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SECO News January 2022

SECO News January 2022 Message From Board President And District 4 Trustee Richard Dennison

Dear Members,


On behalf of the Board of Trustees and SECO Energy, please join us in welcoming Curtis Wynn as our new CEO. Mr. Wynn takes the helm on January 4, stepping into Jim Duncan’s role as he retires after a distinguished 43-year SECO career. 


Mr. Wynn’s energy industry career is rooted in Florida. From 1981 to 1997, he worked at West Florida Electric Cooperative.  His tenure culminated there as Vice President of Member Services, Information Technology, Marketing and Economic Development. Mr. Wynn has served as President and CEO of Roanoke Electric Cooperative in North Carolina.  Roanoke is a not-for-profit electric cooperative that serves 14,500 metered accounts. 


Mr. Wynn is married with three children. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration and Management Information Systems from Troy University. Based on his electric cooperative career that spans almost 42 years, SECO’s Board of Trustees expects that Mr. Wynn will continue Mr. Duncan’s legacy of success at SECO.


In reviewing his bio, Mr. Wynn’s resume reflects a long list of awards and accomplishments showing a history of supporting creative solutions that are turning the challenges of the energy industry evolution into major opportunities. 


He also serves or has served on a variety of boards including: immediate past board president, National Rural Electric Cooperatives Association (NRECA); past president, vice president and secretary-treasurer of North Carolina Electric Membership Cooperative; board member, North Carolina’s Association of Electric Cooperatives; board member, Meridian Cooperative (formerly Southeastern Data Cooperative – SEDC); and past nominating committee member, CoBank.


SECO Energy provides electric service to 220,000+ homes and businesses across seven counties in Central Florida. SECO Energy is a three-time J.D. Power award-winning electric utility and is a front runner statewide and nationally with the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI).


Welcome, Mr. Wynn. We look forward to working with you and seeing our cooperative into the future supporting our strategic goal of providing affordable, reliable electric service.




Richard Dennison 

Board President and District 4 Trustee




SECO News January 2022 Payment Mailing Address Change

Payment Mailing Address Change

For members who prefer to pay their monthly energy bill by mail, our payment mailing address has changed. The new payment address is:


SECO Energy

DEPT # 3035

PO BOX 11407

Birmingham, AL 35246-3035


This change is effective on January 1.

If you are considering a more modern and secure payment option in place of writing a paper check, visit > My Account > 12 Ways to Pay. Using SmartHub, you can enroll in bank draft, schedule a credit/debit card payment or pay by e-check. SmartHub also allows you to opt-out of receiving a paper bill in favor of an eBill sent to your email address each month after your meter is read.  This helps us keep rates low by saving time and money – both for you and SECO. 


Pennies From Heaven Donates $3,485 To The American Cancer Society

SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven Program donated $3,485 to help fight cancer. From October 1 through November 15, 2021, for every member who enrolled in our Surge MitiGator surge protection, your not-for-profit electric cooperative donated $5 from the Pennies from Heaven program to a local chapter of the American Cancer Society.


697 members enrolled resulting in donations totaling $3,485. 


Take the bite out of damaging surges and spikes with the Surge MitiGator. Power surges are caused by lightning, vehicles crashing into SECO poles, small animals, birds or fallen trees. 


SECO’s made in the USA meter-based surge arrester reduces surges BEFORE they enter your home through the meter. The Surge MitiGator has a beastly 15-year warranty and is designed to protect your home’s large-motor appliances. Household appliances and sensitive electronics such as televisions and computers can be damaged or destroyed by power surges and also require point-of-use devices for adequate protection.


You can lease the MitiGator for only $5.95 plus tax per month plus a $25 installation fee. The purchase price ranges from $349 to $399, with installation included. To enroll, visit > Surge MitiGator and complete the web form.


SECO News January 2022 Second AMI Pilot

Second AMI Pilot


In 2014, SECO Energy engaged with a smart meter vendor in an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) pilot project of about 1,200 meters. After the pilot, we installed 36,000 meters in our territory. Unfortunately, the product did not perform as expected. The meters and communications equipment were removed and returned to the vendor.  


Since then, we’ve kept an eye on the market. In 2018, we conducted workshops with eight different major smart meter vendors. Each offered a slightly different product and provided varying performance expectations based on the type of communications systems their brand offered. Because SECO’s service territory is a mix of dense suburban areas, metropolitan areas and sparsely populated rural areas, we require a product that will perform in a variety of terrains. Several vendors offered to build a hybrid to accomplish that. Unfortunately, it comes with a hefty price tag. Thus, we decided to take small steps to determine what product is best for SECO.    


Late in 2019, SECO announced a pilot project that replaced 6,200 outdated prepaid meters with Elster/Honeywell AMI meters that used Verizon 5G technology. The Board of Trustees recently approved an additional pilot project for a broader comparison and benchmark using Landis+Gyr technology. Both the Elster/Honeywell and the Landis+Gyr pilot projects will help us gain the experience of operating an AMI system. 


AMI meters supply daily usage readings that will integrate with SECO’s online account management platform SmartHub. Through this SmartHub integration, members will have much more insight into their energy consumption and habits. AMI also has the potential to reduce labor costs and can expedite member requests for service reconnection or disconnection. Meter tampering and line loss can also often be identified using AMI. Immediate identification of outages is also a strong advantage of an AMI system. Distribution automation in an AMI system can improve power quality, optimize efficiency and provide comprehensive data for planning, engineering and maintenance.


To identify the strengths and weaknesses of both AMI products/vendors, SECO requires a test period that spans all seasons to glean the data and field experience in real-time. SECO can analyze the data gathered from both pilots once complete.


Technology is changing rapidly, and we must choose a product and vendor that will serve SECO into the future. AMI is likely one of the largest equipment and technology investments we will make in the coming decade. Watch SECO News for updates as we evaluate our pilots. 



SECO News February 2021 Winners' Circle


Engage with our virtual assistant Electra on the phone for a chance to win a $25 gift card. Winners who self-served using Electra are: 


Joseph Hrytzay from Sorrento

Daizebel Ortiz from Tavares

Carol Bullock from Inverness

Conrad Penchion from Ocala

Joan McDonald from Lady Lake


The latest winner of a SECO Energy Level 2 EV Charger is Irene Jaronczyk from The Villages. To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner. Visit our Electric Vehicles website section to learn more about the benefits of owning an EV.


Winners in our Go Green and Win: Paperless Billing and Bank Draft Incentive


Kelli Wilson from Ocala is the winner of a $200 SECO Energy bill credit.

William Barnes from Floral City is the winner of a NEST thermostat.

Benjamin Mohr from Clermont is the winner of an Amazon Echo Dot with Alexa. 

Congratulations to our recent winners!


Read the full January 2022 SECO News online.


SECO News December 2021

SECO Energy CEO, Jim Duncan


Happy Trails, J.D.!


Dear Members,


I announced my retirement from SECO Energy earlier this year after 43 years of service. Time has flown, and this major life change is bittersweet and much more emotional than I’d ever anticipated. Much has changed over the last four decades, but growth has been the constant since our founding in 1938.


When I came onboard as SECO’s Finance Director in 1979, our meter count totaled 36,823. In my first CEO Report at the 1991 Annual Meeting, I reported our meter count increased to 66,000 – a 44 percent increase in membership. In 1999, we reached the 100,000-meter milestone.


At the end of 2017, we surpassed the milestone of energizing our 200,000th meter. As I write this farewell address, the company’s infrastructure value has just surpassed the $1 billion mark. The growth isn’t slowing down. In fact, The Villages recently earned the title as the fastest growing metropolitan area in the nation over the last decade with a Sumter County growth rate of 39%. Lake and Marion counties’ growth rates continue to climb at 29% and 13%, respectively. That kind of growth is rare in a not-for-profit electric utility business model and it’s one of the milestones that I am most proud of as I take my last walk from the building on January 3.


Over the course of the four decades, our cooperative’s employee giving campaigns have raised more than $1 million for our local United Ways to improve quality of life for the members in our service territory. Our Pennies from Heaven program is a program whereby members enroll to have their bills rounded up to the nearest dollar. The extra change is donated to the Pennies fund and the funds are used for bill payment assistance for our members and other worthy causes. The Pennies program has generated millions of dollars in our local area to help SECO members.


As a Marine, I’m proud that we annually support the Toys for Tots campaign. We are a company of employees who have made a difference in the lives of others through not only their financial generosity, but also in their commitment to ensuring that you receive the most reliable, affordable electric service possible.


Pinnacle examples of member satisfaction with our employees’ efforts are reflected in the three J.D Power awards we earned in 2015, 2016 and 2017. We’ve also been recognized by our members through increasing ACSI (American Customer Satisfaction Index) ratings with a record-high 91 in 2020. We are both a statewide and national frontrunner in ASCI rankings.


I spent the last decade building a leadership team that has made it possible to reach these milestones under Board of Trustee leadership that supported our ability to meet the ever-growing demand for power with cost controls that preserve low rates for members. Over the last two years, the COVID challenge placed unprecedented strain on our ability to operate safely and efficiently but our employees persevered. Still, I am retiring at a time when supply chain challenges threaten utilities’ ability to keep up with a growing population of new residents and businesses that are moving to Florida for not only the lifestyle but the economic prosperity.


The incoming CEO-elect Curtis Wynn is supported by a leadership team and 400 employees who he can count on to help him continue the legacy. It has been my distinct pleasure and privilege to lead this company and the membership who deserve our commitment to affordable, reliable electric service and our StormReady approach during hurricane season.


We hold up under crisis and are the fastest utility to recover even when hurricanes sweep right through the middle of the state. I can’t begin to explain how proud I am to have been at the helm and this goodbye is the toughest thing I have had to muster in my career. Thank you for letting me spend 43 years of life in service to you and our employees. It’s been my honor.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



Advice from The Old Farmer's Almanac December 2021 SECO News



The Old Farmer’s Almanac explains how to figure out cooling and heating degree days. To determine a cooling degree day, use the base temperature of 65 degrees. Every day the temperature reaches 65 degrees is a cooling day. For every degree over 65, adds one cooling degree. On a day that the mean temperature reaches 85 degrees, the cooling degrees would be 20.


To figure heating degree days, take the same base of 65 degrees, and subtract the mean daily temperature. For example, if a day’s high temperature was 50 degrees and the low was 40 degrees, the mean high is 45 degrees. This would give you 20 heating degree days.


Do you have cheimatophobia, frigophobia, or psychrophobia (fear of cold)? Be sure to read page 3 and schedule an HVAC service before winter temps arrive in Central Florida.


HVAC Service December 2021 SECO News



The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts winter in Florida will be colder than usual. Prepare for the most frigid temperatures to begin in mid-December and continue into early February. Precipitation will also be above average.


With temperatures running colder than average, your HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) unit may run longer this year than in previous years. Now is the time to schedule an HVAC service call with a licensed technician.


During a service call, the technician should thoroughly inspect your HVAC to ensure it’s in good running condition. The system may need to be cleaned or serviced. HVAC units that are serviced regularly function more efficiently and use less energy to heat (or cool) your home resulting in lower energy costs.


Preventative maintenance helps extend the life of your HVAC unit and avoid unexpected, costly repair bills. Complete at-home maintenance such as checking for leaks and removing dirt or debris away from external components proactively. Set a calendar reminder to change your unit’s air filter monthly or follow the manufacturer’s suggested filter change schedule.


For more energy-efficiency tools, visit our Energy Efficiency page. Our Home Energy Assessment is an online energy audit that provides energy-efficiency advice tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The Energy Estimator calculates the amount of energy used and associated costs for electronics, appliances and almost anything that uses electricity in your home. Submit with an email address to receive low-cost energy-efficiency tips specific to your home.


United Way December 2021 SECO News



Since 2004, SECO Energy employees have participated in yearly employee-led United Way Pledge Drives to benefit our local communities. For the 2022 United Way Pledge Drive, our employees pledged $50,282.


With our 2022 pledge total, SECO employees’ total pledges have now surpassed the one-million-dollar milestone to reach $1,041,766!


Employees choose the county that receives their donations. Most of our employees live in Sumter, Lake, Marion and Citrus Counties.

Lake & Sumter Counties………………………………….$21,392
Marion County………………………………………………..$16,075
Citrus County……………………………………………………$7,043
Other Counties (listed below)……………………………$5,772
Gilchrist, Hernando, Levy, Orange, Pasco and Polk
TOTAL $50,282


Do you want to give back to your local community and have pennies to spare? Enroll in SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program and agree to have your bill rounded up to the nearest dollar each month. We donate the extra pennies for worthy causes in our service area or member bill payment assistance.


Enroll in Pennies from Heaven today and change lives. Visit > Your Co-Op > Pennies from Heaven and complete the enrollment web form.



SECO News February 2021 Winners' Circle


Engage with our virtual assistant Electra on the phone for a chance to win a $25 gift card. Winners who self-served using Electra are:


Claudia Bryce from Summerfield


James Burdick from Eustis


Ricardo Valdes from The Villages


Eileen Bennett from Clermont


The latest winner of a SECO Energy Level 2 EV Charger is Gary Chevillet from The Villages.To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner. Visit our Electric Vehicles website section to learn more about the benefits of owning an EV.


Winners in our Go Green and Win: Paperless Billing and Bank Draft Incentive


Daniel Cahya from Ocala is the winner of a $200 SECO Energy bill credit.


Dean Woodle from Leesburg is the winner of a NEST thermostat.


Juanita McLean from The Villages is the winner of an Amazon Echo Dot with Alexa.


Congratulations to our recent winners!


Read the full December 2021 SECO News online.


SECO News November 2021

SECO Energy CEO, Jim DuncanJust in time for the Christmas season, SECO Energy members are cashing in on Capital Credits. At the September Trustees’ Meeting, your Board approved another record-high Capital Credit retirement of $6.46 million to current and former members. Your Capital Credit retirement amount appears on your November billing statement.


SECO Energy was founded as Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc. in 1938. Since then, the cooperative has regularly retired/returned a portion of the cooperative’s equity to current and former members. In our 83 years in business, we have retired almost $80 million to current and former members.


Capital Credits is a concept that is unique to not-for-profit, cooperatively structured businesses. I have often talked about the differences between being a customer of an investor-owned or a municipal utility versus a cooperative member. Capital Credits is one of those differences.


Your monthly energy purchases build patronage capital. You and your fellow 220,000+ cooperative members own a portion of SECO’s equity. Ownership is defined through the annual process of allocating each member’s share of the co-op’s margins from the prior year. Individual Capital Credit allocations represent the percentage of the yearly amount of electric service purchased by each member.


Capital Credits are the accumulation of all prior years’ revenues after the co-op’s operating costs and expenses are paid. These credits are allocated on a pro-rata basis to each SECO member’s account as Capital Credits. Annually, SECO examines the cooperative’s financial position and makes a recommendation to the Board of Trustees on the “retirement” of Capital Credits. This year’s $6.46 million retirement means SECO is returning a portion of the cooperative’s equity to current and former members.


Look for a line item labeled “Capital Credit Ret” on your November billing statement. Active commercial account members with retirements over $600 will receive a check. Former members who receive a retirement over $10 will receive a check. If you move out of SECO’s service area, keep your mailing address updated so we can mail future Capital Credit retirements to your new address.


In the latest figures from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), cooperatives power 56% of the nation’s landmass, including 2.7 million miles of electric distribution lines in 48 states. We are among over 900 electric distribution and generation and transmission cooperatives working together to maintain reliable, safe, affordable power to our local communities. That’s the cooperative difference.


SECO Energy members are more than just customers – they are owners as well. Thank you for your SECO Energy membership.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer


SECO News November 2021 Advice From The Old Farmer's Almanac


Watch the 2021 – 2022 winter skies for amazing views of faraway planets. The Old Farmer’s Almanac recommends watching for Venus at its most brilliant in the early evening hours during December. Look for Venus, the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter coming together as a group during the month. Mercury will make its brightest appearance during the holidays. Catch glimpses of Mars in early January next to the crescent moon in the early morning hours. In February, Mars will be a dim orange below a twinkling Venus in the predawn hours. 2022 promises a year filled with eclipses bringing excitement to the morning and nighttime skies!


While you’re out stargazing in the evenings, be on the lookout for nocturnal animals. Read more about red foxes that are active, nocturnal animals on page 4.



SECO News November 2021 Toys For Tots


SECO Energy employees are playing Santa Claus again this year with our annual corporate Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots drive. Members are invited to join us in spreading Christmas cheer by donating a new, unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots. During November, our five Member Service Centers in Eustis, Groveland, Inverness, Ocala or Sumterville serve as public drop-off locations.


For many years, SECO employees have been incredibly generous in supporting Toys for Tots. Friendly competition has sprung up between offices and departments to collect the most bikes, trikes and toys. To bolster our corporate giving, SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program has pledged a $5,000 donation this year to complement our employees’ Toys for Tots donations.


SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program rounds up members’ bills to the nearest dollar. The donated pennies help members who need bill payment assistance or donations for local charitable causes such as Toys for Tots. If you would like to join your fellow cooperative members in making a difference in our communities one penny at a time, visit > Your Co-op > Pennies from Heaven to enroll in the program. Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Since 1947, Toys for Toys has been making a difference in the lives of families. Retired Marines and other volunteers operate Toys for Tots. Volunteers pick up donations and distribute the toys to children in need. All donated toys stay local and are distributed in the area they were donated.


Members who would like to register to receive toys donated through Toys for Tots can visit Application dates vary by location.





SECO News February 2021 Winners' Circle


Engage with our virtual assistant Electra on the phone for a chance to win a $25 gift card. Winners who self-served using Electra are:


Leanna Hersey from Floral City


Linda Hodgson from Leesburg


Cherilyn Glass from Lady Lake


Conrad Penchion from Ocala


Phyllis Jones from Tavares


The latest winner of a SECO Energy Level 2 EV Charger is Ann White from Inverness. To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner. Visit our Electric Vehicles website section to learn more about the benefits of owning an EV.


Winners in our Go Green and Win: Paperless Billing and Bank Draft Incentive


Jer-Shang Lin from Clermont is the winner of a $200 SECO Energy bill credit.


Alexandra Betancourt from Mascotte is the winner of a NEST thermostat.


Rebecca McCorkle from Bushnell is the winner of an Amazon Echo Dot with Alexa.


Congratulations to William Heinmiller from Clermont and Mauricio Trinidad from The Villages are the two winners of our EV Virtual Video Showcase drawing! To view the video, visit > Energy Solutions > EV Virtual Showcase. The winners’ names were drawn from the list of all members who entered.


Congratulations to our recent winners!


Our winner of the generator whose name was draw in September is Rosendo Orozco from Summerfield – drawn from the list of all members enrolled in SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator surge protection program.


Read the full November 2021 SECO News online.

SECO News, August 2021


Duncan’s Digest – Enroll in Surge Protection – Win a Generator


Dear Members,


The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30. The Colorado State University (CSU) Tropical Meteorology Project team released an updated forecast for this year’s hurricane season. This team of experts has maintained its prediction that the Atlantic basin will have above-average storm activity this year, and has increased its forecast of the number of named storms anticipated this season.


May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


Tropical Storm Elsa affected our service area on Tuesday, July 6, and Wednesday, July 7. Elsa became the first named hurricane of the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season on July 2 when it reached Category 1 strength. Elsa was downgraded to a tropical storm as it passed over Cuba and the Florida Straits. For a short while, the storm lingered west of Tampa Bay and strengthened into a hurricane once again. Ultimately Elsa lost intensity and made landfall in Taylor County as a tropical storm on July 7.


SECO prepared for the worst. We brought in over 100 contract line and vegetation crews to assist in restoration from Tropical Storm Elsa. Overnight on the 6th and 7th, our system fared exceptionally well as Elsa’s rain bands soaked our service area and brought tornado watches, warnings and wind. During this time, we experienced no large substation or feeder outages. I commend our employees and contractors who rallied to assist in the effort by restoring outages quickly while working safely.


Tropical Storm Elsa was the first test of this year’s hurricane season, and we passed with flying colors. But it may be the first of many. That’s why it’s best to be prepared. Not only do we have hurricane season to contend with, but Florida has afternoon summer thunderstorms as well. These storms occur almost daily and bring heavy rain and lightning that can lead to power surges entering your home from the electric line and through the meter.


Surges are powerful increases in voltage that can destroy your home’s appliances and electronics. The Surge MitiGator is SECO’s meter-based surge arrester. It is designed to take the bite out of a surge. The MitiGator helps prevent high voltage spikes and surges before they damage appliances and cause financial loss. SECO installs the Surge MitiGator at the meter and the product carries a 15-year warranty. The arrester at the meter is the first step in protection. Point-of-use surge devices should be installed for a home’s electronics and other appliances that run on electric service. Purchase these at your local big box or hardware store. Install as directed.


The Surge MitiGator is available for lease for only $5.95 plus tax per month with a $25 installation fee. If you choose to purchase the product, the price ranges from $349 to $399, and installation is always free.


Enroll in the Surge MitiGator program (lease or purchase) for a chance to win a portable generator. We’ll pick a winner in both August and September. Read Winners’ Circle on page 4 for the July winner. Members in a current lease or prior purchase are already eligible to win. To enroll in the Surge MitiGator program, visit the Surge MitiGator page and fill out the web form. You can also call us at (352) 793-3801 or email Customer Service.


Living in Florida, the potential for tropical storms and hurricanes is a fact of life. I urge you to prepare in advance for the possibility of widespread power outages if a major storm affects our service area. Prepare your emergency supplies before forecasters put Central Florida in the cone of probability. Have a backup source of power if you require electricity for life-sustaining medical equipment. SECO is StormReady – you should be too.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News August 2021 Advice From The Old Farmer's Almanac

Advice from The Old Farmer’s Almanac


Florida, with its copious sunshine and sub-tropical climate, provides the perfect environment for a backyard garden. The Old Farmer’s Almanac has advice for gardeners who love the hobby but have space, sun or other limitations. For small areas, use raised beds, vertical spaces or containers. A raised-bed garden can yield 10 times the amount as a same size in-ground garden. Another idea for small spaces is to use a trellis, cage or attach pots to fences. Short on sun? Most vegetables require 8 hours of sunlight to grow, but leafy greens grow well in partial shade. Garlic, peas, beets and radishes can grow in as little as 4 hours a day. If all else fails, use containers to grow your garden. Anything that will hold soil and has water drainage holes will work.


Turn to page 4 to read this month’s Florida Fauna & Flora to learn more about the resurrection fern.



SECO News August 2021 Energy Saving on a Budget

Energy Saving on a Budget


Improving your home’s energy efficiency doesn’t have to be expensive. While buying new ENERGY STAR appliances or upgrading your home’s HVAC will reduce your home’s energy consumption, these items carry a hefty price tag. The no-cost and low-cost energy-saving ideas listed below will help reduce your energy usage without breaking the bank.


No-cost Energy-Efficiency Ideas:


• Wash clothes in cold water.


• Use the air-dry cycle on your dishwasher.


• Hang laundry outside to dry.


• Use natural light during the day.


• Turn off lights when leaving a room.


• Ceiling fans cool people, not rooms. Turn off when the room is vacant.


• Turn off bathroom and kitchen ventilation fans. These bring warm outside air inside.


• Turn off electronics like computers, printers and monitors when not in use.


• In summer, grill or use appliances such as crock pots, air fryers or microwaves instead of your oven.


Low-cost Energy-Efficiency Ideas:


• Invest in LEDs.


• Replace all filters monthly or according to manufacturer’s instructions.


• Seal windows and doors with weatherstripping and/or caulk.


• Install window film to limit sunlight.


• Plant shade trees on the south, southwest and west sides of buildings for shade.


• Plant trees on the north and the west sides of buildings to block winds.


• Plant trees to shade driveways, sidewalks, patios and HVAC units.


• Use blinds or drapes during summer to limit sun exposure.


• Control outdoor lighting with a photocell or timer.

Want more energy-efficiency tips? Try our Home Energy Assessment — a complete online energy audit for your home. Submit your responses and email address to receive an email with energy-efficiency advice tailored to your home and lifestyle. To see the math behind your energy consumption, complete the Energy Estimator.



SECO News October 2020 Winner's Circle

Winners’ Circle


Engage with our virtual assistant Electra on the phone for a chance to win a $25 gift card. Winners who self-served using Electra are:


John Bost from Ocala


Felica Grost from Inverness


Mark Damann from Morriston


Christian Oliver from Tavares


The latest winner of a SECO Energy Level 2 EV Charger is Marc Crail from Mount Dora. To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner. Visit our Electric Vehicles website section to learn more about the benefits of owning an EV.


Winners in our Go Green and Win: Paperless Billing and Bank Draft Incentive


Kinilei Shewell from Clermont is the winner of a $200 SECO Energy bill credit.


Jules Sigler from Ocala is the winner of a NEST thermostat.


Jan Browning from The Villages is the winner of an Amazon Echo Dot with Alexa.


Bryant Currier from The Villages is our first winner of a portable generator. We have two more to give away! For a chance to win, lease or purchase SECO’s Surge MitiGator product that protects your home’s appliances from damaging surges and spikes. To learn more or enroll, visit our Surge MitiGator page. Members in a current surge lease or prior purchase are automatically entered in the drawing to win.


Read the full August 2021 SECO News online.

SECO News, June 2021


Duncan’s Digest – StormReady: Hurricane Season Warning


The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season began June 1. SECO Energy uses a unique and well-tested response plan that stands ready when typical afternoon thunderstorms occur and when our service area is affected by tropical storms or hurricanes. SECO is StormReady, and I urge you and your family to prepare proactively for hurricane season.


May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


All signs point to the potential for a very active hurricane season this year. In April, The Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University (CSU) published its Atlantic hurricane season forecast. CSU predicts that this year’s Atlantic hurricane season will have above-normal activity.


These experts predict there will be a total of seventeen named storms. Eight of these will develop into hurricanes and four of these will become major hurricanes (Category 3, 4 and 5).


Compared to the historical record between 1991 and 2020, the projections for this year are higher than average. During this period, the Atlantic hurricane season averaged fourteen named storms. Seven of these became hurricanes, with three developing into major hurricanes.


An above-average activity hurricane season was predicted for last year as well. The 2020 season broke records with thirty named storms. Frankly, we were extremely lucky that these storms veered away from Central Florida. Tropical Storm Eta in mid-November was the only named storm that directly affected SECO’s service area last year.


One tropical storm or hurricane spinning through our service area is all it takes to make this a memorable season for SECO Energy members and employees. Part of storm readiness is our commitment to storm hardening our electrical system – valued at about $1 billion. Annually, we replace aging distribution poles and install concrete transmission poles to replace older wooden poles. Our robust vegetation management program also plays a key storm readiness role with a goal of trimming vegetation back from the entire 12,000 miles of overhead line systemwide every five years.


If you or a family member rely on life-sustaining medical equipment and cannot be without power for an extended time, your home should have a secondary backup power source available. You may need to relocate to a shelter to wait out the storm in the event of an outage. As a start, register with the Florida Special Needs Registry at that provides local first responders with information about your needs.


SECO’s StormReady approach also includes our online StormCenter outage map and communications platform that is available 24/7 on your smartphone or tablet. Report an outage, view the outage map, check the status of a current outage and report an area light malfunction.


Enroll or update your outage notifications through StormCenter today. We’ll send you an email, text, voice message or all three when the system detects an outage affecting your service. You’ll receive a follow-up communication when the outage is restored. Visit StormCenter and click on the Manage Notifications tab.


It is critical to prepare before a storm arrives. Gather your emergency supplies early using this month’s Word Search on page 5. Supplies sell out quickly when a storm is approaching. Prepare your home in advance and make an emergency plan with your family.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News June 2021 Advice From The Old Farmer's Almanac

Advice from The Old Farmer’s Almanac


Plan your summer fishing trips with The Old Farmer’s Almanac’s best fishing days. The sun, moon, tides and weather all affect fish activity. The best time of day to fish is when they are most active – fish often feed more in the early morning and late evening. It is believed that fish feed more during a full moon as well. This summer’s best fishing dates are June 10 – 24, July 9 – 23, August 8 – 22 and September 6 – 20. Read this month’s Florida Fauna & Flora to learn more about the sailfish, Florida’s state saltwater fish.



September SECO News Safety Corner

Safety Corner – Vehicle Accidents and Utility Lines


A report by the National Safety Council (NSC) finds that over 42,000 people died in vehicle crashes in 2020. This statistic is an increase of 8% from 2019. Most alarming is the number of miles driven last year was much lower than the year before.


In SECO Energy’s service area, 91 separate vehicle crashes occurred that involved utility poles or other infrastructure in 2020. These crashes alone interrupted electric service to over 31,000 accounts.


Accidents involving downed power lines are extremely dangerous. Always assumed downed lines are energized and dangerous – and can kill. Stay in the vehicle if possible. Inform the 911 dispatcher that power lines are down near the crash site.


If you smell smoke or the vehicle catches fire, follow these steps to safety:


• Open the vehicle door but do not touch exterior metal that may be energized.
• Jump clear of the vehicle, landing with both feet on the ground at the same time.
• Again, do not touch the metal on the vehicle while touching the ground.
• Walk in a shuffling motion or bunny hop to safety.


If you witness an accident involving downed lines near or on the vehicle, stay away from the car and its occupants and call 911 immediately. Try your best to get the occupants’ attention and warn them to stay in the car if safe to do so.


Share this information with your family – especially younger drivers. For more tips on how to be safe around electricity, visit our Electrical Safety section on our website.



SECO News October 2020 EV Charger Winner!

EV Charger Winner


Paula Stewart from Tavares is the latest winner of a SECO Energy branded JuiceBox Pro 40 EV Level 2 charger. We’re giving one charger away each month while supplies last. To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner.


Learn more about the benefits of electric vehicle ownership on our EV website pages. You’ll find an EV savings calculator, information about CO2 reduction, an EV and PHEV model finder and a nationwide charger-finder map. Visit our Electric Vehicles website section for more details.


Watch SECO News for next month’s charger winner.



2021 SECO Energy Youth Scholarship Awardees


For decades, SECO Energy has awarded scholarships annually to deserving high school seniors who live in a home served by SECO. Over the years, we have provided over $500,000 in scholarship funds to over 300 students to help fulfill their dreams.


This year, we awarded nine students interested in a career in the energy industry and planning to attend a Florida college, university or vocational/trade school.


Join us in congratulating our 2021 SECO Energy Scholarship awardees:


Eustis High School: Plans to attend Lake-Sumter State College and study electrical engineering. Leighton took part in the Eustis High School swim team, robotics and debate club.


The Villages Charter High School: Seeks an AAS degree in electrical distribution technology from Lake-Sumter State College. Landen played baseball and enjoys hunting, fishing and spending time with family.


South Lake High School: Plans to attend Lake-Sumter State College and study business. Auston likes to fish, and while in school, participated in baseball and business classes.


The Villages Charter High School: Majoring in finance at Stetson University. Ashley is a member of the National Honor Society and spends time tutoring and volunteering at sporting events.


The Villages Charter High School: Will attend the University of South Florida and major in accounting. Shania served as Secretary of the Science National Honor Society Club, the Vice President of the Student Activities Club and is a member of the National Honor Society.


Belleview High School: Will major in computer science at the University of South Florida. Sebastian plays soccer and is a member of the Interact Club and the Robotics Automation Design (RAD) Club.


The Villages Charter High School: Plans to complete the electrical lineman program at Northwest Lineman College. Michael attended advanced placement courses in high school and enjoys football and weightlifting.


The Villages Charter High School: Is attending Florida Atlantic University to major in business. Brendan played baseball and participated in the Engineering Club and Rho Khappa.


South Lake High School: Is majoring in biological sciences at Florida State University. While in high school, Colin played baseball, basketball and is a member of Business Professionals of America.


Good luck, students, in reaching your education and future career goals!



SECO News June 2021 Emergency Supplies Word Search

Emergency Supplies Word Search


SECO Energy is StormReady and stands prepared for the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season. Gather the list of emergency supplies below. Have enough on hand for each person for at least three days.


June 2021 Word Search



SECO News June 2021 Connect With Electra

Connect with Electra


We invite you to connect with our virtual assistant Electra through our easy-to-use interactive voice response phone system.


Electra can assist thousands of members at the same time. Without waiting for a live agent, Electra can help you check your balance, find billing due date, disconnect service, report a power outage or service problem, check the status of a current outage or complete a payment arrangement.


To reach out to Electra, give her a call at (352) 793-3801. This number takes the place of any local numbers to Member Service Centers that were previously used.


If you request to speak to a live agent and call volume is high, Electra can save your place in line and arrange a callback during our regular business hours.


Read the Winners’ Circle article below for our latest winners.



SECO News February 2021 Winners' Circle

Winners’ Circle


Four lucky winners who have completed a call with Electra won a $25 gift card. Congratulations, winners!


Carmen Linzey from Wildwood


Angela Medina from Ocala


Audrey Reed from Howey-in-the-Hills


Nola Jenzen from Lady Lake


Winners in our Go Green and Win: Paperless Billing and Bank Draft incentive.


Jade Greene from Tavares is the winner of a $200 SECO Energy bill credit.


Matthew Ketchum from Clermont is the winner of a NEST thermostat.


Judy Robertson from Lady Lake is the winner of an Amazon Echo Dot with Alexa.


Read Winners’ Circle next month for more winners.



SECO Energy June 2021 Summer HVAC Check-Up Banner, Illustration of person fixing an AC Unit

Summer HVAC Check-Up


In Central Florida, the largest energy user in your home is the HVAC system. HVAC use accounts for about 35 to 40% of your energy use ( Florida’s high humidity levels also make high temperatures feel hotter. Using a dehumidifier during the summer months and a humidifier in the colder months may increase your comfort level.


We recommend scheduling an HVAC check-up with a qualified technician annually. Preventative maintenance will help your unit to operate more efficiently. Yearly maintenance will also help you avoid unexpected and often costly repair bills. Change or check HVAC filters each month or as directed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


Weather plays a significant role in your energy usage. Try the Home Energy Assessment for a complete online energy audit that is tailored to your home and lifestyle. Our Energy Estimator shows you the math behind your monthly kilowatt hour (kWh) usage. We publish a monthly weather blog called Sunshine State Stats on our website and social media. Find these tools and more energy-efficiency ideas on the Energy Solutions section of our website.


Read the full June 2021 SECO News online.