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SECO News October 2022

SECO News October 2022 Message From Board President and District 3 Trustee Gerald Anderson

Dear Members,

I am honored to serve as your Board President. As our CEO Curtis Wynn has highlighted in previous articles, we remain committed to maintaining our electric grid and keeping up with the growth we are experiencing system-wide.  I want to highlight some of those specific activities.


Members who live in Sumter County know the growth in our area has been incredible over the last decade. Last year, SECO energized 1,443 new services in Sumter County – representing 25 percent of SECO’s total new service count. This year between January and August, we have already energized 2,257 new meters in Sumter County, bringing the total service count in the county to 82,173.


You can’t help but notice the construction all over Sumter County, and SECO Energy has many projects in various design and construction stages. SECO is actively focused on improving the reliability of its existing infrastructure in Sumter County and building new facilities to meet increasing demand.


Currently in the Belmont area, new commercial development is happening around County Road 466A to include new restaurants, retail space and a hotel. In Belmont Phase 3, SECO recently energized electric infrastructure for 57 residential lots. A 100,000-square-foot self-storage facility is currently in the engineering design stage.


New single-family residences are proposed at the Keys at Wildwood Phase II and the Villas at Wildwood. The Wildwood Cottages subdivision is also in development near County Roads 134 and 426. These 70 new units have no age restrictions. The community will include a clubhouse, pool, dog park and community garden. 


A new nursing center is planned for Trailwinds Villages. SECO’s Engineering team has completed the electric design for an assisted-living facility of 160 units at Lumin Park in Lady Lake. Another new senior assisted-living facility in Wildwood on County Road 472 will have 132 units and is in the electrical design stage. 


Sumter County is also welcoming new commercial growth. An adhesive plant is in construction on 82nd Avenue west of County Road 127. In the same area, SECO has completed the electric design of a 170,000-square-foot building. A 7,000-square-foot retail building is being designed in the Fenney Professional Plaza. Near the corner of Buena Vista and Parr, a proposed 2,300-square-foot facility for a new Sprouts grocery store is in the works.  


This long list helps emphasize our area’s robust residential development and commercial growth. Keeping pace with the growth while continuing to maintain our existing infrastructure to serve our current members is a high priority for every SECO Energy employee. Visit > Newsroom > System Improvement Map to see reliability and expansion projects across our entire service territory. 


Unfortunately, we continue to battle supply chain and labor shortages as a not-for-profit cooperative trying to keep pace with unprecedented growth. Our members continue to feel the crunch in their electric bills as the price of natural gas – the primary fuel used to generate electricity – increased 52% in July compared with June per the Energy Information Administration depicted in the graph to the right. The Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) component on your bill reflects these ongoing increases.   


Members who need financial help should visit > Contact and click on the Find Bill Payment Help map to locate a social service agency in their area. These agencies receive funding from SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program for the specific purpose of helping members who have difficulty paying their electric bill. Florida 211 is also a resource for residents who need resources related to food, addiction, housing and healthcare. Call 211 or visit today.  






Gerald Anderson

Board Trustee President



SECO News September 2022 Enroll In The Surge MitiGator For A Chance to Win a Generator

Surge MitiGator – Win a Generator Reminder!


Enroll in SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator program by November 15 for a chance to win one of three portable generators! Members in a current lease or prior purchase are already eligible to win.


Chomp down on voltage spikes and surges with SECO Energy surge protection. The meter-based surge arrester blocks damaging surges and voltage spikes that come in through the electric line before they damage appliances and cause financial loss. Surges are caused by lightning, vehicle accidents, small animals, fallen trees and more. 


You can lease the protection for only $5.95 plus tax per month with a $25 installation fee. Purchase prices range from $349 to $399, and installation is always free. The product carries a 15-year warranty.


Enroll in the Surge MitiGator program (lease or purchase) for a chance to win one of three portable generators. To enroll, visit > Energy Solutions > Surge MitiGator and submit the web form.


The arrester at the meter is the first step in protection. You should invest in point-of-use surge devices to protect electronics and appliances. Purchase at local big box or hardware store. 


SECO News October 2022 Scare Away Phantom Load

Scare Away Phantom Load


Did you know that many everyday electronics consume electricity when plugged into an outlet? Electronics such as TVs, DVD players, computer equipment, gaming or audio systems, cable boxes and device chargers are the most common culprits. This phenomenon is called phantom load, and it leads to increased energy bills.


Phantom load may be responsible for 10 to 20 percent of residential electricity use in the United States alone. Studies report that homes may have 20 to 40 sources of phantom load. 


How do you scare away phantom load? The Department of Energy’s (DOE) website at recommends using power strips instead of plugging items directly into outlets. Power strips enable multiple devices to be plugged in at one time and can be turned “on” or “off.” Smart plugs are also available for devices such as cell phones that stop using electricity when the battery is charged.


Scare away phantom load by identifying and eliminating energy wasters in your home. TVs and DVD players in a guest room? Multiple chargers plugged directly into outlets and not being used? A computer, printer or gaming system plugged in and not in use?


SECO offers a variety of ways to search out energy wasters in disguise. Find the Energy Estimator and the Home Energy Assessment at to receive energy-efficiency advice tailored to your home.




SECO News September 2022 SECO Energy Employees donate to Relay For Life

SECO Energy Employees Donate to Relay For Life


For decades, SECO Energy employees have donated to and participated in The American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life which is the largest peer-to-peer fundraising event dedicated to saving lives affected by cancer. 


SECO Energy is proud to announce that its employees collectively donated $4,640 to Relay For Life teams in SECO’s service area. SECO Energy has committed to matching employees’ donations from our Pennies from Heaven fund. The total contribution totaled $9,280 for the American Cancer Society. 


Want to join SECO Energy’s charitable endeavors? Enroll in our Pennies from Heaven program that is transitioning to the SECO Energy Foundation. Your bill will be rounded up to the nearest dollar each month. These donations assist your fellow members with bill payment assistance and other local worthy causes. Read more on page 4 about SECO Energy Foundation enrollment changes that take effect in January 2023.




SECO News October 2022 SECO Energy Foundation Pennies From Heaven Transition

SECO Energy Foundation Reminder


In January 2023, SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program is transitioning to the SECO Energy Foundation. The SECO Energy Foundation’s goal is to increase community outreach in our service area. The new Foundation will generate grant funds for projects that align with SECO members’ needs and SECO’s strategic initiatives. The Foundation will also provide increased bill payment assistance for SECO members.


SECO members will automatically be transitioned to enrollment in the SECO Energy Foundation at year-end unless they have proactively unenrolled. The Foundation enrollment rounds up monthly bills to the nearest dollar. The average donation per member whose bill is rounded up is $6 annually. 


Update your SECO Energy Foundation enrollment status by visiting > Contact >  SECO Energy Foundation. You can send an email to, call (352) 793-3801 or write to SECO Energy, Attn: Corp Comm, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585 by December 31, 2022.


We are so thankful for our current Pennies from Heaven enrollees. We look forward to expanding our community outreach with the new SECO Energy Foundation.


Contributions to the SECO Energy Foundation will be tax-deductible.

Read the full October 2022 SECO News online.


SECO News, December 2019


Duncan’s Digest – 2020 Outlook – Rising Costs


The costs of virtually everything required to operate a modern electrical system are increasing rapidly. Our 2020 outlook is a mix of good and bad news. The good news is wholesale power costs are stable, so we’re able to apply a higher, member-favorable Power Cost Adjustment (PCA aka Hot Bucks) credit to your bills starting January 1. The bad news is the customer charge component for both residential and certain commercial members is increasing. The residential increase is 17 cents a day and the commercial customer and demand charge increases vary by rate type.


SECO News Duncan's Digest 2019


SECO’s mission is to construct, maintain and restore the electric system. We construct new facilities to meet growth demands. We upgrade and maintain the electric system to prevent outages. When an outage occurs, we restore as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the costs associated with our three mission-critical focuses are rising at an alarming rate.


The 2020 construction work plan tops $55 million to construct new and upgrade existing infrastructure. Tree trimming, storm hardening and system maintenance work is performed largely by contract labor.


Construction and maintenance costs are rising by a whopping 25 percent in 2020. The job market is tight and contractors who perform system reliability maintenance are paying higher wages to keep workers on their payroll. This isn’t just a Florida utility phenomenon – it’s happening nationwide and was spurred when California utility PG&E was court ordered to significantly beef up their tree trimming and system maintenance programs to reduce fire risk. Florida lost a significant amount of its utility-related contract labor workforce to California and we are paying the price despite a booming economy.


SECO Energy is experiencing systemwide growth. Every part of our service territory requires infrastructure additions, system upgrades, storm hardening, tree trimming or communications improvements whether you live north, south, east or west of our headquarters.


SECO Energy 2020 Project Map


You may be wondering why the financial benefit of customer growth isn’t covering rising costs, and it’s a valid question. The answer lies in the low average residential member’s energy consumption. In our service area, the average kilowatt hour (kWh) monthly consumption today is 1,037. This average consumption is much lower than our cooperative peers due to the growing Central Florida trend of energy efficient homes and businesses, use of natural gas appliances, and a strong increase in solar installations. Low energy consumption equals a lower monthly bill – that is good for our members. Less energy consumption and use of solar are also good for the environment. So, what’s the downside?


There are significant financial challenges to low kWh sales, even for a not-for-profit electric provider in a growth environment. We must adjust the monthly customer charge that is collected to cover the costs associated with the delivery of power and system reliability maintenance.


A recent cost of service study indicates that the cost of delivering power and maintaining infrastructure in the residential sector is nearly $35 a month. Currently, we apply an average residential customer charge of $25 a month (83 cents a day). We are bridging that gap by increasing this customer charge by 17 cents a day. Commercial account customer and demand charge increases vary based on the cost of service study. Those adjustments are detailed in our rate tariff online. These collective increases will raise total revenue by about 3.5 percent.


We have tightened our corporate belts to carefully monitor controllable expenses while striving to maintain system reliability, but as I mentioned previously and as you can see on the 2020 Project Map, new construction, upgrades and maintenance are required across our entire service territory.


In response to growth and to preserve reliability, we must build new substations, add power transformers at existing substations, upgrade voltage and conductor and convert critical overhead facilities to underground. The work plan includes building new communication towers, upgrading our radio system and installing fiber-optic cable and microwave backhaul for automated communications that facilitate faster outage restoration. To storm harden, we must support an aggressive pole replacement and vegetation management program systemwide. All of these components play critical roles in the delivery of reliable power and speedy restoration in the event of an outage.


The bottom line is that none of us like having to increase the customer charge, but it is quite necessary to ensure continued service reliability. At the same time, we are pleased that stable fuel costs are allowing a larger Hot Bucks Credit (PCA) that will offset most or all of the increase depending on your respective usage level. These changes reflect the difficult balance between affordability and reliability.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



SECO Energy Employees Pledge Donations of $70,000 for United Way


Each year, SECO Energy employees participate in an employee-funded United Way Pledge Drive. Our employees understand that local community support is needed year-round and not only during the Christmas season.


The 2020 United Way Pledge Drive was an amazing success. SECO employees pledged $70,316 to United Way agencies in ten local counties. This total increased almost seven percent over 2019.


Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties are where the bulk of our employees live and received the highest dollar amounts in donations. The breakdown by county is:


Citrus: $7,799
Lake: $14,316
Marion: $23,002
Sumter: $21,559
Other Counties (Hernando, Levy, Orange, Pasco, Polk, Volusia): $3,640


Join us in United Way’s mission to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities to advance the common good. To donate or volunteer, visit United Way online.



December 2019 SECO News Champion Kathy Judkins


Kathy Judkins – Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations


Length of Service: 12 Years



“SECO IS COMMUNITY FOCUSED.” Kathy Judkins, Sr. Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations is a fourth-generation Floridian residing in Marion County. Her role with SECO Energy focuses on the cooperative principle of Concern for Community. Kathy manages annual SECO employee-giving campaigns and is excited that SECO is nearing the $1 million United Way contribution mark in the coming year. Kathy is honored to give hope to members in our service territory through SECO employee contributions to United Way. She also manages the Toys for Tots campaign companywide and is proud of SECO employees’ efforts to bring joy to children in our service territory on Christmas. Kathy also develops relationships with State Legislators and U.S. Congress members in Washington, D.C., to engage on issues related to the energy industry that could affect SECO’s ability to provide affordable, reliable service to our members.



December 2019 SECO News Relay For Life


SECO Energy and our employees are long-time sponsors of Relay For Life events that support the American Cancer Society. Our superhero employees participated in the Sumter County Relay For Life event on Saturday, November 2. The SECO team’s theme was “Superheroes Finish The Fight.”


In 2019, SECO raised $25,655 for the American Cancer Society to support cancer research, patients and caregivers and to fight for a cure.


Learn more about Relay For Life or donate to the American Cancer Society online.



December 2019 SECO News Toys for Tots drive


SECO Energy and our employees are Making A Difference at Christmas by donating toys for local children through our Annual Marine Toys for Tots collection drive. Members also joined in the gift-giving by adding new, unwrapped toys in the donation boxes at our five Member Service Centers.


Toys donated through Toys for Tots are delivered to local children. The donated toys remain in our local communities. For many children, toys donated by our generous employees and members will be the only gifts under the Christmas tree.


SECO employees rallied to pack Santa’s sleigh by donating over 60 bicycles and tricycles for local children, along with hundreds of other gifts. New this year, SECO’s member-funded Pennies from Heaven program matched this number with additional bike purchases. It’s clear that our employees enjoy playing Santa for local children through
Toys for Tots.


Thank you to our generous employees and members who are willing to share their Christmas joy and spirit with others. Making A Difference at Christmas brings happiness to children across our area.



December 2019 SECO News Pennies from Heaven


December is the month of giving, goodwill and cheer. Keep the Christmas spirit alive in the new year by joining SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program. By joining Pennies from Heaven, SECO rounds up your bill to the nearest dollar and donates those pennies to charitable causes in the communities we serve.


The small change donated through Pennies from Heaven supports financial assistance to worthy causes in our service area. Requests for Angel Fund bill payment assistance are administered through several area agencies by calling 211 or visiting 211 online.


This year, we are excited to announce that Pennies from Heaven will purchase bicycles and tricycles to match the number donated by SECO employees! Thus far, employees donated over 60 bikes and trikes and SECO will double the amount. This means hundreds of local children will get their Christmas wish of a new bike courtesy of SECO employees and SECO members who donate to Pennies from Heaven.


Enroll in Pennies from Heaven to put your extra pennies to good use in charitable causes in our communities. Just a few cents every month can change lives. Learn more about the program or enroll online.


Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Read the full December 2019 SECO News online.

SECO News, July 2019



The dog days of summer have arrived. With warmer temperatures and increased humidity, your home’s HVAC works overtime to keep you cool. Pool pumps run for extended hours to prevent algae growth. These factors add up to increased kilowatt-hour use and higher electric bills.

May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest

SECO is your local not-for-profit electric cooperative committed to serving as your energy-efficiency partner. To help members reduce energy use, we’ve created energy-efficiency tools on our Energy Solutions menu.


Visit Energy Solutions today and complete our Home Energy Assessment. SECO designed this tool as an online audit that provides specialized energy-efficiency advice tailored to your home and lifestyle. The Home Energy Assessment is available to members 24/7. No need to wait for an appointment for an in-home audit.


To get started, input the characteristics of your home including age, construction, insulation and roof type. Include details about occupancy, type and number of windows, and exterior doors. The Home Energy Assessment will also query about completed energy-efficiency upgrades such as additional insulation, window tint, weather stripping and caulking.


After entering your home’s details, provide your email address to receive your energy-efficiency report based on your home’s specifics. It will provide low-cost ways to decrease your energy usage and your bill.


Win a prize! 1) Nest Wi-Fi Thermostat 2) Honeywell Wi-Fi Thermostat or 3) Ecobee Wi-Fi Thermostat. Members who complete the Home Energy Assessment will be entered in a drawing for the high-tech programmable thermostats listed above. Three winners will be drawn August 15.


ENERGY STAR recommends using your programmable thermostat’s energy-efficiency settings to save as much as $180 per year.


Browse the Energy Solutions tab for other energy-efficiency tools. Our Energy Estimator calculates the amount of energy and cost for electronics and appliances.


It’s pretty handy if you’re thinking of adding a pool, charging a golf cart or installing a refrigerator in the garage or lanai.


SECO is proud to serve as your energy-efficiency partner.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer


Sponsorships & Donations July 2019 SECO News

SECO Energy is a strong corporate citizen. Our cooperative supports programs based on commitment to the key cooperative principle “Concern for Community.” SECO Energy is also a not-for-profit utility. We do not have the deep pockets of investor-owned, for-profit organizations. Thus, we partner with organizations whose culture and programs align with our core values and purpose.


Annually, we ally with United Way chapters to facilitate employee pledging. Over the years, employees have donated $860,000. In addition, SECO provides quarterly allocations from our Pennies from Heaven program to fund local agencies for bill payment assistance for members in need.


Over the holidays, we sponsor a Toys for Tots drive, and our Member Service Centers are designated drop off locations. Our employees are annual, generous supporters of the program, donating hundreds of bikes, trikes and toys over the years.


SECO is also a strong corporate participant in the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life events raising $132,000 over the last decade. Based on our headquarters’ location, we belong to the Sumter County Relay program but we also provide funding to other counties’ Relay programs on a pro-rata basis.


To request that SECO sponsor or donate to your organization, please use our new Contact Us form. Submissions based on these focuses will be considered:


Educational STEM Projects
Environmental Projects
Energy-Related Projects
Veterans Initiatives
Public Safety Programs
Health/Human Services


Please note SECO does not sponsor individual sports teams or booster club initiatives, as there are thousands across our service territory. SECO participates in golf tournaments selectively if we can set up a booth to engage with members. We fund initiatives in our seven-county footprint of Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Levy, Marion, Pasco and Sumter.


Individual bill payment, basic need or job training assistance is offered by Florida 211 and funded by our Pennies from Heaven program. Members can call or text 211 to request assistance.

Surge MitiGator free installation July 2019 SECO News

Take the bite out of damaging power surges and spikes with SECO Energy’s “Made in the USA” Surge MitiGator. Power surges are sudden, powerful increases in voltage which can damage or destroy household appliances and electronic devices. The most obvious cause of surges is lightning, but birds, small animals, trees or vehicles crashing into power poles are culprits as well.


Protect your home’s large appliances by leasing or purchasing SECO’s Surge MitiGator. Enroll online through August 30th and installation (a $25 value) is free. Lease the Surge MitiGator for $5.95 per month or purchase for $349 (standard 200-amp service). For residential services greater than 200 amps, the purchase price is $399 with $75 installation. Studies indicate that more than half of all surges actually originate from inside the home so be sure to also purchase point-of-use devices at your local hardware or big box store to protect your electronics.


Learn more about SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator online. Protect your home’s appliances from surges – lease or purchase the Surge MitiGator today.

SECO Champion Dustin Merritt July 2019 SECO News






“SECO HELPS MEMBERS.” A Central Florida native raising four children in Webster with his wife Kimberly, Dustin has worked for SECO for 15 years. His SECO career began as a meter reader, and he eventually worked his way into Energy Services. Dustin was promoted to Supervisor of the Surge Protection Program in 2018. He is responsible for oversight of his team and SECO’s surge protection contractor. Dustin enjoys the opportunity to help and educate members. He and his team advocate the Surge MitiGator™ as protection against surges that may enter a home through power lines. Surges may occur due to downed lines, car accidents, animal contact or lightning strikes, and our surge protection ring installed at the meter base provides a layer of protection for large motor driven appliances in the home. Visit with Dustin or one of his team members by emailing Surge.

Winners' Circle July 2019 SECO News

Congratulations to Norma Jean Bottoms from Paisley who is the winner of the Microsoft Surface Go! Ms. Bottoms registered to join America’s electric cooperatives’ advocacy hub the Cooperative Action Network. You too can become a key voice for electric co-ops to protect affordable, reliable energy in Florida. Visit to learn more.


Hundreds of members played 2018 Annual Report trivia with SECO on our Facebook page. Our three winners are: Jonathan Dove from Clermont won the Apple iPad; the $200 bill credit went to Rosalie Wilke from Ocala; and Carolyn Wheelis from Sorrento won the Honeywell Wi-Fi thermostat. Congratulations, winners!


Read the full July 2019 SECO News online.

SECO Raises $16,600 for ACS at Annual Relay For Life Golf Tournament

SECO Energy hosted its sixth Annual Relay For Life Golf Tournament at Arlington Ridge in Leesburg on Saturday, May 4. Thanks to generous sponsors and players, the golf tournament was a great success. Over 60 golfers joined SECO’s cause to “Tee-up for a Cure.”


Approximately $16,600 in donations was raised for the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) effort to find cures for cancer and to reduce the burden of the disease in our community. “Each year, we’ve seen a steady increase in the number of golfers and sponsors participating in our golf tournament. The golfers have a fun day on the green supporting this worthy cause,” said Kathy Judkins, SECO Energy Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable and Government Relations.


Golf tournament participants enjoyed a variety of competitions in addition to 18 holes of scramble golf tournament play. Activities included 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winning teams, a men’s and women’s longest drive, longest putt, and closest-to-the-pin game. The event concluded with a hearty lunch and an awards ceremony.


1st place winners – Mathew Woolf, David Woolf, Tyler Wingate, and Todd Blair
2nd place winners – Alan Campos, Kevin Rohr, Darryl Gonzalez, and Nick Reaves
3rd Place winners – Erin Quinn, Mark Grant, Byon Smiddy, and Thomas Gough
Men’s Longest Drive – Ben Pauluhn
Women’s Longest Drive – DJ Hamilton
Longest Putt – Alice Dickard
Men’s Closest-to-the-pin – Luke Pearce
Women’s Closest-to-the-pin – Janet Cox


“This event would not be possible without the sponsorships we received from the business community, our vendors and partners, our large group of golfers and our SECO employee volunteers. A huge thank you goes out to everyone who was instrumental in making the golf tournament an exciting and successful fundraising event,” said CEO Jim Duncan.


Thank you to the following sponsors for supporting the SECO Energy 6th Annual Relay For Life Golf Tournament: Electric Supply, Inc.; RadWear Designs; Power Services, Inc.; Conrad Tree Service; Substation Engineering & Design; Cap & Associates; McFarland Cascade; Barker Law Office; Florida Utility Services; GRESCO; Tri-State; Catfish Johnny’s; John Carter & Associates; IT Resources; Nelson Tree Service, LLC; Pike; Power Services; Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc.; Sparks; Salescorp of Florida, Inc; and SubGrid Solutions.


SECO encourages the community to join the virtual SECO Energy Team and to attend Sumter County’s upcoming Relay For Life event at South Sumter High School, 706 N. Main Street, Bushnell, FL on November 2, 2019.

SECO News, April 2019



At year-end 2018, your not-for-profit cooperative served 205,644 members with reliable, safe, affordable power. The communities SECO Energy serves in our seven-county area are growing. You and your fellow members consumed over 3.14 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) last year – an increase of 184 million kWh over 2017.

SECO News Duncan's Digest 2019


We welcomed 5,161 new members in 2018. SECO invested over $3.3 million per month to maintain, inspect and build new infrastructure to reach new members and improve system reliability. The total investment in facilities tops $878.7 million.


Much of our growth can be attributed to The Villages expansion in Sumter County but other counties are prospering as well. 23% of last year’s new growth occurred in Marion County and 32% was attributed to Lake County. 43% of the growth falls in Sumter County, and SECO’s 2019 work plan aligns with that ongoing development.


This month, I’m highlighting a noteworthy system improvement project – the $3 million Federal substation expansion in Sumter County along County Road 501. Federal’s expansion is impressive – tripling its size – making it the largest in SECO’s territory to keep pace with growth in The Villages of Fenney, Southern Oaks and the Turnpike area.


The existing substation was rebuilt in 2017. A new control house was installed. The high and low side bus work was rebuilt, the sub was completely rewired and expanded foundations were poured.


In this state-of-the-art substation, we are adding two 56 MVA power transformers for a total of three, and building eight new distribution feeders for a total of 12 to serve more members. Federal serves 3,000 members – my home included. After expansion, capacity will increase ten-fold to potentially power 30,000 members’ homes.


Safeguarding this multi-million-dollar investment is a relay protection scheme programmed to protect the substation and power transformers to keep the sub operational. SECO Relay Technicians like Travis Taylor (who you’ll read about as this month’s SECO Champion) compute the limits feeders can distribute and the amount of fault current feeders can absorb and continue to operate safely.


Power transformers provide the proper voltage to members served by the substation. When unexpected outages occur, a car hits a pole or a tree falls on the line, relays operate and try to clear the fault/interruption detected on the line. A power blink is the relay scheme in action, interrupting power and restoring quickly. If the fault still exists after the blink, the relay shuts the power flow to protect the transformers as well as the downline breakers and equipment.


Like the substation itself, the relay scheme is high-tech. Federal will be equipped with an auto-restore scheme. If a power transformer is nonoperational, a transformer in the substation will automatically pick up the load in less than a minute. Thus, members may see a blink instead of a full outage. The transmission lines will be fully looped – meaning if a fault occurs on one side of the transmission line, another side will automatically pick up the load and members won’t know a problem occurred.


SECO’s 48 substations are inspected monthly. Crews visually inspect all material, run diagnostic tests and view equipment through an infrared camera that detects temperature variations. Equipment that is out of normal temperature ranges is inspected and replaced or repaired.


Along with monthly maintenance, substations undergo a major overhaul every eight years. Our techs test relays, breakers and transformers. Test records help build trends over time. Every year, a dissolved gas analysis is conducted on all substation power transformers. Techs take a sample of the oil found in the transformers and test for arcing, which is the first sign of failure. Samples are tested in-house at our mini lab and sent away for further analysis if dangerous gases are present and degradation is suspected.


Federal is one of many system improvement projects scheduled this year. The Marion Oaks substation is being completely rebuilt, and we’re upgrading the Ocala Park substation. Major maintenance is happening at the Clermont, Haines Creek, Inverness, Linadale, Mount Dora and The Villages substations.


Improving reliability and keeping power affordable for you and your family are top priorities at SECO.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



April 2019 SECO News Travis Taylor SECO Champion

Meet SECO Champion Travis Taylor – an example of our 400+ SECO Champion employees. Travis is dedicated to providing exceptional service to members, co-workers and communities.






“SECO is reliable.”



SECO Champion Travis Taylor is a 1st Class Relay Technician stationed in Sumterville. As a Relay Technician, he commissions, tests and maintains the equipment in SECO’s substations. A Florida native originally from Apopka, Travis and his wife have two young sons and make their home on the eastern side of SECO’s territory in Mount Dora. Travis and his family are active at their local church. Travis’ work at the Federal substation is instrumental in bringing its two new power transformers and expanded member capacity online. When Federal’s expansion is complete it will be the largest substation in SECO’s territory.


April 2019 SECO News Join the Relay For Life Virtual Team



SECO Energy is a proud, long-time supporter of the American Cancer Society by participating in local Relay For Life events. Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s premier event.


This year, we are asking members to join a virtual SECO Relay For Life team established in your local community.


By partnering with SECO’s virtual Relay For Life team, you become a member of an organization of 3.5 million survivors, patients, advocates, volunteers, caregivers and researchers doing everything within our power to save lives.


You can participate virtually and/or in person. To join a SECO Energy team, visit Relay Events, look for “Find a Participant or Team” and choose “Team.” Enter team name: “SECO Energy” and click “Search.” Choose your local Relay event to join one of SECO’s teams, donate or dedicate a luminaria.


Join SECO Energy and the American Cancer Society today!


April 2019 SECO News call Before You Dig 811



Planting a garden or a tree? Call 811 before you dig. In Florida, it’s the law.


Sunshine 811 is a free service that locates and marks underground utilities, keeping you and your family safe from digging into buried electric, natural gas, telephone or water lines. Know what’s below – dial 811 or visit Sunshine 811 online to request utility locating assistance.


April 2019 SECO News Tree Line USA 12 Years Growing



We are proud to announce that SECO Energy has earned the Tree Line USA Utility distinction from the Arbor Day Foundation. Your cooperative has been named a Tree Line USA Utility now for 12 consecutive years!


The Arbor Day Foundation created the Tree Line USA program to recognize public and private utilities for practices that protect and enhance America’s urban forests. A collaboration of the Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters, Tree Line USA promotes the dual goals of delivering safe and reliable electricity while maintaining healthy community trees.


To be named a Tree Line USA Utility, SECO follows the Arbor Day Foundation’s standards that include quality tree care, annual worker training, tree planting and public education, tree-based energy conservation programs and participation in an annual Arbor Day celebration event.


Read the full April 2019 SECO News online.

SECO Energy Raises $29,462 for Relay For Life’s “Hunt for a Cure”

SECO Energy joined the movement of fighting cancer with its “Hunting for A Cure” team slogan during the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life annual fundraising campaign. Year after year, SECO’s employees enthusiastically adhere to one the cooperative’s core values – Commitment to Community – by supporting local community projects and causes. This year, SECO employees, vendors and partners reflect this principle by generously donating more than $29,462 to the American Cancer Society (ACS) of Citrus, Marion Lake and Sumter Counties – doubling its set goal and raising over half of Sumter County’s ACS goal.


ACS Community Development Manager Katrina Baggett stated, “I am excited to see a small community such as Sumter County make such a huge impact for the American Cancer Society. The Sumter County Relay For Life set out in September of 2017 to reach a goal of $50,000 and by the end of the event on April 28, 2018, that goal had been met. Sumter County is not only crushing goals on the local level, but is helping ACS with the overall goal of crushing cancer.”


Several fun-filled SECO employee activities including the April 21 SECO sponsored golf tournament at Arlington Ridge, pushed the company’s fundraising efforts beyond its goal. Over 60 players and their respective companies committed to sponsorships valued at over $10,500. These funds were donated to ACS to find cures for cancer and reduce the burden of the disease on our community, co-workers, friends and family members. “We salute our sponsors and our participants, who joined us for a fun day of “Hunting for a Cure” on the green,” said SECO employee and Relay For Life team member Lisa Perryman.


On April 28, SECO’s Team joined a community gathering of volunteers, caregivers and survivors at the Relay For Life walk held at the Sumter County Fairgrounds. SECO employees Danielle Booker and Donna Etts created a “Hunting for a Cure” campsite. Relay team members played fun games and took turns walking themed laps during the 10-hour event signifying a cancer patient’s non-stop fight. At the Relay, two members of the SECO Team honored as cancer survivors took part in a special lap.


SECO also matched the first $10 of its employees online team contribution and supported other fundraisers in the first quarter that raised ACS funds. The company sold camouflage t-shirts with the “Hunting for a Cure” theme, held a silent auction and other drawings. Participation resulted in record-breaking ACS fundraising for SECO.


The SECO team and the Relay For Life purpose is to support those currently battling cancer, honor those that have fought the battle and won and remember those who have lost their fight against cancer. Proceeds help the ACS make an international impact on cancer.


SECO’s Relay Team Captain Elizabeth Beagle spoke during the April 28 Relay For Life event on SECO’s behalf as a presenting sponsor. Beagle stated, “SECO has supported Relay For Life for 16 years and has raised over $124,000 for ACS. I am truly humbled by each employee’s effort to make this a successful campaign. Thank you SECO for continuing to adhere to our core values to support the Relay For Life event year after year.”


Visit SECO’s Community page online to learn more about SECO’s community involvement. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Team Raises $22,000 for Relay For Life

SECO Energy’s Relay For Life Team raised $22,000 to advance the fight against cancer at Sumter County’s Relay For Life Event at the Sumter County Fairgrounds on Saturday, April 8. SECO Energy is a Silver Sponsor of the event and became the top fundraising business in Sumter County.


The SECO Team joined hundreds of volunteers at the Relay For Life walk. The purpose of the Relay For Life event is to remember those who have lost their fight against cancer, honor cancer survivors, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society make a global impact on cancer. Relay team members take turns walking during the 6 to 24-hour-event to symbolize a cancer patient’s non-stop fight. At the Relay, two members of the SECO Team were honored as cancer survivors to take part in a special lap.


This year, the SECO Team’s slogan was “Taking Aim at a Cure” and visitors to the site were treated to an old-fashioned patriotic country-fair experience. The team sold hamburgers, cotton candy, snow cones and drinks. The SECO Team sold chances to win a YETI® Tundra, donated by SECO Energy.


Toward the end of the night, the lights turn off for a very special lap, the Luminaria lap. The Luminaria lap is a quiet, solemn lap lit by hundreds of Luminaria bags, dedicated to honor or remember loved ones who fought or are fighting cancer. SECO purchased 21 Luminaria bags for its employees to personalize and remember their family and friends.


SECO Energy Team Raises $22,000 for Relay For Life


SECO’s Relay for Life Co-Captain, Meagan Thurston, who is also a SECO Human Resources Generalist, stated, “SECO has supported Relay for Life for 15 years and has raised over $95,000 for the American Cancer Society. This year, we are proud to reach the Sapphire fundraising level for the first time. It’s refreshing to be part of an organization that puts our community first. Thank you SECO for continuing to support the Relay For Life event year after year.”


Visit SECO Energy’s Community page to learn more about SECO’s community involvement. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Employees Raise $12,000 at Relay for Life

On Friday, April 29, SECO’s team of employee volunteers participated in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Fundraiser for Sumter County. Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature event; and it raises donations that contribute to cancer research as well as providing support for cancer patients and their caregivers.


This year’s theme was “Stopping Cancer in its Tracks,” inspired by the iconic television show Soul Train. SECO team members and other volunteers boogied through the night and into the morning to represent their commitment to continue the fight against cancer. The SECO team’s fundraising efforts paid off. It raised over $12,000 for the American Cancer Society.


The SECO team danced to the DJ and brought the ‘70s back to life with bright lights, disco balls and psychedelic colors. SECO Energy’s Service Center Manager Donna Etts and Accounting Analyst Tanya Mikeals wore the grooviest costumes of the night and won the ‘70s themed costume contest.


SECO Energy Employees Raise $12,000 at Relay for Life


The SECO team members took turns walking or running laps to remind the community that cancer never sleeps. At the event, SECO team members walked special laps dedicated to cancer survivors and patient caregivers. A quiet memorial lap was walked in honor of loved ones who have lost their cancer fight. The memorial lap is particularly moving to many SECO team members.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO supports the communities it serves through strong corporate citizenship efforts. SECO employees embody the cooperative spirit by playing an active role in the communities where they live through volunteering and monetary donations. SECO employees make a difference in their communities every day.”


For more information about SECO Energy and its corporate citizenship, visit