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SECO Tops in ACSI Among Utilities

SECO Energy members continue to rate the utility high in customer satisfaction per the company’s 2016 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) score that increased to 89. The ACSI measures customer satisfaction, across multiple industries, in the United States.


This latest ACSI increase complements SECO’s two consecutive J.D. Power awards for highest customer satisfaction among midsized utilities in the South in 2015 and highest in customer satisfaction among electric cooperatives in the nation in 2016. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO operates for the benefit of and is owned by the members its serves. The business model allows SECO to make customer satisfaction a top priority.


The average score for electric cooperatives in the 2016 survey is 77. Rated an 89 by its members, SECO is proud to hold a high score among our peers in the electric co-op segment.

ACSI logo 2017

SECO’s satisfaction rating also tops the average city municipality and investor-owned utility’s score. The average city municipal utility score is 72 and the average investor-owned utility score is slightly higher at 76.


Members who participated in the ACSI survey indicated that SECO’s employees are top-notch and rated them as “excellent.” SECO also received excellent ratings for the measures it takes to prevent outages and its responsiveness to service disruptions.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “The ACSI is one of the country’s mainstream benchmarks of customer satisfaction. The index and our two consecutive J.D. Power awards make it clear that SECO’s greatest asset and strength is our friendly, knowledgeable employees. I couldn’t be prouder of the SECO team and its dedication to member satisfaction – congratulations on a job well done.”


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Shines at Leesburg Rotary

On Wednesday, August 24, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant Hank Bolduc helped shine a light on solar power at the Leesburg Rotary Club meeting.


SECO Energy’s “Introduction to Photovoltaic Systems” presentation is an in-depth exploration of solar photovoltaic systems and how they work. Hank explained the process in which solar photovoltaic systems take available sunlight and convert it to energy, which is then used to power appliances and electronics in a home or business.


Before investing in a solar photovoltaic system, consider the initial investment needed for installation and the expense of maintaining and cleaning the system. Check the zoning ordinances and homeowners’ association rules – some do not allow visible solar systems on homes. Also consider the age of your roof – don’t put solar panels on a roof that will need to be replaced during the life of the panels. A photovoltaic system can only create energy when the sun is shining, before installation – remove trees or other obstructions that shade the panels.


Hank offered this advice to the Rotarians about solar installations, “Do your homework. As you would with any home improvement project, hire a reputable contractor – one that offers referrals from satisfied customers. Work with your contractor to determine how much you want to spend initially and how much you could potentially reduce your utility-supplied power.”


SECO Energy Shines at Leesburg Rotary


“The solar industry will continue to grow and as a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO is here to support members who choose to invest in a solar photovoltaic system,” Hank added.


In fact, The Florida Office on Economic and Demographic Research reports that SECO has the highest number of solar interconnections of any electric cooperative or municipal utility in Florida with 440 installations. For members who are considering solar, SECO’s experienced Energy Services Specialists can assist with determining a home’s conduciveness to solar using a device called a solar Pathfinder.


Try out our solar-estimator to determine how much a home could reduce its utility-supplied power by investing in a rooftop solar photovoltaic system. To learn more about the Leesburg Rotary Club, visit “Like” SECO Energy’s Facebook page and “follow” the company on Twitter for cooperative updates and the latest news releases.

SECO Employees Raise $12,000 at Relay for Life

On Friday, April 29, SECO’s team of employee volunteers participated in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Fundraiser for Sumter County. Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature event; and it raises donations that contribute to cancer research as well as providing support for cancer patients and their caregivers.


This year’s theme was “Stopping Cancer in its Tracks,” inspired by the iconic television show Soul Train. SECO team members and other volunteers boogied through the night and into the morning to represent their commitment to continue the fight against cancer. The SECO team’s fundraising efforts paid off. It raised over $12,000 for the American Cancer Society.


The SECO team danced to the DJ and brought the ‘70s back to life with bright lights, disco balls and psychedelic colors. SECO Energy’s Service Center Manager Donna Etts and Accounting Analyst Tanya Mikeals wore the grooviest costumes of the night and won the ‘70s themed costume contest.


SECO Energy Employees Raise $12,000 at Relay for Life


The SECO team members took turns walking or running laps to remind the community that cancer never sleeps. At the event, SECO team members walked special laps dedicated to cancer survivors and patient caregivers. A quiet memorial lap was walked in honor of loved ones who have lost their cancer fight. The memorial lap is particularly moving to many SECO team members.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO supports the communities it serves through strong corporate citizenship efforts. SECO employees embody the cooperative spirit by playing an active role in the communities where they live through volunteering and monetary donations. SECO employees make a difference in their communities every day.”


For more information about SECO Energy and its corporate citizenship, visit