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SECO Energy Named a 2023 Tree Line USA Utility for 16th Year

SECO Energy has been named a 2023 Tree Line USA Utility by the Arbor Day Foundation. Tree Line USA recognizes public and private utilities that help to preserve and enhance America’s urban forests. This is the sixteenth year that SECO Energy has attained the Tree Line USA accolade.


Tree Line USA is a national program that is enabled through a partnership between the Arbor Day Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters. Tree Line USA fosters the coexistence of reliable and safely delivered electricity amidst communities that maintain healthy tree populations.


Tree Line USA Standards

Recognized as a Tree Line USA utility for sixteen years in a row, SECO Energy once again strived to meet five program standards. These require utilities to follow industry standards for quality tree care; provide yearly worker training in best tree care practices; sponsor a tree planting and education program; maintain a tree-based energy conservation program; and participate in an Arbor Day celebration.


Arbor Day Foundation logoThis year is the 151st Anniversary of Arbor Day, celebrated on the last Friday of April. The Arbor Day Foundation is celebrating its 51st Anniversary this year. Since its inception, it has helped plant and distribute nearly 500 million trees in more than 50 countries worldwide. Learn more about Arbor Day and its mission.


“Trees are essential to creating more urban green space in communities across the United States,” said Dan Lambe, CEO of the Arbor Day Foundation. “They also offer significant benefits to residents, including clean air, clean water and the necessary shade provided by trees. Service providers like SECO Energy are demonstrating how easily trees and utilities can coexist for the benefit of communities and residents.”


Consistent Tree Care Pays Off

CEO Curtis Wynn recognizes SECO Energy’s Vegetation Management team for their sustained excellence as a Tree Line USA Utility. Wynn said, “Congratulations to the Vegetation Management team for adhering to the Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree Line USA standards for 16 years. This is quite an achievement, and we are very proud of your commitment to quality tree care in America’s urban forests. SECO Energy makes significant investments into its vegetation management program and adheres to best practices for the safe management of our existing rights-of-way to reduce power outages.”


Wynn continued, “SECO Energy consistently supports good stewardship of the environment. We want SECO Energy members to know that healthy, well-groomed trees planted in the right place can help reduce their annual energy costs.”


SECO Energy, Right Tree, Right Place graphic 2022Visit Right Tree Right Place for tips on planting trees away from power lines and how trees can help reduce annual energy bills. SECO Energy has also launched online energy efficiency tools to help members reduce energy consumption and costs. The Home Energy Assessment is an online energy audit tailored to each member’s home and lifestyle. A member may enter details about their home that impact energy use and efficiency. This information enables SECO Energy to send free energy-saving advice. The Energy Estimator calculates the cost of electrical devices typically found in most homes. Members who provide their email address receive tips on energy efficiency and other savings opportunities.


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.


SECO Energy Board of Trustees Elects 2023 Officers

SECO Energy Board of Trustees elected its 2023 Officers during the March Trustee meeting. District 3 Trustee Gerald Anderson was re-elected Board President, Scott Boyatt District 1 Trustee was re-elected as Board Vice President and District 9 Trustee Morgan Hatfield was elected Secretary/Treasurer.  


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative operated for and owned by its members. Members from each District elect a fellow member for a three-year term to represent them on the SECO Board of Trustees. Collectively, the nine-member SECO Board of Trustees represents all members by meeting monthly to monitor the cooperative’s governance process, provide fiduciary oversight, and participate in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the members at large. 


Board President

District 3 Trustee Gerald Anderson was re-elected Board President for a second term. Mr. Anderson has been a SECO Energy member since 2013 and resides in The Villages. His first election to the SECO Energy Board of Trustees was in 2019. He earned his Credentialed Cooperative Director’s Certificate (CCD), his Board Leadership Certificate (BLC) and his Director Gold Credential (DGC) from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) in 2021.  


Board President Anderson said he is pleased to be involved with a group of such dedicated leaders. “I am humbled, honored, and thankful to the Trustees for their confidence in electing me President for another term. It’s exciting to work with such a diverse, well-educated Board and staff to chart the next course for SECO Energy. Our Board is well prepared to tackle what may prove to be the most challenging electric cooperative business environment of any generation.” 


Board Vice President

District 1 Trustee Scott Boyatt retained his office as Vice President. Mr. Boyatt has been a SECO Member since 2004 and resides in Clermont. His first election to the Board was in 2013. Since joining the SECO Board, he has completed the Credentialed Cooperative Director’s Certificate (CCD), the Board Leadership Certificate (BLC), and has achieved Director Gold Credentials from the NRECA. 


Mr. Boyatt stated, “Through my Board of Trustees service, I look forward to helping guide SECO Energy through the remarkable growth in our service area as we support SECO’s Strategy Map.”  


Board Secretary/Treasurer

District 9 Trustee Morgan Hatfield joins the Officers as its Secretary/Treasurer and has served on the Board of Trustees since 2021. Ms. Hatfield successfully completed her Credentialed Cooperative Director’s Certificate (CCD), the Board Leadership Certificate (BLC) and her Director Gold Credential (DGC) from the National Rural Electric Cooperatives Association (NRECA).  


Ms. Hatfield stated, “It is an honor to serve my neighbors and fellow SECO Energy members through my service on the Board of Trustees. It is especially meaningful to begin serving in an Officer position as Secretary/Treasurer.” 


CEO Curtis Wynn’s Comments

SECO Energy CEO Curtis Wynn applauded the commitment of the Board and its vision. “I truly believe we have a Board of Trustees that is in total alignment with the Mission, Vision, and Core Values of SECO. These three Officers have demonstrated their dedication to improving their fiduciary oversight and industry knowledge. We all benefit from their service and are grateful for their efforts.” 


The NRECA offers a Director Certification Program for not-for-profit electric cooperative Trustees. It aims to help participants understand their roles and responsibilities and stay up to date on important issues and energy trends while preparing them to meet the challenges facing electric cooperatives now and in the future. The DGC recognizes directors/trustees seeking a credential that confirms their ongoing dedication to extending their knowledge and fulfilling their fiduciary duty in cooperative governance with the highest standards. 


To learn more about the Board of Trustees, visit>Your Co-op. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit>Your Co-op>About.


SECO News April 2023

Dear Members,


Did you watch SECO Energy’s 85th Annual Meeting on March 23? Were you one of our 100 prize winners? Watch our Annual Meeting video on to see the list of 100 prize winners to find out if you are a winner. The video is also available on Facebook and YouTube. 


Learn more about the Strategy Map, new Mission, Vision and Core Values that take SECO into the future. The energy industry is changing, and SECO has developed an approach to remain focused on our core business, manage the fast-paced changes and rising costs in our industry, operate more efficiently, increase member engagement and overcome labor and supply chain shortages. 


We are investing in operational technologies that help us reduce costs by lowering our need to purchase more energy to serve growing demand. A foundational technology investment is the systemwide implementation of an advanced meter infrastructure or AMI. This technology will offer updated SmartHub features, insight into your energy costs and actionable data that will help you manage your usage. 


Own an electric vehicle (EV)?  Pre-enroll in an EV $7 monthly incentive effective May 1 for members who agree to charge their EVs during Super Off-Peak hours (midnight – 6 a.m.). Learn more about the EV Fast Charger lease or purchase program, I again encourage you to watch the Annual Meeting video and visit for details.  


In my 40 years of utility experience, I have never seen the supply chain issues, rising costs and labor constraints that we are experiencing in the current economy. Unfortunately, even as a not-for-profit utility, we are not immune to the economic downturn that started in 2020 with COVID and developed into runaway inflation these past two years. Costs have risen dramatically on nearly everything we purchase to maintain our existing electric system and construct new services.  An increase to members’ bills is simply unavoidable. Read more about the customer charge change on page 4 and learn more about the reasons for it in the Annual Meeting video.   


Thank you, members, for participating in the governance process of your cooperative! We received a total of 14,375 votes on Annual Meeting business this year.  Members voted to approve the Bylaws revision and the 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes.  


Watch our Annual Meeting video for the full update. Thank you for your SECO Energy membership.  






Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News April 2023 Right Tree, Right Place: a Message from District 7 Trustee Joseph Kusiak

Right Tree, Right Place: a Message from District 7 Trustee Joseph Kusiak


Trees planted in the right place can help you reduce your energy consumption. According to the Department of Energy (DOE) (, trees planted around homes and buildings can reduce energy consumption for HVAC by 25%. 


The DOE’s computer models predict planting only three trees in the right place can reduce a household’s energy costs by as much as $250 annually. Trees planted to the south, southwest or west side of structures lowers cooling costs in the summer. Plant trees to the north and west to block fall and winter winds.


When planting trees, maintain a clear zone of 15 feet on each side of an overhead power line. Trees growing too close to power lines can cause sparks, fires, power outages and shock hazards. Consider the tree’s mature height before planting. Trees that grow to a mature height of 40 feet or higher should be planted at least 50 feet away from power lines. Small trees or shrubs that will not exceed 25 feet are best planted closer to lines but outside the clear zone.


Practice safe digging – call 811 before you dig. 811 is a free service that locates underground utility lines. In Florida, call 811 – it’s the law.



SECO News APRIL 2023 Spring Energy Efficiency Tips: A message from District 1 Board of Trustee and Vice President Scott Boyatt

Spring Energy Efficiency Tips: A Message from Board of Trustees Vice President and District 1 Trustee Scott Boyatt


The sun is out, and temperatures are on the rise. Add energy-efficiency items to your to-do list. Use these spring energy-efficiency tips and ideas to reduce your energy consumption and lower your bill.


  1. Invest in a programmable thermostat. Per the Department of Energy, use the thermostat’s pre-programmed settings to save as much as 10% on cooling and heating costs yearly. 
  2. During the warmer months, set the thermostat no lower than 78 degrees. 
  3. Use cold water when possible.
  4. Fans cool people, not rooms.
  5. Turn off lights that are not in use.
  6. Replace older lightbulbs with LEDs.
  7. Make the most of natural light.
  8. Wash a whole load of laundry – a half load uses the same amount of energy – and wash in cold water.
  9. Unplug items such as TVs, computers, printers and phone chargers – these all use small amounts of energy when not in use. Invest in power strips.
  10. Grill outside or use small appliances such as crock pots, air fryers or toaster ovens.


Complete SECO Energy’s Home Energy Assessment for an online home energy audit and Energy Estimator for energy-efficiency solutions tailored to your home and lifestyle. Visit > Energy Solutions.



SECO Energy Foundation

SECO Energy Foundation


Helping people in need and reducing costs are critical in today’s economic environment. Our ability to help disadvantaged members, reduce our carbon footprint and lower costs for all members will be impacted by the new Foundation’s mission which is to fund grants for bill payment assistance, energy-related projects, educational STEM projects, scholarships, Veterans initiatives, public safety programs, environmental projects, and health and human services initiatives.


Local United Ways and social service agencies that receive grant dollars approved by the Foundation Board of Directors manage the funds for bill payment assistance. These agencies assess need and decide which members receive bill payment assistance. 


The SECO Energy Foundation is a nonprofit 501c3 entity funded largely through SECO’s electric bill round-up program. It can be supplemented by grants the Foundation applies for through other private and federal funding programs that align with the Foundation’s goals. Participating members’ extra pennies are donated to the Foundation to make a difference in members’ lives across the communities served by SECO Energy. 


To learn more about the Foundation or update your enrollment status, visit




SECO News April 2023 Effective May 1st

Customer Charge Increase Effective May 1


The economic downturn that began in 2020 with COVID has developed into runaway inflation. SECO Energy is not immune to the economic downturn, even as a not-for-profit utility. We continue to battle supply and labor shortages, and the price for every item we stock to build new infrastructure and maintain our over one-billion-dollar electric system has increased dramatically. 


In a recent cost-of-service study presented to the Board of Trustees in the February meeting, these rising fixed costs were formalized, and a customer charge increase is needed. 


Effective on bills calculated after May 1, the monthly customer charge increases from $1 per day (roughly $30 per month) to $34.50 per billing cycle. SECO’s rates remain very competitive compared to investor-owned and municipal utilities in our area, across the state and nationwide.


SECO Energy’s 2022 Capital Budget was $76,520,000 but necessarily increased to $119,795,800 to cover these rising costs in 2023. Costs to members must increase accordingly.


The customer charge is the line-item fee on monthly billing statements that collects for the fixed costs of providing service.


Learn more about the customer charge increase from our CEO in the Annual Meeting video at or YouTube. 





Read the full April 2023 SECO News online.


SECO Energy Trustee Shannon Wright Earns Director Gold Credential

SECO Energy District 5 Trustee Shannon Wright has successfully completed the requirements to earn the Director Gold Credential (DGS) from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).


According to the NRECA, the DGC recognizes directors/trustees who desire a tangible credential that demonstrates their ongoing commitment to advancing their knowledge and performing their fiduciary duty to the best of their ability. The DGC offers a continuing education path for directors/trustees beyond the Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) and Board Leadership Certificate (BLC).


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric utility operated for and owned by its members. SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees consists of members who live in SECO’s service area. Trustees are elected to oversee the governance of the cooperative. Each Trustee on SECO Energy’s Board is elected by the members who reside in his/her District.


Collectively, the Trustees are responsible for establishing, reviewing and revising corporate policies to ensure that SECO continues to preserve reliable, affordable service for all members.


Trustee Wright resides in Lake Panasoffkee and has been a SECO Energy member since 2014. She was elected to the SECO Energy Board of Trustees in 2022.


Mrs. Wright stated, “I am proud to join the other Board Trustees who have achieved the Director Gold Credential from the NRECA. This process has equipped me to better serve not just the SECO Energy members I represent in District 5, but our electric cooperative as a whole. My experience as a SECO Energy Trustee has been a rewarding one.”


CEO Curtis Wynn extended his congratulations to Trustee Wright, expressing his enthusiasm for the industry knowledge enrichment undertaken by the Board Trustee. “Congratulations, Mrs. Wright, on achieving the NRECA’s Director Gold Credential. Your commitment to the NRECA educational path is a benefit to SECO Energy, its members and the Board of Trustees. Thank you for expanding your preparedness to serve at such a high level.”


To learn more about the Board of Trustees, visit>Your Co-op. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About.


Members Tuned in for SECO Energy’s 85th Annual Meeting

SECO Energy members tuned in virtually for the Cooperative’s 85th Annual Meeting on March 23, 2023. SECO Energy Board of Trustees President Gerald Anderson and CEO Curtis Wynn presented their reports to members in a virtual meeting that streamed on the energy cooperative’s website, Facebook Live and YouTube. Members who missed the meeting can view the Annual Meeting video on YouTube.


Florida statute requires the Meeting to be held annually, and a quorum was achieved by member participation in voting on Annual Meeting business – a process that closed when President Anderson called the Meeting to order. In total, member voting participation reached 14,375 – which is record-high participation in Annual Meeting business from members across every part of the service territory. Members voted to approve both the 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes and a Bylaws revision establishing virtual online Annual Meetings as the delivery platform moving forward.


CEO Curtis Wynn shared updates related to operation costs, efficiency initiatives, growth projections, and SECO Energy Foundation funding and grant activities.




SECO’s 15.5% electric service membership growth between 2017 and 2022 is expected to continue. Wynn stated, “At today’s growth rate, SECO will hit the 250,000-member mark quickly, and may step up to be the largest electric Cooperative in Florida.” With over 230,000 members, SECO is currently the third-largest electric cooperative in Florida and the seventh largest in the country.




Wynn revealed a recently launched multi-year Strategy Map outlining SECO’s Mission, Vision, and updated Core Values that include Safety, Member Commitment, Honesty and Integrity, Accountability, Teamwork and an Inclusive Culture. Wynn said, “Our employees embody these traits, and we look for these characteristics when we hire new team members.”




While wholesale power costs continue to rise, SECO’s Technology Roadmap outlines current and future innovations to increase efficiency at SECO. The Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) project began a test period in early March. After data is analyzed, the systemwide implementation will continue, with a goal of replacing 7,000 to 9,000 meters each month until completion in three to four years. Combined with the new AMI meters, SECO’s SmartHub online account management interface will offer unprecedented energy usage information to members.


Efforts to elevate online member service were highlighted during the meeting. SECO’s Home Energy Assessment and Energy Estimator are online energy-efficiency tools found on The Home Energy Assessment is an online home energy audit, while the Energy Estimator calculates estimated energy usage from all sources in the home.


Also cited was the cooperative’s commitment to in-home electric vehicle charging, in which an EV Level 2 fast charger may be either leased or purchased and installed at a member’s premises. SECO is also accepting pre-enrollments in an EV monthly incentive program for members who agree to charge their electric vehicles during Super Off-Peak hours (midnight to 6 a.m.). More information about both EV offerings can be found at




Costs are rising at an astronomical rate. Even as a not-for-profit utility, SECO Energy is not immune to inflation and the economic downturn that began in 2020. As a result of rising costs. SECO reported an unprecedented increase in its 2023 capital budget. In 2022, the capital budget totaled $76,520,000; for 2023, SECO necessarily increased the capital budget by 57% to equal $119,795,000 to cover rising costs.


In response to the cost increases, CEO Wynn announced an increase to the customer charge effective May 1 to $34.50 per billing cycle. The monthly line-item fee is meant to fund the fixed costs of providing electric service. CEO Wynn added, “It became painfully clear that SECO cannot avoid a customer charge increase.”


A projection of wholesale fuel cost reductions paints a brighter outlook for members. Wynn said, if realized, the outlook may provide an opportunity to “positively impact” members’ bills.




The SECO Energy Foundation approved its first three grants in the first quarter 2023. These included transitional housing support in Lake County, the purchase of fire truck equipment for Marion County and the replacement of a Trout Lake Nature Center boardwalk in the Eustis area. The SECO Energy Foundation also accepted applications for scholarships from high school seniors in the first quarter.


The SECO Energy Foundation is proving to be a successful source of grant funding support for the communities SECO serves. But the Cooperative understands that rounding up one’s electric bill to the next even dollar to support the Foundation is a personal choice. Mr. Wynn reviewed the many ways members can discontinue supporting the Foundation if that is their desire.


The Annual Meeting concluded with the announcement of the 100 prize winners. All members who voted on Annual Meeting business were eligible to win. Members can view the Annual Meeting video to learn if they were a prize winner by visiting or its YouTube channel.


To learn more about the Board of Trustees, visit>Your Co-op. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About.


SECO Energy Foundation Approves $5,319 Grant for Marion County Fire Rescue

The newly established SECO Energy Foundation approved a grant of $5,319 to benefit public safety for Marion County Fire Rescue (MCFR). MCFR requested $5,319 to equip three MCFR fire engines with updated material.


The new equipment for the three MCFR fire engines consists of line pressure gauges, gate valves and three-way ball valves. The improved equipment prepares the local fire rescue team to respond to emergency calls, provide service to citizens and protect its team of first responders who put their lives in danger to assist the community in fire, rescue and medical emergencies.


According to the Marion County Fire Rescue’s website (, MCFR is a progressive, professional fire rescue department dedicated to the community’s health, safety and well-being providing excellent service, education and prevention in partnership with the citizens of Marion County.


The SECO Energy Foundation Board of Directors President James LaMotte is excited to begin the process of approving grants that align with the SECO Energy Foundation’s goals and objectives. Mr. LaMotte stated, “The SECO Energy Foundation was founded to improve quality of life and expand services within the communities in SECO Energy’s service territory in the areas of public safety, educational STEM projects, environmental projects, scholarships, Veterans’ initiatives, health and human services, energy-related projects and bill payment assistance. Safety is SECO Energy’s most important Core Value and funding public safety initiatives is one of the Foundation’s goals. I am extremely pleased that my fellow Directors and I were able to unanimously approve a grant that will improve safety for Marion County citizens through the Marion County Fire Rescue team.”


Marion County Fire Rescue Lieutenant Henry Herrera is thankful for the grant award. Lieutenant Herrera stated, “The Marion County Fire Rescue team is thankful for the grant award that will help MCFR to respond to and provide service and protection to Marion County residents. The grant will purchase needed equipment to meet new challenges the MCFR team faces in responding to fire, rescue and medical emergencies.”


The SECO Energy Foundation is a nonprofit 501c3 entity that is funded largely through SECO’s electric bill round up program and will be supplemented by grants the Foundation applies for through other local, state and federal funding programs that align with the SECO Energy Foundation’s goals. Participating members’ extra pennies are donated to the Foundation to fund grants and bill payment assistance that make a difference in the lives of members across the communities served by SECO Energy.


SECO Energy’s CEO Curtis Wynn stated, “Concern for community is a key co-op principle and remains a high priority. Surveys tell us that members want to be part of an organization that does more for their consumers and communities than profit from the goods/services it sells. Our ability to support public safety, is one example of the Foundation’s focus to help improve the quality of life in and around SECO’s service territory.”


To learn more about the SECO Energy Foundation, visit >  Your Co-op >  Foundation. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op>About. 


SECO News March 2023


Dear Members,


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative operated for and owned by its members. Our business model requires and encourages member participation in District and Annual Meetings. One of the seven cooperative principles is Democratic Member Control which gives members a voice in the cooperative’s governance process. 


Our service area covers 2,100-square miles and is divided into nine Districts. SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees is a nine-member Board. One member from each District is elected by the members in that District to serve a three-year term.  


Collectively, the Board of Trustees represents the membership as a whole and meets monthly to monitor the cooperative’s financial status. The Board provides fiduciary and policy-making oversight to serve the best interests of the membership at large.  


This year SECO Energy held three District Meetings (Districts 2, 4, and 6) for members to elect a Trustee to serve on the Board. 


In District 2, four candidates submitted letters of intent to run. From those candidates, members re-elected incumbent Joyce Anderson as the District 2 Trustee. Mrs. Anderson has been a SECO member since 2017 and was first elected to the Board in 2020. She has earned the Director Gold Credential from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), which is its highest Trustee accreditation. Mrs. Anderson also currently serves on the Board as Secretary-Treasurer. 


In District 4, members re-elected incumbent Richard Dennison as the District 4 Trustee. Mr. Dennison was first elected to the Board in 2015 and has been a SECO member since 1999. He too has earned the Director Gold Credential from the NRECA. 


Mr. Dennison has served previously as Board Vice President and President.  


In District 6, members re-elected incumbent Mike Muffett as the District 6 Trustee. Mr. Muffett was first elected to the Board in 2020 and has been a SECO member since 1984. He also has earned the Director Gold Credential from the NRECA.     


Please join the SECO team in congratulating Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Dennison and Mr. Muffett on their re-elections to the SECO Energy Board of Trustees. We look forward to continuing to support SECO Energy’s Mission, Vision and Core Values through the execution of our Strategy Map. 




Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer


Gerald Anderson

President, Board of Trustees



SECO Energy Foundation

SECO Energy Foundation


In January we launched the SECO Energy Foundation as an enhancement to our existing Pennies from Heaven. The Foundation is funded by members who round up their bills to the nearest dollar. The average donation is $6 annually. 


The enrollment mode changed in January from opt-in to opt-out. This decision was made with much forethought, research and more than anything, with strong consideration for improving the quality of life in the communities we serve. Like Pennies from Heaven, the Foundation will be funded largely through SECO’s electric bill round-up program. As a tax exempt nonprofit 501c3 entity, the Foundation can also apply for grants through other local, state and federal funding programs that align with SECO Energy’s and the Foundation’s goals.   


Just like Pennies from Heaven, participating members’ pennies are donated to the Foundation to fund grants and bill payment assistance that make a difference in the lives of members across the communities we serve. The SECO Energy Foundation will have more funding for our United Way partners and social service agencies to apply toward bill payment assistance for members in need and will also fund the scholarship program starting this year.  Equally important, the Foundation will also be able to accept a variety of grant applications that support SECO Energy initiatives outlined in our Strategy Map. 


SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees voted in March 2022 to create the Foundation and change the enrollment method. SECO Energy incorporated the SECO Energy Foundation, Inc. and it has complied with IRS and Florida’s Check a Charity registration requirements. Foundation Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation were filed appropriately and are posted on our website. Our research showed that an opt-out enrollment is becoming more mainstream.  


Contributions are tax-deductible for members who donate and allow the Foundation (as a nonprofit entity) to apply for grants from other local, state and federal sources. Grants may include investments in first responder equipment, energy-efficiency grants for low-income communities and senior/youth centers. 


Helping people in need and reducing costs are critical in today’s economic environment but we understand that supporting the Foundation is a personal choice. Any Pennies unknowingly/unintentionally donated will be fully refunded upon member request.  


If you want to stop your bill from rounding up to donate the extra pennies to the Foundation, visit > Contact > SECO Energy Foundation. You can log into SmartHub and change your enrollment status, email, call (352) 793-3801 or write to SECO Energy, Attn: Corp Comm, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585. 


Our ability to help disadvantaged members, to reduce our carbon footprint and lower costs for all members will be impacted by the Foundation’s focus on supporting SECO’s energy-efficiency initiatives. 

Read the full March 2023 SECO News online.


SECO Energy Foundation Announces Scholarship Program for Energy Industry Students

The SECO Energy Foundation proposes $36,000 in scholarships for students interested in pursuing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) related careers in the energy industry. Scholarships are funded by the newly established SECO Energy Foundation, a 501c3 program previously known as Pennies from Heaven.


The Foundation Board of Directors is comprised of a member from each of the nine Trustee Districts to review and approve or deny scholarship and grant requests based on SECO Energy’s strategic initiatives, needs in the community, balance among members served, and other ranking factors determined on a grant score matrix.


The 2023 SECO Scholarship Program may award up to 12 recipients to receive a $3,000 scholarship each, subject to the Foundation Board of Directors’ approval. Scholarship winners may also be eligible for ongoing financial support and/or internship opportunities from SECO Energy throughout their studies.


The scholarship program is open to high school seniors graduating in May/June 2023. Applicants must live in a home served by SECO Energy and plan to pursue a career in the energy industry. Awardees must also be enrolled full-time by the end of 2023 in a vocational/technical school or accredited college/university located in Florida. Qualifying certifications or degrees are in technology, engineering, math or business. Applicants must apply through the new, streamlined online application process at>Foundation banner>Scholarship Application. The deadline to apply for a scholarship is March 24, 2023.


The SECO Energy Foundation Board of Directors will determine scholarship winners during the April 27 Board Meeting. The winners will be notified via email.


SECO Energy is hiring and wants to connect with students who are potential employees through its Foundation’s Scholarship Program. According to the 2021 U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER), Florida currently employs 113,766 energy workers statewide. With an aging workforce and the number of employees needed to sustain the electric power generation and infrastructure in the energy sector, it is imperative SECO Energy recruits a steady stream of applicants to fill the requirement in this growing sector.


CEO Curtis Wynn encourages students to pursue a career in the energy industry. Wynn stated, “The SECO Energy Foundation Scholarship Program is a recruiting tool that helps us attract local students entering the energy field. The energy industry and SECO Energy are hiring bright, career-minded individuals for positions that offer competitive wages, quality benefits and life/work balance. We hope to engage students who want hands-on experience through paid-internship opportunities, our apprenticeship program or as a new employee on one of our dynamic teams.”


Wynn continued, “As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO Energy prioritizes community support, environmental stewardship, corporate citizenship and sustainability. SECO provides employees with a pension plan and a robust 401k match. We offer high-quality, low-cost medical plans, dental and vision coverage and a generous paid-time-off program. SECO is an essential employer offering internal advancement opportunities in fields like electric vehicle charging and solar energy.”


Ready to apply for employment today? Visit Careers at to view open positions and set notifications for new postings. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About.


SECO Energy is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


SECO Energy District 4 Members Re-elect Trustee Richard Dennison

SECO Energy members who reside in District 4 re-elected Richard Dennison as the District 4 Trustee to serve on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. The meeting was held in the District on Tuesday, February 7, at the Marion Oaks Community Center in Marion County for the purpose of electing a Trustee to represent District 4 on SECO’s Board of Trustees.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, operated for and owned by its members. SECO’s service area is geographically divided into nine Districts. One Trustee is elected from each of the nine Districts to represent their fellow members on SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees. Collectively, the Board represents the SECO membership, meeting monthly to monitor the financial status of the cooperative while providing fiduciary oversight and participating in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the membership at large.


Trustee Dennison submitted a letter of intent to run for Trustee and was unopposed in his candidacy. SECO’s Bylaws currently require that the cooperative hold District Meetings. Subsequently, Florida Statute requires SECO to hold in-person elections; therefore, the cooperative continues to hold District Meetings as a means of electing Trustees. A drive-thru voting option was available for members for added convenience.


A SECO member since 1999, Mr. Dennison was first elected to SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees in 2015. Trustee Dennison has served as both Board of Trustees Vice President and President. He has also participated in continuing education classes through the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) to maintain his Director Gold Credential which is the highest Trustee accreditation from the NRECA.


Trustee Dennison looks forward to a new three-year term working with SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. Mr. Dennison stated, “Thank you to all District 4 members who attended the meeting. We are thankful for your SECO membership and your participation. I enjoy working with my community and fellow SECO members through my Board of Trustees service and look forward to promoting SECO and its successes.”


Board President Gerald Anderson stated, “Congratulations, Mr. Dennison, on your re-election as District 4 Trustee. On behalf of my fellow Board Officers and peers, we look forward to supporting SECO Energy’s Mission and Vision through our Board service.”


Curtis Wynn CEO stated, “Mr. Dennison, the Board of Trustees and the SECO Energy membership are thankful for your Board service as District 4 Trustee. I congratulate you on your re-election and look forward to working with you and the Board for continued success at SECO Energy.”


To learn more about the Board of Trustees, visit>Your Co-op. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About.


SECO Energy District 2 Members Re-elect Trustee Joyce Anderson

SECO Energy members who reside in District 2 re-elected Joyce Anderson as the District 2 Trustee to serve on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. The meeting was held on February 2 at the Sumter County School Board located within the District for the purpose of electing a Trustee to represent District 2 on SECO’s Board of Trustees.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, operated for and owned by its members. SECO’s service area is geographically divided into nine Districts. One Trustee is elected from each of the nine Districts to represent their fellow members on SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees. Collectively, the Board represents the SECO membership, meeting monthly to monitor the financial status of the cooperative while providing fiduciary oversight and participating in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the membership at large.


Trustee Anderson along with Mr. Leon “Lee” N. Chitty of The Villages, Mr. Vincent Heuser of The Villages and Mr. Mark Moran also of The Villages all submitted a letter of intent to run for Trustee. SECO’s Bylaws currently require that the cooperative hold District Meetings. Subsequently, Florida Statute requires SECO to hold in-person elections; therefore, the cooperative continues to hold District Meetings as a means of electing Trustees. A drive-thru voting option was available for members for added convenience and to encourage participation.


A SECO member since 2017, Mrs. Anderson was first elected to SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees in 2020. She has earned the Director Gold Credential from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) which is the highest Trustee accreditation from the NRECA. Mrs. Anderson also serves in an officer position on the Board of Trustees as Secretary-Treasurer.


Trustee Anderson enjoys serving her fellow District 2 neighbors. Mrs. Anderson stated, “Thank you to all District 2 members who were able to attend the District Meeting and for once again entrusting me to serve as your Trustee. It has been my honor to serve as the District 2 Trustee for the last three years. I have enjoyed learning about SECO Energy, serving the membership as a whole and continuing my Board of Trustees education through the NRECA and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve my community.”


Board President Gerald Anderson stated, “Congratulations, Mrs. Anderson, on your re-election as District 2 Trustee. And I also thank the District 2 members who attended the Meeting and participated in our cooperative’s governance process. On behalf of my fellow Board Officers and peers, we are excited to support SECO Energy’s Mission and Vision through our Board service.”


Curtis Wynn CEO stated, “Mrs. Anderson, the Board of Trustees and the SECO Energy membership is thankful for your Board service as District 2 Trustee. I congratulate you on your re-election and look forward to working with you and the Board for continued success at SECO Energy.”


To learn more about the Board of Trustees, visit>Your Co-op. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see reliability and expansion projects in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit > Your Co-op > About.