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SECO News August 2022

In June SECO News, I shared details about our current infrastructure expansion and reliability projects in Lake County. This month, I have an update on facilities projects and development in Marion County. 


In 2021, SECO Energy welcomed 2,124 new accounts in Marion County. This total accounted for 37% of the 5,770 new services added last year. The influx of new residents and businesses in our area requires SECO to build new infrastructure to meet the increasing demand for reliable energy. We also pledge to maintain our existing system to serve members reliably. 


A project nearing completion on the south side of Marion County is the rebuild of our Dallas substation located on Highway 301 near The Villages. This state-of-the-art redesign allows for multiple transmission sources with eight total distribution feeders to serve members in Summerfield, Oxford, Dallas and portions of The Villages. The Dallas substation will serve as a backfeed source for our Villages substation. The rebuild is on schedule for completion in early fall. 


Members who live in Stone Creek, On Top of the World and nearby expanding areas will be pleased to know the substation that serves this area, Timberwood, is increasing. Currently, this substation has a single power transformer and four distribution feeders. The footprint expansion will add a second power transformer and increase the number of distribution feeders to six. 


In Marion County, 22 new or expanding neighborhood developments are adding residential homesites. The proposed number of homesites for these projects tops 8,000. 


Along with residential growth, Marion County is experiencing commercial development. The Florida Crossroads Industrial Commerce Park on Highway 484 is expanding. The new footprint will include three distribution centers, apartments, homesites and a new shopping center with outparcels. Winding Oaks, located south of State Road 200 near SW 66th Street, proposes over 600,000 square feet of retail and automotive sales space. With an additional 400,000 square feet of office/retail space and over 3,000 homesites, Winding Oaks will be an impressive development that will bring jobs and families to the area.  


The future Calesa phases are new additions to On Top of the World and include almost 600 single-family homesites. A new high school is also underway in the location. The World Equestrian Center continues to grow by adding a second hotel that will feature 400 larger suite-like rooms. Also proposed is a new 80,000-square-foot restaurant complex, a grab-and-go marketplace, a WEC Florida Health Building and future apartment space. 


At SECO Energy, I, along with our Board of Trustees and nearly 400 colleagues, strive to provide safe, affordable and reliable electric service to over 220,000 Central Florida homes and businesses. We are proud to partner with the communities we serve to make Central Florida the thriving region it is. 




Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News August 2022 Swim into Savings

Swim Into Savings


Reduce your pool pump’s run time and dive into energy efficiency! According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) at, Florida homeowners can reduce energy costs by cutting their pool pump run times almost in half.


Pool pumps circulate your pool’s water to mix chemicals and remove debris. Circulate while adding chemicals to evenly distribute throughout the water. Increased circulation doesn’t reduce algae growth – proper cleaning and chemicals do. Screened-in pools gather less debris than pools in the open.


In a study by the Center for Energy Conservation at Florida Atlantic University, participants reduced their pool pump run time to less than 3 hours per day. Most participants reported they were satisfied with the pool’s water quality.


Reduce your pool pump’s daily run time to 3 to 4 hours. If the water isn’t clean, increase the run time in 30-minute increments until the quality improves. That is the optimal pool pump run time.


To reduce SECO Energy’s peak load, run your pool pump in the morning – 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. or at night after 7 p.m. Also, install a pool pump timer to set the run times. Minor changes to reduce your pool’s energy use will lead to lower energy costs.



SECO News August 2022 SECO Energy Foundation Pennies From Heaven Transition

SECO Energy Foundation – Pennies from Heaven Transition

SECO Energy is enhancing its longstanding Pennies from Heaven program in 2023. The current Pennies program provides bill payment assistance to members and funding for other local worthy causes. In 2023, the Pennies from Heaven “program” will change to the SECO Energy Foundation. The SECO Energy Foundation’s goal is to generate more funds for projects that align with SECO members’ needs and the company’s strategic initiatives. This alignment will include increased bill payment assistance for your fellow members, as well as projects focusing on energy-efficiency, education/STEM, environmental, veterans’ initiatives and public safety.


The current Pennies from Heaven program is transitioning to the SECO Energy Foundation in January 2023. Contributions will be tax-deductible and allow the Foundation (as a nonprofit entity) to apply for grants from other local, state and federal sources. Grants may include investments in first responder equipment, energy-efficiency grants for low-income communities and senior/youth centers. 


Foundation dollars may assist in purchasing smart thermostats for those members who can’t afford one or other energy-efficiency improvements that lower consumption. These types of investments help members reduce energy usage – which leads to lower bills and reduces SECO Energy’s peak demand. A reduction in demand reduces SECO’s wholesale power bill, lowers costs for all members and decreases the need to build new power plants. 


We’re revising the way members are enrolled in the program. See options to unenroll below if you choose not to participate. For those members already enrolled in Pennies from Heaven to have your bill rounded up to the nearest dollar – thank you! At year-end, you and your fellow members will automatically be transitioned to enrollment in the SECO Energy Foundation. Your bill will continue to be rounded up monthly, and the SECO Energy Foundation will devote the extra pennies toward initiatives like those listed above. The average donation per member whose bill is rounded up is $6 annually. 


There are five convenient ways to unenroll. Just let us know by December 31, 2022.

1. Email Customer Service
2. Call 352-793-3801
3. Write to us at P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585 ATTN: Corp Comm
4. Use the opt-out slip below and mail it with your bill


To learn more about the SECO Energy Foundation before making your decision, read the SECO Energy Foundation Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation. The Foundation will begin accepting grant applications for the initiative categories beginning January 4, 2023.


SECO News August 2022 Enroll In The Surge Mitigator For A Chance To Win A Generator

Enroll in the Surge MitiGator for a Chance to Win a Generator


Florida’s afternoon summer thunderstorms pack a punch. These storms bring heavy rain and lightning that may lead to power surges entering your home from the electric line and through the meter. 


The Colorado State University (CSU) Tropical Meteorology Project team forecasts a well-above-average tropical storm and hurricane activity for the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season. These experts predict 20 named storms in 2022 compared to an average of 14.4 named storms between 1991 and 2020. 


Surges are powerful increases in voltage that can destroy your home’s appliances and electronics. Surges are caused by lightning, vehicles crashing into SECO facilities, small animals, fallen trees and more. SECO’s meter-based surge arrester, the Surge MitiGator, takes the bite out of damaging surges and spikes. 


The MitiGator chomps down on voltage spikes and surges before they damage appliances and cause financial loss. The Surge MitiGator is installed at the meter and the product carries a 15-year warranty.


Lease the Surge MitiGator for only $5.95 plus tax per month with a $25 installation fee. Purchase prices range from $349 to $399, and installation is always free.


Enroll in the Surge MitiGator program (lease or purchase) for a chance to win a portable generator. Members in a current lease or prior purchase are already eligible to win. We’ll pick a winner in September, October and November. To enroll in the Surge MitiGator program, visit our Surge MitiGator website section and fill out the web form. Good luck!


The arrester at the meter is the first step in protection. Point-of-use surge devices should be installed for a home’s electronics and other appliances that run on electric service. Purchase these at your local big box or hardware store. Install as directed.


SECO News August 2022 Winners' Circle

Winners’ Circle


Congratulations to the five Watch and Win Annual Meeting video winners!


James Bowden | Belleview
$500 SECO Energy bill credit


Mary Lynn McKenzie | Tavares
$250 SECO Energy bill credit


Marvin Witt, Jr. | The Villages
Nest Learning Thermostat


Susan Sauer | Inverness
HoneyWell Wi-Fi Thermostat


Cristian Flores | Clermont
2021 Apple TV


The latest SECO Energy Level 2 EV Charger winner is Frank Griswold from Ocala. To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner. Visit our Electric Vehicles website section to learn more about the benefits of owning an EV.


Read the full August 2022 SECO News online.


SECO Energy Trustee Joyce Anderson Earns Director Gold Credential

SECO Energy congratulates Board of Trustees Secretary/Treasurer and District 2 Trustee Joyce Anderson on her successful completion of the National Rural Electric Cooperatives Association’s (NRECA) Director Gold Credential (DGC). The DGC offers a continuing education path for directors/trustees beyond the Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) and Board Leadership Certificate (BLC).


According to the NRECA, the Director Gold Credential recognizes directors/trustees who desire a tangible credential that demonstrates their ongoing commitment to advancing their knowledge and performing their fiduciary duty to the best of their ability.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative operated for and owned by its members. SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees consists of members who live in SECO’s service area. Trustees are elected to oversee the governance of the cooperative. Each Trustee on SECO Energy’s Board is elected by the members who reside in his/her District. Collectively, the Trustees are responsible for establishing, reviewing and revising corporate policies to ensure that SECO continues to preserve reliable, affordable service for all members.


Trustee Anderson resides in Sumterville and was first elected to the SECO Energy Board of Trustees in February 2020. Ms. Anderson currently serves as the Board of Trustees Secretary/Treasurer and has been a SECO member since 2017.


Trustee Anderson stated, “Completing the Director Gold Credential from the NRECA is an educational accomplishment that I am proud to hold. The NRECA’s Director/Trustee coursework has helped me carry out my role on the SECO Energy Board of Trustees. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve my fellow SECO Energy members and my fellow District 2 members and the membership at large through my Board service.”


SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn congratulated Trustee Anderson on her educational achievement. Mr. Wynn stated, “Congratulations, Mrs. Anderson, on achieving an educational milestone in earning the Director Gold Credential from the NRECA. SECO Energy thanks you for your commitment to enhancing your energy industry knowledge and putting your skills to work on the Board of Trustees. You and your Board peers are an integral piece of the not-for-profit electric cooperative business model – thank you for your collective service to the SECO Energy membership.”


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.


SECO News July 2022

Dear Members,

SECO Energy continues to deal with supply chain constraints due to the pandemic aftermath. Utilities across the state and the nation are experiencing shortages of raw materials, labor shortages, shipping delays and increased demand for utility products. We are challenged to procure transformers, PVC pipe, meter boxes and any equipment that relies on a microchip. This shift changes our business model to operating around the available materials. In fact, utilities across the state and the nation are feeling the strain of the supply chain issue.  Learn more from the Florida Electric Cooperatives Association in its recent statement.  


These constraints also result in increased cost of inventory and price escalation due to runaway inflation – which is at a 40-year high. In May, the price of natural gas hit a decade high $9 per million BTUs (British thermal units) and this significantly affects the cost of power SECO delivers to you from our wholesale provider, Seminole Electric Cooperative. Given the domestic and global events causing these market trends to continue, SECO must prepare to meet our business targets and member requests in an environment today that is extremely challenging. 


We anticipate the continuation of cost increases and supply chain interruptions. Ultimately, these factors will result in our members paying more for their energy needs – just as we at SECO find ourselves paying more for the materials we buy to construct new services and maintain existing infrastructure.  


Roughly 70 cents of every dollar SECO spends is to purchase power from Seminole. Members who read SECO News regularly and review their electric bill each month have seen a line item referred to as the PCA – or Power Cost Adjustment. This calculation allows SECO to adjust for the rise or fall of fuel costs in real time without formally adjusting the actual rate.  


This is a common utility practice that prevents the over or under collection of funds from our members. The PCA factor was changed in April bringing our cost per thousand kilowatt hours from $121.00 to $128.05. Unfortunately, projections from Seminole require us to make yet another adjustment to the PCA – sooner rather than later. 


The fuel cost adjustment was approved by the Board and takes effect on July 1 with an increase to $137.60 per thousand kilowatt hours consumed at the residential level. Know that utilities across the state and the nation for that matter are all in the same boat and are making fuel cost adjustments and raising rates. 


Notwithstanding all of this, SECO will strive, as we always do, to minimize such impact on our members by keeping our rates as affordable as possible and making sure our rates remain competitive locally, regionally and nationally. 


In a June report from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), it forecasts the U.S. residential electricity price will average 14.6 cents/kWh between June and August 2022. SECO’s residential cost per kWh remains well below that and we’re hopeful we can hold that line through the remainder of the summer when members consume the most energy. 


I realize that I’ve written to you largely about costs this month, but I want to close with the topic of reliability. Surveys show that the reliability of electric service is the most important driver of member satisfaction. Despite our collective current cost crunch, we continue to invest in expanding and maintaining our electric facilities throughout the entire service territory. With hurricane season upon us, I encourage you to view our System Improvement Map at for Expansion and Reliability Projects to see where contractors and SECO Energy crews are working to enhance your experience as a SECO Energy member. 




Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



Advice From The Old Farmer's Almanac

Advice From The Old Farmer’s Almanac: Summer Fishing Days


Cast a line, the fishing’s fine! The best fishing time is when fish are most active just after sunup and as the sun is going down and for an hour after. According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, anglers should fish during the full moon period when tides are higher than average. Also, one hour before and one hour after the high tides in your favorite fishing spot is an ideal time. Another indication of a good fishing day is when the breeze comes from the west, and the water is still or only slightly rippled. Fishing with family or friends, or enjoying quiet time alone makes for a great day!


The best fishing days are between the new and full moon according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. This summer, drop your line between July 1 – 13, July 28 – August 11 and August 27 – September 10. Read Florida Fauna & Flora this month to learn about red snapper.



SECO News July 2022 Summer Energy Efficiency Savings

Summer Energy Efficiency Savings

The long, hot days of summer are here. The EIA calculates the highest amount of electricity consumed in the U.S. is attributed to HVAC use. For Floridians, HVAC use is a longer span (typically early spring to late fall) than in other parts of the country and runs more frequently. It is likely the highest energy user in your home.


Energy efficiency and reducing energy costs are hot topics, especially in the summer months. SECO Energy offers several online tools to help members understand their home usage and identify energy wasters. 


The first stop is SmartHub, SECO’s online account platform. See past bills to compare last year’s usage with 2022’s usage – is it higher? Is it related to the weather? Visit our Sunshine State Stats in the Newsroom Blog to see how temperatures fluctuate and affect your bill. 


Your next stop is our online Home Energy Assessment – a home energy audit you conduct from the comfort of home. Fill out the assessment based on your home’s specifics (construction type, roof age, amount of insulation, etc.) and lifestyle. Submit your answers to receive personal energy-savings advice tailored to the data you input in the Assessment. Implement our suggestions, and you’ll be on your way to consuming less energy – and saving money.

Energy Usage Chart


The Energy Estimator is an online tool that explores the math associated with your energy usage. The Estimator will calculate the estimated cost for each of your home’s appliances and electronics. Submit your email address to receive no-cost and low-cost energy-savings suggestions via email.


You’ll find these energy-efficiency tools and more energy-saving tips at > Energy Solutions. Use our online tools today to save energy and money tomorrow.












SECO News July 2022 Florida Fauna & Flora: Red Snapper

Florida Fauna & Flora: Red Snapper


Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission announced that Florida’s 2022 recreational red snapper season opened June 17 and runs consecutively through July 31. Visit for upcoming fall dates.


Red snapper in deeper waters tend to be redder than those caught in shallower waters. They have a long triangular face with the upper part sloping more strongly than the lower and earned the name snapper from their enlarged canine teeth. 


Age wise, red snapper can live a long time—red snapper as old as 57 years have been reported in the Gulf of Mexico and can grow to 40 inches long and 50 pounds. Females are able to reproduce as early as age 2. Males and females spawn from May to October, depending on their location.


Red snapper feed on fish, shrimp, crab, worms, cephalopods (octopus or squid) and some plankton. Young red snapper are food for the large carnivorous fish that share their habitat, such as jacks, groupers, sharks, barracudas, and morays.


These fish are generally found at 30 to 620 feet deep in the Gulf of Mexico and along the eastern coasts of North America, Central America, and northern South America. They are rare north of the Carolinas.


Read the full July 2022 SECO News online.


SECO Energy Tracking Hurricane Season Activity

SECO Energy is tracking tropical storm activity early in the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season. The remnants of the Pacific Tropical Storm Agatha reorganized in the Gulf of Mexico and the system is now referred to as Invest 91L which is currently a low-pressure system and is forecast to make landfall in Florida.


Currently, the tropical system remains highly disorganized and is located near the Yucatan Peninsula. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) forecast puts the storm near Florida’s west coast late Friday into Saturday. The spaghetti models are in close agreement that eventual landfall will be south of Bradenton.


SECO Energy’s service territory is on the outer edge of the projected rain and wind fields. Members will experience widespread rains and gusty winds in south Sumter and Lake Counties and in parts of Citrus County. There is already standing water in some areas and additional rain and high winds can cause downed trees and power outages for members.


CEO Curtis Wynn assured members that SECO Energy is StormReady. Wynn stated, “SECO Energy is tracking Invest 91L and the possible weather effects that this tropical system will bring to SECO’s service area. SECO is StormReady and prepared to respond to outages caused by 91L. I am asking members to prepare for not only Invest 91L but to proactively prepare for the possibility of tropical storms and hurricanes throughout the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season.”


StormCenter is SECO Energy’s outage and communications platform for members to report outages, check the status of an existing outage and enroll in outage communications and alerts via email, text, voice or all three. Visit StormCenter today and bookmark on your smartphone or tablet to report outages quickly and easily.


Major weather events can cause extended power outages. SECO Energy reminds members to follow safety protocols when using a generator during a power outage. Generators emit deadly carbon monoxide (CO) that is odorless and colorless. Thousands of people die each year from CO poisoning. Never operate a generator in an enclosed space including a garage. Always place the generator at least 15 to 20 feet away from your home and never in proximity to open windows.


Before operating a generator, thoroughly read and review the owner’s manual. Never plug a generator directly into an electrical outlet. This current flow is deadly for utility personnel. Keep children away from an operating generator and store fuel in approved containers. Do not smoke while fueling a generator. Always operate a generator in a dry space. If it is raining, use a canopy or cover. SECO Energy’s Hurricane Handbook includes generator safety tips and preparation for before, during and after a storm.


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.


SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn Visits South Lake Chamber with Energy Industry Update

SECO Energy’s Chief Executive Officer Curtis Wynn breakfasted with the South Lake Chamber of Commerce and provided a company and energy industry update at its May 20 meeting held at the Clermont City Center. Mr. Wynn addressed local business owners and professionals who are integral to South Lake County’s population, commercial and industrial growth. Mr. Wynn provided the crowd with an update about SECO Energy and the current state of the energy industry.


Mr. Wynn was joined by SECO Energy senior leadership Tracy de Lemos, Deputy General Counsel; Gene Kanikovsky, CFO; and John LaSelva, Vice President of Reliability and Operations. Kathy Judkins, Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations also attended the meeting along with Manager of Key Accounts & Revenue Programs Jeff Light and Amanda Richardson, Manager of Corporate Communications and Energy Services. South Lake Board Chair Aimee Stanley introduced Mr. Wynn.


Mr. Wynn hosted SECO Energy’s 84th Annual Meeting virtually on March 24 and was eager to share the “state of the company” news in person with the South Lake Chamber members. The overview included a review of rising cost of capital, maintenance expenses and the rising natural gas market that are causing rate and fuel cost pressure for SECO Energy and its members. Supply chain issues were covered in detail, along with the labor shortage that is affecting so many businesses across the county, state and the nation.


Industry-related topics like solar energy, technology advancements in metering and electric vehicle potential were also part of Mr. Wynn’s presentation at the Chamber and during the Virtual Annual Meeting. To hear from Mr. Wynn and to win one of five prizes SECO Energy members can watch the 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting video and answer the question at by clicking on the homepage banner. Enter before June 15 for a chance to win one of the following prizes:


• $500 SECO Energy bill credit
• $250 SECO Energy bill credit
• Nest Learning Thermostat
• HoneyWell Wi-Fi Thermostat
• 2021 Apple TV HD


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.


SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn Provides Energy Industry Update to Tavares Chamber of Commerce

SECO Energy’s Chief Executive Officer Curtis Wynn addressed the Tavares Chamber of Commerce at its April 27 meeting held at the Tavares Civic Center. Mr. Wynn spoke to local Tavares business owners and professionals to provide the crowd an update about SECO Energy and the current state of the energy industry.


Mr. Wynn was joined by SECO Energy’s District 9 Trustee Morgan Hatfield who represents east Lake County members and lives in Paisley. Mr. Wynn and Ms. Hatfield were introduced by Kathy Judkins, SECO Energy’s Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable and Government Relations.


Mr. Wynn hosted SECO Energy’s 84th Annual Meeting virtually on March 24 and was eager to share the “state of the company” news in person with the Tavares Chamber members. The overview included a review of rising capital costs, maintenance expenses and the rising natural gas market that are affecting rate and fuel cost for SECO Energy and its members. Supply chain issues were covered in detail, along with the labor shortage that is affecting so many businesses across the county, state and the nation.


Industry-related topics like solar energy, technology advancements in metering and electric vehicle potential were also part of Mr. Wynn’s presentation at the Chamber and during the Virtual Annual Meeting. To hear from Mr. Wynn and to win one of five prizes SECO Energy members can watch the 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting video and answer the question at by clicking on the homepage banner. Enter before June 15 for a chance to win one of the following prizes:


• $500 SECO Energy bill credit
• $250 SECO Energy bill credit
• Nest Learning Thermostat
• HoneyWell Wi-Fi Thermostat
• 2021 Apple TV HD


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.


SECO News June 2022

Central Florida is one of the fastest-growing regions in the country. Nearly a quarter million people moved to Florida over the last 12 months. Historical data from the U.S. Census Bureau indicates that the three largest counties SECO Energy serves (Lake, Marion and Sumter) posted impressive population gains over the last decade. 


SECO now serves over 222,000 homes and businesses in our seven-county service territory.  In 2021 alone, SECO added 5,770 accounts, and in March 2022, we broke a 15-year record for the highest number of new accounts established in a month. The growth positions SECO as the third-largest distribution electric cooperative in the state and the seventh largest in the country out of 800 not-for-profit cooperatives. 


While this edition of Wynn’s Wire focuses on Lake County expansion and improvement projects reliability in every part of our service territory is a priority. Watch for upcoming Wynn’s Wire columns for updates on projects in the other counties we serve.  Better yet, visit today to view our System Reliability and Expansion Map to see what projects are occurring in your area right now.  


In 2021, SECO welcomed 2,038 new services in Lake County. This accounts for 35% of our overall 2021 new meter count. With the population increase and growing demand for safe, affordable, reliable energy, I’m excited to share SECO’s system improvement projects that benefit the SECO members in Lake County. These electric infrastructure improvements and expansions will increase members’ service reliability and add redundancy for quicker outage restoration.


South Lake County is growing extraordinarily fast. The population in Clermont, Fruitland Park, Groveland and Minneola are increasing at some of the highest rates in the state. SECO has nearly completed a new power substation named Sawgrass to handle the growing load in the southern portion of Lake County. The substation is state-of-the-art and will be a part of an overall design to provide redundant power sources to the members throughout the region to further avoid lengthy outages.   


The design of the Sawgrass substation utilizes two Duke Energy transmission lines in a looped configuration serving both sides of SECO’s distribution lines in the substation. This redundancy increases reliability for the members served from the Clermont and the Sawgrass substations. This two-way loop increases the ability of crews to restore service to members served by both substations through distribution backfeeding.  


Members served by our Clermont substation may remember the lengthy transmission outage in October 2019 that lasted for over eight hours. While this very impactful, non-storm-related outage was caused by a neighboring utility’s transmission line issue, we are extending our efforts to avoid a future recurrence of outages that are caused by others. We are totally committed to take steps to reduce outage time and increase reliability, regardless of the cause. 


Another new Lake County development called Wellness Way will also require infrastructure expansion. This area’s master plan includes almost 16,000 homesites and an additional 11 million square feet of non-residential commercial space. SECO Energy is exploring a plan for these new facilities, with the ultimate goal of high reliability.   


In other parts of Lake County, crews recently completed what we call a ‘voltage conversion’ of the Astatula and Deer Island substations.  In this maintenance project, the voltage, or electric potential, was increased on every transformer on every feeder served.  The increased electric potential accommodates growing energy demand and improves service reliability for members served by both substations.  


Next year, SECO is developing plans for even more expansions and upgrades in the Groveland area. As I mentioned previously, Groveland is one of the fast-growing small cities in Florida. Due to an increase in commercial and industrial load, SECO is also planning an expansion to the infrastructure serving the Christopher Ford Industrial Park.  


I again encourage all members to read upcoming editions of Wynn’s Wire for updates on projects in the other counties we serve and visit to view our System Reliability and Expansion Map to see what projects are occurring in your area.   


The explosive growth we are seeing makes SECO Energy an exciting place to work.  We are always looking for talented individuals to join us on our growth journey – and we’re hiring for a variety of positions. Visit “Careers” on for a position with a career path and great benefits that may be perfect for you!  




Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News June 2022 Advice From The Old Farmer's Almanac

Advice From The Old Farmer’s Almanac: Summer 2022 Forecast


The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts summer weather in Central Florida will be hot and dry. The forecast indicates the average temperature will be above average from June through September. Rainfall will be less than average until August, when rainfall is predicted to be 3 inches above average. Watch for thunderstorms throughout the season. In July and August, tropical storms are predicted in the southeast and deep south.


Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30 each year. Supplies sell out quickly when a storm threatens our area. Stock up today and have your emergency essentials on hand. Download a copy of our Hurricane Handbook for a starting list of essentials and learn what to do before, during and after a storm.



SECO News June 2022 SECO Energy Scholarship Awardees

2022 SECO Energy Scholarship Awardees

Join us in congratulating our 2022 SECO Energy scholarship awardees! The high school seniors who are seeking a future career in the energy industry have been awarded a $3,000 scholarship to put toward a college, university, trade or vocational school in Florida. 


Jonathan Troy Duran Estrella           The Villages Charter High School

Paul Farrell                                            Learning Academy

Brandon Scott Gallmeyer                  Tavares High School

Allyson Hicks                                        The Villages Charter High School

Caleb Nolan Littlefield                       Homeschool 

Kannon Matthew Pauling                  Tavares High School

Jordan Kanyé Riche                             Wildwood Middle High School

Marcial I. Rodriguez                            Citrus High School 

Allison Nicole Shields                         Umatilla High School


Great job, students! We hope our current and previous scholarship awardees will contact SECO Energy for internship and future career opportunities. SECO is hiring! To view open positions, set up job alerts and submit an application, visit Careers on



SECO News June 2022 Tree Line USA 15 Years of Excellence

Tree Line USA 15 Years of Excellence


SECO Energy has been recognized as a Tree Line USA Utility by the Arbor Day Foundation for 15 consecutive years. Tree Line USA recognizes public and private utilities that take part in activities that protect and enhance America’s urban forests. Tree Line USA promotes the coexistence of delivering safe and reliable electricity while maintaining healthy community trees.


SECO Energy achieved five program standards to be recognized as a Tree Line USA utility: follow industry standards for quality tree care; provide annual worker training in best tree care practices; sponsor a tree planting and education program; maintain a tree-based energy conservation program; and participate in an Arbor Day celebration.


2022 is the 150th Anniversary of Arbor Day, and the Arbor Day Foundation is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. Since the Foundation’s beginnings, it has helped to plant and distribute almost 500 million trees in over 50 countries worldwide. Learn more about Arbor Day and its mission at


For tips on planting trees away from power lines and how trees can help reduce annual energy costs, visit Right Tree Right Place. 


Read the full June 2022 SECO News online.


SECO Energy Celebrates 2022 Scholarship Awardees

SECO Energy is celebrating its 2022 SECO Energy Scholarship Awardees. Each of the scholarship awardees receives $3,000 to advance his or her education. SECO Energy’s scholarship program was created to attract local, talented students who want to pursue a career in the energy industry and possible employment with SECO Energy in the future.


Awardees were required to meet eligibility criteria to qualify. To be awarded a scholarship, students must reside in a home served by SECO Energy and be a high school senior who is graduating in May/June of the current year. Awardees must be interested in pursuing a career in the energy field. He or she must also be seeking a degree in technology, engineering, math or business or seeking an electric-industry-related certification. Awardees must enroll full-time in an accredited Florida college, university or trade school by the end of 2022.


The 2022 SECO Energy Scholarship awardees are:


Jonathan Troy Duran Estrella – The Villages Charter High School
Paul Farrell – Life Learning Academy
Brandon Scott Gallmeyer – Tavares High School
Allyson Hicks – The Villages Charter High School
Caleb Nolan Littlefield – Homeschool
Kannon Matthew Pauling – Tavares High School
Jordan Kanyé Riche – Wildwood Middle High School
Marcial I. Rodriguez – Citrus High School
Allison Nicole Shields – Umatilla High School


CEO Curtis Wynn congratulated the 2022 SECO Energy Scholarship recipients. Mr. Wynn stated, “Congratulations, scholarship awardees, on your scholastic and community service achievements. I am impressed with each and every one of our awardees. Study diligently during the next step in your educational pursuits and you will go far in achieving the goals you have set for yourself and your career.”


Wynn continued, “I invite our scholarship awardees to put SECO Energy first on their list for paid internship opportunities while still in school and look to SECO as a place to begin their career in the energy industry. SECO Energy is a growing, dynamic, regional utility that will continue to require a skilled workforce. SECO has an attractive benefits package that includes comprehensive medical and dental insurance, along with paid time off, 401k, employee-referral program and student loan reimbursement.”


SECO Energy is hiring! To view open positions, set up job alerts and submit an application online, visit the SECO Energy Careers page.


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SECO Energy Trustee Bill James Recognized for Seminole Electric Cooperative Board Service

During the May SECO Energy Board of Trustee meeting, SECO Energy Board President Gerald Anderson and CEO Curtis Wynn recognized longtime District 8 Trustee William (Bill) W. James, Jr. with a Certificate of Appreciation presented on behalf of the entire Board.


Mr. James is a longstanding resident of The Plantation in Leesburg and has been a SECO Energy member since 2002. He has served on the SECO Energy Board of Trustees since 2010 and served on the Seminole Electric Board of Directors from June 2016 through May 2022.


President Anderson stated, “The SECO Energy Board of Trustees wanted to formally recognize Mr. James’ distinguished service on the Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc. Board of Directors over the last six years. His extensive experience and guidance supported Seminole’s strategic initiatives and kept SECO Energy’s Board informed of important information related to our wholesale power provider’s governance and operations.”


CEO Curtis Wynn echoed President Anderson’s sentiments and stated, “We are grateful for Mr. James’ hard work and dedication in support of SECO Energy’s ongoing mission to provide reliable, affordable and innovative energy services to our members and communities.”


SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees are members who live in SECO’s service territory. They are elected to oversee the governance of the cooperative. Each Trustee on the Board is elected by the members who reside in his/her District. Collectively, the Trustees are responsible for establishing, reviewing and revising corporate policies and approving the cooperative’s budget.


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.

SECO Energy Trustee Richard Dennison Recognized for Service as Board President

During the May SECO Energy Board of Trustees meeting, SECO Energy Board President Gerald Anderson and CEO Curtis Wynn recognized District 4 Trustee Richard Dennison with a Certificate of Appreciation presented on behalf of the entire Board.


Mr. Dennison is a longstanding resident of Marion Oaks and has been a SECO Energy member since 1999. He has served on the SECO Energy Board of Trustees since 2015, served as Board President from March 2020 to March 2022 and also currently serves on the Seminole Electric Board of Directors.


President Anderson stated, “The SECO Energy Board of Trustees honored Mr. Dennison’s distinguished service as President of the SECO Energy Board of Trustees from March 2020 through March 2022. Mr. Dennison’s strong leadership during the pandemic maintained the continuity of our governance processes. During his tenure, the Board of Trustees was required to exercise flexibility and perseverance, and he led that charge with grace and dignity.”


CEO Curtis Wynn echoed President Anderson’s sentiments and stated, “We are grateful for Mr. Dennison’s hard work and dedication in support of SECO Energy’s ongoing mission to provide reliable, affordable and innovative energy services to our members and communities.”


SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees are members who live in SECO’s service territory. They are elected to oversee the governance of the cooperative. Each Trustee on the Board is elected by the members who reside in his/her District. Collectively, the Trustees are responsible for establishing, reviewing and revising corporate policies and approving the cooperative’s budget.


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.