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Solar Scam Prevention

They’re at it again! The solar scammers have infiltrated SECO Energy’s service territory. They claim to be working with SECO. They state that your electric bills are averaging a certain dollar amount. They sound credible; they’re not! The dialogue is all too familiar and for this reason SECO says, “Beware.” If it sounds too good to be true, it typically is too good to be true.


SECO Energy knows how scammers work. Too often, the Cooperative is contacted by members who have spent their hard-earned dollars on solar panels and are disappointed that they are not saving significant money on their electric bills. Although solar technology continues to improve and the price of panels and installation has decreased, it is still a hefty investment. The initial cost for a solar photovoltaic system is sizable compared to the savings on a member’s monthly electric bill – even with the current tax incentives. Traditional electricity supplied by your utility is still the best value, but SECO is happy to help walk members through the process of a solar installation at their homes or businesses.


Solar Scam Prevention, Beware

When contemplating solar, there is so much to consider. What works for one person may not work for another. Your location may or may not be conducive to solar energy production. Don’t let a scammer’s one-size-fits-all approach convince you to make a hasty decision. Before engaging a contractor, contact SECO’s Energy Services Specialists. These experts are trained at the Florida Solar Energy Center, and they have tools to help determine if solar is beneficial for you. SECO also suggests that you solicit bids from a minimum of three reputable solar installers. The Florida Solar Energy Industries Association website ( has a complete list of recommended contractors.  


If you would like to live the “Solar Life” but don’t want to make a big financial investment, SECO has an option for you. The Cooperative’s “Solar Life” program requires no upfront investment in panels, no roof holes, no insurance and no maintenance costs. No need to worry about HOA or zoning restrictions. And no need to cut trees in hopes of increasing rooftop solar production. Subscriptions in the “Solar Life” program carry no cancellation fee and no minimum term. The cost is $32 a month for four panels and the kilowatt hours generated reduces the amount of utility-supplied power. Enroll in the “Solar Life” program today here..

If you would like more information, visit our Solar Power section. Contact SECO through our website’s Contact Us form. Or call (800) 732-6141 and speak with a representative today. SECO can help you separate fact from fiction and not become a victim.

SECO Team Raises $22,000 for Relay For Life

SECO Energy’s Relay For Life Team raised $22,000 to advance the fight against cancer at Sumter County’s Relay For Life Event at the Sumter County Fairgrounds on Saturday, April 8. SECO Energy is a Silver Sponsor of the event and became the top fundraising business in Sumter County.


The SECO Team joined hundreds of volunteers at the Relay For Life walk. The purpose of the Relay For Life event is to remember those who have lost their fight against cancer, honor cancer survivors, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society make a global impact on cancer. Relay team members take turns walking during the 6 to 24-hour-event to symbolize a cancer patient’s non-stop fight. At the Relay, two members of the SECO Team were honored as cancer survivors to take part in a special lap.


This year, the SECO Team’s slogan was “Taking Aim at a Cure” and visitors to the site were treated to an old-fashioned patriotic country-fair experience. The team sold hamburgers, cotton candy, snow cones and drinks. The SECO Team sold chances to win a YETI® Tundra, donated by SECO Energy.


Toward the end of the night, the lights turn off for a very special lap, the Luminaria lap. The Luminaria lap is a quiet, solemn lap lit by hundreds of Luminaria bags, dedicated to honor or remember loved ones who fought or are fighting cancer. SECO purchased 21 Luminaria bags for its employees to personalize and remember their family and friends.


SECO Energy Team Raises $22,000 for Relay For Life


SECO’s Relay for Life Co-Captain, Meagan Thurston, who is also a SECO Human Resources Generalist, stated, “SECO has supported Relay for Life for 15 years and has raised over $95,000 for the American Cancer Society. This year, we are proud to reach the Sapphire fundraising level for the first time. It’s refreshing to be part of an organization that puts our community first. Thank you SECO for continuing to support the Relay For Life event year after year.”


Visit SECO Energy’s Community page to learn more about SECO’s community involvement. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Earns Tree Line USA Utility for Tenth Year

SECO Energy is proud to announce it has once again been recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree Line USA Utility. This is the tenth year SECO has earned the honor of this designation.


According to the Arbor Day Foundation, the Tree Line USA program exists to recognize best practices in public and private utility arboriculture, demonstrating how trees and utilities can co-exist for the benefit of communities and citizens.


SECO successfully earned its Tree Line USA Utility designation by adhering to the Arbor Day Foundation’s five core standards. SECO practices quality tree care, trains utility employees and contractors annually about best practices, sponsors tree planting and public education, offers a tree-based energy conservation program and participates in an Arbor Day Celebration.


Dan Lambe, Arbor Day Foundation President, praised SECO’s tenth Tree Line USA designation. Lambe stated, “Your commitment to proper tree-care practice benefits your customers in numerous ways, including providing cleaner air and water, increasing property values and improving quality-of-life. Trees also conserve energy and reduce peak demand, a crucial benefit to customers and providers alike.”


John LaSelva, SECO’s Vice President of Operations stated, “I am extremely proud of the Vegetation Management team for its decade-long commitment to the Arbor Day Foundation. SECO’s team of certified arborists have the tools and knowledge to promote a healthy urban forest while reducing tree-caused outages.”


Enjoy a family-friendly event and visit with SECO’s Vegetation Management team at Earthfest at Arbor Day in the Great Outdoors on Saturday, April 22. The event is located at Tuscawilla Park, at 829 NE Sanchez Avenue in Ocala.


Learn more about tree-line safety and how trees can save energy on our Reliability page. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Crews Worked Overnight Restoring Power After Storms

In the early morning hours Thursday, a band of powerful storms hovered over SECO Energy’s service area. The storms brought soaking rain, lightning, high winds and a tornado warning in our territory.


SECO is “Storm Ready” and was well prepared for the overnight storm. All SECO locations were fully staffed by 2:00 a.m. on Thursday morning with the company’s Operations crews, contract line crews and tree crews ready to respond to outages. System Operations and the company’s local call center were staffed as well. The fast-moving storm arrived in Marion County at 2:30 a.m. and traveled southeast through SECO’s service territory. The storm cleared the area around 6:30 a.m.


The outages were mostly small, isolated incidents involving downed trees and poles. Marion, Sumter and Citrus Counties were hardest hit, causing almost 1,500 members to lose power overnight. As of 7:30 a.m., crews are working to restore power to 254 members who remain without power. Crews are still out in full-force working the remaining outages, which should be restored by noon on Thursday.


John LaSelva, SECO’s Vice President of Operations, stated, “SECO’s well-designed, solidly-constructed system continues to perform well during storms. We continuously inspect, upgrade and conduct maintenance on our system to better serve our members. A well-maintained system with a comprehensive vegetation management program means less outages for members, and when storms hit, it makes for a shorter restoration time.”


Atlantic Hurricane Season begins June 1. Learn more about SECO’s storm readiness by visiting SECO’s Reliability page. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates about SECO’s new Storm Center platform that is scheduled for launch this summer. The new system will include text, email and phone outage notification options.

SECO Sponsors Citrus County Fair Youth Livestock Show

For decades, SECO Energy has sponsored youth agriculture programs in its service area. To continue this long-held tradition, SECO’s Ben Brickhouse, Vice President of Engineering, attended the Citrus County Fair Youth Livestock Show in Inverness.


Students of all ages raise animals such as cows, horses, rabbits, chickens and pigs and proudly show their livestock at the Citrus County Fair Youth Livestock Show. 4-H and Future Farmers of America (FFA) students from all over Citrus County compete in the livestock shows each year.


The Citrus County Fair is a family-friendly event in operation since the 1920s. The Fair Association’s mission is a group of volunteers who are committed to showcasing the talented youth of Citrus County and provide scholarship opportunities.


As SECO’s representative, Brickhouse purchased a 1,300 pound steer from 12-year-old Will Ward, a sixth grader at Inverness Middle School. Will has been a Lecanto Levi’s 4-H member for eight years and serves as club parliamentarian.  He is responsible for keeping order during meetings. Will said, “I am a SECO partner – SECO powers my family’s 4-H project.”


Brickhouse also purchased a 270-pound pig from Will’s sister, Grace Ward. Like her brother, Grace is also a member of the Lecanto Levi’s 4-H Club. This is Grace’s first pig she has raised and shown at the fair.


Brickhouse stated, “Will has participated in agriculture activities at the Citrus County Fair for years and his sister, Grace, has followed in his footsteps. Will and Grace both enjoy raising and caring for animals, and I am impressed with their knowledge and enthusiasm. I’m glad SECO was able to support them in their endeavors.”


Visit SECO’s Community page about its community outreach programs. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.