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Members Re-elect District 5 Trustee Ray Vick

District 5 members gathered at Inverness Middle School on Thursday, February 21, to elect a member to represent their District on SECO’s Board of Trustees. The members elected Mr. Ray Vick who lives in Inverness and has been a SECO member since 1974. Mr. Vick was first elected to the Board in 1980.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, operated for and owned by its members. SECO members who reside in the District elect one of their fellow members to serve a three-year term on SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees. Collectively, the Board represents the SECO membership at large. The Board meets monthly to monitor the financial status of the cooperative while providing fiduciary oversight and participating in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the members.


In early February, Mr. Vick declared his continued willingness to serve the members in District 5 by submitting his letter of intent to run for Trustee. Joseph M. Judge of Inverness, Patricia A. Sandoval of Floral City and Chris L. Smith of Inverness also submitted letters of intent to run.


Trustee Vick stated, “Thank you, District 5 members, for re-electing me as your Trustee. I am humbly grateful for your long-standing trust in my service to SECO members. Serving on SECO’s Board is a rewarding experience, and I look forward to a new term.”


President Jerry Hatfield stated, “Congratulations, Mr. Vick, on your re-election as District 5 Trustee. SECO Energy is a fiscally responsible organization, and I know Mr. Vick takes his duties seriously in support of the members.”


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “First, I would like to thank the candidates from District 5 for their willingness to serve their fellow members on SECO’s Board of Trustees. It is gratifying to have such a strong show of support from members. Congratulations to Mr. Vick on his re-election.”


Duncan continued, “I hope members plan to attend our Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 23. We will be serving breakfast, coffee, soft drinks and snacks. Members can visit the Energy Showcase for energy-efficiency displays, enjoy live entertainment and enter for the chance to win door prizes. The grand prizes this year are a refurbished 2009 Ford SuperCab 4-wheel drive with less than 60,000 miles, a golf cart, cash and more. Read the upcoming March edition of SECO News for a full list of all door prizes.”


Visit the Board of Trustees page to view a photo and brief bio of SECO’s Trustees along with a District map. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Buys Citrus County Student’s Steer

Last night, Ben Brickhouse, SECO Energy’s VP of Engineering, purchased a steer on behalf of the not-for-profit electric cooperative at the Citrus County Association’s Youth Fair at the Citrus County Fairground.


Each year, hundreds of FFA and 4-H students are issued a comprehensive record book that involves logging the process and growth development of their animal. The record books are judged on a complete financial summary, the animal’s health record, writing prompts, letters to bidders/buyers, as well as neatness, accuracy and evidence of their work with the animal. Citrus County Ag Educational Chairman Kandi McPherson stated in a recent publication, “The Citrus County Fair believes in the value of youth exhibitor participation in all educational opportunities offered through their animal project.” By the end of the process, the students should have an understanding of the animal industry, marketing and communication skills.


Brickhouse stated, “I enjoy attending the youth fair because I know the preparation and sense of accomplishment builds character, develops integrity and forms work ethic which prepares students for our future workforce.” As a buyer representing SECO, Brickhouse purchased a steer from Anna Grace Budd, who showed a steer for Ease’s Rough Rider 4-H Club. The steer weighed in at 1,175 pounds.


Anna, an Inverness Middle School sixth grader, stated that raising her steer was more work than she ever imagined. She also said that going into the show ring for the first time made her more nervous than anything she’s ever done, but the experience was one of the most exciting she’s ever had. Anna’s father reported that this was her first year showing a steer. 


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO continues to be a proud supporter of the youth 4-H and FFA educational programs in the counties we serve. Remaining attentive to one of our seven cooperative principles – Concern for Community – we will continue to seek opportunities to support educational projects that prepare students to join the workforce. In addition to this year’s livestock program support, in May SECO will award twelve $3,000 scholarships to high school seniors enrolling in a Florida institute of higher learning. Academic achievement, financial need and other factors are considered by the judges, but participation in 4-H or FFA gives students added points. Although the deadline to apply for 2018 was March 30, I encourage students to visit our website and look for next year’s opportunity to apply.”


Learn more about SECO’s community outreach programs online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Sponsors Citrus County Fair Youth Livestock Show

For decades, SECO Energy has sponsored youth agriculture programs in its service area. To continue this long-held tradition, SECO’s Ben Brickhouse, Vice President of Engineering, attended the Citrus County Fair Youth Livestock Show in Inverness.


Students of all ages raise animals such as cows, horses, rabbits, chickens and pigs and proudly show their livestock at the Citrus County Fair Youth Livestock Show. 4-H and Future Farmers of America (FFA) students from all over Citrus County compete in the livestock shows each year.


The Citrus County Fair is a family-friendly event in operation since the 1920s. The Fair Association’s mission is a group of volunteers who are committed to showcasing the talented youth of Citrus County and provide scholarship opportunities.


As SECO’s representative, Brickhouse purchased a 1,300 pound steer from 12-year-old Will Ward, a sixth grader at Inverness Middle School. Will has been a Lecanto Levi’s 4-H member for eight years and serves as club parliamentarian.  He is responsible for keeping order during meetings. Will said, “I am a SECO partner – SECO powers my family’s 4-H project.”


Brickhouse also purchased a 270-pound pig from Will’s sister, Grace Ward. Like her brother, Grace is also a member of the Lecanto Levi’s 4-H Club. This is Grace’s first pig she has raised and shown at the fair.


Brickhouse stated, “Will has participated in agriculture activities at the Citrus County Fair for years and his sister, Grace, has followed in his footsteps. Will and Grace both enjoy raising and caring for animals, and I am impressed with their knowledge and enthusiasm. I’m glad SECO was able to support them in their endeavors.”


Visit SECO’s Community page about its community outreach programs. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.