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SECO News, November 2019

Money doesn’t grow on trees and pigs don’t fly, but you can take your Capital Credits return to the bank. This month, SECO Energy is making you and your wallet a little happier. During its October meeting, SECO’s Board of Trustees approved a Capital Credits return (retirement) of $3.5 million to current and former members. Look for your 2019 Capital Credits retirement on your November bill just in time for the holiday season.


May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


As a member of a not-for-profit electric utility, you along with your fellow 200,000+ SECO members own a portion of the cooperative’s equity. Your membership brings home the bacon through energy purchases that build patronage capital. Ownership is defined through the annual process of allocating each member’s share of the co-op’s margins from the prior year. The annual amounts for each member who purchases electric service during the year are referred to as Capital Credit allocations.


Capital Credits are the accumulation of all prior year’s revenue after the co-op’s operating costs and expenses are paid. These credits are allocated on a pro-rata basis to each SECO Energy member’s account as Capital Credits. Annually, SECO examines the financial position of the cooperative and makes a recommendation to the Board of Trustees on the “retirement” of Capital Credits. This year’s $3.5 million retirement means that a portion of the cooperative’s equity is being returned to current and former members. That number is a lower retirement than in years past, as the cost of delivering power to new members and maintaining our existing infrastructure is rising faster than our revenue.


Each current member who receives a 2019 Capital Credits retirement will see the retirement amount on the November billing statement listed as a line item labeled “Capital Credits Ret.” Commercial members with retirements over $1,000 will receive a check. If you move out of SECO’s service area, keep your mailing address updated so we can send future Capital Credit retirements your way.


SECO Energy was founded as Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc. in 1938 and has retired more than $66.8 million to current and former members as a tangible benefit of the cooperative business model.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



Making a Difference at Christmas with Toys for Tots


SECO Energy and its ever-generous employees support the Marine Toys for Tots drives in the communities we serve. SECO’s five Member Service Centers in Eustis, Groveland, Inverness, Ocala and Sumterville are available as public drop-off locations for Toys for Tots.


This year, members can partner with SECO Energy to bring a smile to a child on Christmas day. Visit a Member Service Center to drop off new, unwrapped toys for the Toys for Tots donation box. Toys are collected by local Toys for Tots volunteers in each county and donated locally.


Toys for Tots is a top-rated charity. Since 1947, its mission is to deliver toys, books and other gifts to less fortunate children. Over 97% of cash donations directly support that mission. The remaining 3% is spent on fundraising expenses. No donation dollars are spent on salaries or other manpower. Toys for Tots volunteers collect and deliver the donations received. You can donate to Toys for Tots with confidence that your donation will go straight into the hands of a local child.


In 2018, SECO employees donated more than a hundred bicycles and tricycles, as well as hundreds of toys to make a difference in the lives of local children who live in the communities we serve.


Learn more about the Marine Toys for Tots Program online. Find a SECO Energy Member Service Center.


Surge MitiGator November 2019

Protect your home from power surges by investing in SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator™. Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage that can damage or destroy your household appliances and electronics. Surges are caused by lightning, trees, small animals, birds and vehicle accidents involving energized facilities.


SECO’s Surge MitiGator™ is “Made in the USA” and is built to chomp down on surges and spikes. The MitiGator™ is available for just a few cents per day at a lease rate of $5.95 per month, plus tax, conveniently added to your monthly bill. Installation for standard residential 200-amp service is $25. For residential services greater than 200-amps installation is $100.


You can opt to purchase the product for $349 to $399 plus tax. The installation fee is waived when purchasing the MitiGator™.


The Surge MitiGator™ is an arrestor that is installed behind the meter. Your protection against surges and spikes begins at the meter but SECO encourages members to plug all sensitive electronics into point-of-use surge protection devices. Point-of-use devices can be purchased at your local hardware or big-box store.


Visit our Surge MitiGator™ page today to enroll and to learn more about how you can protect your home’s appliances from surges.


Fall for Energy Efficiency November 2019 SECO News

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, November and December temperatures will average in the mid-60s. Winter is forecast to be mild with the coldest temperatures arriving in February. A well-functioning HVAC runs more efficiently and helps you lower your energy use when cooling or heating your home.


Inspecting your HVAC system is not a do-it-yourself job. Hire an experienced, licensed HVAC technician to test the unit’s voltage and electrical components. The tech should also lubricate moving parts, check the filter, measure refrigerant pressure, check electrical connections and test the safety controls. Ensure the tech inspects the drain system, tests the thermostat settings, airflow and more if your unit is problematic. Buyer beware – do your homework, obtain three quotes for the inspection service, read Google reviews and Better Business Bureau reviews. Most important if the price sounds too good to be true it probably is.


Change your air filter according to the HVAC manufacturer’s schedule or once a month. A clean air filter is the first step in helping your HVAC run efficiently.


Don’t leave energy efficiency out in the cold. Schedule an HVAC inspection with a qualified technician before the temperature drops. Preventative maintenance on your system will allow you to enjoy the winter weather from the comfort of your home and save you from the shock of a high repair bill.


Read the full November 2019 SECO News online.

SECO Energy Congratulates 2019 Scholarship Awardees

SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative operating for the benefit of its members. As a member-focused cooperative, SECO is committed to delivering reliable, safe, affordable power and focuses on community support.


SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees first approved the scholarship program for local students in 1996. In the twenty years since inception, SECO’s scholarship program has awarded almost $600,000 in scholarship funds to 293 young scholars residing in SECO’s service area.


This year’s SECO scholarship recipients are a class of bright, ambitious, hard-working students who are concentrated on achieving their goals. SECO’s 2019 Scholarship Program awardees are:


Erica F. Adkins, Inverness, Lecanto High School
Jessica L. Chin-Shue, Webster, South Sumter High School
Joseph O. Foran, Lady Lake, The Villages Charter High School
Brittany Forbes, Summerfield, Belleview High School
Sydney M. Howard, Groveland, Leesburg High School
Emily Kennedy, Clermont, South Lake High School
Alexandra M. Lussier, Belleview, The Villages Charter High School
Jenna Mishefske, Ocala, West Port High School
Nisha D. Patel, Ocala, Vanguard High School
Alexis J. Stires, Inverness, Lecanto High School
Rachel Williams, Sorrento, Eustis High School


President and District 9 Trustee Jerry Hatfield is looking forward to meeting this year’s scholarship recipients. Hatfield stated, “As a former Lake County educator, I know first-hand our local schools are filled with students who desire an education beyond high school. This desire is sometimes hampered by limited financial resources. SECO’s Scholarship Program offers students monetary assistance to help them achieve their goals of a further education and a future career.”


CEO Jim Duncan believes the SECO Scholarship Program could be a first step to a successful career path, possibly with SECO. Duncan stated, “A career path with SECO Energy may be a good fit for some of our scholarship recipients. SECO is centrally located near the students’ hometowns and within an hour’s drive to several metropolitan areas in Central Florida. We hire a host of high-skilled employees, and offer a robust benefits package with medical, dental, and vision coverage along with competitive compensation. Additional benefits that may be particularly interesting to younger potential employees is our generous paid-time-off policy and student loan repayment assistance program.”


Duncan continued, “The energy industry is growing and with that growth are new technologies and new career opportunities. SECO is a growing cooperative that needs highly skilled employees to keep up with the latest industry trends and available technology.”


SECO will host a celebratory event for the 2019 scholarship recipients and their families at its headquarters on May 20, 2019.


Learn more about SECO Energy and its community participation on our Community page. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

Energy Insider – 1st Quarter

Autonomous Taxis Coming Soon to a Village Near You


Autonomous Taxis – Coming Soon to a Village Near You!


The future is now! Autonomous taxi company Voyage Auto has launched a pilot program in The Villages, Florida, specifically the Village of Virginia Trace. The self-driving taxi program, unveiled earlier this year, is as an added benefit for the residents in The Villages. This is simply a taxi service for folks who need to get to or from somewhere but do not have their own transportation or perhaps don’t feel comfortable driving. Ryan McCabe, Operations Manager with The Villages, states; “We believe in what Voyage Auto is trying to do. We couldn’t be happier with the idea.”


The thing that makes this different from other transportation services is that there isn’t a person in the driver’s seat! This vehicle is fully autonomous and a ride can be arranged using the Voyage mobile app. In the near future, Voyage will be expanding their presence in The Villages on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis. Virginia Trace was chosen for the pilot because of its close proximity to Lake Sumter Landing. It is likely the same criteria will be used in choosing which neighborhood is next. Mr. McCabe stated, “With golf carts and Voyage, the residents might not need a car to live here.”


For those concerned with this “out-of-the-box” idea, Tom Hauburger, Director of Product for Voyage, states, “The technology investment we make is centered on safety and comfort.” The Voyage team understands the highest level of safety is expected and consumer comfort is a close second.


Keep an eye out for upcoming “try-ride” events at a location near you. Customers will have the opportunity to experience a ride into the future. Try-ride event dates will be announced once all of the details are finalized and locations are chosen.


Visit Voyage for more information about this revolutionary idea!



SECO Earns Tree Line USA Distinction


SECO Earns Tree Line USA Distinction


The wind is blowing, the rain is coming down sideways and ZAP, your power is out. Power is of the utmost importance to your business. Power drives the machines, lights and most likely everything essential to your operation. The last thing you need is a power outage. However, this is Florida where storms develop quickly and in some cases are severe enough to threaten your reliability.


When storms happen, trees pose the greatest hazards to the electric lines serving your facility. For this reason, SECO Energy has a services agreement with tree trimming contractors and also arranges for a very large contingent of tree trimming contractors to aid with restoration activities prior to a major storm or hurricane. Our vegetation management efforts are ongoing and a very important function to ensure reliability of your electric service. As a matter of fact, for twelve consecutive years, SECO Energy has been awarded the Tree Line USA Utility distinction from the Arbor Day Foundation. We are very proud of this achievement.


SECO Energy’s award-winning Vegetation Management team is comprised of five professionals who manage the program. According to April Hurst, Supervisor of Vegetation Management, “SECO’s goal is to prevent tree-related outages. We plan, direct and execute activities to clear the right-of-ways for any vegetative hazard posed to the electric lines from the substation all the way to the transformer that serves member facilities.” Doing this requires a massive amount of planning, supervision and the actual execution of the plan.


On average SECO Energy spends about $10,000,000 per year to execute the vegetation management plan. Our program is very aggressive and our proactive approach has greatly reduced the number of tree-related outages. “Although what we do is not always esthetically pleasing or pretty, it is necessary for the health of the tree and for line clearances – healthy trees planted in the right place do not cause outages,” advises Mrs. Hurst.


To ensure correct methods for trimming trees, SECO Energy hires certified arborists. Crews that specialize in tree trimming perform the actual work. The correct trimming methods maintain the health of the tree and minimize the threat to the electric system. Follow up inspections are performed by SECO professionals to ensure work has been performed correctly.


How can you help? Take notice of trees/tree limbs in close proximity of electric distribution lines serving your facility. Even if your service is underground, at some point it feeds into an overhead line. When adding landscape, be sure and plant the right tree in the right place – where there is little likelihood the tree will ever impact electric facilities. Talk to your Key Account consultant regarding any concerns you have.


For more information on our vegetation management program or for clarification of what SECO will trim versus your trimming responsibilities, visit our tree trimming page. Want to meet SECO vegetation management team in person? Join us on Saturday, April 27, 2019 for Earthfest at Arbor Day event in Tuscawilla Park in Ocala!



12 Annual Earth Day Celebration Sponsored by CEMEX


12th Annual Earth Day Celebration


If you are looking for a fun family event in Sumter County this April, look no further than the 12th Annual Earth Day Celebration in Center Hill, Florida. So what is this you may ask? The event is a partnership between the Sumter County School Board and CEMEX. This FREE event features a tour of the CEMEX mine and provides insight on the importance of mining and how it’s done while protecting and conserving our natural resources.


The Earth Day celebration includes many local environmental agencies who share useful information on a number of topics from water conservation to preventing pollution. Represented this year will be the UF/IFAS Extension Service, National Resources Conservation Service, Phosphate Research Institute, Florida Native Plant Society, Sumter County Master Gardeners and the Florida Forestry Service. SECO Energy will also be onsite to educate attendees on electrical safety and energy conservation.


Food and entertainment are part of the celebration. Enjoy a Grumpy’s famous ice cream and hot dogs cooked by Ring Power Corporation. Meet the animal ambassadors from the Florida International Teaching Zoo and learn all about bats. You can even hold a baby alligator and learn how to sculpt sand. The ever-popular Kids Fossil Dig will be open for children ages three to third grade along with the opportunity to plant a tree. The Same in Lame Jazz Ambassadors and the South Sumter High School Naval National Defense Cadet Corps will open the event with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner. Chorus and band groups from South Sumter Middle School, Wildwood Middle School and Wildwood Elementary School will perform their favorite songs.


The 12th Annual Earth Day Event is scheduled for April 13, 2019 at the CEMEX mine located at 530 W. King Highway in Center Hill. The fun begins at 10 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m.





Manager of Key Accounts & Energy Services
OFFICE: (352) 569-9787
CELL: (352) 303-3567

Hank Bolduc, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9789
CELL: (352) 303-3546

Ryon Meyers, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9781
CELL: (352) 636-9593

Jeff Light, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9790
CELL: (352) 303-3183



SECO Energy Employees Gather Donations for Toys for Tots

SECO Energy employees helped to fill Santa’s sleigh with toys collected for the Marine Corps Toys for Tots program. SECO’s five Member Service Center locations are available as public drop off locations.


Toys for Tots plays Santa for thousands of less-fortunate children. Toys for Tots is a world-wide organization, but the toys collected locally are distributed to children within the area. Hundreds of local children will benefit from the generosity of SECO employees and members alike when they wake up to toys under the Christmas tree donated through Toys for Tots.


This year, SECO employees donated an unprecedented number of new bikes for local children. SECO members have also added to the donations by dropping off toys at their local SECO Member Service Center. SECO has Toys for Tots donation boxes available in its Eustis, Groveland, Inverness, Ocala and Sumterville locations.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “The Marine Corps Toys for Tots program is a worthwhile organization in our community. As a Marine myself, Toys for Tots is particularly special to me. SECO employees have also embraced Toys for Tots because they know the organization is delivering Christmas morning happiness to children in our local communities.”


Duncan added, “Stop by a local SECO office and donate a new, unwrapped toy or two to Toys for Tots. The donated toys remain local. This Christmas season, join the SECO family in supporting Toys for Tots.”


Toys for Tots donation boxes are available at SECO Member Service Centers through early December. Find a SECO location in Eustis, Groveland, Inverness, Ocala or Sumterville online.



“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates. Visit our Community page online to learn more about SECO’s corporate citizenship and other community outreach initiatives.

SECO Buys Marion County Students’ Swine and Steer

Last week, Kathy Judkins, SECO Energy’s Deputy Director for Civic, Charitable and Government Affairs, purchased one steer and three swine at the Marion County Southeastern Youth Fair at the Ocala Live Stock Pavilion.


Each year, hundreds of students glean from the exposure they’ve received from participating in the youth fair. They learn how to care for their animals which is very evident when they step into the auction’s area seeking the highest bid from buyers. Besides seeking the highest bid, the students gain something greater – work ethic, finance and business management skills.


As a buyer representing SECO, Judkins purchased a steer from Riley Thoresen, a junior at Belleview High School, who showed a steer for Wild n’ Country 4-H Club that weighed in at 937 pounds. Riley plans to use her profits from the sale to continue saving for college where she hopes to become a behavioral analyst.


Later in the week, Judkins purchased two pigs from Dunnellon High School Future Farmers of America (FFA). Christen Adams’ pig weighed 252 pounds and Barry Duncan’s pig weighed 225 pounds. A third pig was purchased from Cassidy Clarke, a SECO member and a senior at Belleview High School, who showed a 236-pound pig for the Wild n’ Country 4-H Club. Fighting back tears, Clarke stated, “I’ve been showing pigs for twelve consecutive years, and I’m going to miss it. This year’s swine auction will help me with my college funding. My love for animals will continue because I’ve been accepted into Abraham Baldwin Agriculture College in Tifton Georgia where I plan to major in Pre-Professional Biology and then transfer to a Veterinary Science Program.”


Judkins stated, “The youth fair gives students an introduction to agriculture and animals that they may never receive otherwise. For decades, SECO continues to be a proud supporter of the students in rural agriculture programs. From an educational standpoint, these students are learning valuable skills that will prepare them for remarkable careers.”


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO’s participation in youth livestock programs in the counties we serve also helps the cooperative identify and encourage students whose homes are served by SECO to apply for the scholarship program. This year, SECO will award twelve $3,000 scholarships to high school seniors enrolling in a Florida institute of higher learning. Academic achievement, financial need and other factors are considered by the judges, but participation in 4-H or FFA gives students added points. I encourage these students to visit our website and apply today because the submission deadline is March 30.”


Visit our Community page to learn more about SECO’s community outreach programs. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

Members Re-elect District 7 Trustee Rob Henion

On Tuesday, January 23, members who attended the District Meeting voted to re-elect Rob Henion to represent District 7 on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. Henion became a SECO member in 2002 and was first elected to the Board in 2009. Henion currently serves in an Officer position as Secretary-Treasurer.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, operated for and owned by its members. SECO members elect their fellow members to SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees. Collectively, the Board represents the SECO membership, meeting monthly to monitor the financial status of the cooperative while providing fiduciary oversight and participating in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the members at large.


Members in District 7 gathered at the Rainbow Lake Estates Community Center in Dunnellon to elect a District 7 Trustee for a three-year term. Henion and Dunnellon resident Carmen A. Pintado-Kusiak along with Ocala resident Donald R. Stanton expressed a willingness to represent the members of District 7. In January, all three submitted their letter of intent to serve.


Henion stated, “Thank you District 7 members for once again selecting me to represent District 7 on SECO’s Board of Trustees. I am privileged to continue my work with the cooperative, CEO Jim Duncan, SECO’s senior management team and my fellow Trustees.”


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “I congratulate Mr. Henion on his re-election and continued service to SECO members. It is a pleasure to work with a Board that is member-focused and committed to the Cooperative’s success. I also extend my gratitude to our District 7 members who attended the meeting and participated in SECO’s democratic process.”


Duncan added, “I hope to see all of you at SECO’s Annual Meeting of the Membership in March. Enjoy breakfast and snacks, browse energy efficiency displays at the Energy Showcase and stay through the business meeting for the door prize drawing. This year, door prizes include a refurbished 2009 Chevy Colorado pick-up truck an electric golf cart, cash and more.”

SECO members are invited to the 80th Annual Meeting of the Membership on Saturday, March 24. Registration opens at 8:00 a.m., and the business meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. The meeting is located across the street from the corporate headquarters at 293 S. Highway 301 in Sumterville.


Visit>YourCo-Op for photos and brief bios of the Trustees along with an interactive District map. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Sponsors Youth Fair Participants

On Tuesday, February 21, Kathy Judkins, SECO Energy’s Deputy Director of Civic, Charitable and Government Affairs, attended the Marion County Southeastern Youth Fair at the Ocala Livestock Pavilion to continue SECO’s support of young people in rural agriculture activities. SECO has supported Youth Fairs in its service territory for decades.


Hundreds of students involved in local school chapters of 4-H or Future Farmers of America (FFA) participate in the fair each year. By showing and selling a steer at the Fair, students learn responsibility, marketing, communication and record keeping. Students are responsible for the animal’s feed, health and well-being and maintain the health records for their animal. Participants strengthen their communication and marketing skills by writing letters requesting sponsorship and generating interest in a final sale for their animal.


The Marion County Southeastern Youth Fair is the largest Youth Fair event in Florida. The foundation of the Fair began in 1941 with the Steer Show and the current Youth Fair format began in 1978. Hundreds of volunteers contribute thousands of hours to make the Youth Fair a success in Marion County.


As SECO’s representative, Judkins purchased a 1,004 pound steer from Dunnellon High School’s Tyler Matthew. Tyler is active in his school’s FFA Chapter, which includes 50 students under the guidance of teacher Austin Skipper. A senior this year, Tyler plans on attending college in the fall and will use his proceeds from the sale to assist in financing his education.


Judkins stated, “We live in a fast-paced world. In the age of social media and an infinite number of other distractions, it is a delight to see kids participating in farming events. FFA and 4-H gives kids a chance to slow-down, unplug and dedicate their time to caring and raising animals.”


Visit SECO Energy’s Community page online about its community outreach programs. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

Members Re-elect Richard Dennison District 4 Trustee

On Thursday, February 16, members voted to re-elect Richard Dennison to represent District 4 on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees.  A SECO member since 1999, Dennison was first elected to the Board in 2015 when a former Trustee stepped down.


As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO members vote for the person they choose to represent the members in a particular district and to make governance decisions that serve the best interests of the members at large.  SECO’s Board of Trustees are members themselves and provide governance and financial oversight to the cooperative.


A crowd of members gathered at the Marion Oaks Community Center in Ocala to cast their vote for the representative of their choice.  Dennison and Ocala residents Sheila Anderson and Edwin Million, Jr. expressed a willingness to serve the members in District 4 and submitted their letter of intent in January.


Dennison stated, “I am both humbled and grateful for your continued support for me as your District 4 Trustee.  Your confidence in me encourages me to work hard on your behalf for the cooperative that has an outstanding performance record.  Thank you again, it is a pleasure being your Trustee.”


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “I would like to congratulate Mr. Dennison on his re-election.  SECO’s Board of Trustees provides the cooperative with sound governance, and collectively represents all SECO members.  And a thank you to the hundreds of members who attended this year’s District Meetings.  Members are an important part of the cooperative difference – the cooperative exists to provide members reliable power at a fair price, while delivering first-rate customer satisfaction.”


Dennison added, “I look forward to continuing my work on the Board with my peers and working with Mr. Duncan, who I believe is the best CEO in the state.”


SECO members should plan to attend its 79th Annual Meeting of the Membership on Saturday, March 25.  Registration opens at 8:00 a.m., and the business meeting begins at 10:30 a.m.  The meeting is located across the street from the corporate headquarters at the junction of highways 301 and 471 in Sumterville.


View photos of the Trustees and a District map online.  “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

Sparking Interest in Energy Industry Careers

SECO Energy is participating in job fairs in Central Florida, helping to spark an interest in the energy industry for young students and current job seekers in the area.


On January 12, representatives from SECO’s Human Resources and Information Technology departments attended the Youth Career Expo at On Top of the World’s Circle Square Cultural Center in Ocala. Career Source of Citrus, Levy and Marion worked with the Marion County School District to introduce middle school students to an assortment of careers available in Marion County. Many careers available at SECO require a solid “S.T.E.M.” (science, technology, engineering and math) background.

Meagan and Rina at the job fair


SECO team members from Human Resources and Operations personnel attended the Construction Trades Job Fair at Wildwood Middle-High School sponsored by Compass HRM on Saturday, January 14. The job fair was attended by job seekers who live in or near Lake County who want to learn more about open positions in the area. Florida Governor Rick Scott also made an appearance at the job fair. Governor Scott is spreading the word that Florida is hiring and is open for business.

Governor Scott, Todd and Rina


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO is hiring and our Human Resources group is actively recruiting at job fairs in Central Florida. We are a regional utility serving members in seven counties in Central Florida. The commute from Tampa, Orlando, Daytona, Ocala and surrounding areas to our headquarters in Sumter County is only about an hour.”


Duncan added, “By attending job fairs geared for students, we are presenting students with information they need to make career plans. We want to attract current students to the energy industry for future employment. And we want them to know there are stable, well-paying jobs, with benefits, right here in their Central Florida hometowns.”


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

$36,000 Awarded to Scholarship Recipients

Jim Duncan, CEO of SECO Energy, is congratulating the 12 graduating seniors from SECO’s service territory who have each been awarded a $3,000 scholarship.


SECO’s Board of Trustees first approved the scholarship program in 1996. In the 20 years since SECO began awarding the scholarships, it has pledged over $500,000 to 257 deserving high school seniors that live in the communities it serves.


“As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, Concern for Community is one of the seven cooperative principles that is near and dear to all of us here at SECO. I am thankful that our Board of Trustees has approved the continuance of the scholarship program for 20 years. As a business leader, it is exciting to meet future leaders first-hand as they begin to achieve their goals for their future,” said Duncan.


SECO Energy Scholarship, $36,000 Awarded to Scholarship Recipients


SECO’s Board of Trustees President Ray Vick looks forward to meeting the 2016 scholarship awardees. “As the Board President, I am proud that SECO continues to enable young people in the community to begin their career path by assisting in their education expenses. SECO has a number of technology focused careers available and I hope to have the opportunity to work with some of our scholarship awardees in the future.”


The applicants were evaluated based on their scholastic achievements, school and community service activities, and financial need. The 12 SECO scholarship awardees for 2016 are:


SECO Scholars

  • Merari Flores Saldana from Ocala – West Port High School
  • Megan M. Elliott from Tavares – Tavares High School
  • Citlali Barragan-Hernandez from Summerfield — Belleview High School
  • James C. Cato from Summerfield — Lake Weir High School
  • Cayley L. Buckner from Silver Springs – West Port High School
  • Melissa L. Moreno from Ocala – West Port High School
  • Shelby C. Smith from Webster – South Sumter High School
  • Ana J. Mata from Summerfield — Belleview High School
  • Elijah T. Hughes from Bushnell – South Sumter High School
  • Karla G. Carvajal from Wildwood – Wildwood Middle-High School
  • Raul A. Bayas from Ocala – Vanguard High School
  • Richanda M. Pierre from Ocala – West Port High School

The applicants were judged by SECO Energy’s Scholarship Committee of independent educators. The Committee chose 12 outstanding seniors based on the application materials each student submitted. Scholarship awardees and their families will be honored at a special reception at SECO Energy’s headquarters building in Sumterville on Monday, May 23, at 4:00 p.m.