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City Ignores Citizens’ Petition – Demand Answers

The City of Bushnell has published its agenda for the council meeting on Monday, Feb. 1. The agenda contains a request from City Manager Bruce Hickle asking the City Council to authorize steps to initiate and conduct arbitration – an expensive process required for the City to continue its costly quest to purchase SECO’s electric system within city limits.


The City continues to ignore that citizens successfully petitioned for the sale of the City’s electric system to appear on the ballot at the upcoming general election. The citizens’ petition to amend the charter requiring the City to sell its electric system to SECO has already been certified by the Supervisor of Elections and by law must appear on the upcoming general election ballot (if not sooner).


Florida Statute Chapter 166.31 allows electors of a municipality to petition to amend the City’s charter. The Statute states, “The governing body of the municipality shall place the proposed amendment contained in the ordinance or petition to a vote of the electors at the next general election held within the municipality or at a special election called for such purpose.

The City is ignoring your right to petition, is ignoring its responsibility to acknowledge your successful petition to amend the charter, and is ignoring its legal requirement to place the proposed charter amendment on the November ballot (or sooner through a special election).


It is critical that citizens attend the Feb. 1 council meeting and demand that City recognize the successful petition and explain why they continue to pursue the acquisition of SECO’s electric system when it is clear that the citizens want to sell the City’s electric system to SECO.


Ask your City Council:

  • When will the City acknowledge the citizens’ petition and placement of the charter amendment on the November ballot or special election ballot?
  • Page 25 of the City’s electric feasibility study reveals that the arbitration process alone to purchase SECO’s system would cost $400,000. There is not $400,000 in the City budget for arbitration. Where will the money come from and how will the City meet the legal requirement to balance its budget?
  • Why would the City pursue a $400,000 legal arbitration process to buy SECO’s system when the citizens are against it?
  • If the City votes to pursue arbitration right now, why not expedite the vote for the charter amendment so that the citizens’ votes are counted before entering into a $400,000 arbitration?

As a citizen, registered voter and elector of the City of Bushnell, you have rights based on Florida Statute. Stand up and ask the questions – and demand answers.




Regions Bank is a SECO Angel – giving $10,000 to Fund

Regions Bank has committed $10,000 over a four-year period to support SECO Energy’s Angel Fund – a financial assistance program. Recently, Regions Bank delivered a $2,500 check, demonstrating a strong commitment toward helping SECO Energy’s members and community.


Regions Bank Senior Vice President Tim Hamilton said, “Regions Bank is appreciative of its relationship with SECO Energy and happy to support those members who may find themselves challenged during unique, difficult times.”


“With this generous contribution, SECO is able to provide financial assistance to worthy causes throughout its service territory. The SECO Angel Fund, the organization’s corporate humanitarian initiative, has helped thousands of members who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own. Contributions from the fund have given hope and comfort to members residing in the not-for-profit cooperative’s seven-county service territory,” said SECO Deputy Director of Civic, Charitable & Government Affairs Kathy Judkins.


The Angel Fund program was established many years ago to make a difference in our local community. SECO Energy Members enrolled in Pennies from Heaven have their monthly electric bill automatically rounded up to the nearest dollar. As an example, if a member’s bill is $67.72, he/she will pay $68.00. The extra 28 pennies go directly to the SECO Angel Fund. Every penny collected is distributed here in the local communities to benefit SECO members.


If you are a SECO member who would like to round up your electric bill to the nearest dollar to support our cooperative’s Pennies from Heaven program, enroll online or email to enroll. The extra pennies are used to provide support to local social service agencies that help SECO members with unique needs.


Requests for Angel Fund assistance are administered through several area agencies. These funds can be used to provide bill payment assistance in unusual circumstances or help for those in dire and unusual circumstances. Funds may be used to purchase emergency medical supplies, support charitable organizations, and fill a host of other needs in our local area. Any small administrative costs are absorbed by SECO Energy. Just a few pennies every month can change lives.

$36,000 in Scholarships Up For Grabs!

Central Florida, of course, is known as a haven for snowbirds but it might surprise you to know that 87 percent of SECO Energy members state that their SECO-served premise is their primary residence. It’s important to folks with kids and grandkids in this area that their loved ones have access to a quality education and good job prospects once they’re out of school.


SECO Energy is one of the largest employers in Sumter County and is the third largest electric cooperative in the state. CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Our utility is structured as a not-for-profit organization guided by the cooperative principles, so support for education and community needs are high priorities.”


The Board of Trustees recently approved the continuation of the SECO Energy Scholarship Program. Board President Ray Vick said, “The Board is proud to renew our commitment to the support of youth and continuing education in our community. These scholarships can be used for community college, a university or a technical/trade school, and we hope that some of these students have a career in their future at SECO Energy once they’re out of school.”


Applications for the 2016 program are now available at, and graduating high school seniors are eligible to apply. Up to 12 hardworking seniors will each be selected to receive a $3,000 scholarship. To qualify, the student must live in a home served by SECO Energy, graduate from high school in 2016, and have proof of acceptance with a plan to be a full-time student in a university, accredited college or vocational/technical institute in 2016.


If you don’t have Internet access or a printer at home, application packets have been mailed to high school guidance counselors. Direct your student there or pick up an application from one of our five service center locations. Completed applications must be received by SECO Energy by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 25th. If you have questions about the scholarship program, contact us via our website or call (352) 569-9561.

Hot Bucks lowers members’ bills – again!

Over the last two years, SECO Energy has dropped the cost of electricity six times – which means lower bills for our members. The decrease appears in your Power Cost Adjustment or PCA – one of the line item components on your bill representing positive reductions in our cost of power.


Reducing the PCA allows for a higher credit on your bill. The latest reduction equates to a 9.5% decrease over the past 24 months. As of Dec. 1, 2015, our residential cost per kilowatt hour dropped to $115.60 based on 1,000 kWh used. This decrease shows that SECO Energy members pay one of the lowest residential rates in Central Florida.


This electric bill reduction reinforces the fact that our members gave SECO Energy high marks in the category of “price” during the most recent J.D. Power residential customer satisfaction study. Price is just one measure of satisfaction – reliability, communication, customer service, corporate citizenship and billing/payment are also key factors ranked by J.D. Power.


In fact, the company is ranked by J.D. Power as highest in customer satisfaction among midsize utilities in the south.


Keeping rates affordable is a high priority for SECO Energy and for our power-producing partner, Seminole Electric Cooperative. Together, we work hard to control our expenses and to pass along savings to our member-owners. SECO Energy, your not-for-profit electric cooperative, operates solely for the benefit of our members – and that means you!


SECO can help you save money and energy. Contact us today to schedule a free energy audit at