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SECO News November 2023

Wynn's WireDear Members,

At SECO Energy, our commitment to serving our members goes beyond providing safe, reliable and affordable electricity to homes and businesses across Central Florida. We are proud to announce that the SECO Energy Board of Trustees has approved a Capital Credits retirement of $2.01 million to current and former members. Current members will see the credit on their November billing statement and former members receive a check.


Capital Credits are distinct to cooperatively formed businesses like SECO Energy, and they are the true cooperative difference. SECO customers are members; they are partial owners of the cooperative. This ownership structure is a foundational part of the cooperative business model, and it allows us to utilize unretired capital to invest in facility improvements while ensuring that our members receive a return of member-furnished capital.


After covering our operating costs and expenses, SECO Energy reclasses the prior year’s excess revenues as Patronage Capital. The margins are then allocated pro-rata to each member’s account as capital credits. Your individual Capital Credit allocations represent the percentage of the annual amount of electric service purchased by you.


SECO Energy has a strong tradition of returning Capital Credits to our members. In fact, we have retired nearly $83 million to our membership over the years. Almost $50 million has been retired in the last decade alone. This represents a significant commitment to our members and communities, and it exemplifies the benefit of cooperative membership.


Our Board of Trustees plays a crucial role in the retirement of Capital Credits. They review the financial position of the cooperative, consider management’s recommendation, and determine the approval of the Capital Credits return. This process ensures transparency and accountability in how we allocate these funds to our members.


The retirement of $2.01 million in Capital Credits is a testament to SECO Energy’s ongoing commitment to our members. We are proud to be a cooperative, not-for-profit electric provider, and we will continue to serve our communities with dedication and integrity.


SECO members are at the heart of everything we do, and we look forward to providing you with reliable electricity and the benefits of being part of our cooperative family. Your satisfaction and well-being are our top priorities.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn
Chief Executive Officer




SECO News November 2023 SECO Energy Illuminating Rural Progress Since 1938


Electrifying rural America is a testament to the transformative power of ingenuity, cooperation and a shared vision for progress. Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc. (now d/b/a SECO Energy) embarked on its journey in 1938 to provide rural Central Florida residents with essential electric service. Through its dedication to this mission, the not-for-profit cooperative has illuminated homes and businesses and played a pivotal role in fostering economic growth, improving living standards and creating opportunities for countless individuals. SECO Energy was born from the ideals of the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) era, and it continues to shine brightly today, serving more than 230,000 homes and businesses in its seven-county service area.


The Genesis of Rural Electrification and Birth of Sumter Electric Cooperative


The Great Depression was characterized by economic hardship and widespread unemployment. In response, President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal introduced several initiatives to revitalize the nation, including creating the REA in 1935. The REA was a visionary program that sought to bring the benefits of electricity to rural areas that had long been left in the dark by investor-owned and municipal utilities that calculated electric expansion was too expensive.


SECO’s history is entwined with the REA’s electrification movement. In 1937, volunteers traveled door-to-door to personally visit residents and encourage cooperative membership. This grassroots approach exemplified the idea that every American, regardless of their geographic location or economic status, deserved access to the benefits of electricity. In 1938, one volunteer, Ray Robbins, was hired as SECO’s first employee.


Safe, Reliable and Affordable Electricity


In our 85-year history, we have grown from a small rural utility to a local, award-winning cooperative of the future. Today, our service area includes urban and rural areas. We continue to provide safe, reliable and affordable electric service to homes and businesses in our communities. Our roots are humble, but our future is mighty.


SECO continues to invest substantially in its infrastructure to maintain safe and reliable service amid Central Florida’s rapid growth. Access to affordable electric service improves residents’ daily lives. It facilitates economic growth by making it more feasible for businesses to operate in our service area.


SECO’s contributions to local economies in its 85-year history are substantial. In earlier years, farmers gained access to modern tools and equipment, which increased agricultural productivity. Small businesses thrived, benefiting from the availability of electric power. This growth, in turn, created employment opportunities.


Growth in our service area is rapid – commercial development, expansion of residential communities and large hubs are being built to support logistics. Not surprisingly, SECO has continued as well, and today employs over 400 of your friends and neighbors to support and expand its operations and infrastructure.


Beyond the tangible economic benefits, SECO plays a vital role in empowering the communities it serves. Access to electricity is essential for healthcare advances, educational opportunities and worldwide connection. The cooperative actively engages with its members, offering education and support about electrical safety, energy conservation and innovative energy services.


Looking to the Future


According to the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), cooperatives like SECO Energy serve 56% of the nation’s landmass, which includes 42 million people and 21.5 million businesses. The energy industry has changed since 1938, and SECO is evolving too. The not-for-profit cooperative business model is alive and well. We are committed to providing our members with safe, reliable, affordable electric service and innovative energy offerings.


We would hardly recognize the Central Florida of just 85 years ago. SECO’s story is one of cooperation, determination and progress. Our dedication to our members and communities is unwavering as we and the energy industry evolve. SECO Energy’s future is bright!



SECO News November 2023 Annual Toys For Tots Drive: A Message From District 5 Trustee Joseph Kusiak


Join SECO Energy employees in spreading the joy of Christmas for children in our local communities. Each year, our employees donate new, unwrapped toys for SECO’s Toys for Tots drive.


Members can donate, too, visit one of our five Member Services Centers in Eustis, Groveland, Inverness, Ocala and Sumterville to donate a toy. The public drop-off period lasts from NOVEMBER 1 TO DECEMBER 2.


Retired Marines and other volunteers operate Toys for Tots and pick up donations to distribute in the local area where they were collected. Members who want to register to receive toys donated through Toys for Tots can visit > Request a Toy.





SECO News November 2023 Safety Corner Keeping The Holidays Safe


For the safety of our members and community, please do not use SECO Energy’s light posts and poles to display holiday decorations or any other items. Decorative poles are not rated for the added weight of lights, decorations, sports equipment or banners.


Do not affix lights, signs, advertisements or banners to any SECO poles. Nailing, stapling, or tacking items to power or decorative poles accelerates wear and degrades their structural integrity and can potentially harm or puncture the protective equipment of our employees and contractors. Moreover, the pole’s ground wire can be damaged, leading to operational issues.


THE SAFETY OF OUR MEMBERS IS PARAMOUNT. We do not want anyone to be injured while hanging lights or decorations from a pole that was never intended to support the weight of such items or a ladder leaned against it.


We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a safer environment for all members. Read more about pole safety requirements at > Safety > Keep It Clear.


Read the full November 2023 SECO News.

SECO Energy Grant Project Approved by Department of Energy

The U.S. Department of Energy announced $3.46 billion in funding through its Investing in America Agenda Funds Projects through which SECO Energy has been approved to move forward in its grid resiliency project. Funded by President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the selected projects will improve the delivery of safe, reliable and affordable energy for Americans in 44 states.


SECO Energy’s Improving Resiliency Through Grid Hardening Project is approved to move forward under the Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program. The project consists of multiple interrelated components that the not-for-profit electric cooperative has developed in response to the need for accelerated resilience efforts. Multiple tropical storms and hurricanes have crossed directly through SECO’s service area with winds and flooding causing damage to the utility’s facilities and members’ property, as well as power outages. This project has a proposed price tag of over $70 million with SECO Energy’s cost share just over $17 million.


DOE announces SECO as grant recipientSECO Energy’s proposed project will enhance resilience by undergrounding overhead utility lines, hardening existing poles and increasing line capacity, replacing aging inefficient equipment and expanding load capacity with a new distribution substation. 


The planned project will improve reliability and outage restoration times and underground 33 miles of distribution lines to improve grid reliability against extreme weather events that Central Floridians are vulnerable to. 


SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn is thankful that SECO members will benefit from the proposed grid improvements. Wynn stated, “We are excited to share the news made possible by GRIP funding with our members. The funding accelerates our efforts to make our system more reliable and resilient, without causing undue rate pressure on our members. SECO Energy is committed to our mission, which is to provide reliable and innovative service to our members and communities, especially during hurricanes and tropical storms.” 


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.

SECO Energy Announces Roadway Lighting Upgrade in The Villages

SECO Energy has completed two pilot LED (light-emitting diode) roadway lighting projects along Buena Vista Boulevard and Morse Boulevard. Both areas are heavily traveled roadways in The Villages.   


Planned lighting upgradeThe majority of roadway lighting in The Villages is high-pressure sodium (HPS), which is quickly becoming an outdated product. LED lighting is the more energy-efficient choice. Most SECO Energy members are gradually switching over to LED bulbs and fixtures in their homes. As HPS fixtures are being phased out in favor of LED equivalents, there are benefits to the switch. LEDs use less energy than traditional HPS fixtures and carry a longer lifespan. 


SECO Energy began replacing the aged HPS fixtures with LEDs the week of October 9. Crews worked in the evenings during times of lower traffic instead of daylight hours. Lane closures were necessary.  


Twenty-six area light fixtures at thirteen locations were upgraded to energy-efficient LED lighting along Buena Vista Boulevard. The area impacted runs north to south between the Stillwater Trail roundabout and south to the Odell Circle/Bailey Trail roundabout. The second pilot area to receive an LED upgrade is along Morse Boulevard. The project spans between the Odell Circle intersection and runs south to Bonita Boulevard. This project includes an upgrade of fifty-four LED fixtures at twenty-seven locations along Morse Boulevard. 


SECO Energy CEO, Curtis Wynn, stated, “We are pleased to bring new lighting service options to our Villager neighbors. SECO Energy maintains over 60,000 outdoor lights on its electric system. By embracing LED technology, SECO can reduce the energy required to keep these lights operational. We also encourage our members to make the transition to LED lighting in their homes. LEDs use less energy, emit less heat, which reduces energy use.” Planned lighting upgrades


Wynn continued, “The safety of our field personnel is a high priority. We understand that lane closures are inconvenient, and we apologize in advance for that inconvenience. But employee safety is our top priority.”  


SECO Energy members can easily report an area light malfunction online through its StormCenter outage reporting and communications platform. Visit>StormCenter and choose the LightFinder tile. Simply enter the pole number or turn on location services to report. Reporting members will receive a follow–up email when the light is repaired – usually within 24 hours. 


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.

SECO News October 2023

Wynn's WireDear Members,

SECO Energy and Central Florida were fortunate to escape most of the destruction from Hurricane Idalia. Our system fared extremely well – only 10,400 members were without power during the 24-hour period when Idalia reached closest to us. All outages were restored safely and quickly by dedicated line technicians. The SECO team executed their respective duties admirably and was prepared to confront more severe conditions that, fortunately, did not evolve.


SECO is a not-for-profit electric cooperative that is member-owned and operated for the benefit of all members we serve. We are also very thankful for the over 500 crews – including line and tree contractors – who answered our distress call and traveled to our location to assist with Hurricane Idalia restoration. SECO is StormReady and prepared for the worst, which thankfully did not happen.


While SECO Energy members were relatively unscathed, our neighbors in Northern Florida, which received a direct hit from Hurricane Idalia, fared far worse.


Hurricane Idalia made landfall in the Big Bend area on Wednesday, August 30. Some of the most affected were members served by Tri-County Electric Cooperative in Jefferson, Madison and Taylor Counties. Tri-County serves almost 25,000 members – 100% of which were without electric service from Hurricane Idalia. On Friday, September 1, a contingent of SECO line technicians, a mechanic, a superintendent and a supervisor traveled to Tri-County to assist in restoring power.


Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) serves more than 28,000 members in Columbia, Hamilton, Lafayette and Suwannee Counties and also needed help. SECO released seven Pike contractor crews to SVEC to join their restoration effort. Both Tri-County and SVEC sustained extensive damage to their electric systems. While their members experienced days without electricity, our SECO crews received many gestures of thankfulness and appreciation.


These opportunities to offer mutual aid and support to each other are vital to the electric cooperative industry. They also underscore two primary tenets of the Seven Cooperative Principles to which we adhere: Cooperation Among Cooperatives and Concern for Community. SECO Energy will continue to embrace these standards and is grateful for the assistance we received.


Hurricane season runs through November 30; at the time of this column printing, we are monitoring three tropical disturbances. Preparing your homes and families for a tropical storm or hurricane is still vital. Read our Hurricane Handbook at > Safety > Hurricane Handbook for more information about what to do before, during and after a storm.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn
Chief Executive Officer



SECO News October 2023 Move Over Law A Message from District 5 Trustee Shannon Wright


THERE IS AN UPDATE TO FLORIDA’S MOVE OVER LAW THAT TAKES EFFECT IN JANUARY 2024. HB 425, known as “Florida’s Move Over Law,” passed the House on April 26, 2023, and passed the Senate on May 4. It was signed into law by Governor DeSantis on June 5.


The new changes will expand the Move Over law by adding a disabled motor vehicle to those currently protected. A disabled vehicle will be treated the same as emergency vehicles if stopped, displaying warning lights, hazard lights, emergency flares, or posting emergency signage, or if it is stopped with one or more persons visibly present.


The Move Over law is intended to protect vehicles and nearby operators and workers from passing traffic. Currently, the law spells out responsibilities for drivers on an interstate highway or other highway with two or more lanes. Drivers are to vacate the lane closest to emergency or sanitation vehicles, utility service trucks, wreckers, and road and bridge maintenance or construction vehicles when traveling in the direction of these vehicles.


If moving over cannot be safely accomplished, the driver must reduce their speed to 20 miles per hour less than the posted speed limit (when the posted speed limit is 25 miles per hour or greater), or travel at 5 miles per hour when the posted speed limit is 20 miles per hour or less.


Drivers who do not slow down and move over could receive a noncriminal moving violation and be hit with a hefty monetary fine.



SECO News October 2023 Escape Phantom Load


Phantom load, also known as standby or vampire power, refers to electricity consumed by electronic devices when turned off or in standby mode. Many modern devices, such as televisions, computers, chargers, and more, draw tiny amounts of energy when plugged in. These devices consume a small amount of power, which adds up over time. Phantom load contributes to higher energy use, which increases monthly bills.


Combining awareness, habit changes, and energy-efficient technologies reduces phantom load. Effective strategies include:


UNPLUG DEVICES: The simplest solution is unplugging electronics when they are not in use. This eliminates phantom load from these devices.

SMART POWER STRIPS: Plug electronics into innovative power strips that detect when devices are in standby mode or not being actively used. Smart power strips will automatically de-energize power to those devices. Convenient and reduces energy.

ENERGY-EFFICIENT DEVICES: Choose electronics and appliances with energy-saving features. Look for ENERGY STAR-certified products designed to consume less energy in standby mode.

TIMERS AND AUTOMATION: Use timers or smart home automation systems to schedule when devices should be powered on and off.

MANUAL POWER MANAGEMENT: Make it a habit to power down devices when not in use. Shut down computers, turn off lights and unplug chargers when not needed.

EDUCATION AND AWARENESS: Raising awareness among family members about phantom load and its impact can lead to using less energy at home.


Put these strategies into practice to significantly reduce electricity from phantom loads. Do you need additional energy-saving advice? SECO Energy has two online energy-saving tools to help you reduce energy and save money on your bill. Our Home Energy Assessment is a complete online energy audit tailored to your home and lifestyle. The Energy Estimator shows the math associated with your energy usage. Find both energy-saving tools at > Energy Solutions.



SECO News October 2023 Surge MitiGator Free Installation


Starting October 1, we’re offering free installation for all new Surge MitiGator enrollments through November 30. That’s a $25 savings for you and added protection for the electronics in your home.


SECO’s meter-based surge arrester is made in the USA. It has proven reliable for over 25 years by reducing or eliminating surges BEFORE they enter your home through the meter. More than 55,000 members already trust SECO’s Surge MitiGator.


The Surge MitiGator has a 15-year warranty and is designed to protect your home’s large-motor appliances. Household appliances and sensitive electronics such as televisions and computers can be damaged or destroyed by power surges. These also require in-home point-of-use devices that can be purchased at hardware or big-box retailers for adequate coverage.


Start at the meter base with the Surge MitiGator for the best protection. You can lease the MitiGator for only $5.95 plus tax per month with free installation – a $25 savings. The purchase price ranges from $349 to $399 plus tax, and installation is free. Visit > Surge MitiGator and complete the contact form to learn more or enroll during this free installation promotion.


Read the full October 2023 SECO News.

SECO Energy Lowers Members’ Bills

SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn announced a significant reduction to residential members’ monthly energy bills that will appear on bills arriving in October to reflect September usage. The adjustment, known formally as the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA), will result in average bills totaling their lowest cost in the last five years. 


SECO Energy coined the term, “Hot Bucks,” to refer to opportunities the not-for-profit cooperative electric provider acts upon to lower members’ bills. The recent stabilization of natural gas pricing has led to lower wholesale electricity costs from SECO’s wholesale provider of electricity, Seminole Electric Cooperative.  


In coordination with Seminole’s projections, SECO’s Board of Trustees approved changing the PCA to lower its members’ bills. The Hot Bucks credit will reduce SECO Energy’s cost for residential service per 1,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) from $146.60 to $116.60 with bills generating as of October 1.  


utility cost comparison 9/2023

SECO Energy CEO, Curtis Wynn, stated, “SECO is dedicated to returning value to its members when possible. ‘Hot Bucks’ are a direct reflection of the price variation the cooperative pays for power purchased from Seminole Electric Cooperative. Natural gas is the main fuel source for power generation and a continued downward trend in price is projected as we move into the autumn months. Our Mission, as a not-for-profit cooperative is to provide reliable and innovative energy services to our members and communities. Ensuring affordable energy service is a key component to fulfilling our role as a trusted source for energy solutions.” 


The reduction is displayed as a line item on members’ monthly billing statement beginning October 1 to reflect prior period usage from September. 


Both SECO and Seminole are not-for-profit cooperatives that work closely to ensure the lowest rates possible for their members. When the wholesale cost of purchased power decreases, SECO passes those savings along to its members. This reduction places SECO Energy’s cost per kWh lower than the average Florida Investor-owned, Municipal and Cooperative utility. 


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.  


SECO Energy Joins Hurricane Idalia Restoration Effort

SECO Energy is lending a hand to a fellow Florida cooperative Tri-County Electric Cooperative in Madison. Tri-County’s service area was ravaged by Hurricane Idalia as it made landfall in the Big Bend area on Wednesday, August 30. When Tri-County put out the call for mutual aid from its fellow cooperatives, SECO Energy answered the call to join the restoration effort in the Panhandle. 


On Friday, September 1, a contingent of SECO Energy line employees, a superintendent, a supervisor and mechanic, left the Ocala Operations Center on their way to Tri-County Electric Cooperative. Tri-County serves almost 25,000 members in Jefferson, Madison and Taylor Counties. This area includes some of the most devastated areas in the state. Currently, almost 30,000 homes and businesses are without power in Tri-County Electric’s three-county service territory.  


Cooperation Among Cooperatives and Concern for Community are two of the Seven Cooperative Principles to which cooperatives adhere. Providing mutual aid in the form of experienced technicians and other resources is critical for restoring essential electric service to all residents affected by Hurricane Idalia.  


SECO Energy also released seven full-time Pike contract crews that are stationed at SECO to Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) in Live Oak, Florida. SVEC serves more than 28,000 members in Columbia, Hamilton, Lafayette and Suwannee Counties. Over 40,000 members are waiting for power restoration in these four counties. 


CEO Curtis Wynn is pleased to assist SECO Energy’s cooperative peers. Wynn stated, “We are extremely thankful that SECO Energy’s service area and members were spared the brunt of Hurricane Idalia’s destruction. It is our privilege to assist both Tri-County Electric Cooperative and Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative. When we asked for volunteers to travel to these hurricane-devastated areas, many of our team members volunteered quickly to assist.” 


“During major storm repairs, mutual aid is a tenet that leads our cooperative and others across the state. We are praying for our teams’ safety and that of all utility workers who are traveling and working to make Floridian’s lives better every day.” 


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on X (formerly, Twitter) for news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews and contractors are working in your area, visit the System Improvement map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About. 

SECO News September 2023

Wynn's WireDear Members,

I have great news to share with you this month – Hot Bucks are back and reduce the residential bill to the lowest cost in the last five years! SECO Energy is happy to announce a significant reduction on your electric bill.


Hot Bucks (which is known formally as the PCA short for Power Cost Adjustment) will display as a line item on your monthly billing statement. The credit will appear on bills beginning October 1 to reflect prior period usage from September.


SECO’s Hot Bucks are a direct reflection of the price variation the cooperative pays for power purchased from Seminole Electric Cooperative. Natural gas is the main fuel source for power generation and a continued downward trend in price is projected as we move into the latter part of the summer.


Florida utility cost comparisonIn alignment with Seminole’s projections, SECO’s Board of Trustees approved changing the PCA to lower our members’ bills. Both SECO and Seminole are not-for-profit cooperatives that work closely to ensure the lowest rates possible for our members. When the wholesale cost of purchased power decreases, SECO passes those savings along to you.


The Hot Bucks credit will reduce SECO Energy’s cost for residential service per 1,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) from $146.60 to $116.60 with bills generating as of October 1. The chart below compares SECO Energy’s residential cost for 1,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) with other Florida utilities.


This reduction places SECO Energy’s cost per kWh in a competitive position: lower than the average Florida Investor-owned, Municipal and Cooperative utility.


Our Mission, as a not-for-profit cooperative is to provide reliable and innovative energy services to our members and communities. Ensuring affordable energy service is a key component to fulfilling our role as your trusted source for energy solutions.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn
Chief Executive Officer




SECO News September 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season Update


We have reached the mid-point of the Atlantic hurricane season (June 1 – November 30). In early April, experts from Colorado State University’s (CSU) Tropical Weather and Climate Research forecast below-average hurricane and tropical storm activity this season.


The outlook has changed in mid-season. CSU is now predicting “above-average” levels of named and major storms with 18 projected this year. Nine of these storms will develop into hurricanes and four will be major hurricanes.


Not only are we faced with the possibility of higher-than-average tropical storm and hurricane activity this year, but CSU experts also predict the probability of a major hurricane making landfall in the United States is above the historical long-term average. As a reminder, a major hurricane is a Category 3-5 with sustained winds of at least 111 mph or greater.



While this forecast creates concern, there are uncertainties as to how two major weather conditions may influence the storm activity we ultimately experience in Florida. The warmer-than- normal Atlantic Ocean waters and a particularly strong El Niño weather pattern are conflicting signals. The El Niño climate pattern often breaks up storms in the Atlantic and tropics, but researchers are unsure if this pattern will continue with the extremely warm ocean waters.


Hurricanes and tropical storms form most often in September, which is why now is a good time to refresh your emergency hurricane supplies if you haven’t done so. At the time of this column printing, this year’s storms include Tropical Storms Arlene, Bret and Cindy formed in June, and Subtropical Storm Don formed in July.


Remain indoors and prepare to wait out the weather safely during a storm. Crews are dispatched to begin restoration only after wind speeds are less than 35 mph. If you shelter away from home, assess your home to make sure it is safe before you return. For homes with damage, turn off your main breaker if it is safe to do so. If appliances are wet, turn off each appliance’s breaker and then unplug. Contact a licensed electrician for repairs.


Most important, focus on your family’s safety. Stock up on hurricane essentials – buy early. When a storm approaches supplies sell out quickly.


The SECO Energy Hurricane Handbook is your one-stop guide to being StormReady before, during and after a storm. Before a storm arrives, bookmark both our outage reporting and notifications platform StormCenter and our Daily Restoration Plan map on your smartphone or tablet. Find these tools at




SECO News September 2023 Emergency Operations A Message From Board of Trustees Secretary/Treasurer Morgan Hatfield

Visit your county’s EOC website and sign up for alerts from your local Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for resources such as shelter information, storm planning, evacuation orders and more.


To enroll in your county’s emergency alerts, visit Enter the county or city and follow the enrollment link. Program your county’s number on your phone or bookmark the page in your smartphone for quick access.




Through the Florida Department of Health, persons with special needs can register with their local emergency management agency to receive assistance during a disaster. Visit www. to add your name or a loved one’s to the statewide registry.


Registering provides first responders with valuable information to prepare for disasters or other emergencies to meet citizens’ unique needs. Providing as much information as possible will allow emergency management officials to plan accordingly for future disasters. You will be emailed periodically to verify the information provided is correct and to make any necessary changes.


Unless you plan to seek shelter at an approved facility, back-up generation is critical if you are a member who relies on lifesaving medical equipment powered by electricity.


CITRUS COUNTY: > Emergency Management or (352) 249-2775

HERNANDO COUNTY: > Departments > Emergency Management or (352) 754-4083

LAKE COUNTY: > Services > Emergency Management or (352) 343-9420

SUMTER COUNTY: > Government Services > Emergency Management or (352) 689-4400

LEVY COUNTY: or (352) 486-5213

MARION COUNTY: > Emergency Management or (352) 369-8100

PASCO COUNTY: > Live > Disaster Preparedness or (727) 847-8137




SECO Stands Storm Ready


Go to SECO Energy’s STORMCENTER to report an outage, check the status of an outage, see the estimated time of restoration, report an area light outage and manage your notifications.

SECO Energy StormCenter



Read the full September 2023 SECO News.

SECO Energy Recovers from Hurricane Idalia

SECO Energy is recovering from Hurricane Idalia as the storm’s outer rain bands and tropical storm-force winds moved across its Central Florida service area. SECO employees and contracted line and tree crews worked overnight Tuesday into Wednesday through inclement weather to restore service to members affected by power outages. SECO welcomed almost 500 mutual aid crews to aid in the restoration effort. 


In the last 24 hours, just over 10,400 members experienced a service interruption due to Hurricane Idalia. As of 12:00 p.m., just over 600 accounts remain out of service. The hurricane made landfall near Keaton Beach at 7:45 a.m., sparing Central Florida from the heaviest winds and most severe damage imposed by the hurricane. Idalia’s wind and rain bands extended into the SECO Energy service territory late Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning as it moved north, nearly 100 miles west of Tampa Bay. 


The Big Bend of Florida took the brunt of Hurricane Idalia’s Category 3 winds and unprecedented storm surge that pummeled the shoreline from Cedar Key to Horseshoe Beach. Extreme wind warnings were issued to parts of Taylor and Madison County, including the towns of Perry, Steinhatchee, Lee, Madison, Hanson and Pinetta. 


CEO Curtis Wynn was grateful for the limited impact Hurricane Idalia had on the not-for-profit electric cooperative’s 230,000+ members and praised the SECO team and mutual aid crews for their preparation. Wynn stated, “Our team was exceptionally well-prepared for Hurricane Idalia and their response was second to none. We caught a break – Hurricane Idalia could have turned east and left us with massive outages and destruction. There is no guarantee with the weather. StormReady means that we prepare for and are ready for emergencies that storms often create. We bring in the appropriate number of outside contractors and, with our own team of employees, apply the appropriate response plan.” 


StormCenter is SECO Energy’s outage and communications platform for members to report outages, check the status of an existing outage and enroll in outage communications and alerts via email, text, voice or all three. Visit StormCenter and bookmark it on your smartphone or tablet to report outages quickly and easily. 


SECO Energy’s Hurricane Handbook includes how to prepare before, during and after a storm. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on X (formerly, Twitter) for news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews and contractors are working in your area, visit the System Improvement map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About.

SECO Energy Tracking Hurricane Idalia

SECO Energy continues to track the path of Hurricane Idalia as it moves through the Gulf of Mexico toward the Florida Peninsula. As expected, Idalia strengthened into a hurricane overnight and accelerated its movement north. At 11:00 a.m., the hurricane was positioned 240 miles southwest of Tampa, and its sustained winds were measured at 90 mph. Hurricane Idalia is moving due north at 15 mph and is expected to make landfall near Cedar Key early Wednesday morning. 


Probable path of Hurricane IdaliaThe onset of Hurricane Idalia’s winds is projected to be felt in the western SECO Energy service territories of Citrus, Levy, Marion and Sumter Counties this evening. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 15 miles from the center, and tropical storm-force winds extend up to 160 miles. These winds are expected to intensify rapidly overnight and result in a major hurricane by the time it makes landfall on Florida’s Gulf Coast Wednesday morning. 


Based on the National Hurricane Center (NHC) forecast, the risk of life-threatening storm surges and tropical storm-force winds along portions of Florida’s west coast is still a concern. The highest surge levels are predicted to fall within 10-15 feet above sea level. SECO Energy members should monitor updates to the forecast and follow advice given by local officials. 


SECO Energy members should prepare for outages due to Hurricane Idalia beginning overnight on Tuesday and into early Wednesday morning. If the current track stays in place, Marion County could experience winds between 60 – 70 mph and Citrus, Sumter and Lake Counties could have wind speeds between 40 – 60 mph. High wind speeds and possible flooding and tornadoes may create power outages that last for an extended period of time. 


CEO Curtis Wynn repeated his call for vigilance from members in advance of Idalia’s impact. Wynn stated, “SECO Energy is preparing for the effects of Hurricane Idalia. This coordinated, company-wide effort integrates assistance from other energy cooperatives and contractor partners ahead of the storm. Along with SECO Energy’s 80 line crew employees, we expect over 250 contracted line crews and 150 contracted tree service crews. After Hurricane Idalia has cleared our area, if needed, we will bring in additional support from our fellow electric cooperatives that were unaffected by the storm. The unfortunate consequences of power outages from tropical storms and hurricanes are a fact of life, but the duration of these outages is mitigated by the advanced preparations made by our leadership team, dedicated staff, and line technicians.” 


Wynn cautioned against complacency, adding, “I want to remind members not to take this storm lightly. High winds and heavy rain will increase the risk of downed power lines and trees. What was an ordinary activity a few days ago could be unsafe after a storm. Take time today to make any last-minute preparations, but if you don’t need to travel, stay home.”  


SECO’s priority is to restore service for shelters, hospitals, schools and government agencies (i.e., emergency ops centers, fire stations, law enforcement facilities). SECO Energy members who require electricity for life-sustaining medical equipment should consider relocating to a shelter.  


StormCenter is SECO Energy’s outage and communications platform for members to report outages, check the status of an existing outage and enroll in outage communications and alerts via email, text, voice or all three. Visit StormCenter today and bookmark on your smartphone or tablet to report outages quickly and easily.  


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on X (formerly Twitter) for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit>Your Co-op>About.

SECO Energy Monitoring Tropical Storm Idalia

SECO Energy is preparing for the weather effects of Tropical Storm Idalia as it targets the Florida Peninsula. The storm is expected to strengthen into a major hurricane before it reaches the Gulf Coast of Florida.  


Based on the National Hurricane Center (NHC) forecast, the risk continues to increase for life threatening storm surge and dangerous hurricane force winds along portions of Florida’s west coast and the Florida Panhandle beginning as early as late Tuesday. Storm surge and hurricane watches are in effect for much of Florida’s west coast. SECO Energy members should monitor updates to the forecast and follow advice given by local officials. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has declared a State of Emergency to 46 counties, up from 33 on Saturday. 


Tracking Tropical Storm Idalia

The current track of the storm shows that TS Idalia will most likely impact SECO Energy’s service area on Tuesday with rain and increased wind speeds. Outages on SECO’s electric system are possible overnight on Wednesday and into the early morning hours. If the current track stays in place, Marion County could experience winds between 60 – 70 mph and Citrus, Sumter and Lake Counties could have wind speeds between 40 – 60 mph.  

Tropical Storm Idalia 5-day cone


As of Monday morning, this storm was moving north over far western Cuba where later today it is expected to impose hurricane-force winds, heavy rainfall, the possibility of flash and urban flooding as well as landslides.   


CEO Curtis Wynn urges members to prepare for Tropical Storm Idalia. Wynn stated, “SECO Energy is watching Tropical Storm Idalia closely and preparing for the impacts this storm will have on our service area. While SECO is StormReady and prepared to respond to power outages, I urge members to prepare for major hurricane-force conditions. We expect this storm will impact SECO’s service area by late Tuesday, so now is the time to make safety preparations for your homes and families before its arrival. Still—be safe in efforts to prepare. Exercise caution and patience on the roads and continue to watch weather reports and follow the storm’s track.”  


StormCenter is SECO Energy’s outage and communications platform for members to report outages, check the status of an existing outage and enroll in outage communications and alerts via email, text, voice or all three. Visit StormCenter today and bookmark on your smartphone or tablet to report outages quickly and easily.  


Major weather events can cause extended power outages. SECO Energy reminds members to follow safety protocols when using a generator during a power outage. Generators emit deadly carbon monoxide (CO) that is odorless and colorless. Thousands of people die each year from CO poisoning. Never operate a generator in an enclosed space, including a garage. Always place the generator at least 15 to 20 feet away from your home and never near open windows.  


Before operating a generator, thoroughly read and review the owner’s manual. Never plug a generator directly into an electrical outlet. This current flow is deadly for utility personnel. Keep children away from an operating generator and store fuel in approved containers. Do not smoke while fueling a generator. Always operate a generator in a dry space. If it is raining, use a canopy or cover. SECO Energy’s Hurricane Handbook includes generator safety tips and how to prepare for before, during and after a storm.  


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit>Your Co-op>About.