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Sunshine State Stats, May 2018

May 2018 was slightly cooler on average than May 2017. The average temperature was 77°, while May of 2017 had an average temperature of 79°. Rainfall for May of 2018 was 8.28 inches compared to last May at 2.71 inches.


Sunshine State Stats breakdown May 2018


There were 363 cooling degree days and 0 heating degree days for May 2018, while last year there were 426 cooling degree days with 0 heating degree days. The Degree Days are based on how much warmer or cooler the average temperature at a particular location is than 65°F. In other words, if the average temperature is 60° degrees outside on a particular day, there are 5 Heating Degree Days for that day in that location.


June 2018 is forecast to be somewhat the same as last year with average temperatures in the mid 80’s and 90’s. Rainfall is forecast to be heavier than normal compared to 2017. The hot summer weather is upon us. Remember that every degree below 78° F the thermostat is lowered will increase your cooling costs by 6% – 8% per degree.


Per ENERGY STAR, investing in a programmable thermostat can save you about $180 annually. Wifi models that you can program from your computer or smartphone start at under $100 nowadays. Or you could win a wifi programmable thermostat in our May Facebook incentive. Read May SECO News for details.


Just in time for the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season, SECO debuted an all-new StormCenter outage reporting platform. Bookmark StormCenter on your smartphone or other mobile device today.


If you want to check historical usage, log into SmartHub to view past bills and charts. If your usage is high, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator. If you want a member of our Energy Services team to come to your home to perform a free energy audit, contact us today to book an appointment.

SECO Energy Debuts Interactive StormCenter Map with Email, Text and Voice Notifications

Just in time for the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season, SECO Energy debuts all-new StormCenter platforms. StormCenter offers members enhanced outage reporting capability, real-time restoration estimates and a brand-new communications suite giving members the power to manage outage notifications.


Outage Map all-new StormCenter

Over the last year, SECO researched a number of outage map and communications vendors before contracting with Kubra – a customer experience solutions provider with a proven reputation in the utility industry. The new StormCenter consists of four user-friendly platforms for two-way outage communication. A new, interactive map displays current outages, estimated restoration times, cause of the outage and more. The map also includes a weather overlay to view the current weather radar and a zoom feature to pinpoint specific outage parameters.


Reporting an outage and checking the status of an existing outage is easy. On the Report/Status StormCenter page, input the last name on the account along with the house number or the account number and telephone number on file. Indicate if the outage is a complete loss of power, partial loss of power or flickering lights and submit. Once the outage is submitted, members can view the estimated restoration time, start time, number of members affected and crew status on the confirmation page.


Report Status web all-new StormCenter


StormCenter allows members to choose how they want to receive outage updates and notifications. Members with active email addresses on file with SECO are automatically enrolled in email notifications. Members with verified cell phone numbers are subscribed to receive text messages. Phone numbers that appear to be land lines will be enrolled in voice notifications. Members can easily change or add communications channels and opt out of unwanted notifications.


To manage notifications, log in with your account number or phone number on file for the location. Choose email, text and/or voice notifications and program “do not disturb” settings for each active communication channel.

June 2018 SECO News Manage Notifications


SECO’s new StormCenter includes LightFinder, a separate interactive map to easily report an area light outage or needed repair. Report the light using a street address or SECO pole number. Members will receive an email confirming the reported light issue and an email confirmation once the light is repaired – usually within two business days.


Working lights are labeled with green icons. Reported lights are identified with a red icon with a wrench. Lights that were repaired in the last 24 hours are represented with an orange icon. Inactive lights not associated with an account are gray icons and lights owned by members are noted by blue icons.


For a full overview of SECO’s new StormCenter capabilities, view the instructional video on SECO’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.


June 2018 SECO News LightFinder


CEO Jim Duncan is proud to introduce SECO’s brand-new StormCenter platforms to members. Duncan stated, “SECO invests heavily in outage prevention technology and facility maintenance. As a result, our reliability statistics are among the best in the nation – despite the fact that we are a Florida utility subject to a storm season that spans from June through November. Our electric system is stringently maintained, but occasional outages occur for a variety of reasons such as lightning, wildlife, vehicle accidents, unexpected equipment failures and more. We realized it was time to invest in new technology to improve outage communications with members when outages occur.”


Duncan added, “Outage reporting is now high-tech. Surveys show that 70 percent of our members use an internet-enabled smartphone and more than 50 percent of our members own a tablet. Our new StormCenter platforms are mobile-friendly and function on a wide variety of browsers. It’s easy to report an outage, check the status of an existing outage or manage outage notifications.”


SECO members should visit StormCenter and bookmark the page on their mobile devices. The cooperative encourages members to begin storm preparedness today and to program their communication preferences as the 2018 hurricane season begins.


Social media users will continue to find up-to-date outage information on Facebook and Twitter – enhanced by the new StormCenter tools. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO News, June 2018

Duncan’s Digest


SECO Energy invests heavily in outage prevention. We spend about $10 million annually on vegetation management to reduce tree-related outages. Our storm hardening program includes diligent inspection and replacement of utility poles that won’t withstand heavy storms. We frequently upgrade the infrastructure that serves your energy needs so that you receive the most reliable service possible.


May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest

Our reliability stats are, in my view, among the very best in the nation – despite the fact that we are a Florida utility subject to a storm season that spans from June to November. We humbly recognize that even the most stringently maintained electric system sustains occasional outages for a variety of reasons such as lightning, wildlife, vehicle accidents, unexpected equipment failure, etc. With this in mind, we realized it was time to invest in new technology to give our members high-tech communications options when outages do occur. We selected technology that was smartphone and tablet friendly – because those devices continue to perform during an outage.


SECO researched a number of outage map and communications vendors before contracting with Kubra – a customer experience solutions provider with a proven reputation in the utility industry. The products we have developed using Kubra’s software allow SECO Energy members to receive outage information via email, text and voice notifications. These products launched on June 1 – just in time for the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season. I encourage you to visit our StormCenter page online to be familiar with these tools before the next storm.


All-new StormCenter web banner

The brand-new StormCenter software consists of four user-friendly platforms to communicate about outages.


If you’re a social media user, you will continue to find up-to-date outage information on Facebook and Twitter – enhanced by our new StormCenter tools. Keep in mind that these new tools are designed for outage communications only. Energy usage, billing and payment information will continue to be found in SmartHub, our online account portal.


For a full overview of SECO’s new StormCenter capabilities, view the instructional video on SECO’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.


I hope you take the time to program your communications channel preferences and that the 2018 hurricane season leaves you little reason to use them!




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer




Read the full June SECO News online.