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Tropical Storm Emily Heading to Central Florida

SECO Energy is monitoring Tropical Storm Emily as it passes through its service area today and Tuesday.


Tropical Storm Emily, formerly named Tropical Depression Six, formed off the coast of Tampa early Monday morning. The storm is heading east at 8 miles per hour and is expected to trek eastward across Central Florida today, impacting SECO’s service area.


The storm is predicted to produce heavy rains and winds less than 35 miles per hour. The forecast is still mostly uncertain, Tropical Storm Emily developed very quickly from a depression to a tropical storm overnight. The storm should make initial landfall near the Tampa Bay area.


The system is not expected to develop intensity and will be through Florida and into the Atlantic waters early Tuesday morning.

SECO Energy is Storm Ready, Tropical Storm Emily is predicted to produce heavy rains and winds less than 35 mph


SECO employees are Storm Ready and waiting to respond if outages occur from Tropical Storm Emily. Tropical Storm Emily will be the first storm to impact Central Florida during the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season. SECO is prepared for the possibility of inclement weather and would like to remind members that it is best to be informed and prepared.


SECO offers storm preparation tips and an emergency checklist online. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO is dedicated to being our members’ first source for accurate storm information. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” the company on Twitter to stay updated about storms affecting our area.

$500 in Back-To-School Funds for The Villages Charter School

As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO Energy is committed to supporting education in the school districts in its service area. As part of SECO’s new back-to-school initiative, The Villages Charter School is receiving $500 to enrich back-to-school activities for the school.


The funds are intended to support events like back-to-school teacher luncheons, new teacher welcomes and training sessions. The funds can also be used to support back-to-school events for students and parents such as after school back-pack programs and school supplies needs.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO serves over 45,000 members in The Villages, and we know the school will make good use of these funds for back-to-school programs. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative headquartered in Central Florida for almost 80 years, SECO believes that supporting education creates strong community partnerships. SECO’s school support initiative is a positive step for education in our area.”


Dr. Gary Lester and Dr. Randy McDaniel of The Villages Charter School Board gave a special recognition to SECO and our Board of Trustees member Richard Belles during Thursday’s Board Meeting.


Education is a key cooperative principle, and SECO has long supported local students. For more than two decades, SECO has awarded scholarships to graduating high school seniors who live in a home served by SECO. During this 20-year program, upwards of $500,000 was awarded to over 250 local students to help them fulfill their dreams of a higher education.


Energy Services Specialists from SECO Energy often visit with local students to spread the word about electrical safety, solar power and saving energy. Presentations and speakers are available for groups and civic clubs of all ages. These presentations are like an educational field trip that comes to the schools and saves the time and expense of running buses. Request a speaker and presentation online or call 352-793-3801.


Learn more about SECO Energy’s commitment to community online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

$1000 in Back-To-School Funds for Citrus County Schools

As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO Energy is committed to supporting education in the school districts in its service area. As part of SECO’s new back-to-school initiative, the Citrus County School District is receiving $1,000 to enrich back-to-school activities in Citrus County.


The funds are intended to support events like back-to-school teacher luncheons, new teacher welcomes and training sessions. The funds can also be used to support back-to-school events for students and parents such as after school back-pack programs and school supplies needs.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO serves over 15,000 members in Citrus County, and we know the school district will make good use of these funds for back-to-school programs. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative headquartered in Central Florida for almost 80 years, SECO believes that supporting education creates strong community partnerships. SECO’s school support initiative is a positive step for education in our area.”


Education is a key cooperative principle, and SECO has long supported local students. For more than two decades, SECO has awarded scholarships to graduating high school seniors who live in a home served by SECO. During this 20-year program, upwards of $500,000 was awarded to over 250 local students to help them fulfill their dreams of a higher education.


Energy Services Specialists from SECO Energy often visit with local students to spread the word about electrical safety, solar power and saving energy. Presentations and speakers are available for groups and civic clubs of all ages. These presentations are like an educational field trip that comes to the schools and saves the time and expense of running buses. Request a speaker and presentation online or call 352-793-3801.


Learn more about SECO Energy’s commitment to community online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

$3000 in Back-To-School Funds for Marion County Schools

As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO Energy is committed to supporting education in the school districts in its service area. As part of SECO’s new back-to-school initiative, Marion County Public Schools is receiving $3,000 to enrich back-to-school activities in Marion County.


The funds are intended to support events like back-to-school teacher luncheons, new teacher welcomes and training sessions. The funds can also be used to support back-to-school events for students and parents such as after school back-pack programs and school supplies needs.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO serves over 56,000 members in Marion County, and we know the school district will make good use of these funds for back-to-school programs. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative headquartered in Central Florida for almost 80 years, SECO believes that supporting education creates strong community partnerships. SECO’s school support initiative is a positive step for education in our area.”


Education is a key cooperative principle, and SECO has long supported local students. For more than two decades, SECO has awarded scholarships to graduating high school seniors who live in a home served by SECO. During this 20-year program, upwards of $500,000 was awarded to over 250 local students to help them fulfill their dreams of a higher education.


Energy Services Specialists from SECO Energy often visit with local students to spread the word about electrical safety, solar power and saving energy. Presentations and speakers are available for groups and civic clubs of all ages. These presentations are like an educational field trip that comes to the schools and saves the time and expense of running buses. Request a speaker and presentation online or call 352-793-3801.


Learn more about SECO Energy’s commitment to community online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Energy Ranked Highest in Customer Satisfaction for the Third Straight Year by J.D. Power

SECO Energy ranks highest in customer satisfaction among all electric cooperatives nationally according to the J.D. Power 2017 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study released yesterday.


This latest J.D. Power award is the third consecutive J.D. Power award for the not-for-profit electric cooperative that serves seven counties in Central Florida. In 2015, SECO was ranked “Highest in Customer Satisfaction Among Midsize Utilities in the South.” This year and in 2016, SECO Energy was named “Highest in Customer Satisfaction Among Cooperatives.”


The J.D. Power study measures customer satisfaction with electric utility companies by examining six factors: power quality and reliability; price; billing and payment; corporate citizenship; communications; and customer service.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO Energy employees are the best of the best – our employees are the true winners of any award the cooperative receives. A special thank you to our employees, senior leadership and the Board of Trustees. Our people are the heart of SECO, and they make a difference for our members. This year’s J.D. Power award is a tangible representation of how SECO members feel about the cooperative as a whole. I am beyond delighted with our company’s Triple Crown. I am grateful and humbled by the praise and goodwill from our members.”


The Board of Trustees President, Ray Vick is proud to be a long-time Board member. Vick stated, “Member satisfaction is a top priority at SECO. On behalf of the Board, I extend my heartfelt thanks to the employees for their dedication to our members and the cooperative. We couldn’t be prouder of you and your accomplishments.”


This third J.D. Power award culminates a decade-long effort to increase reliability, maintain low rates and provide world-class customer service. SECO’s score of 789 is a 20-point increase over its 2016 ranking. SECO is proud to retain its title as “Highest in Customer Satisfaction Among Cooperatives.”


Learn more about SECO Energy on our About SECO page. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.