.



SECO News December 2020 Surgeo Picks A Winner

Winners’ Circle – Generator


Congratulations to our three members who enrolled in SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator Surge Protection program and won a generator!


SEPTEMBER – Jack Bonniwell from The Villages

OCTOBER – Barney Newbern from Leesburg

NOVEMBER – Kenneth Christensen from Clermont


The Surge MitiGator takes the bite out of damaging surges and spikes. Members can lease the protection for $5.95 per month plus tax and $25 installation fee or purchase for $349 to $399 plus tax and free installation. Learn more about the Surge MitiGator, visit > Energy Solutions > Surge MitiGator and fill out our handy web form.



SECO News August 2022 SECO Energy Foundation Pennies From Heaven Transition

SECO Energy Foundation Enrollment Change – January 2023


SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program transitions to the SECO Energy Foundation in January 2023.


The SECO Energy Foundation will expand community outreach and member bill payment assistance. The Foundation is funded by SECO Energy rounding enrolled members’ bills up to the nearest dollar and donating the pennies to the Foundation. The average donation per member whose bill is rounded up is $6 annually.


At year-end, all SECO members will be automatically enrolled in the SECO Energy Foundation unless they have proactively advised us over the last five months that they wish to unenroll. There are multiple ways (see below) to unenroll from the Foundation’s electric bill round-up program. Please update your SECO Energy Foundation enrollment status before December 31, 2022.


To update your SECO Energy Foundation enrollment status, visit > Contact >  SECO Energy Foundation. Send an email to, call (352) 793-3801 or write to SECO Energy, Attn: Corp Comm, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585 by December 31, 2022.


Read the full December 2022 SECO News online.


SECO News October 2022

SECO News October 2022 Message From Board President and District 3 Trustee Gerald Anderson

Dear Members,

I am honored to serve as your Board President. As our CEO Curtis Wynn has highlighted in previous articles, we remain committed to maintaining our electric grid and keeping up with the growth we are experiencing system-wide.  I want to highlight some of those specific activities.


Members who live in Sumter County know the growth in our area has been incredible over the last decade. Last year, SECO energized 1,443 new services in Sumter County – representing 25 percent of SECO’s total new service count. This year between January and August, we have already energized 2,257 new meters in Sumter County, bringing the total service count in the county to 82,173.


You can’t help but notice the construction all over Sumter County, and SECO Energy has many projects in various design and construction stages. SECO is actively focused on improving the reliability of its existing infrastructure in Sumter County and building new facilities to meet increasing demand.


Currently in the Belmont area, new commercial development is happening around County Road 466A to include new restaurants, retail space and a hotel. In Belmont Phase 3, SECO recently energized electric infrastructure for 57 residential lots. A 100,000-square-foot self-storage facility is currently in the engineering design stage.


New single-family residences are proposed at the Keys at Wildwood Phase II and the Villas at Wildwood. The Wildwood Cottages subdivision is also in development near County Roads 134 and 426. These 70 new units have no age restrictions. The community will include a clubhouse, pool, dog park and community garden. 


A new nursing center is planned for Trailwinds Villages. SECO’s Engineering team has completed the electric design for an assisted-living facility of 160 units at Lumin Park in Lady Lake. Another new senior assisted-living facility in Wildwood on County Road 472 will have 132 units and is in the electrical design stage. 


Sumter County is also welcoming new commercial growth. An adhesive plant is in construction on 82nd Avenue west of County Road 127. In the same area, SECO has completed the electric design of a 170,000-square-foot building. A 7,000-square-foot retail building is being designed in the Fenney Professional Plaza. Near the corner of Buena Vista and Parr, a proposed 2,300-square-foot facility for a new Sprouts grocery store is in the works.  


This long list helps emphasize our area’s robust residential development and commercial growth. Keeping pace with the growth while continuing to maintain our existing infrastructure to serve our current members is a high priority for every SECO Energy employee. Visit > Newsroom > System Improvement Map to see reliability and expansion projects across our entire service territory. 


Unfortunately, we continue to battle supply chain and labor shortages as a not-for-profit cooperative trying to keep pace with unprecedented growth. Our members continue to feel the crunch in their electric bills as the price of natural gas – the primary fuel used to generate electricity – increased 52% in July compared with June per the Energy Information Administration depicted in the graph to the right. The Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) component on your bill reflects these ongoing increases.   


Members who need financial help should visit > Contact and click on the Find Bill Payment Help map to locate a social service agency in their area. These agencies receive funding from SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program for the specific purpose of helping members who have difficulty paying their electric bill. Florida 211 is also a resource for residents who need resources related to food, addiction, housing and healthcare. Call 211 or visit today.  






Gerald Anderson

Board Trustee President



SECO News September 2022 Enroll In The Surge MitiGator For A Chance to Win a Generator

Surge MitiGator – Win a Generator Reminder!


Enroll in SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator program by November 15 for a chance to win one of three portable generators! Members in a current lease or prior purchase are already eligible to win.


Chomp down on voltage spikes and surges with SECO Energy surge protection. The meter-based surge arrester blocks damaging surges and voltage spikes that come in through the electric line before they damage appliances and cause financial loss. Surges are caused by lightning, vehicle accidents, small animals, fallen trees and more. 


You can lease the protection for only $5.95 plus tax per month with a $25 installation fee. Purchase prices range from $349 to $399, and installation is always free. The product carries a 15-year warranty.


Enroll in the Surge MitiGator program (lease or purchase) for a chance to win one of three portable generators. To enroll, visit > Energy Solutions > Surge MitiGator and submit the web form.


The arrester at the meter is the first step in protection. You should invest in point-of-use surge devices to protect electronics and appliances. Purchase at local big box or hardware store. 


SECO News October 2022 Scare Away Phantom Load

Scare Away Phantom Load


Did you know that many everyday electronics consume electricity when plugged into an outlet? Electronics such as TVs, DVD players, computer equipment, gaming or audio systems, cable boxes and device chargers are the most common culprits. This phenomenon is called phantom load, and it leads to increased energy bills.


Phantom load may be responsible for 10 to 20 percent of residential electricity use in the United States alone. Studies report that homes may have 20 to 40 sources of phantom load. 


How do you scare away phantom load? The Department of Energy’s (DOE) website at recommends using power strips instead of plugging items directly into outlets. Power strips enable multiple devices to be plugged in at one time and can be turned “on” or “off.” Smart plugs are also available for devices such as cell phones that stop using electricity when the battery is charged.


Scare away phantom load by identifying and eliminating energy wasters in your home. TVs and DVD players in a guest room? Multiple chargers plugged directly into outlets and not being used? A computer, printer or gaming system plugged in and not in use?


SECO offers a variety of ways to search out energy wasters in disguise. Find the Energy Estimator and the Home Energy Assessment at to receive energy-efficiency advice tailored to your home.




SECO News September 2022 SECO Energy Employees donate to Relay For Life

SECO Energy Employees Donate to Relay For Life


For decades, SECO Energy employees have donated to and participated in The American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life which is the largest peer-to-peer fundraising event dedicated to saving lives affected by cancer. 


SECO Energy is proud to announce that its employees collectively donated $4,640 to Relay For Life teams in SECO’s service area. SECO Energy has committed to matching employees’ donations from our Pennies from Heaven fund. The total contribution totaled $9,280 for the American Cancer Society. 


Want to join SECO Energy’s charitable endeavors? Enroll in our Pennies from Heaven program that is transitioning to the SECO Energy Foundation. Your bill will be rounded up to the nearest dollar each month. These donations assist your fellow members with bill payment assistance and other local worthy causes. Read more on page 4 about SECO Energy Foundation enrollment changes that take effect in January 2023.




SECO News October 2022 SECO Energy Foundation Pennies From Heaven Transition

SECO Energy Foundation Reminder


In January 2023, SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program is transitioning to the SECO Energy Foundation. The SECO Energy Foundation’s goal is to increase community outreach in our service area. The new Foundation will generate grant funds for projects that align with SECO members’ needs and SECO’s strategic initiatives. The Foundation will also provide increased bill payment assistance for SECO members.


SECO members will automatically be transitioned to enrollment in the SECO Energy Foundation at year-end unless they have proactively unenrolled. The Foundation enrollment rounds up monthly bills to the nearest dollar. The average donation per member whose bill is rounded up is $6 annually. 


Update your SECO Energy Foundation enrollment status by visiting > Contact >  SECO Energy Foundation. You can send an email to, call (352) 793-3801 or write to SECO Energy, Attn: Corp Comm, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585 by December 31, 2022.


We are so thankful for our current Pennies from Heaven enrollees. We look forward to expanding our community outreach with the new SECO Energy Foundation.


Contributions to the SECO Energy Foundation will be tax-deductible.

Read the full October 2022 SECO News online.


SECO News September 2022

Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30. Thankfully, at print time for this edition of SECO News, the season has been inactive, and the forecast revised. But it only takes one powerful tropical storm or hurricane to bring widespread damage to transmission and distribution electric infrastructure, so don’t let your guard down. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the possibility of a hurricane forming is highest during September.


Earlier this year, the Colorado State University (CSU) Tropical Meteorology Project team called for a well-above-average 2022 hurricane season. In August, the CSU experts decreased the season forecast to potentially above-average. Warmer tropical sea temperatures and cooler subtropical sea temperatures indicate a high probability that a major hurricane (Category 3, 4 or 5) will make landfall in the U.S.


CSU now predicts 18 named storms and 4 major hurricanes, which is by no means below average. Between 1991 and 2020, the average number of named storms was 14.4, and major hurricanes was 3.2. 


SECO Energy is StormReady and prepared to respond to outages caused by summer thunderstorms, tropical storms and hurricanes. SECO’s StormReady approach includes our investment in our outage reporting and communications platform StormCenter. Report a new power outage and check the status of a current outage using your smartphone or tablet 24/7 (or call our IVR and use the automated system that offers outage details). With your account enrolled in notifications, we’ll send proactive outage alerts via email, text, voice or all three – depending on your enrollment preferences. These notifications generate when our system detects a feeder outage affecting your location. Manage your notification preferences at > StormCenter. 


Your county Emergency Operations Centers offer storm-related services. If you or a loved one have special needs, add your name to the Special Needs Registry at and review shelter, evacuation and emergency services details. SECO Energy’s restoration priorities in a named storm recovery are feeders that serve shelters, schools, hospitals and government/public safety facilities. Then we focus on restoring service to feeders with the largest number of accounts. If you or a loved one require electric service for life-sustaining medical equipment, invest in a generator or prepare to go to a shelter if a named storm heads our way.    


Essential supplies fly off the shelves when a hurricane is en route. Need help getting started with a supply plan? Read our Hurricane Handbook at > Safety > Hurricane Handbook to learn what to do before, during and after a tropical storm or hurricane.




Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News September 2022 Stop A Scam in Its Tracks

Stop A Scam In Its Tracks


The adage is true: If it’s too good to be true, it usually is. Common scams include a threat to shut off electricity, “free” solar equipment or a stranger knocking on your door to supposedly change your meter. Millions of Americans fall victim to scams each year. Scammers try to create a sense of urgency or offer something too good to be true, so you’ll comply first and regret later.


One popular scam is a phone call that your energy provider will disconnect power in 30 minutes if you don’t pay your bill. The scammer wants your credit card information or suggests you meet in a public place (not the utility’s approved payment location) and hand over cash or a gift card. Don’t fall for the scam – SECO Energy will never call you and threaten to disconnect power within minutes. We will not ask for cash, gift cards or other internet forms of payment such as Zelle or Venmo. Check your billing balance and payment history through our online account manager SmartHub at > Your Account. 


Less-than-honest solar contractors advertise “free solar” or “eliminate your electric bill.” Both claims are false. Solar equipment is costly and never free – especially if a scammer talks you into financing a system at a high interest rate. Watt for watt, solar power generation costs more than traditional power generation. Members who invest in solar will purchase utility-supplied power when the sun isn’t shining – unless they invest in a backup power system like battery or generator power sources. Also, you will not have power during a utility outage unless you’ve installed a backup power source with your solar system. Get the facts about solar. Visit > Energy Solutions > Is Solar Right For You? Find facts on solar generation, types of panels and inverters, how net metering works, frequently asked questions and more.


Another scam is a stranger knocking on your door to check/change your electric meter, perform a home energy audit and sell products that will reduce your electric bill. This person may indicate SECO sent them, or they represent a SECO program. Don’t let them in the door unless you have prearranged the visit. Nefarious persons may offer products or services you don’t need. The situation may be dangerous if someone is trying to gain access to your home and property. A Marion County couple fell for this ploy. Their home was robbed while a scammer distracted them in the yard while claiming to examine the electric meter. SECO will only send authorized contractors to your home to read your electric meter or replace faulty equipment. SECO contractors carry company ID and will show you their badge upon request. 


You’ll find a list of common scams that are perpetrated in-person, by phone or online by visiting > Scams and Safety. If someone at your door is demanding payment or access, call 911 to ensure your safety. If you have questions about a phone interaction that you believe is a scam, email




SECO Energy Trustee Joyce Anderson Earns Director Gold Credential news release


SECO Energy Board of Trustees Secretary/Treasurer and District 2 Trustee Joyce Anderson has successfully completed the requirements to earn the Director Gold Credential (DGC) from the National Rural Electric Cooperatives Association (NRECA). This Credential recognizes directors/trustees who demonstrate their commitment to advancing their knowledge and performing their fiduciary duty to the best of their ability.


Trustee Anderson resides in Sumterville and was first elected to the SECO Energy Board of Trustees in February 2020. Ms. Anderson currently serves as the Board of Trustees Secretary/Treasurer and has been a SECO member since 2017. 




SECO News September 2022 SECO Energy Donates $10,500 For Public Education Foundations

SECO Energy Donates $10,500 for Public Education Foundations


School is back in session. As part of our ongoing commitment to education and the communities we serve, SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program has donated $10,500 to local public education foundations. 


$1,000 to The Citrus County Education Foundation 

Its mission is to provide resources to support the Citrus County School District to enhance the quality of education for present and future generations.


$3,500 to The Educational Foundation of Lake County 

The Foundation will fund travel to the World Competition for Vex Robotics. With SECO’s donation, more teams will be able to compete.


$3,000 to The Public Education Foundation of Marion County 

The Foundation will use the funds to support their Grants for Great Ideas program that provides teachers funding for innovation in STEM education.


$3,000 to The Sumter County Schools Enhancement Foundation 

The Foundation serves students with incentives for achievement, helping students in need, and awarding scholarships to seniors to promote higher education.


This year’s collective donation is a continuing investment in public education in the communities we serve, and follows two of the seven Cooperative Principles of Education, Training and Information and Concern for Community. Read more about the Pennies from Heaven program and 2023 transition to the SECO Energy Foundation at Click the Foundation banner to check your enrollment status in the electric bill round-up program that funds these types of initiatives. 




SECO News August 2022 Enroll In The Surge Mitigator For A Chance To Win A Generator

Surge MitiGator – Win a Generator


Win one of three portable generators! Enroll in SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator surge protection product by November 15. Members in a current lease or prior purchase are already eligible to win.


The MitiGator chomps down on voltage spikes and surges before they damage appliances and cause financial loss. Surges are caused by lightning, vehicles crashing into SECO facilities, small animals, fallen trees and more. The Surge MitiGator is installed at the meter and reduces surges that come through the electric line. The product carries a 15-year warranty.


Lease the protection for only $5.95 plus tax per month with a $25 installation fee. Purchase prices range from $349 to $399, and installation is always free.


Enroll in the Surge MitiGator program (lease or purchase) for a chance to win a portable generator. We’ll pick a winner in September, October and November. To enroll, visit our Surge MitiGator website section and fill out the web form.


The arrester at the meter is the first step in protection. Point-of-use surge devices should be installed for a home’s electronics and appliances. Purchase these at your local big box or hardware store. 




SECO News August 2022 SECO Energy Foundation Pennies From Heaven Transition

SECO Energy Foundation Transition


SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program is transitioning to the SECO Energy Foundation in January 2023. The goal of the SECO Energy Foundation is to generate more funds for projects that align with SECO members’ needs and the cooperative’s strategic objectives including increased bill payment assistance for SECO members.


At year-end, all SECO members will automatically be transitioned to enrollment in the SECO Energy Foundation that rounds up monthly bills to the nearest dollar. The average donation per member whose bill is rounded up is $6 annually. 


Update your SECO Energy Foundation enrollment status by visiting > Contact > SECO Energy Foundation. You can send an email to, call (352) 793-3801 or write to SECO Energy, Attn: Corp Comm, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585 by December 31, 2022.


We are so thankful for our current Pennies from Heaven enrollees, and we look forward to expanding our community outreach with the new SECO Energy Foundation.



Contributions will be tax-deductible.


Read the full September 2022 SECO News online.


SECO News August 2022

In June SECO News, I shared details about our current infrastructure expansion and reliability projects in Lake County. This month, I have an update on facilities projects and development in Marion County. 


In 2021, SECO Energy welcomed 2,124 new accounts in Marion County. This total accounted for 37% of the 5,770 new services added last year. The influx of new residents and businesses in our area requires SECO to build new infrastructure to meet the increasing demand for reliable energy. We also pledge to maintain our existing system to serve members reliably. 


A project nearing completion on the south side of Marion County is the rebuild of our Dallas substation located on Highway 301 near The Villages. This state-of-the-art redesign allows for multiple transmission sources with eight total distribution feeders to serve members in Summerfield, Oxford, Dallas and portions of The Villages. The Dallas substation will serve as a backfeed source for our Villages substation. The rebuild is on schedule for completion in early fall. 


Members who live in Stone Creek, On Top of the World and nearby expanding areas will be pleased to know the substation that serves this area, Timberwood, is increasing. Currently, this substation has a single power transformer and four distribution feeders. The footprint expansion will add a second power transformer and increase the number of distribution feeders to six. 


In Marion County, 22 new or expanding neighborhood developments are adding residential homesites. The proposed number of homesites for these projects tops 8,000. 


Along with residential growth, Marion County is experiencing commercial development. The Florida Crossroads Industrial Commerce Park on Highway 484 is expanding. The new footprint will include three distribution centers, apartments, homesites and a new shopping center with outparcels. Winding Oaks, located south of State Road 200 near SW 66th Street, proposes over 600,000 square feet of retail and automotive sales space. With an additional 400,000 square feet of office/retail space and over 3,000 homesites, Winding Oaks will be an impressive development that will bring jobs and families to the area.  


The future Calesa phases are new additions to On Top of the World and include almost 600 single-family homesites. A new high school is also underway in the location. The World Equestrian Center continues to grow by adding a second hotel that will feature 400 larger suite-like rooms. Also proposed is a new 80,000-square-foot restaurant complex, a grab-and-go marketplace, a WEC Florida Health Building and future apartment space. 


At SECO Energy, I, along with our Board of Trustees and nearly 400 colleagues, strive to provide safe, affordable and reliable electric service to over 220,000 Central Florida homes and businesses. We are proud to partner with the communities we serve to make Central Florida the thriving region it is. 




Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News August 2022 Swim into Savings

Swim Into Savings


Reduce your pool pump’s run time and dive into energy efficiency! According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) at, Florida homeowners can reduce energy costs by cutting their pool pump run times almost in half.


Pool pumps circulate your pool’s water to mix chemicals and remove debris. Circulate while adding chemicals to evenly distribute throughout the water. Increased circulation doesn’t reduce algae growth – proper cleaning and chemicals do. Screened-in pools gather less debris than pools in the open.


In a study by the Center for Energy Conservation at Florida Atlantic University, participants reduced their pool pump run time to less than 3 hours per day. Most participants reported they were satisfied with the pool’s water quality.


Reduce your pool pump’s daily run time to 3 to 4 hours. If the water isn’t clean, increase the run time in 30-minute increments until the quality improves. That is the optimal pool pump run time.


To reduce SECO Energy’s peak load, run your pool pump in the morning – 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. or at night after 7 p.m. Also, install a pool pump timer to set the run times. Minor changes to reduce your pool’s energy use will lead to lower energy costs.



SECO News August 2022 SECO Energy Foundation Pennies From Heaven Transition

SECO Energy Foundation – Pennies from Heaven Transition

SECO Energy is enhancing its longstanding Pennies from Heaven program in 2023. The current Pennies program provides bill payment assistance to members and funding for other local worthy causes. In 2023, the Pennies from Heaven “program” will change to the SECO Energy Foundation. The SECO Energy Foundation’s goal is to generate more funds for projects that align with SECO members’ needs and the company’s strategic initiatives. This alignment will include increased bill payment assistance for your fellow members, as well as projects focusing on energy-efficiency, education/STEM, environmental, veterans’ initiatives and public safety.


The current Pennies from Heaven program is transitioning to the SECO Energy Foundation in January 2023. Contributions will be tax-deductible and allow the Foundation (as a nonprofit entity) to apply for grants from other local, state and federal sources. Grants may include investments in first responder equipment, energy-efficiency grants for low-income communities and senior/youth centers. 


Foundation dollars may assist in purchasing smart thermostats for those members who can’t afford one or other energy-efficiency improvements that lower consumption. These types of investments help members reduce energy usage – which leads to lower bills and reduces SECO Energy’s peak demand. A reduction in demand reduces SECO’s wholesale power bill, lowers costs for all members and decreases the need to build new power plants. 


We’re revising the way members are enrolled in the program. See options to unenroll below if you choose not to participate. For those members already enrolled in Pennies from Heaven to have your bill rounded up to the nearest dollar – thank you! At year-end, you and your fellow members will automatically be transitioned to enrollment in the SECO Energy Foundation. Your bill will continue to be rounded up monthly, and the SECO Energy Foundation will devote the extra pennies toward initiatives like those listed above. The average donation per member whose bill is rounded up is $6 annually. 


There are five convenient ways to unenroll. Just let us know by December 31, 2022.

1. Email Customer Service
2. Call 352-793-3801
3. Write to us at P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585 ATTN: Corp Comm
4. Use the opt-out slip below and mail it with your bill


To learn more about the SECO Energy Foundation before making your decision, read the SECO Energy Foundation Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation. The Foundation will begin accepting grant applications for the initiative categories beginning January 4, 2023.


SECO News August 2022 Enroll In The Surge Mitigator For A Chance To Win A Generator

Enroll in the Surge MitiGator for a Chance to Win a Generator


Florida’s afternoon summer thunderstorms pack a punch. These storms bring heavy rain and lightning that may lead to power surges entering your home from the electric line and through the meter. 


The Colorado State University (CSU) Tropical Meteorology Project team forecasts a well-above-average tropical storm and hurricane activity for the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season. These experts predict 20 named storms in 2022 compared to an average of 14.4 named storms between 1991 and 2020. 


Surges are powerful increases in voltage that can destroy your home’s appliances and electronics. Surges are caused by lightning, vehicles crashing into SECO facilities, small animals, fallen trees and more. SECO’s meter-based surge arrester, the Surge MitiGator, takes the bite out of damaging surges and spikes. 


The MitiGator chomps down on voltage spikes and surges before they damage appliances and cause financial loss. The Surge MitiGator is installed at the meter and the product carries a 15-year warranty.


Lease the Surge MitiGator for only $5.95 plus tax per month with a $25 installation fee. Purchase prices range from $349 to $399, and installation is always free.


Enroll in the Surge MitiGator program (lease or purchase) for a chance to win a portable generator. Members in a current lease or prior purchase are already eligible to win. We’ll pick a winner in September, October and November. To enroll in the Surge MitiGator program, visit our Surge MitiGator website section and fill out the web form. Good luck!


The arrester at the meter is the first step in protection. Point-of-use surge devices should be installed for a home’s electronics and other appliances that run on electric service. Purchase these at your local big box or hardware store. Install as directed.


SECO News August 2022 Winners' Circle

Winners’ Circle


Congratulations to the five Watch and Win Annual Meeting video winners!


James Bowden | Belleview
$500 SECO Energy bill credit


Mary Lynn McKenzie | Tavares
$250 SECO Energy bill credit


Marvin Witt, Jr. | The Villages
Nest Learning Thermostat


Susan Sauer | Inverness
HoneyWell Wi-Fi Thermostat


Cristian Flores | Clermont
2021 Apple TV


The latest SECO Energy Level 2 EV Charger winner is Frank Griswold from Ocala. To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner. Visit our Electric Vehicles website section to learn more about the benefits of owning an EV.


Read the full August 2022 SECO News online.


SECO News March 2022


Dear Members,


SECO Energy is experiencing accelerated growth in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors while operating with strong fiscal responsibility. Florida is amid a population uptick. We expect the expansion potential and increasing energy demand to be our norm for a time.


In 2021, we added upwards of 5,700 new active services systemwide. This level of growth in our service area and Central Florida is exciting, challenging and has a positive effect on our financial position. SECO must meet the increasing demand for energy, maintain existing infrastructure and preserve reliability. SECO is very busy keeping up with our growing region and maintaining our existing infrastructure to serve you.


As a not-for-profit cooperative, significant financial investments are made to serve new members and improve your service reliability. At yearend 2021, SECO’s investment in facilities topped over $1 billion and continues to grow. This ongoing facilities’ investment averages over $6 million per month.


We have retained our position as the third-largest Florida electric cooperative and seventh largest nationally out of about 800 distribution co-ops. Among our co-op peers, a growing infrastructure supporting more than 220,000 metered accounts is extraordinary. Our facilities include 48 substations and 13,000 miles of line to reliably serve members.


This past year, with Board of Trustees approval, SECO returned $6.46 million in Capital Credits to current and former members. Since inception, SECO has returned over $80 million in Capital Credits. Assigning and returning margins to our members makes us different from other electric utilities. This is what we like to call “the cooperative


We control costs, maintain healthy equity, return excess margins like a true co-op should, and provide competitive rates. It is clear there is a difference when serving members in a not-for-profit environment. And that’s the cooperative difference.


We pledge to provide you with the most reliable and lowest cost electricity possible while not losing sight of the high premium you place on customer service.


Best regards,



Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News MARCH 2022 Virtual Business Only! 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting

Virtual Business Only 2022 Annual Virtual Meeting


Members, tune in to watch our 84th Annual Meeting live via virtual webcast on Thursday, March 24, at 4:30 p.m. To access the meeting, click on the Virtual Business Meeting homepage banner on Links to the webcast will also be published on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.


Though this year’s meeting is a virtual business-only Annual Business Meeting, we need your vote to approve the 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes. You can vote on Annual Meeting business by mail, electronically or by phone. All members who cast a vote are counted as present in person for determination of quorum as stated in the Bylaws Article III, Section E, #4.


We have 100 great prizes up for grabs! All members who vote on Annual Meeting Business (2021 Annual Meeting Minutes) are eligible to win a prize. The grand prizes are a 2012 Chevrolet Colorado Extended Cab truck, a 2019 EZGO TXT gas-powered golf cart and three $1,000 cash prizes. Other prizes include SECO Energy electric bill credits, Wi-Fi programmable thermostats, energy savings kits and more!


Review the list of prizes on page three. To cast your vote electronically, visit and click on the 2022 Virtual Business Meeting Vote homepage banner or text VOTE to (352) 320-2200 and follow the link. To vote by mail, fill out the ballot in your 2022 Official Annual Meeting Notice and enclose it with your electric bill payment.


To vote by phone, call (352) 793-3801 and an agent will assist. Do you have a comment or question for us? Engage with SECO Energy during the 2022 Annual Business Meeting, and your question or comment may be addressed live. Drop us a note via email at, give us a call at (352) 329-MEET (answered on March 24 only) or send a message on Facebook or Twitter starting at 3:30 on March 24.


Good luck, and thank you for voting! We’ll see you virtually on Thursday, March 24, at 4:30 for our 84th Annual Meeting.



SECO News MARCH 2022 Annual Meeting Prize List

2022 Annual Business Meeting Prize List


$1,000 CHECKS (3)



SECO News MARCH 2022 Celebrate 25 Years of Our Surge Protection Program with Free Installation

Celebrate 25 Years of our Surge Protection Program with Free Installation


SECO Energy is celebrating 25 years of its Surge Protection Program with savings for you! We’re offering free installation for all new Surge MitiGator enrollments until May 31. That’s a $25 savings for you during our 25th Surge Protection Anniversary.


SECO’s made in the USA meter-based surge arrester has proven reliable over the past 25 years by reducing or eliminating surges BEFORE they enter your home through the meter. More than 40,000 members are already enrolled in the program.


The Surge MitiGator has a beastly 15-year warranty and is designed to protect your home’s large-motor appliances. Household appliances and sensitive electronics such as televisions and computers can be damaged or destroyed by power surges. These also require point-of-use devices that can be purchased at hardware or big-box retailers for adequate coverage.


Start at the meter base with the Surge MitiGator for the best protection. You can lease the MitiGator for only $5.95 plus tax per month with free installation – a $25 savings. The purchase price ranges from $349 to $399 plus tax – and this includes free installation. Visit > Surge MitiGator and complete the webform to learn more or enroll during this limited free installation promotion.


Read the full March 2022 SECO News online.


November 2021 Sunshine State Stats

Central Florida felt its first winter-like temperatures in November 2021. The average high temperature reached 76 degrees, while the average low reached only 56 degrees. The average temperature for the month was a cool 66 degrees which is 12 degrees lower than the previous month.


November 2021 Sunshine State Stats temps


In November 2021, the highest daily temperature recorded was 85 degrees, which is 10 degrees lower than the highest recorded temp in October 2021. The lowest recorded temperature this month was 45 degrees, which is 12 degrees lower than the lowest temp recorded in October 2021. Rainfall increased this month to measure 3.61 inches and is above November’s average of 2.53 inches.


The Atlantic hurricane season officially ended on November 30, with Central Florida remaining unscathed for the season.


Members may notice their energy usage for November 2021 increase slightly from October 2021 if you’re running the heat on chilly mornings/evenings. Daily temperatures that reach into the 80s and chilly mornings in the 40s, along with Florida’s humidity mean HVACs will run for longer periods of time and more frequently to keep temperatures stable inside the home. Wide daily temperature fluctuations also increase HVAC usage. In November 2021, the largest daily temperature fluctuation was 30 degrees.


December forecast:


The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts winter in Florida will be colder than usual. Prepare for the most frigid temperatures to begin in mid-December and continue into early February. Precipitation will also be above average.


With temperatures running colder than average, your HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) unit may run longer and more frequently this year than in previous years. Now is the time to schedule an HVAC service call with a licensed technician. Read December 2021 SECO News to learn more about scheduling a winter HVAC service.


For December 2021, The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts the temperature will average 62 degrees for the month, which is 1 degree below average. Precipitation is forecast to be 3 inches above average. Look for daily highs in the low 80s to low 70s with lows dipping into the low 50s.


Take the bite out of damaging surges and spikes with SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator surge protection. Our meter-based surge arrester protects large appliances by reducing surges BEFORE they enter the meter. Learn more about the Surge MitiGator.


To check historical usage, log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts. If your usage is high, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.


SECO News October 2021

SECO Energy CEO, Jim DuncanWithout question, your electric service is supported by an extensive, robust and well-maintained infrastructure that distributes power generated by our wholesale power provider, Seminole Electric Cooperative. Like SECO Energy, Seminole is a not-for-profit cooperative owned collectively by nine Florida electric distribution cooperatives.


Each distribution co-op’s CEO serves on the Seminole Board – myself included. In addition, select Trustees from each distribution co-op’s board have seats on the Seminole Board. Our Trustee representatives on the Seminole Board are President and District 4 Trustee Richard Dennison and District 8 Trustee Bill James.


In late September 2017, Seminole announced its plan to build a new, natural gas-fired generating plant next to the existing Seminole Generating Station (SGS) facility in Putnam County. This new, highly efficient generation facility is currently named the Seminole Combined Cycle Facility or SCCF. The new generating capacity is approximately 1,050 megawatts (MW).


The new SCCF plant is on schedule and budget. The major components of the plant have been delivered to the site, and construction is 50% complete. Seminole projects the plant to be commercially operational in the fall of 2022. Construction has continued through the COVID-19 pandemic, with personnel ensuring that work moves forward safely.


When Seminole’s plan to build SCCF was first announced, the board decided to take the environmentally friendly step to shutter one of its coal-fired units at the SGS facility once construction of the new natural gas-fired plant is complete.


Seminole is also taking steps to add a higher mix of renewable energy into its fuel portfolio. The cooperative will add 300 MW of additional solar power to its fuel mix by entering into purchased power agreements. Removing the SGS coal-fired unit from service and the addition of the 300 MW of solar, Seminole projects that it will decrease its carbon dioxide emissions in 2024 by 48% from 2005 levels.


Florida’s population is growing. According to the U.S. Census, between 2010 and 2020, Florida’s population grew from 18.8 million to 21.5 million. The growth doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Sumter County is one of the fastest-growing counties in Florida.


In fact, The Villages recently earned the title as the fastest growing metropolitan area in the nation over the last decade per new 2020 census data with a Sumter County growth rate of 39%. Lake and Marion counties’ growth rates continue to climb at 29% and 13%, respectively. Stocking ever-more-expensive and hard-to-procure construction material to build new and maintain existing electric infrastructure is daunting in today’s economic environment as we continue to feel the effects of the pandemic.


SECO Energy and Seminole must work together to plan for future energy supplies to meet the growing demand for safe, affordable energy.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer


SECO News October 2021 Advice From The Old Farmer's Almanac



With winter fast approaching, Florida will soon be welcoming our human snowbirds and our annual aviary migrating snowbirds, too. Read on for interesting facts about avian migration from The Old Farmer’s Almanac. Some migrating birds plump up for maximum energy in preparation for a long flight. In other birds, their reproductive organs shrink to trim excess weight while hemoglobin in their blood increases for aerobic efficiency. Other changes happen too. New feathers grow to improve flight efficiency; these feathers are often less colorful than the birds’ summer feathers. Every avian order has a long-distance migrator. No matter what time of the year, there are always birds on the move.


Read this month’s Florida Fauna and Flora to learn more about the American kestrel.





SECO News October 2021 Surge Mitigator Helps American Cancer Society


The American Cancer Society is on a mission to free the world from cancer. You can help too by enrolling in SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator surge protection product. From October 1 until November 15, for every new MitiGator lease or purchase, SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program will donate $5 to the American Cancer Society.


Take the bite out of damaging surges and spikes with our Surge MitiGator. Surges are often associated with lightning, but other causes are vehicles crashing into SECO poles, small animals and birds contacting SECO lines or falling trees. Household appliances and sensitive electronics such as televisions and computers can be damaged or destroyed by power surges and also require point-of-use devices for adequate protection.


Our made in the USA meter-based surge arrester helps prevent unnecessary financial loss by reducing surges BEFORE they enter your home through the meter. The MitiGator has a beastly 15-year warranty and is designed to protect your home’s large-motor appliances.


You can lease the MitiGator for only $5.95 plus tax per month plus a $25 installation fee. The purchase price ranges from $349 to $399, with installation included.


October is breast cancer awareness month, so the timing is perfect to aid cancer research and support cancer patients by enrolling in SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator surge protection product. To enroll, visit





SECO News October 2021 Area Light Out?


Report an area light outage or malfunction online through LightFinder on our StormCenter platform. Whether the light is always on, completely off or flickering, you can report the malfunction 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – even on weekends.


To report an area light issue, visit > StormCenter and choose LightFinder. Enter the pole number or closest address in the search bar in the upper left. Each light is represented by a lightbulb icon. Green indicates the light is working, and a red icon is a light that has already been reported as malfunctioning. If the icon is orange, it has been repaired in the last 24 hours. Inactive lights are represented by a gray icon and a blue icon is a member-owned light.


Complete the short reporting form and submit your email address to receive updates about the light’s repair status. Most area light issues are repaired within 24 hours.





SECO News February 2021 Winners' Circle


Engage with our virtual assistant Electra on the phone for a chance to win a $25 gift card. Winners who self-served using Electra are:


Donna Vail from Ocala

Jennifer Mears from Webster

Richard Reddy from Deland

Jane Lomont from Clermont


The latest winner of a SECO Energy Level 2 EV Charger is Harry Farrish from Minneola. To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner. Visit our Electric Vehicles website section to learn more about the benefits of owning an EV.


Winners in our Go Green and Win: Paperless Billing and Bank Draft Incentive

John Utegg from Ocala is the winner of a $200 SECO Energy bill credit.

Stephanie Eck from Clermont is the winner of a NEST thermostat.

Susan Douglas from The Villages is the winner of an Amazon Echo Dot with Alexa.


William Guffey from Clermont is our final winner of a portable generator – drawn from the list of all members enrolled in SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator surge protection program. Though our generator giveaway has concluded, from October 1 through November 15, for every new Surge MitiGator lease enrollment or purchase SECO will donate $5 to the American Cancer Society. To learn more or enroll, visit > Energy Solutions > Surge MitiGator.


Congratulations to our recent winners!


Read the full October 2021 SECO News online.


August 2021 Sunshine State Stats

Hot summer temperatures continued in August 2021 as the highest daily temperature recorded was 99 degrees. The lowest recorded temperature for the month was 73 degrees. Rainfall decreased from last month to measure 4.8 and is below August’s average of 7.76 inches.


August 2021 Sunshine State Stats temps


During August’s 31 days, 24 of those reached a high temp of over 90 degrees. Because of the increased temperatures, members will likely notice an increase in their August electric usage.


For August 2021 the average temperature was 85 degrees, which is one degree higher than the average temperature in August 2020. The average high temperature in August 2021 was 93 degrees, and the average low temperature was 77.


Both the average monthly temperature and average low and high temperatures have increased from July 2021. Again, members will likely see an increase in their energy usage for August 2021. Hotter temperatures and increased humidity mean HVACs will run for longer periods of time and more frequently to keep the temperatures cool inside. Daily temperature fluctuations also increase HVAC usage.


September forecast:


September is the peak of hurricane season. The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts a tropical storm threat September 8 – 12. Daily highs will reach into the 90s with lows in the 70s with the chance of scattered thunderstorms that bring rain, lightning and wind during the middle of the month.


Take the bite out of damaging surges and spikes with SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator surge protection. Our meter-based surge arrester protects large appliances by reducing surges BEFORE they enter the meter. Learn more about the Surge MitiGator. In September, members enrolled in surge protection are entered in a drawing to win a portable generator each month. Enroll today for the chance to win!


To check historical usage, log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts. If your usage is high, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.