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SECO News January 2022

SECO News January 2022 Message From Board President And District 4 Trustee Richard Dennison

Dear Members,


On behalf of the Board of Trustees and SECO Energy, please join us in welcoming Curtis Wynn as our new CEO. Mr. Wynn takes the helm on January 4, stepping into Jim Duncan’s role as he retires after a distinguished 43-year SECO career. 


Mr. Wynn’s energy industry career is rooted in Florida. From 1981 to 1997, he worked at West Florida Electric Cooperative.  His tenure culminated there as Vice President of Member Services, Information Technology, Marketing and Economic Development. Mr. Wynn has served as President and CEO of Roanoke Electric Cooperative in North Carolina.  Roanoke is a not-for-profit electric cooperative that serves 14,500 metered accounts. 


Mr. Wynn is married with three children. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration and Management Information Systems from Troy University. Based on his electric cooperative career that spans almost 42 years, SECO’s Board of Trustees expects that Mr. Wynn will continue Mr. Duncan’s legacy of success at SECO.


In reviewing his bio, Mr. Wynn’s resume reflects a long list of awards and accomplishments showing a history of supporting creative solutions that are turning the challenges of the energy industry evolution into major opportunities. 


He also serves or has served on a variety of boards including: immediate past board president, National Rural Electric Cooperatives Association (NRECA); past president, vice president and secretary-treasurer of North Carolina Electric Membership Cooperative; board member, North Carolina’s Association of Electric Cooperatives; board member, Meridian Cooperative (formerly Southeastern Data Cooperative – SEDC); and past nominating committee member, CoBank.


SECO Energy provides electric service to 220,000+ homes and businesses across seven counties in Central Florida. SECO Energy is a three-time J.D. Power award-winning electric utility and is a front runner statewide and nationally with the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI).


Welcome, Mr. Wynn. We look forward to working with you and seeing our cooperative into the future supporting our strategic goal of providing affordable, reliable electric service.




Richard Dennison 

Board President and District 4 Trustee




SECO News January 2022 Payment Mailing Address Change

Payment Mailing Address Change

For members who prefer to pay their monthly energy bill by mail, our payment mailing address has changed. The new payment address is:


SECO Energy

DEPT # 3035

PO BOX 11407

Birmingham, AL 35246-3035


This change is effective on January 1.

If you are considering a more modern and secure payment option in place of writing a paper check, visit > My Account > 12 Ways to Pay. Using SmartHub, you can enroll in bank draft, schedule a credit/debit card payment or pay by e-check. SmartHub also allows you to opt-out of receiving a paper bill in favor of an eBill sent to your email address each month after your meter is read.  This helps us keep rates low by saving time and money – both for you and SECO. 


Pennies From Heaven Donates $3,485 To The American Cancer Society

SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven Program donated $3,485 to help fight cancer. From October 1 through November 15, 2021, for every member who enrolled in our Surge MitiGator surge protection, your not-for-profit electric cooperative donated $5 from the Pennies from Heaven program to a local chapter of the American Cancer Society.


697 members enrolled resulting in donations totaling $3,485. 


Take the bite out of damaging surges and spikes with the Surge MitiGator. Power surges are caused by lightning, vehicles crashing into SECO poles, small animals, birds or fallen trees. 


SECO’s made in the USA meter-based surge arrester reduces surges BEFORE they enter your home through the meter. The Surge MitiGator has a beastly 15-year warranty and is designed to protect your home’s large-motor appliances. Household appliances and sensitive electronics such as televisions and computers can be damaged or destroyed by power surges and also require point-of-use devices for adequate protection.


You can lease the MitiGator for only $5.95 plus tax per month plus a $25 installation fee. The purchase price ranges from $349 to $399, with installation included. To enroll, visit > Surge MitiGator and complete the web form.


SECO News January 2022 Second AMI Pilot

Second AMI Pilot


In 2014, SECO Energy engaged with a smart meter vendor in an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) pilot project of about 1,200 meters. After the pilot, we installed 36,000 meters in our territory. Unfortunately, the product did not perform as expected. The meters and communications equipment were removed and returned to the vendor.  


Since then, we’ve kept an eye on the market. In 2018, we conducted workshops with eight different major smart meter vendors. Each offered a slightly different product and provided varying performance expectations based on the type of communications systems their brand offered. Because SECO’s service territory is a mix of dense suburban areas, metropolitan areas and sparsely populated rural areas, we require a product that will perform in a variety of terrains. Several vendors offered to build a hybrid to accomplish that. Unfortunately, it comes with a hefty price tag. Thus, we decided to take small steps to determine what product is best for SECO.    


Late in 2019, SECO announced a pilot project that replaced 6,200 outdated prepaid meters with Elster/Honeywell AMI meters that used Verizon 5G technology. The Board of Trustees recently approved an additional pilot project for a broader comparison and benchmark using Landis+Gyr technology. Both the Elster/Honeywell and the Landis+Gyr pilot projects will help us gain the experience of operating an AMI system. 


AMI meters supply daily usage readings that will integrate with SECO’s online account management platform SmartHub. Through this SmartHub integration, members will have much more insight into their energy consumption and habits. AMI also has the potential to reduce labor costs and can expedite member requests for service reconnection or disconnection. Meter tampering and line loss can also often be identified using AMI. Immediate identification of outages is also a strong advantage of an AMI system. Distribution automation in an AMI system can improve power quality, optimize efficiency and provide comprehensive data for planning, engineering and maintenance.


To identify the strengths and weaknesses of both AMI products/vendors, SECO requires a test period that spans all seasons to glean the data and field experience in real-time. SECO can analyze the data gathered from both pilots once complete.


Technology is changing rapidly, and we must choose a product and vendor that will serve SECO into the future. AMI is likely one of the largest equipment and technology investments we will make in the coming decade. Watch SECO News for updates as we evaluate our pilots. 



SECO News February 2021 Winners' Circle


Engage with our virtual assistant Electra on the phone for a chance to win a $25 gift card. Winners who self-served using Electra are: 


Joseph Hrytzay from Sorrento

Daizebel Ortiz from Tavares

Carol Bullock from Inverness

Conrad Penchion from Ocala

Joan McDonald from Lady Lake


The latest winner of a SECO Energy Level 2 EV Charger is Irene Jaronczyk from The Villages. To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner. Visit our Electric Vehicles website section to learn more about the benefits of owning an EV.


Winners in our Go Green and Win: Paperless Billing and Bank Draft Incentive


Kelli Wilson from Ocala is the winner of a $200 SECO Energy bill credit.

William Barnes from Floral City is the winner of a NEST thermostat.

Benjamin Mohr from Clermont is the winner of an Amazon Echo Dot with Alexa. 

Congratulations to our recent winners!


Read the full January 2022 SECO News online.


SECO News December 2021

SECO Energy CEO, Jim Duncan


Happy Trails, J.D.!


Dear Members,


I announced my retirement from SECO Energy earlier this year after 43 years of service. Time has flown, and this major life change is bittersweet and much more emotional than I’d ever anticipated. Much has changed over the last four decades, but growth has been the constant since our founding in 1938.


When I came onboard as SECO’s Finance Director in 1979, our meter count totaled 36,823. In my first CEO Report at the 1991 Annual Meeting, I reported our meter count increased to 66,000 – a 44 percent increase in membership. In 1999, we reached the 100,000-meter milestone.


At the end of 2017, we surpassed the milestone of energizing our 200,000th meter. As I write this farewell address, the company’s infrastructure value has just surpassed the $1 billion mark. The growth isn’t slowing down. In fact, The Villages recently earned the title as the fastest growing metropolitan area in the nation over the last decade with a Sumter County growth rate of 39%. Lake and Marion counties’ growth rates continue to climb at 29% and 13%, respectively. That kind of growth is rare in a not-for-profit electric utility business model and it’s one of the milestones that I am most proud of as I take my last walk from the building on January 3.


Over the course of the four decades, our cooperative’s employee giving campaigns have raised more than $1 million for our local United Ways to improve quality of life for the members in our service territory. Our Pennies from Heaven program is a program whereby members enroll to have their bills rounded up to the nearest dollar. The extra change is donated to the Pennies fund and the funds are used for bill payment assistance for our members and other worthy causes. The Pennies program has generated millions of dollars in our local area to help SECO members.


As a Marine, I’m proud that we annually support the Toys for Tots campaign. We are a company of employees who have made a difference in the lives of others through not only their financial generosity, but also in their commitment to ensuring that you receive the most reliable, affordable electric service possible.


Pinnacle examples of member satisfaction with our employees’ efforts are reflected in the three J.D Power awards we earned in 2015, 2016 and 2017. We’ve also been recognized by our members through increasing ACSI (American Customer Satisfaction Index) ratings with a record-high 91 in 2020. We are both a statewide and national frontrunner in ASCI rankings.


I spent the last decade building a leadership team that has made it possible to reach these milestones under Board of Trustee leadership that supported our ability to meet the ever-growing demand for power with cost controls that preserve low rates for members. Over the last two years, the COVID challenge placed unprecedented strain on our ability to operate safely and efficiently but our employees persevered. Still, I am retiring at a time when supply chain challenges threaten utilities’ ability to keep up with a growing population of new residents and businesses that are moving to Florida for not only the lifestyle but the economic prosperity.


The incoming CEO-elect Curtis Wynn is supported by a leadership team and 400 employees who he can count on to help him continue the legacy. It has been my distinct pleasure and privilege to lead this company and the membership who deserve our commitment to affordable, reliable electric service and our StormReady approach during hurricane season.


We hold up under crisis and are the fastest utility to recover even when hurricanes sweep right through the middle of the state. I can’t begin to explain how proud I am to have been at the helm and this goodbye is the toughest thing I have had to muster in my career. Thank you for letting me spend 43 years of life in service to you and our employees. It’s been my honor.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



Advice from The Old Farmer's Almanac December 2021 SECO News



The Old Farmer’s Almanac explains how to figure out cooling and heating degree days. To determine a cooling degree day, use the base temperature of 65 degrees. Every day the temperature reaches 65 degrees is a cooling day. For every degree over 65, adds one cooling degree. On a day that the mean temperature reaches 85 degrees, the cooling degrees would be 20.


To figure heating degree days, take the same base of 65 degrees, and subtract the mean daily temperature. For example, if a day’s high temperature was 50 degrees and the low was 40 degrees, the mean high is 45 degrees. This would give you 20 heating degree days.


Do you have cheimatophobia, frigophobia, or psychrophobia (fear of cold)? Be sure to read page 3 and schedule an HVAC service before winter temps arrive in Central Florida.


HVAC Service December 2021 SECO News



The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts winter in Florida will be colder than usual. Prepare for the most frigid temperatures to begin in mid-December and continue into early February. Precipitation will also be above average.


With temperatures running colder than average, your HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) unit may run longer this year than in previous years. Now is the time to schedule an HVAC service call with a licensed technician.


During a service call, the technician should thoroughly inspect your HVAC to ensure it’s in good running condition. The system may need to be cleaned or serviced. HVAC units that are serviced regularly function more efficiently and use less energy to heat (or cool) your home resulting in lower energy costs.


Preventative maintenance helps extend the life of your HVAC unit and avoid unexpected, costly repair bills. Complete at-home maintenance such as checking for leaks and removing dirt or debris away from external components proactively. Set a calendar reminder to change your unit’s air filter monthly or follow the manufacturer’s suggested filter change schedule.


For more energy-efficiency tools, visit our Energy Efficiency page. Our Home Energy Assessment is an online energy audit that provides energy-efficiency advice tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The Energy Estimator calculates the amount of energy used and associated costs for electronics, appliances and almost anything that uses electricity in your home. Submit with an email address to receive low-cost energy-efficiency tips specific to your home.


United Way December 2021 SECO News



Since 2004, SECO Energy employees have participated in yearly employee-led United Way Pledge Drives to benefit our local communities. For the 2022 United Way Pledge Drive, our employees pledged $50,282.


With our 2022 pledge total, SECO employees’ total pledges have now surpassed the one-million-dollar milestone to reach $1,041,766!


Employees choose the county that receives their donations. Most of our employees live in Sumter, Lake, Marion and Citrus Counties.

Lake & Sumter Counties………………………………….$21,392
Marion County………………………………………………..$16,075
Citrus County……………………………………………………$7,043
Other Counties (listed below)……………………………$5,772
Gilchrist, Hernando, Levy, Orange, Pasco and Polk
TOTAL $50,282


Do you want to give back to your local community and have pennies to spare? Enroll in SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program and agree to have your bill rounded up to the nearest dollar each month. We donate the extra pennies for worthy causes in our service area or member bill payment assistance.


Enroll in Pennies from Heaven today and change lives. Visit > Your Co-Op > Pennies from Heaven and complete the enrollment web form.



SECO News February 2021 Winners' Circle


Engage with our virtual assistant Electra on the phone for a chance to win a $25 gift card. Winners who self-served using Electra are:


Claudia Bryce from Summerfield


James Burdick from Eustis


Ricardo Valdes from The Villages


Eileen Bennett from Clermont


The latest winner of a SECO Energy Level 2 EV Charger is Gary Chevillet from The Villages.To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner. Visit our Electric Vehicles website section to learn more about the benefits of owning an EV.


Winners in our Go Green and Win: Paperless Billing and Bank Draft Incentive


Daniel Cahya from Ocala is the winner of a $200 SECO Energy bill credit.


Dean Woodle from Leesburg is the winner of a NEST thermostat.


Juanita McLean from The Villages is the winner of an Amazon Echo Dot with Alexa.


Congratulations to our recent winners!


Read the full December 2021 SECO News online.


SECO News, July 2019



The dog days of summer have arrived. With warmer temperatures and increased humidity, your home’s HVAC works overtime to keep you cool. Pool pumps run for extended hours to prevent algae growth. These factors add up to increased kilowatt-hour use and higher electric bills.

May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest

SECO is your local not-for-profit electric cooperative committed to serving as your energy-efficiency partner. To help members reduce energy use, we’ve created energy-efficiency tools on our Energy Solutions menu.


Visit Energy Solutions today and complete our Home Energy Assessment. SECO designed this tool as an online audit that provides specialized energy-efficiency advice tailored to your home and lifestyle. The Home Energy Assessment is available to members 24/7. No need to wait for an appointment for an in-home audit.


To get started, input the characteristics of your home including age, construction, insulation and roof type. Include details about occupancy, type and number of windows, and exterior doors. The Home Energy Assessment will also query about completed energy-efficiency upgrades such as additional insulation, window tint, weather stripping and caulking.


After entering your home’s details, provide your email address to receive your energy-efficiency report based on your home’s specifics. It will provide low-cost ways to decrease your energy usage and your bill.


Win a prize! 1) Nest Wi-Fi Thermostat 2) Honeywell Wi-Fi Thermostat or 3) Ecobee Wi-Fi Thermostat. Members who complete the Home Energy Assessment will be entered in a drawing for the high-tech programmable thermostats listed above. Three winners will be drawn August 15.


ENERGY STAR recommends using your programmable thermostat’s energy-efficiency settings to save as much as $180 per year.


Browse the Energy Solutions tab for other energy-efficiency tools. Our Energy Estimator calculates the amount of energy and cost for electronics and appliances.


It’s pretty handy if you’re thinking of adding a pool, charging a golf cart or installing a refrigerator in the garage or lanai.


SECO is proud to serve as your energy-efficiency partner.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer


Sponsorships & Donations July 2019 SECO News

SECO Energy is a strong corporate citizen. Our cooperative supports programs based on commitment to the key cooperative principle “Concern for Community.” SECO Energy is also a not-for-profit utility. We do not have the deep pockets of investor-owned, for-profit organizations. Thus, we partner with organizations whose culture and programs align with our core values and purpose.


Annually, we ally with United Way chapters to facilitate employee pledging. Over the years, employees have donated $860,000. In addition, SECO provides quarterly allocations from our Pennies from Heaven program to fund local agencies for bill payment assistance for members in need.


Over the holidays, we sponsor a Toys for Tots drive, and our Member Service Centers are designated drop off locations. Our employees are annual, generous supporters of the program, donating hundreds of bikes, trikes and toys over the years.


SECO is also a strong corporate participant in the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life events raising $132,000 over the last decade. Based on our headquarters’ location, we belong to the Sumter County Relay program but we also provide funding to other counties’ Relay programs on a pro-rata basis.


To request that SECO sponsor or donate to your organization, please use our new Contact Us form. Submissions based on these focuses will be considered:


Educational STEM Projects
Environmental Projects
Energy-Related Projects
Veterans Initiatives
Public Safety Programs
Health/Human Services


Please note SECO does not sponsor individual sports teams or booster club initiatives, as there are thousands across our service territory. SECO participates in golf tournaments selectively if we can set up a booth to engage with members. We fund initiatives in our seven-county footprint of Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Levy, Marion, Pasco and Sumter.


Individual bill payment, basic need or job training assistance is offered by Florida 211 and funded by our Pennies from Heaven program. Members can call or text 211 to request assistance.

Surge MitiGator free installation July 2019 SECO News

Take the bite out of damaging power surges and spikes with SECO Energy’s “Made in the USA” Surge MitiGator. Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage which can damage or destroy household appliances and electronic devices. The most obvious cause of surges is lightning, but birds, small animals, trees or vehicles crashing into power poles are culprits as well.


Protect your home’s large appliances by leasing or purchasing SECO’s Surge MitiGator. Enroll online through August 30th and installation (a $25 value) is free. Lease the Surge MitiGator for $5.95 per month or purchase for $349 (standard 200-amp service). For residential services greater than 200 amps, the purchase price is $399 with $75 installation. Studies indicate that more than half of all surges actually originate from inside the home so be sure to also purchase point-of-use devices at your local hardware or big box store to protect your electronics.


Learn more about SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator online. Protect your home’s appliances from surges – lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator today.

SECO Champion Dustin Merritt July 2019 SECO News






“SECO HELPS MEMBERS.” A Central Florida native raising four children in Webster with his wife Kimberly, Dustin has worked for SECO for 15 years. His SECO career began as a meter reader, and he eventually worked his way into Energy Services. Dustin was promoted to Supervisor of the Surge Protection Program in 2018. He is responsible for oversight of his team and SECO’s surge protection contractor. Dustin enjoys the opportunity to help and educate members. He and his team advocate the Surge MitiGator™ as protection against surges that may enter a home through power lines. Surges may occur due to downed lines, car accidents, animal contact or lightning strikes, and our surge protection ring installed at the meter base provides a layer of protection for large motor driven appliances in the home. Visit with Dustin or one of his team members by emailing Surge.

Winners' Circle July 2019 SECO News

Congratulations to Norma Jean Bottoms from Paisley who is the winner of the Microsoft Surface Go! Ms. Bottoms registered to join America’s electric cooperatives’ advocacy hub the Cooperative Action Network. You too can become a key voice for electric co-ops to protect affordable, reliable energy in Florida. Visit to learn more.


Hundreds of members played 2018 Annual Report trivia with SECO on our Facebook page. Our three winners are: Jonathan Dove from Clermont won the Apple iPad; the $200 bill credit went to Rosalie Wilke from Ocala; and Carolyn Wheelis from Sorrento won the Honeywell Wi-Fi thermostat. Congratulations, winners!


Read the full July 2019 SECO News online.

SECO News, April 2018

Duncan’s Digest

2017 Annual Report

Dear SECO Energy Members,

In this edition of Duncan’s Digest, I want to bring your attention to our newly released 2017 Annual Report which details the cooperative’s strong fiscal performance. Members who attended our March 24 Annual Meeting received a hard copy. It’s also available at>Newsroom>Annual Report. Read it and then click over to Facebook to play Annual Report Trivia for a chance to win a $300 bill credit.


Duncan's Digest 2017 Annual Report


Find the answers to the trivia questions in the pages of the Annual Report related to our cooperative’s history, ASCI score, J.D. Power awards, the Board of Trustees and our robust financial performance. The trivia contest runs from March 26 through May 6.


Annual Report 2017 Trivia QuestionsTo give you a head start, the excerpt below also appears on page 1 of the Annual Report. The first clue appears in the first paragraph. Answers to the other questions appear in other Annual Report pages.   


SECO Energy’s beginning was humble.  Prior to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1935 Rural Electric Act, also known as the REA, a home powered by electricity in rural Central Florida was only a dream. With low-interest loans from the REA, local farmers and ranchers formed Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc. in 1938. A small group of original SECO employees started the utility from scratch, installing poles and stringing miles of electric line. On November 12, 1938, SECO turned on the lights to 400 rural homesteads in our service area. Before the close of 1938, additional homes in nearby areas were electrified. For these rural Floridians, quality of life changed dramatically.


Over the last 80 years, SECO has grown alongside the communities it serves. We’ve morphed from a small, rural utility to one of the fastest-growing cooperatives in the nation. SECO achieved a significant milestone in late 2017 when the cooperative energized its 200,000th meter. Today, SECO Energy is “200,000 Strong – 80 Years in the Making.”


Members without internet access can request a copy of the Annual Report and trivia questions mailed to you. Return the answers to SECO by May 6 for entry in the $300 bill credit drawing.


It is our privilege to serve as your energy provider. Thank you for your membership.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



HVAC Tune-up TimeHVAC Tune-up Time


HVAC EFFICIENCY INCREASES with a clean filter and annual service by a qualified technician. Your unit will operate more effectively and thus reduce your electric usage.   If your technician suggests you need a new unit, you are welcome to contact SECO for a free second opinion before committing to the purchase.


One of our certified Energy Services Specialists will visit your home to inspect your unit and provide a written assessment. Schedule an appointment today by visiting>Contact Us. Select “Request Energy Audit” and submit your contact information. We’ll be in touch within just a few days.



Size Matters - Selecting a Generator

Safety Corner

Size Matters—Selecting a Generator


Thinking about installing a generator before Hurricane Season? Follow these important safety warnings:


  1. A qualified electrical contractor must perform the installation of an emergency generator, disconnect
    and transfer switchgear. This is not a DIY job.
  2. Only an electrician is qualified to connect a generator to an electrical panel. You could be electrocuted and also endanger our field employees.
  3. Always follow local, state and national fire and electric codes. Permits are required.
  4. Once installed, always disconnect from your metered electric utility service before starting your backup generator. 951701
  5. Never run an electric generator inside a building – even in a garage. It is a hazard and violates safety codes.
  6. Store gasoline and diesel in approved containers out of the reach of children. Never fuel the generator while it is running.
  7. Extinguish all flames and cigarettes when handling fuel.
  8. Ensure proper ventilation and airflow around the generator.
  9. Stage a fully charged, approved fire extinguisher near the generator.
  10. Use extension cords free of exposed wires and frayed shielding.
  11. Never remove or tamper with a generator’s safety devices.
  12. Do not attempt to repair a generator. A qualified technician should perform repairs and service as needed.
  13. Generator engine parts are very hot during operation. Severe burns may result. Keep children away at all times.
  14. Generators are sold by power output measured in watts. Before purchasing, discuss your home’s size/watt needs with a knowledgeable retailer.


Hurricane Season begins on June 1. Get ready today!


Read the full April SECO News online.

SECO News, May 2017

SECO News, May 2017 - Duncan's Digest, Storm Ready

Duncan’s Digest – Storm Ready


Atlantic Hurricane season is just around the corner – beginning on June 1. The Old Farmer’s Almanac advises us to watch for tropical storm threats in mid-May, predicts a rainy summer and forecasts the possibility of hurricanes in September. Colorado State University’s Tropical Meteorology study was recently released and it calls for the number of named storms and hurricanes to be slightly below historical averages. Still, per NOAA’s Hurricane Research Division, the U.S. averages one to two hurricane landfalls each season, so we have to prepare even with a below average hurricane forecast.


“Storm Ready” isn’t just a slogan. We invest in and prepare for the worst, but hope and pray for the best. “Storm Ready” is using social media to update members about severe weather and its possible impact to our service area. “Storm Ready” is SECO’s System Operations Center that is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. “Storm Ready” means that Operations crews and support staff are available for restoration around-the-clock. “Storm Ready” means that local Call Centers and Member Service Centers are fully staffed to help you weather the storm.


SECO can help you get your family “Storm Ready” as well. Visit our website’s Storm Preparation section for an Emergency Checklist. Before inclement weather arrives, bookmark SECO’s Storm Center page on your smartphone or tablet in case you need to report a power outage, and update your primary contact phone number and email address through your online account (called SmartHub at “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” the cooperative on Twitter for weather information and warnings.


It’s time to check your emergency kit – now. Make sure your supplies are fully stocked and that medicines, water and foodstuffs aren’t out-of-date. Remember, emergency supplies sell out quickly when storms and hurricanes are imminent.


SECO News, May 2017 - Duncan's Digest, Storm Ready


During the 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season, Florida Governor Rick Scott engaged with utility leaders collaboratively and encouraged us across the state to work together to restore all consumers’ power as quickly as possible. “Storm Ready” also applies to SECO’s willingness to lend a hand to assist our fellow cooperatives, as well as state municipal and investor-owned utilities when possible. In February, SECO assisted Clay Electric Cooperative when its members were affected by widespread outages due to a strong storm. Since SECO’s system held up well in that storm and the few members who experienced outages had their service restored the same day, the SECO team jumped into action and sent 20 employees to help restore power to Clay members.


SECO News, May 2017- Annual Meeting Recap


Annual Meeting Recap


Attendance boomed at SECO Energy’s 79th Annual Meeting of the Membership on Saturday, March 25. Thousands of members, guests, vendors and VIPs enjoyed hot breakfast biscuits, sweet treats, energy efficiency displays, live entertainment, gifts and a chance to win grand prizes and various door prizes. Members received a copy of SECO’s 2016 Annual Report and a gift bag with two commemorative insulated steel tumblers. SECO and its wholesale power provider Seminole Electric distributed over 6,000 LED bulbs to members. Members visited SECO’s vendor-partners who were on hand to display their energy-saving products and services in the Energy Showcase.


Margo Rochelle & Rodeo Drive provided live entertainment, playing current country tunes and old favorites while members sang along and line danced. A special character, LED Lucy, brightened the day with her antics and smiles.


Members took home loads of door prizes. The grand prizes up for grabs were four cash prizes, a refurbished Dodge Dakota truck, and a refurbished electric golf cart.


SECO News, May 2017- Annual Meeting , pictures form 79th annual meeting of SECO Members


This year’s grand prize winners are:

  • Michael Niemiec from Inverness won the refurbished 2005 Dodge Dakota truck.
  • Lake Panasoffkee’s Shannon Jessup was the winner of the refurbished electric golf cart from The Villages Golf Carts.
  • The Villages resident Edward Maffuccio was the happy winner of the $1,500 cash prize.
  • Clark Smith from Webster won the $1,000 cash prize.
  • Christine Bartow from The Villages and Edward James from Leesburg both won a $500 cash prize.


Congratulations to all winners, and thank you for attending the event. Mark your calendar, as next year’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 17, 2018. Hope you can join us for our 80th Annual Meeting!


SECO News, May 2017 - Save Money Save Energy


Save Energy, Save Money


Summer is almost here – set your HVAC thermostat at 78 or higher in the summer and always keep your fan setting on “Auto.” Invest in a programmable thermostat and save $180 annually per ENERGY STAR®.


SECO News, May 2017 - Safety Corner, Downed Power Lines


Safety Corner – Downed Power Lines


Always assume overhead power lines are live and dangerous – even when lines and poles are downed during storms or accidents. Warn children to never touch a downed line with any part of their body or another object such as a stick or bat. Instruct children to leave the area immediately and call for help if they see a downed line.


Read the full May 2017 SECO News here.