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SECO Energy is honored to have earned a 2024 Customer Satisfaction Award* from the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI®) based on our member survey results. Members were asked to rate their overall satisfaction with us, how well we lived up to their expectations, and how well we measured up to their ideal co-op experience. While these were not the only questions in the survey, we included these specifically because they are the core components of the proprietary ACSI methodology.


SECO Energy’s ACSI score substantially outperforms the industry average score earned by publicly measured utilities reported in the 2024 ACSI Energy Utility Study. This Award is a testament to SECO Energy’s ongoing efforts to provide the best possible member experience.



The 2024 Customer Satisfaction Award affirms that SECO Energy’s hard work has been noticed by its members. SECO Energy is grateful for its members and will continue to strive for excellence through constant dedication to improvement.


SECO Energy’s CEO Curtis Wynn is grateful for the hard work and accomplishments of his team. Wynn stated, “The SECO Energy team of 400+ employees is thankful and humbled by the trust we have earned from our members. Every day at SECO, we strive to provide top-notch member satisfaction and excellent service, while maintaining reliable electric service that our members depend upon. Thank you, SECO members, for recognizing your not-for-profit electric cooperative’s efforts on your behalf.”


*Award criteria are determined by the ACSI® and are based on customers rating their satisfaction in a survey independent of the syndicated ACSI Energy Utility Study. For more about the ACSI, visit ACSI and its logo are registered trademarks of the American Customer Satisfaction Index LLC.


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.


Co-op Energy Utilities ACSI Customer Satisfaction Award 2024 Badge

SECO Energy earns this award based on data modeled by the ACSI® in 2024. Award criteria are determined by the ACSI based on customers rating their satisfaction with SECO Energy in a survey independent of the syndicated ACSI Energy Utility Study. For more about the ACSI, visit ACSI and its logo are registered trademarks of the American Customer Satisfaction Index LLC.

J.D. Power Ranks SECO Energy Highest

SECO Energy, a not-for-profit electric cooperative serving seven counties in Central Florida, ranks highest in customer satisfaction among all electric cooperatives nationally according to the J.D. Power Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study released today.


This is the second J.D. Power award earned by the cooperative. In 2015, SECO Energy was ranked “Highest in Customer Satisfaction Among Midsize Utilities in the South.” The J.D. Power study measures customer satisfaction with electric utility companies by examining six factors: power quality and reliability; price; billing and payment; corporate citizenship; communications; and customer service.


SECO Energy CEO Jim Duncan stated “I am awed and inspired by the hard work and commitment to member satisfaction displayed by our Board, leadership team and employees. Whether front line or behind-the-scenes, every SECO employee’s goal is to provide the best service possible to members. From restoring power outages quickly and safely in triple-digit heat to personal interactions through our website, via social media, on the phone and in the field, SECO employees go the extra mile for our members.”


J.D. Power Ranks SECO Energy Highest


Board of Trustees President, Ray Vick is equally as proud. “As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO is here for you, the member. Our employees are empowered to put members’ needs first. On behalf of the Board, I would like to congratulate the leaders and employees who touch members’ lives and make a difference in the communities we serve.”


Today, SECO Energy stands humbly as the electric cooperative with the highest customer satisfaction score in the nation. This year’s score of 769 in the cooperative segment is a 20-point increase over 2015’s score in the south regional among midsize providers. Electric cooperatives were placed in their own segment this year, and SECO is proud to be grouped with such tough competitors.


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” SECO on Twitter for cooperative updates and news releases.