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District 3 SECO Energy Members Elect New Trustee

On Monday, May 13, members who attended SECO Energy’s District 3 Special Meeting voted to elect Gerald B. Anderson to represent their District and the members at large on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. The Special Meeting to elect a new District 3 was held to fill the vacant Board seat. Mr. Anderson will serve the remainder of the term that ends in early 2022.


A SECO member for nearly five years, Mr. Anderson served in the Marine Corps and worked for a utilities manufacturing company. Mr. Anderson served as president of his hometown volunteer Fire Department, was elected to four six-year terms on the Board of Supervisors of Warrington, Pennsylvania and after retiring he was appointed as Director of Operations for Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Jane, enjoy making friends through their work with the Belle Aire Social Club in which Mr. Anderson serves as President and Mrs. Anderson serves as Secretary.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, operated for and owned by its members. SECO members elect their fellow members to SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees. Collectively, the Board represents the SECO membership, meeting monthly to monitor the financial status of the cooperative while providing fiduciary oversight and participating in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the members at large.


Members in District 3 gathered at The Villages’ Savannah Center for the election and to hear a short update on the status of the cooperative. In total, eight members residing in District 3 submitted a letter of intent to run. In addition to new District 3 Trustee Gerald B. Anderson, the candidates who expressed their willingness to represent the members of District 3 were: Stephen M. Doran, Paul G. Embs, Barry R. Evans, Gary L. Jackson, Bryan T. Lifsey, Aileen M. Milton and Albert D. Uhryniak.


Mr. Anderson is eager to begin his duties as the new District 3 Trustee stating, “Thank you District 3 members for trusting me to represent you on the SECO Energy Board of Trustees. My previous experience in the utility industry will allow me to readily fulfill my new role in cooperative governance.”


Board President and District 9 Trustee Jerry Hatfield stated, “Congratulations, Mr. Anderson, on your election as District 3 Trustee. On behalf of myself and the Board, I am excited to welcome Mr. Anderson as our newest Board member.”


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Congratulations to Mr. Anderson on his successful election as the new District 3 Trustee. The willingness of District 3 candidates to share their time, knowledge and energy to work for the SECO Energy membership is unprecedented. A Board of Trustees elected by its fellow members is a unique component of the not-for-profit cooperative business model and democratic process. I look forward to SECO’s continued success working with Mr. Anderson and our current Board members.”


Visit SECO’s Your Co-op page for photos and brief Trustee bios along with an interactive District map. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.