SECO News, July 2019

SECO News, July 2019

DUNCAN’S DIGEST   The dog days of summer have arrived. With warmer temperatures and increased humidity, your home’s HVAC works overtime to keep you cool. Pool pumps run for extended hours to prevent algae growth. These factors add up to increased kilowatt-hour use and higher electric bills. SECO is your local not-for-profit electric cooperative committed […]

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CEO Jim Duncan Celebrates 40 Years with SECO Energy

CEO Jim Duncan Celebrates 40 Years with SECO Energy

CEO Jim Duncan is celebrating 40 years with SECO Energy. On June 10, 1979, Duncan joined SECO (then referred to as Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc.) in the position of Director of Accounting and Finance. He held this position until March of 1990 when he accepted the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO). As the leader […]

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SECO News, June 2019

SECO News, June 2019

DUNCAN’S DIGEST   Atlantic hurricane season makes its formal appearance on June 1 and ends November 30. In early May, however, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) was already tracking its first tropical disturbance in the Atlantic. NHC, a part of NOAA, at the time this publication went to print, had not released its official forecast. […]

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District 3 SECO Energy Members Elect New Trustee

District 3 SECO Energy Members Elect New Trustee

On Monday, May 13, members who attended SECO Energy’s District 3 Special Meeting voted to elect Gerald B. Anderson to represent their District and the members at large on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. The Special Meeting to elect a new District 3 was held to fill the vacant Board seat. Mr. Anderson will serve […]

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SECO News, May 2019

SECO News, May 2019

DUNCAN’S DIGEST   Dear Members,   Thank you for attending our 81st Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 23. The perfect spring weather and the potential to win really great prizes attracted a crowd of almost 5,000 members, guests, VIPs and employees.   Attendees were well-fed. We served breakfast biscuits, cookies, doughnuts, coffee and soft drinks. […]

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SECO Energy Congratulates 2019 Scholarship Awardees

SECO Energy Congratulates 2019 Scholarship Awardees

SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative operating for the benefit of its members. As a member-focused cooperative, SECO is committed to delivering reliable, safe, affordable power and focuses on community support.   SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees first approved the scholarship program for local students in 1996. In the twenty years since inception, SECO’s […]

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SECO News, April 2019

SECO News, April 2019

DUNCAN’S DIGEST   At year-end 2018, your not-for-profit cooperative served 205,644 members with reliable, safe, affordable power. The communities SECO Energy serves in our seven-county area are growing. You and your fellow members consumed over 3.14 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) last year – an increase of 184 million kWh over 2017.   We welcomed 5,161 […]

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SECO Members/Employees Donate 5,000 Pounds to Local Food Pantries

SECO Members/Employees Donate 5,000 Pounds to Local Food Pantries

Hundreds of SECO Energy members and employees graciously gave 5,000 pounds of non-perishable food during the “Feeding the Cooperative Spirit” food drive initiative at SECO Energy’s 81st Annual Meeting of the Membership which garnered a crowd of nearly 5,000 attendees on Saturday, March 23, 2019.   SECO Energy and local United Way agencies partnered to […]

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