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January 2025 Sunshine State Stats

In January 2025, the monthly average temperature fell by 9 degrees from December, and the total rainfall was just .51 inches. 


The average temperature in January was 53 degrees, which is 7 degrees cooler than the typical average. The average high for the month reached 65 degrees, also 7 degrees lower than the average high in December. Similarly, the average low temperature fell to 44 degrees, 8 degrees lower than in December. 


The highest temperature of the month was 81 degrees on the last day of January, and the lowest was 34 degrees on January 25th. 


January 2025 weather stats


The January 2025 rainfall of just over one-half inch was well below the January average of 3.12 inches and 1.5 inches below the December 2024 total. Measurable rainfall occurred on six days, with only three days experiencing more than .1 inch of rain. 


Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport occurred on just one day: January 19, during which a total of 64 cloud-to-ground strikes were recorded. The image below shows the location of the strikes as documented by WeatherSentry within the 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport (KLEE).



Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE)


Cloud to Ground Lightning – January 19, 2025 

Data and charts provided by



February Forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts that February in Central Florida will bring a mix of cool temperatures, rain, and sunshine. The month starts off with rainy periods and cool weather from February 1-12, so keeping an umbrella and a light jacket handy will be a good idea. From February 13-16, conditions will improve with sunnier skies and milder temperatures, making for pleasant outdoor activities. Between February 17-23, expect mostly sunny weather at first, followed by heavy rain and a noticeable drop in temperatures. The month will close out with sunshine from February 24-28, but very cold conditions will settle in before gradually warming up again. Overall, temperatures will average 59°F, about 3° below normal, while precipitation is expected to total 2.5 inches, with drier-than-usual conditions in the north and wetter conditions in the south. Expect a cooler-than-average February with a mix of sun, rain, and occasional cold snaps. 


SECO Smart Connect Program: A New Way to Save on Your Electric Bill

Thousands have already enrolled—and there’s still room for you to help reduce the impact on the electric grid during times of peak energy usage and save money, too! 


Review our new SECO Smart Connect Program – this is an opportunity for members to receive bill credits for allowing SECO Energy to make brief changes to the settings on residential devices during times of peak energy demand. Residential members who enroll in the SECO Smart Connect Program will receive enrollment and seasonal incentives via bill credits based on the type of device(s) enrolled. Learn more and enroll here.


Protect Your Appliances

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form. 

December 2024 Sunshine State Stats

Although winter officially arrived on December 21, the month ended warmer than it started, while dry conditions continued in Central Florida. The average temperature in December was 62 degrees, 2 degrees below the normal average, and 9 degrees lower than the November average. The average high for the month was 72 degrees, 2 degrees lower than the average high in December. Likewise, the average low temperature dropped to 52 degrees, also 2 degrees lower than the average low in December. 


The month’s highest temperature reached 83 degrees on December 17th, and the lowest temperature, 36 degrees, was recorded on December 4th. 


The December 2024 rainfall totaled 1.66 inches, .99 inch less than the typical December total of 2.65 inches, and well below the 4.31 inches that one year ago. Measurable rainfall occurred on 5 days, with only two days experiencing more than .02 inch of rain. The U.S. Drought Monitor labels the entire SECO Energy service area as “Abnormally Dry.” However, parts of Marion and Citrus Counties and all of Levy County are drier and qualify as “Moderate Drought” areas as of December 25, 2024.



The U.S. Drought Monitor is jointly produced by the National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Map courtesy of NDMC. 



Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport occurred just two days. On December 11, WeatherSentry recorded 34 cloud-to-ground strikes, while a fast-moving front on December 29 generated 59 strikes. The images below indicate the location of strikes as recorded within the 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport (KLEE). 


Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE)
Data and charts provided by

Cloud to Ground Lightning – December 11, 2024

Cloud to Ground Lightning – December 29, 2024



January forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac weather outlook for January 2025 predicts a week of sunny and warm conditions with scattered showers to start the year, followed by a solid week of sunny and warm conditions. A mid-month change to rain mixed with sun and cooling temperatures foretells a very cold final six days of the month. Bundle up! 


The estimated average temperature for January is 61 degrees, and the expected rainfall is 2 inches, which is .5 inch below the average for the month. 


SECO Smart Connect Program: A New Way to Save on Your Electric Bill

Review our new SECO Smart Connect Program – this is an opportunity for members to receive bill credits for allowing SECO Energy to make brief changes to the settings on residential devices during times of peak energy demand. By enrolling approved smart device(s), members can help limit the impact on the electric grid when the most energy is being used. Residential members who enroll in the SECO Smart Connect Program will receive enrollment and seasonal incentives via bill credits based on the type of device(s) enrolled. Learn more and enroll here.


Protect Your Appliances

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form.

November 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In November 2024, the monthly average temperature fell by 4 degrees from October, while the total rainfall plummeted to just .6 inches. This was well below the normal precipitation level of 2.53 inches in November and 5.27 inches less than what fell in October. 


The average temperature in November was 71 degrees, 2 degrees below the normal average. The average high for the month was 80 degrees, 4 degrees less than the average high in October. Likewise, the average low temperature dropped to 61 degrees, 6 degrees lower than in October. 


The month’s high temperature was 87 degrees on November 3rd and 12th, and the lowest temperature, 42 degrees, was recorded on the final day of November. 


Measurable rainfall occurred on 7 days, with only two days experiencing more than one-tenth inch of rain. SECO Energy serves three counties that are listed as “Abnormally Dry” by the National Integrated Drought Information System as of November 28, 2024.


All of Levy County and parts of Marion and Citrus Counties are in an “Abnormally Dry” status.

Map source:



Thunderstorm activity was minimal in November. Only six cloud-to-ground lightning strikes were recorded by WeatherSentry within the 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport (KLEE); all occurred on the 6th.


December Forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac weather outlook for December 2024 predicts the first week will be sunny and warm, followed by two days of cooler temperatures and showers. From December 10 to 14, sunshine returns, accompanied by cool temperatures. This will be followed by an eight-day period of isolated showers and warmer conditions. The final week, including Christmas and New Year’s Eve, is forecast to be sunny and cold. 


The estimated average temperature for December is 64 degrees, and the expected rainfall is 1.5 inches, which is 1 inch below the average for the month.


SECO Smart Connect Program: A New Way to Save on Your Electric Bill

Review our new SECO Smart Connect Program – this is an opportunity for members to receive bill credits for allowing SECO Energy to make brief changes to the settings on residential devices during times of peak energy demand. By enrolling approved smart device(s), members can help limit the impact on the electric grid when the most energy is being used. Residential members who enroll in the SECO Smart Connect Program will receive enrollment and seasonal incentives via bill credits based on the type of device(s) enrolled. Learn more and enroll here.


Protect Your Appliances

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form.

October 2024 Sunshine State Stats

In October 2024, the monthly average temperature fell by 8 degrees from September, while the rainfall total remained well above average due to Hurricane Milton, which delivered 73% of the month’s total on a single day. Although precipitation decreased by 3.49 inches from last month, it was still 4.46 inches more than the October rainfall recorded last year at Leesburg International Airport (KLEE). The month’s average high temperature was 84 degrees, 6 degrees lower than the September average high temperature. The average low fell to 67 degrees, 8 degrees lower than in September.


The month’s high temperatures during the first five days all peaked in the 90s, with October 4th reaching the monthly high of 92 degrees. High temperatures after the 5th remained in the 80s and even 70s. The lowest temperature, 53 chilly degrees, occurred on October 17.


Measurable rainfall occurred on 9 days, with all but .01 inch falling during the first nine days of the month. Thunderstorm activity within a 20-mile radius of Leesburg International Airport was limited to just the first two days of October and totaled 81 cloud-to-ground strikes as reported by WeatherSentry.



Lightning Archive Report – 20-mile radius from Leesburg International Airport (KLEE) 

Data and charts provided by 


Cloud to Ground Lightning  –  October 1-2, 2024 (81 strikes)



Thunderstorm activity typically decreases in Central Florida during fall and winter months, but SECO Energy reminds members that hurricane activity is still possible in November. Continue to keep an eye on local weather alerts for tropical storm systems that may develop. Stay connected to SECO’s StormCenter for updates on approaching severe weather, possible outages, and restorations.


November Forecast from The Old Farmer’s Almanac:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac weather outlook for November 2024 predicts showers and warm conditions during the first six days, followed by sunny and cooler weather through November 14. Showers and warm temperatures return from November 15 through 21 then change to sunny and colder days before becoming milder with rainy weather during the final three days. 


The estimated average temperature for November is 68 degrees, and the expected rainfall is 3.5 inches, which is 1 inch above the average for the month. 


SECO Smart Connect Program: A New Way to Save on Your Electric Bill

Have you seen the SECO Smart Connect Program? This is a new opportunity for members to receive bill credits for allowing SECO Energy to make brief changes to the settings on residential devices during times of peak energy demand. By enrolling approved smart device(s), members can help limit the impact on the electric grid when the most energy is being used. Residential members who enroll in the SECO Smart Connect Program will receive enrollment incentives via bill credits based on the type of device(s) enrolled. We are also offering additional seasonal and monthly incentives. Learn more and enroll here. 


Protect Your Appliances

Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy household appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge Mitigator™ program offers a meter-based surge arrester designed to protect large appliances, such as motors and compressors, by reducing surges at the meter before they enter your home. Members can lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator surge protection program by completing a contact form. 

SECO News October 2024

Wynn's Wire








SECO Energy is locally owned and operated for the sole benefit of our members, which means our priorities align with your needs. We focus on providing reliable, affordable electric service that benefits the entire community. To enhance the reliability of our services and address the growing needs of the communities we serve, SECO Energy has recently made several significant investments in our existing infrastructure:


Timberwood Substation (Marion County):

We’ve installed a new power transformer and added three additional distribution circuits, increasing capacity to 75 megawatts — doubling its previous capacity. This upgrade also includes an automatic transfer scheme that connects to another distribution feeder. During a power outage, crews can transfer load between feeders for faster and safer restoration.


Clermont Substation (Lake County):

Ranking among SECO Energy’s top five substations for load and member count, we’ve added two new power transformers, boosting capacity to 112 megawatts – an increase of nearly 50%.


Webster Substation (Sumter County):

To improve reliability, we’ve replaced an older fuse system with a more advanced transmission fuse breaker and upgraded three single-phase power transformers to three-phase power transformers.


Sumterville Substation (Sumter County):

We’re expanding this substation and tripling the capacity from 37 to 112 megawatts by building a second side, replacing one power transformer, and installing two new power transformers. Construction is scheduled for completion by the end of 2024.


On tap for 2025 is a brand-new substation in Lake County. The Dilly Lake substation near Howey-in-the-Hills and Minneola is undergoing a major rebuild. The capacity of the substation is almost quadrupling from 28 to 112 megawatts. We’re increasing the distribution circuits from two to eight and adding two new power transformers.


These upgrades support new and existing homes and businesses and ensure reliable power during peak demand as Central Florida grows. We understand that reliability, value, and trust are what SECO Energy members expect. That’s why we’ve made these proactive improvements to address today’s needs and support future growth.











Chief Executive Officer




SECO News October 2024 A Legacy of Growth and Service



October is National Co-op Month, and SECO Energy is proud to join REI, Land O’ Lakes, Ocean Spray, Florida’s Natural Growers, Inc., and other cooperatives across the United States in celebrating co-ops’ impact on their communities. Co-ops come in various shapes and sizes, but no matter how big or how small, they all share a common goal: to provide exceptional goods or services to their members.


Founded in 1938 as Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc., SECO Energy has evolved from a small rural utility into a leading not-for-profit Touchstone Energy Cooperative serving Central Florida. SECO powers over 245,000 homes and businesses across seven counties today, providing reliable, safe, and affordable electric service to over half a million consumers. This remarkable growth has made SECO Energy the seventh-largest in the nation among over 900 electric cooperatives.











SECO News October 2024 Protect Your Home With SurgeMitigator™


Power surges can wreck havoc on your appliances and electronics. SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator™ program can help safeguard your home. From October 1 to November 12, SECO Energy is running a promotion for FREE installation when you enroll in this essential protection plan. The Surge MitiGator™ program is the first step in defending your large appliances by reducing surges at the meter before they can enter your home. Don’t wait for disaster – invest in peace of mind today.


To learn more about SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator™ program click here.





SECO News October 2024 SECO Energy Youth Tour Leadership Opportunity


CALLING ALL HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS! Apply now to win a sponsorship for the 2025 Tallahassee Youth Tour.


ELIGIBILITY: Any high school junior living in a home that receives electric service from SECO Energy. Up to ten students will be selected to attend the Tallahassee Youth Tour – one from each of our nine Districts and one at large.


TALLAHASSEE YOUTH TOUR DATES: February 12 – 13, 2025





  • Visit the State Capitol
  • Venture the Florida Supreme Court
  • Tour the Governor’s Mansion
  • Explore museums
  • Develop leadership skills
  • Learn about the Cooperative Business Model



After the Tallahassee Youth Tour, each of the ten participants will have a second opportunity to compete for one of two spots to attend a once-in-a-lifetime, sponsored trip to tour our Nation’s Capital as SECO Energy’s 2025 Washington Youth Tour delegates.


In June 2025, the two selected students will join more than 1,800 students from across the country to learn about our great nation, develop leadership skills, better understand electric cooperatives, and make lasting friendships.


Students selected for the SECO Energy Youth Tour will be notified in early January 2025. The two Washington D.C. Youth Tour representatives will be announced during the SECO Energy Youth Tour banquet in April 2025.








At SECO Energy, you’re not just connected to an electric provider. You’re a valued member of a Touchstone Energy Cooperative guided by seven cooperative principles that put your needs first:


1. Voluntary and Open Membership: 

Membership is open to all individuals who purchase electric service from SECO Energy.


2. Democratic Member Control:

Your vote matters. Members elect fellow members like me to SECO’s Board of Trustees to ensure cooperative decisions reflect your interests.


3. Members’ Economic Participation:

Members contribute by paying their monthly utility bill. At the end of the year, profits are then distributed to members, not investors.


4. Autonomy and Independence:

SECO is controlled by a nine-member Board of Trustees that is focused on the needs of our members and communities.


5. Education, Training, and Information:

SECO provides the tools and knowledge to help you understand your energy use and make informed decisions.


6. Cooperation Among Cooperatives:

SECO collaborates with other cooperatives, enhancing service reliability and sharing resources in times of need.


7. Concern for Community:

SECO is committed to improving the communities we serve, from supporting local schools to investing in renewable energy.


These principles aren’t just words; they’re the foundation of how SECO Energy operates, ensuring that we serve you, our members, with fairness, transparency, and care.



Read the full October SECO News.




SECO News May 2024

During our 2024 Annual Meeting, I gave update on SECO Energy’s system reliability, reviewing three key metrics that affirm our commitment to providing reliable electric service to almost half a million consumers:


Wynn's Wire

  • The System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI)
  • The System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI)
  • The Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI)


In 2023, SECO’s SAIDI measurement, or average time a consumer was without power, averaged only 64 minutes or just over an hour. To compare, the national average based on 2022 data for utilities, was five and a half hours.


SAIFI indicates the frequency of power interruptions per year. SECO’s average frequency dipped below one for the first time in our 85-year history. In practical terms, on average, SECO members experienced only one power outage. Nationally, compared to 2022 figures, consumers experienced an average of 1.43 interruptions annually.


CAIDI evaluates the duration it takes our talented and dedicated SECO crews to restore power following an outage notification. In 2023, SECO’s restoration time was 69 minutes, slightly over an hour. This is quite remarkable, considering the national average from 2022 was nearly four hours.


These metrics place SECO in the “Best in Class” category for reliability, a position we’ve upheld for years.


The foundation of these statistics lies in continuous maintenance and ongoing investments in our electric infrastructure. Our engineering and operations team adheres to a meticulous maintenance and inspection regimen covering substations, poles, and overhead and underground equipment.


Our proactive approach to vegetation management, which involves trimming trees along hundreds of miles of power lines and removing potential hazards, further safeguards our system against outages.


While these reliability measurements are impressive, our focus remains on improving our performance. Last year, we were spared from severe damage during hurricane season. As we continue into 2024, we will plan and act decisively in response to severe weather events to ensure our reliability remains intact and you, our members, are satisfied.


Atlantic hurricane season is just around the corner, beginning on June 1. SECO Energy is StormReady and prepared for hurricanes, tropical storms, lightning, or the occasional outages experienced during our rainy summer. We ask you, too, to prepare for hurricane season, have a plan in place for your family, stock up early on hurricane supplies, and for those with a medical need for electricity, plan to have a backup power source or to seek shelter during a storm.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News May 2024 SECO Energy Energizes Education at Lake-Sumter State College


SECO Energy believes in demonstrating our commitment to education and empowering the next wave of professionals in the energy sector. In fact, Education, Training, and Information is one of the Seven Cooperative Principles that SECO Energy holds dear as a not-for-profit cooperative.


Lake-Sumter State College, located just around the corner from our Sumterville headquarters, is one of Florida’s leading colleges that trains students who are interested in a future energy career. The College desperately needed new wooden utility poles for firsthand student training exercises.


SECO Energy stepped up in a big way by donating utility poles to the College. This is a game-changer for students who will be our future lineworkers of tomorrow. Through SECO’s pole donation, students participate in hands-on learning setting up, climbing, and replacing utility poles —skills crucial for success in the energy field. This opportunity bridges classroom learning and real-world application, preparing students for the future in a tangible way.


Read on to learn how you can have a hand in educating future Florida lineworkers by purchasing a “Thank a Lineman” license plate today. Enjoy the photos of students in action, getting a head start on their future careers, thanks to the donation of utility poles from SECO Energy to Lake- Sumter State College.



SECO News May 2024 Vice President & District 1 Trustee Scott Boyatt Thank A Lineman License Plate

Over the years, many members have asked how to show appreciation to SECO Energy lineworkers and utility personnel who tirelessly restore power after natural disasters. One impactful way is ordering a “Thank a Lineman” license plate. This initiative, which gained approval from the Florida Legislature in 2020 after Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 1135 into law, allows members to express their gratitude and support to all the thousands of Florida lineworkers and utility personnel.


Ordering this license plate is more than a gesture of thanks; it directly contributes to a significant cause. The proceeds assist a key recruitment partner for SECO Energy, supporting the next generation of utility workforce. Specifically, $25 from each sale funds scholarships for students enrolling in Electric Utility programs at Lake-Sumter State College (LSSC). According to LSSC’s website (, the college is ranked nationally among the top 150 Community Colleges. This opportunity uniquely honors lineworkers while investing in the education and future of those entering the utility workforce in Central Florida.


To reserve your plate today, visit or contact your local county tax collector’s office. Purchase avenues vary from county to county.


The actual “Thank a Lineman” license plates will be available once the pre-sale threshold is met.



SECO News May 2024 Rate Tariff Update

EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 2024, SECO Energy will implement several miscellaneous and lighting schedule fee adjustments detailed in the Cooperative’s Rate Tariff.


SECO Energy operates as a not-for-profit cooperative, structuring rates to cover operational costs rather than generate profits. Many of our posted miscellaneous fees have remained unchanged for over a decade. While we understand that any fee adjustment could affect our members, the miscellaneous fees added or changed will impact a small population and are designed to cover increased labor and material costs for specific services only.


TO REVIEW THE RATE TARIFF, visit >Your Co-op > Rate Tariff. These adjustments are necessary to maintain the reliability and sustainability of service.



SECO News May 2024 Bill Payment Mailing Address Change

SECO Energy’s payment address for check payment processing is changing as of June 1, 2024.

The new payment address is:


SECO Energy

P.O. Box 70997

Charlotte, NC 28272-0997


Instead of writing a monthly check, consider enrolling in bank draft. With bank draft, your payment will draft on the due date. Bank draft will alleviate the worry of a missed payment, or late fee. Bank draft is the least expensive payment option. The Cooperative currently absorbs the convenience fees charged to SECO when a member pays using a credit or debit card. To enroll in bank draft, contact Member Services at or enroll through SmartHub.


Read the full May 2024 SECO News.



SECO News April 2024

Thank you to all who tuned in to our 2024 Annual Meeting and participated in your cooperative’s governance process! If you were unable to tune in live, watch the Annual Meeting video on to see the list of 101 prize winners. The video is also available on YouTube and Facebook.


Wynn's Wire


17,209 members voted on Annual Meeting business. Both the revisions to SECO Energy’s Bylaws pertaining to District Meetings and Trustee qualifications and the 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes were approved by the membership.


During the meeting, Board of Trustees President Gerald Anderson and I provided an update on SECO Energy’s successful 2023, specifically celebrating our 85th anniversary as an electric cooperative. This significant milestone represents decades of service, innovation, and community involvement that originated from a collective effort of rural households in 1938. Our journey has brought electricity to over 240,000 members and employment opportunities to Central Florida making 2023 a truly remarkable achievement.


In response to growth and the evolving energy landscape, SECO Energy introduced a new Strategy Map at the start of 2023. Our Mission steadfastly remains committed to providing reliable and innovative energy services and our Vision is to lead the industry in member satisfaction and engagement while becoming the preferred employer in our region. This strategic approach enables the Cooperative to focus on our core business, navigate industry changes and rising costs, operate more efficiently, enhance member engagement, and overcome labor and supply chain shortages.


In 2022, the SECO Energy Board of Trustees approved a multi-million-dollar investment in advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) with plans to implement the technology across our service area. AMI is one of the most innovative services investments we can provide that will reach practically every member.


Reducing labor and contractor costs, identifying service anomalies, and almost instantaneous power outage detection make AMI a win for members and the Cooperative.


AMI allows us to connect and engage directly with you through the system’s ability to provide real insight into your home’s energy use. This technology is the first step for SECO to open the door to new ideas and innovations. Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems, or DERMS, will pave the way for a more resilient and sustainable energy infrastructure. Soon, you will be able to enroll your smart devices, such as your thermostat, water heater, Wi-Fi-connected whole home generator, batteries, and electric vehicle, to connect with our DERMS provider.


We plan to incentivize members who take advantage of this newer technology that will help us consume less energy when demand is high. Watch for an announcement of the program launch in an upcoming edition of SECO News.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News April 2024 Annual Meeting Trivia


If you missed this year’s Annual Meeting or didn’t win a prize, don’t worry – there’s a second chance to win. Simply head over to and play 2024 Annual Meeting trivia.



• Two (2) $250 SECO Energy bill credits

• Three (3) $100 Amazon gift cards

• Five (5) $50 SECO Energy bill credits


HOW DO YOU PLAY? On SECO Energy’s 2024 Annual Meeting trivia Facebook post, answer these five questions in the comments section:

1. What anniversary milestone did SECO Energy commemorate in 2023?

2. What was SECO Energy’s 2023 ACSI score?

3. How many Trustee Districts make up the SECO Energy Board?

4. What was the total number of members served by SECO Energy by the end of 2023?

5. What does AMI stand for?


NEED SOME HELP FINDING THE ANSWERS? No problem! Visit > Your Co-op > Annual Member Meeting and watch the recorded virtual meeting. You can submit your answers by mail to SECO Energy, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585, or play online. Make sure to submit your answers before June 14th. Winners will be notified by June 21st. GOOD LUCK!



2024 Annual Meeting Prize Winners

All members who voted on 2024 Annual Meeting business were eligible to win 1 of 101 prizes. To check and see if you’re one of the lucky winners, head over to > Your Co-Op > Annual Member Meeting.


In case you missed out on the live feed of the Annual Meeting, you can watch the video posted on our website and YouTube channel. Don’t miss the chance to catch up on the latest updates and to find out if you’re among the fortunate prize recipients!



SECO News April 2024 Tree Line USA


SECO Energy has been named a 2024 Tree Line USA Utility by the Arbor Day Foundation for 17 years in a row. Tree Line USA recognizes public and private utilities that help to preserve and enhance America’s urban forests. Nationally, Tree Line USA fosters the coexistence of reliable and safely delivered electricity with communities that maintain healthy trees.


To earn the Tree Line USA designation, SECO Energy meets five program standards: quality tree care, providing yearly worker training in best tree care practices, sponsoring a tree planting and education program, maintaining a tree-based energy conservation program, and participating in an Arbor Day celebration. Celebrate Arbor Day on Friday, April 26, by planting a tree. Be sure to call 811 before you dig and plant the tree away from overhead power lines.



SECO News April 2024 Invest In Surge Mitigator™ For A Chance To Win A Generator


SECO’s Surge MitiGator™ protection program takes the bite out of damaging spikes and surges, and you can too! Enroll in the Surge MitiGator™ program by June 30, 2024, for a chance to win one of three portable generators. Members in a current lease or have a previously purchased Surge MitiGator™ are automatically entered to win.


Scan the QR code or go to > Energy Solutions > Surge MitiGator™ and complete the web form to get started. We’ll pick a winner in April, May, and June.


The Surge MitiGator™ program provides a meter-based arrestor that acts as the first line of defense to block electrical disturbances from entering through the electric line before they damage appliances and lead to financial loss. Surges are often caused by lightning, vehicle accidents involving SECO Energy’s infrastructure, small animals, fallen trees, and other unforeseeable events.


Lease the Surge MitiGator™ for a monthly fee* of only $5.95 or purchase the protection for $349. Both options include a 15-year manufacturer warranty.


SECO Energy recommends installing point-of-use devices to provide additional protection for sensitive appliances inside the home. These can be purchased at most major home improvement stores.


*Plus tax and applicable installation fees.



SECO News April 2024 A Message from Presiden Anderson: National Safe Digging Month (811)


April is National Safe Digging Month, which serves as an important reminder to always know what lies beneath before breaking ground on any outside projects requiring digging.


It’s alarming to note that every year, millions of dollars in property damage, personal injury, and even fatalities occur due to accidental digging into buried utility lines. Whether you’re planning to install a fence, plant a tree, or embark on a construction project, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to know what’s below to avoid potential hazards underground before digging.



1. Plan Your Project. Gather specific information about your digging project, such as street address, type of project, and timeline.

2. Call 811 or Submit a Request Online at It’s free and easy. You’ll receive a ticket number and a list of public utility companies that will be notified of your intent to dig.

3. Wait Two Full Business Days. Affected public utilities will be notified of your intent to dig and will dispatch someone to the approximate location of these underground facilities on your property.

4. Confirm Utility Responses and Marks. Before breaking ground, confirm that all utilities have responded to your request and marked the appropriate locations.

5. Dig Carefully. If digging within 24 inches from the outer edge of each marked facility can’t be avoided, consider moving your project location.


Florida's Sunshine 811 logo

Ensuring your safety and the integrity of SECO Energy’s infrastructure remains the utmost priority. By following these steps and calling 811 before digging, you not only safeguard yourself but our entire community.


Let’s use this month as an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to prioritizing safety and ensuring that every digging project is approached with caution and foresight. Together, we can prevent accidents, protect infrastructure, and promote a safer environment for all.


Read the full April 2024 SECO News.

SECO News October 2023

Wynn's WireDear Members,

SECO Energy and Central Florida were fortunate to escape most of the destruction from Hurricane Idalia. Our system fared extremely well – only 10,400 members were without power during the 24-hour period when Idalia reached closest to us. All outages were restored safely and quickly by dedicated line technicians. The SECO team executed their respective duties admirably and was prepared to confront more severe conditions that, fortunately, did not evolve.


SECO is a not-for-profit electric cooperative that is member-owned and operated for the benefit of all members we serve. We are also very thankful for the over 500 crews – including line and tree contractors – who answered our distress call and traveled to our location to assist with Hurricane Idalia restoration. SECO is StormReady and prepared for the worst, which thankfully did not happen.


While SECO Energy members were relatively unscathed, our neighbors in Northern Florida, which received a direct hit from Hurricane Idalia, fared far worse.


Hurricane Idalia made landfall in the Big Bend area on Wednesday, August 30. Some of the most affected were members served by Tri-County Electric Cooperative in Jefferson, Madison and Taylor Counties. Tri-County serves almost 25,000 members – 100% of which were without electric service from Hurricane Idalia. On Friday, September 1, a contingent of SECO line technicians, a mechanic, a superintendent and a supervisor traveled to Tri-County to assist in restoring power.


Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) serves more than 28,000 members in Columbia, Hamilton, Lafayette and Suwannee Counties and also needed help. SECO released seven Pike contractor crews to SVEC to join their restoration effort. Both Tri-County and SVEC sustained extensive damage to their electric systems. While their members experienced days without electricity, our SECO crews received many gestures of thankfulness and appreciation.


These opportunities to offer mutual aid and support to each other are vital to the electric cooperative industry. They also underscore two primary tenets of the Seven Cooperative Principles to which we adhere: Cooperation Among Cooperatives and Concern for Community. SECO Energy will continue to embrace these standards and is grateful for the assistance we received.


Hurricane season runs through November 30; at the time of this column printing, we are monitoring three tropical disturbances. Preparing your homes and families for a tropical storm or hurricane is still vital. Read our Hurricane Handbook at > Safety > Hurricane Handbook for more information about what to do before, during and after a storm.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn
Chief Executive Officer



SECO News October 2023 Move Over Law A Message from District 5 Trustee Shannon Wright


THERE IS AN UPDATE TO FLORIDA’S MOVE OVER LAW THAT TAKES EFFECT IN JANUARY 2024. HB 425, known as “Florida’s Move Over Law,” passed the House on April 26, 2023, and passed the Senate on May 4. It was signed into law by Governor DeSantis on June 5.


The new changes will expand the Move Over law by adding a disabled motor vehicle to those currently protected. A disabled vehicle will be treated the same as emergency vehicles if stopped, displaying warning lights, hazard lights, emergency flares, or posting emergency signage, or if it is stopped with one or more persons visibly present.


The Move Over law is intended to protect vehicles and nearby operators and workers from passing traffic. Currently, the law spells out responsibilities for drivers on an interstate highway or other highway with two or more lanes. Drivers are to vacate the lane closest to emergency or sanitation vehicles, utility service trucks, wreckers, and road and bridge maintenance or construction vehicles when traveling in the direction of these vehicles.


If moving over cannot be safely accomplished, the driver must reduce their speed to 20 miles per hour less than the posted speed limit (when the posted speed limit is 25 miles per hour or greater), or travel at 5 miles per hour when the posted speed limit is 20 miles per hour or less.


Drivers who do not slow down and move over could receive a noncriminal moving violation and be hit with a hefty monetary fine.



SECO News October 2023 Escape Phantom Load


Phantom load, also known as standby or vampire power, refers to electricity consumed by electronic devices when turned off or in standby mode. Many modern devices, such as televisions, computers, chargers, and more, draw tiny amounts of energy when plugged in. These devices consume a small amount of power, which adds up over time. Phantom load contributes to higher energy use, which increases monthly bills.


Combining awareness, habit changes, and energy-efficient technologies reduces phantom load. Effective strategies include:


UNPLUG DEVICES: The simplest solution is unplugging electronics when they are not in use. This eliminates phantom load from these devices.

SMART POWER STRIPS: Plug electronics into innovative power strips that detect when devices are in standby mode or not being actively used. Smart power strips will automatically de-energize power to those devices. Convenient and reduces energy.

ENERGY-EFFICIENT DEVICES: Choose electronics and appliances with energy-saving features. Look for ENERGY STAR-certified products designed to consume less energy in standby mode.

TIMERS AND AUTOMATION: Use timers or smart home automation systems to schedule when devices should be powered on and off.

MANUAL POWER MANAGEMENT: Make it a habit to power down devices when not in use. Shut down computers, turn off lights and unplug chargers when not needed.

EDUCATION AND AWARENESS: Raising awareness among family members about phantom load and its impact can lead to using less energy at home.


Put these strategies into practice to significantly reduce electricity from phantom loads. Do you need additional energy-saving advice? SECO Energy has two online energy-saving tools to help you reduce energy and save money on your bill. Our Home Energy Assessment is a complete online energy audit tailored to your home and lifestyle. The Energy Estimator shows the math associated with your energy usage. Find both energy-saving tools at > Energy Solutions.



SECO News October 2023 Surge MitiGator Free Installation


Starting October 1, we’re offering free installation for all new Surge MitiGator enrollments through November 30. That’s a $25 savings for you and added protection for the electronics in your home.


SECO’s meter-based surge arrester is made in the USA. It has proven reliable for over 25 years by reducing or eliminating surges BEFORE they enter your home through the meter. More than 55,000 members already trust SECO’s Surge MitiGator.


The Surge MitiGator has a 15-year warranty and is designed to protect your home’s large-motor appliances. Household appliances and sensitive electronics such as televisions and computers can be damaged or destroyed by power surges. These also require in-home point-of-use devices that can be purchased at hardware or big-box retailers for adequate coverage.


Start at the meter base with the Surge MitiGator for the best protection. You can lease the MitiGator for only $5.95 plus tax per month with free installation – a $25 savings. The purchase price ranges from $349 to $399 plus tax, and installation is free. Visit > Surge MitiGator and complete the contact form to learn more or enroll during this free installation promotion.


Read the full October 2023 SECO News.

SECO Energy’s Pennies Program Donates $3,485 to the American Cancer Society

SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program recently donated $3,485 to the American Cancer Society. From October 1 through November 15, for every new SECO Energy member who enrolled in SECO’s Surge MitiGator surge protection program, the not-for-profit electric cooperative pledged to donate $5 from the Pennies from Heaven program to a local chapter of the American Cancer Society. A total of 697 SECO members enrolled during that timeframe and resulted in a $3,485 donation.


The American Cancer Society is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. The organization is taking action to battle a disease that has affected millions. In the United States, 600,000 die of cancer each year. The organization funds and conducts cancer research, supports cancer patients, shares expert information and cancer prevention tips to help people live longer – and better. Learn how you can donate or volunteer at the American Cancer Society.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Thank you, members, who donated spare change to our Pennies from Heaven program. Those extra pennies allow SECO to contribute to worthy causes in our service area. While the vast majority of Pennies from Heaven funding is allocated for bill payment assistance and educational initiatives for our members, I am pleased that we can support our local American Cancer Society to help in the fight against cancer.”


Although the Pennies from Heaven fundraiser is over, members can still enroll in the surge protection program. Take the bite out damaging surges and spikes with the Surge MitiGator. Power surges are caused by lightning, vehicles crashing into utility poles, small animals, birds or fallen trees.


SECO’s made in the USA meter-based surge arrester reduces surges BEFORE they enter your home through the meter. The Surge MitiGator has a beastly 15-year warranty and is designed to protect your home’s large-motor appliances. Household appliances and sensitive electronics such as televisions and computers can be damaged or destroyed by power surges and also require point-of-use devices for adequate protection.


Lease the MitiGator for only $5.95 plus tax per month plus a $25 installation fee. The purchase price ranges from $349 to $399, with installation included. Visit our Surge MitiGator website section to learn more about the program, to read the warranty and to complete the web form to enroll.


The Pennies from Heaven program rounds up monthly SECO bills to the nearest dollar and uses the spare pennies to fund member bill payment assistance and local, worthy causes. Visit Pennies from Heaven and complete the web form to enroll. Conversely, members who need help paying their bill should visit and click on the “Find Bill Payment Help” banner. Use the interactive map to locate a social service agency that receives Pennies from Heaven funding from SECO Energy.


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.


November 2021 Sunshine State Stats

Central Florida felt its first winter-like temperatures in November 2021. The average high temperature reached 76 degrees, while the average low reached only 56 degrees. The average temperature for the month was a cool 66 degrees which is 12 degrees lower than the previous month.


November 2021 Sunshine State Stats temps


In November 2021, the highest daily temperature recorded was 85 degrees, which is 10 degrees lower than the highest recorded temp in October 2021. The lowest recorded temperature this month was 45 degrees, which is 12 degrees lower than the lowest temp recorded in October 2021. Rainfall increased this month to measure 3.61 inches and is above November’s average of 2.53 inches.


The Atlantic hurricane season officially ended on November 30, with Central Florida remaining unscathed for the season.


Members may notice their energy usage for November 2021 increase slightly from October 2021 if you’re running the heat on chilly mornings/evenings. Daily temperatures that reach into the 80s and chilly mornings in the 40s, along with Florida’s humidity mean HVACs will run for longer periods of time and more frequently to keep temperatures stable inside the home. Wide daily temperature fluctuations also increase HVAC usage. In November 2021, the largest daily temperature fluctuation was 30 degrees.


December forecast:


The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts winter in Florida will be colder than usual. Prepare for the most frigid temperatures to begin in mid-December and continue into early February. Precipitation will also be above average.


With temperatures running colder than average, your HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) unit may run longer and more frequently this year than in previous years. Now is the time to schedule an HVAC service call with a licensed technician. Read December 2021 SECO News to learn more about scheduling a winter HVAC service.


For December 2021, The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts the temperature will average 62 degrees for the month, which is 1 degree below average. Precipitation is forecast to be 3 inches above average. Look for daily highs in the low 80s to low 70s with lows dipping into the low 50s.


Take the bite out of damaging surges and spikes with SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator surge protection. Our meter-based surge arrester protects large appliances by reducing surges BEFORE they enter the meter. Learn more about the Surge MitiGator.


To check historical usage, log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts. If your usage is high, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.