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SECO News February 2022


Wynn’s Wire



Dear Members,


It is my distinct pleasure to be serving as your new SECO Energy CEO. My energy-industry career is rooted in Florida. From 1981 to 1997, I worked at West Florida Electric Cooperative. My tenure culminated there as Vice President of Member Services, Information Technology, Marketing and Economic Development. After that, I served as President and CEO of Roanoke Electric Cooperative in North Carolina.


My wife Selene and I have three children. I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration and Management Information Systems from Troy University. With an electric cooperative career that spans almost 42 years, I am honored to step into the shoes of your previous CEO Jim Duncan. Furthermore, I am grateful to SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees for its confidence in me in not only preserving Mr. Duncan’s legacy of success but also supporting the cooperative through immediate and long-term challenges involving supply chain, fast-changing technology, rapidly rising labor costs and other issues that can place cost pressure on a utility and its ratepayers.


In Board of Trustees President Richard Dennison’s column in last month’s SECO News, he humbled me by citing much of my past board service and history. That service and other energy-efficiency and community-partner projects are accomplishments that have prepared me for a very busy future at SECO, encouraging the use of electric vehicles, embracing an advanced meter infrastructure (AMI) and increasing our philanthropic outreach to help those in our community who are less fortunate and also to create energy-efficiency opportunities that lower our wholesale cost of power and help members save energy and money on their electric bills at the same time. My list is longer – but those items are my main objectives in the first portion of my tenure at SECO.


I’m excited about the future here in Central Florida, working at a fast-growing, not-for-profit cooperative that focuses on competitive rates and reliable service. Technology is key to our ability to maintain that focus, and I will be using SECO News, the website and social media to communicate our plans to you. I hope you like the name of the new CEO column (Wynn’s Wire was voted as a favorite name through an employee survey). The word “wire” has many different meanings and uses in our industry, but for our purposes – it is a line of communication to ensure we are serving your needs well.


Contact Us on our website if you have a member-service or billing-related question. We typically respond within two business days. If you have a specific question for me as the new CEO, you can click on the Management Team website section. Just hover over my photo and select the Contact button. Transparency is essential, and I want you to know I am accessible if needed.


Best regards,


Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News February 2022 Advice From The Old Farmer's Almanac

Advice from The Old Farmer’s Almanac


Ready to brighten up your lawn for spring and attract butterflies, too? The Old Farmer’s Almanac advises that a natural fertilizer is best and to apply before it rains. Don’t cut grass too low during the summer. Taller grass resists drought. Invest in a sprinkler timer or a rain gauge to save water. Water your lawn in the early morning or evening. Reduce mowing by planting flowers and herbs that attract butterflies instead. Flowers and plants such as aster, bee balm, daylily, honeysuckle, lilac, and snapdragon will bring color to your yard. At the same time, dill, mint, oregano, and parsley can lure butterflies to visit and add flavor in the kitchen.


Read this month’s Florida Fauna & Flora to learn more about Florida’s state insect, the Zebra Butterfly.


SECO News February 2022 MyWay Prepay Payment Fee Alert

MyWay PrePay Payment Fee Alert


For members enrolled in SECO Energy’s MyWay PrePay program, effective April 1, there will be a $3 fee for each transaction over five transactions in a 30-day calendar month. This fee affects only members who have a prepaid account type, and the reasoning is cost-conscious processing of payments. Members with a prepaid account are encouraged to self-manage through our online account manager SmartHub and closely watch their usage and prepaid balance.


The $3 fee for each transaction over five within a 30-day calendar month is applied to all payment processors that accept payment on a prepaid account. If you want to unenroll from the prepaid program, the account may be subject to a security deposit. Just reach out to us via our Customer Service email or select Contact Us on the website to start the discussion.



SECO News February 2022 Agent-Assisted Payment Arrangement Fee Alert

Agent-Assisted Payment Arrangement Fee Alert


On occasion, members request a payment arrangement to extend their billing due date. SECO has two automated tools (self-serve options) that make requesting an arrangement free, simple and convenient. Accounts must meet eligibility requirements.


By phone, call and speak to Electra, our automated IVR phone assistant. Call talkdesk3527933801 and say, “Payment Arrangement.” Electra can assist you 24/7, and there’s no need to speak to a member service rep. Also available 24/7, you can request a payment arrangement on our website. Log into SmartHub, click the Billing & Payments tab and choose the Payment Extensions option.


Effective April 1, there will be a $5 fee for members who request live agent assistance or an exception for repeat payment arrangements.



SECO News October 2020 EV Charger Winner!

EV Charger Winner


The latest SECO Energy Level 2 EV Charger winner is ARLEN COLBERT from TAVARES. To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner. Visit our Electric Vehicles website section to learn more about the benefits of owning an EV.



September SECO News Safety Corner

Safety Corner – Electricity and Play Don’t Mix


Safety is our number one core value at SECO Energy. Electricity is naturally dangerous. Warn your children and grandchildren about the dangers of electricity inside and outside the home.




• Do not remove or play with outlet covers or switch plates.
• Invest in outlet plug covers in areas where young children can reach.
• Do not allow children to plug or unplug electrical cords.
• Do not allow children to use appliances such as toasters, crock pots, vacuums or hair dryers unattended.
• Repair or dispose of fraying extension cords. Children may handle and be injured.




• Do not allow children to play on or near electric equipment.
• Never allow children to climb trees growing near overhead power lines. Call SECO, and we’ll inspect the trees to see if they need to be trimmed.
• Keep kites, balloons and toy planes far from overhead equipment.
• Do not enter or play near substations.


Protect the little ones in your life from the dangers of electricity. Children are curious and have active minds, quick legs and small hands and fingers. Learn more about how to be safe around electricity with our electrical safety tips on our website.


Read the full February 2022 SECO News online.

SECO News, August 2017

SECO News, August 2017 - Duncan's Digest, Third JD Power Award


Duncan’s Digest

Third J.D. Power Award!!


Thank you, members, for honoring SECO Energy with a third J.D. Power award. J.D. Power’s 2017 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study, has once again ranked your not-for-profit electric cooperative “Highest in Customer Satisfaction among Electric Cooperatives.” Our 2017 trophy marks a three-year streak of J.D. Power awards for SECO Energy’s customer satisfaction.


In 2015, J.D. Power named SECO “Highest in Customer Satisfaction among Midsize Utilities in the South.” The next year, J.D. Power placed cooperatives in a separate category and the cooperative set its sights on another win. We accomplished our original goal with a second win in 2016. And this year, we far exceeded our original goal with a third win, gaining the top spot and earning our “Triple Crown.”


The J.D. Power study measures customer satisfaction with electric utility companies by examining six factors:

  • Power Quality and Reliability
  • Price
  • Billing and Payment
  • Corporate Citizenship
  • Communications
  • Customer Service


SECO’s 2017 overall score is an incredible 789, which is a 20-point increase from our 2016 score.


SECO News, August 2017 - Duncan's Digest, Third JD Power Award, Triple Crown, visit for more information


How does SECO continue to rise above the competition and retain its customer satisfaction crown? The quick answer is the 400+ employees who make SECO the nation’s top electric cooperative. SECO employees are the best in the state, if not the nation. Our local employees are your friends, neighbors and family. SECO employees are the heart of the cooperative and without them, awards and recognition wouldn’t be possible.


I am beyond grateful for our employees and their dedication to not only customer satisfaction, but their dedication to our members. I am also thankful for the forward-thinking vision of our executive leadership team and the SECO Board Members who oversee the governance of the cooperative.


This third J.D. Power award culminates a decade-long effort to increase reliability, maintain low rates and provide world-class customer service to members. I am humbled by the praise and goodwill from our members and privileged to be employed by the best electric cooperative in the country.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer


SECO News, August 2017 - Right Tree Right Place


Right Tree Right Place


Trees interfering with power lines are a leading cause of unexpected outages. When trees contact power lines they can create sparks, fires, shock hazards and as mentioned previously – power outages. To avoid these problems, SECO has developed a holistic Vegetation Management program that includes regular tree trimming and educating members about how trees save energy and reduce monthly bills.


Don’t plant trees close to power lines. Consider how tall the tree will be when it is mature. Plant small ornamental trees or shrubs at least 15 feet away from lines and plant the tallest trees at least 70 feet away. That small oak sapling planted today may one day grow into a majestic live oak towering 80 feet in the air.


SECO also encourages members to plant the right tree in the right place to reduce annual energy costs. Planting deciduous trees to the south, southwest or west side will provide your home with shade during the summer, which reduces your cooling costs. To reduce heating costs, plant evergreens and shrubs on the north and west sides of your home to block winter winds.


Learn more about how trees can reduce energy costs and tree planting ideas at


SECO News, August 2017 - Safety Corner: Move Over Law


Safety Corner


Move Over Law


When you see an emergency vehicle, tow truck, sanitation crew or utility vehicle on the road shoulder with lights flashing, do you reduce your speed or move over a lane?


You should. In fact, under Florida’s Move Over Law it’s mandatory. Utility workers, law enforcement personnel, EMTs and sanitation workers are at risk of being injured or killed by vehicles traveling at high rates of speed when working on the road shoulder.


SECO technicians routinely park near roadways and are particularly vulnerable to careless/distracted drivers who cause accidents. It is common to see a SECO Energy line technician replacing a pole or repairing lines while inside a bucket that is 40 or 50 feet aloft. Oftentimes this mid-air roadside work takes place in the dark and during thunderstorms. Technicians are focused on their assigned tasks and working safely, they may not be able to get out of the way if a vehicle crashes into their work area.


On a multi-lane road, the Move Over Law requires drivers to move over a lane away from the vehicle on the shoulder. If you cannot move over safely, the law
requires you to reduce your speed to 20 mph below the posted speed limit. On two lane roads where there isn’t a lane to move over into, the law requires you to reduce your speed to 20 mph below the posted speed limit. Drivers can be ticketed for failure to comply with the Move Over Law, which will cost you over $100, add points to your driving record and raise your insurance premiums.


Please do your part to ensure workers return home safely to their loved ones. Pay attention to the road, don’t text while driving, move over and slow down for emergency vehicles – it’s the law.


SECO News, August 2017 - Energy Savings: Solar Window Screens


Energy Savings


Solar Window Screens


Florida summers certainly offer chances for fun in the sun, but when humidity is at 100% and temps reach the triple-degree mark, energy bills increase. The sun’s heat transfers through your windows and raises the temperature inside your home. In turn, your HVAC unit runs more often and uses more energy – thus raising your electric bill.


What low-cost step can you take to prevent heat transfer into your home? Install solar window screens. Indoor shading techniques such as curtains and blinds block light and heat after it is already inside your home. Solar screens fight heat transfer through your windows on the outside of your home. These screens are designed to reflect up to 90% of the sun’s heat and glare before it enters your home without compromising visibility. Solar screens also provide a level of daytime privacy by preventing outsiders from peeking in your windows. The heavy screens provide a level of bug protection as well.


Solar screens come in a variety of colors to complement the aesthetics of your home. Visit our website for additional tips to reduce energy usage and lower your monthly bills.


Read the full August 2017 SECO News here.


SECO News, May 2017

SECO News, May 2017 - Duncan's Digest, Storm Ready

Duncan’s Digest – Storm Ready


Atlantic Hurricane season is just around the corner – beginning on June 1. The Old Farmer’s Almanac advises us to watch for tropical storm threats in mid-May, predicts a rainy summer and forecasts the possibility of hurricanes in September. Colorado State University’s Tropical Meteorology study was recently released and it calls for the number of named storms and hurricanes to be slightly below historical averages. Still, per NOAA’s Hurricane Research Division, the U.S. averages one to two hurricane landfalls each season, so we have to prepare even with a below average hurricane forecast.


“Storm Ready” isn’t just a slogan. We invest in and prepare for the worst, but hope and pray for the best. “Storm Ready” is using social media to update members about severe weather and its possible impact to our service area. “Storm Ready” is SECO’s System Operations Center that is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. “Storm Ready” means that Operations crews and support staff are available for restoration around-the-clock. “Storm Ready” means that local Call Centers and Member Service Centers are fully staffed to help you weather the storm.


SECO can help you get your family “Storm Ready” as well. Visit our website’s Storm Preparation section for an Emergency Checklist. Before inclement weather arrives, bookmark SECO’s Storm Center page on your smartphone or tablet in case you need to report a power outage, and update your primary contact phone number and email address through your online account (called SmartHub at “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” the cooperative on Twitter for weather information and warnings.


It’s time to check your emergency kit – now. Make sure your supplies are fully stocked and that medicines, water and foodstuffs aren’t out-of-date. Remember, emergency supplies sell out quickly when storms and hurricanes are imminent.


SECO News, May 2017 - Duncan's Digest, Storm Ready


During the 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season, Florida Governor Rick Scott engaged with utility leaders collaboratively and encouraged us across the state to work together to restore all consumers’ power as quickly as possible. “Storm Ready” also applies to SECO’s willingness to lend a hand to assist our fellow cooperatives, as well as state municipal and investor-owned utilities when possible. In February, SECO assisted Clay Electric Cooperative when its members were affected by widespread outages due to a strong storm. Since SECO’s system held up well in that storm and the few members who experienced outages had their service restored the same day, the SECO team jumped into action and sent 20 employees to help restore power to Clay members.


SECO News, May 2017- Annual Meeting Recap


Annual Meeting Recap


Attendance boomed at SECO Energy’s 79th Annual Meeting of the Membership on Saturday, March 25. Thousands of members, guests, vendors and VIPs enjoyed hot breakfast biscuits, sweet treats, energy efficiency displays, live entertainment, gifts and a chance to win grand prizes and various door prizes. Members received a copy of SECO’s 2016 Annual Report and a gift bag with two commemorative insulated steel tumblers. SECO and its wholesale power provider Seminole Electric distributed over 6,000 LED bulbs to members. Members visited SECO’s vendor-partners who were on hand to display their energy-saving products and services in the Energy Showcase.


Margo Rochelle & Rodeo Drive provided live entertainment, playing current country tunes and old favorites while members sang along and line danced. A special character, LED Lucy, brightened the day with her antics and smiles.


Members took home loads of door prizes. The grand prizes up for grabs were four cash prizes, a refurbished Dodge Dakota truck, and a refurbished electric golf cart.


SECO News, May 2017- Annual Meeting , pictures form 79th annual meeting of SECO Members


This year’s grand prize winners are:

  • Michael Niemiec from Inverness won the refurbished 2005 Dodge Dakota truck.
  • Lake Panasoffkee’s Shannon Jessup was the winner of the refurbished electric golf cart from The Villages Golf Carts.
  • The Villages resident Edward Maffuccio was the happy winner of the $1,500 cash prize.
  • Clark Smith from Webster won the $1,000 cash prize.
  • Christine Bartow from The Villages and Edward James from Leesburg both won a $500 cash prize.


Congratulations to all winners, and thank you for attending the event. Mark your calendar, as next year’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 17, 2018. Hope you can join us for our 80th Annual Meeting!


SECO News, May 2017 - Save Money Save Energy


Save Energy, Save Money


Summer is almost here – set your HVAC thermostat at 78 or higher in the summer and always keep your fan setting on “Auto.” Invest in a programmable thermostat and save $180 annually per ENERGY STAR®.


SECO News, May 2017 - Safety Corner, Downed Power Lines


Safety Corner – Downed Power Lines


Always assume overhead power lines are live and dangerous – even when lines and poles are downed during storms or accidents. Warn children to never touch a downed line with any part of their body or another object such as a stick or bat. Instruct children to leave the area immediately and call for help if they see a downed line.


Read the full May 2017 SECO News here.

SECO News, April 2017

SECO News, April 2017, Duncan's Digest Substation Buzz

Duncan’s Digest: SUBSTATION BUZZ


When I first started working in the energy industry, I was convinced that the linemen had their own language and it wasn’t English. As a financial guy, industry terms like “feeder,” “backfeed,” and “step-up and step-down,” frankly didn’t make much sense. But, as my career continued and I became engrossed in energy, I now use these terms and more on a regular basis. I thought it might be interesting for you to have more insight into the energy industry at SECO.


Substations are a visible and integral part of our nation’s electric grid. If you think of a generating plant as the brains of the operation, then substations are the heart. Substations serve many functions, transforming high-voltage to low-voltage or vice versa as power flows through them – almost instantaneously.


Substations are an essential component of the grid’s connection as the link between the transmission and distribution portions of an electric system. Substations are key to performing electric system maintenance and balancing the flow of power during irregular operations.


How do the components of the grid work together? As a SECO member, the electricity you use is created at Seminole Electric (a generation and transmission cooperative) power plant and then supplied to a transmission substation near the plant.


The transmission substation increases or “steps-up” the voltage in order for the generated power to travel hundreds of miles via large transmission lines to a SECO substation. Upon arrival, voltage is decreased or stepped-down and sent on its way in multiple directions through SECO’s distribution lines. Along the distribution lines, additional transformers decrease the voltage again before it is ready to energize the homes and businesses SECO serves.


The SECO and Seminole connected electric grid can be thought of as a highway system. Generating plants, transmission lines, substations and distribution lines are all connected – which is a benefit to you. Interconnection allows other substations to pick up load when another substation or distribution line is in high demand. This keeps the energy flowing freely and uniformly on the grid.


Interconnected substations in our service area allow SECO’s Operations crews to restore power quickly and safely to members. When a substation or major line (that we refer to as a feeder) suffers an outage, SECO’s System Control Coordinators can use the interconnected grid to program another substation to pick up the load or “backfeed” service to the meters that lost power. System Control Coordinators also use backfeeding to keep SECO members in service when a substation, transmission or distribution line requires routine maintenance.


At the heart of SECO’s 2,000-square mile territory, are the 48 substations that supply power to almost 200,000 SECO members. SECO owns, inspects and maintains over 12,000 miles of electric lines that represent an almost 800-million-dollar investment.


According to the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab), electricity moves almost as fast as the speed of light – about 173,000 miles per second. When you turn on a light in your home, the power to run that light was actually created less than one second ago.


Last year, you and your fellow members consumed over 3.239 billion, yes billion, kilowatt hours. Providing safe, reliable electric service to members is one of our top priorities. And our expertly designed, soundly built, well-maintained, sophisticated system allows us to do just that. On behalf of myself and 400+ SECO employees, it is our pleasure serving as your energy provider.


SECO News, April 2017, Ways to pay

Ways to Pay


SECO offers members several convenient ways to pay your monthly energy bill. Whether you stop by, drive-thru or log in – SECO has a payment option that is right for you.


Pay online with SmartHub – available online or via mobile application, SmartHub is a tech savvy member’s preferred payment choice. Using SmartHub, members can view and pay their bill, enroll in bank draft, update account information and compare energy usage by month or year.


Pay by Bank Draft – Seasonal members appreciate the convenience of having their monthly bill automatically drafted from a bank account of their choice. Thousands of others depend on bank draft to keep their account current with little effort on their part. Sign up through SmartHub today.


Your Bank’s Online Bill Payment – You can also choose to pay your energy bill through your bank’s online bill payment system. When setting up the payment, have your bill available to enter the key information like the account number and SECO’s payment address.


Pay in Person – SECO’s five Member Service Centers have walk-in and drive-thru access available. Some offices have payment kiosks available 24/7 that accept cash, debit and credit cards.


Pay by Phone – Call 1-877-371-9382 24 hours a day, seven days a week to pay by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, debit card or electronic check.


Pay Now – Need to make a quick one-time payment now? PayNow (a quick feature of SmartHub) is available for members to pay online without actually registering for a SmartHub account.


Pay by Mail – Members can mail their monthly payments to:
SECO Energy P.O. Box 31634
Tampa, FL 33631-3634.


My Way PrePay – The program is perfect for SECO members on a budget. Members who enroll in My Way PrePay pay for their energy before use. Register with SmartHub and pay online, by phone or through a kiosk. No deposit required.


Fidelity Xpresspay – Pay your SECO bill through a Fidelity Xpresspay location in Central Florida. For a list of payment centers call 1-800-621-8030 or visit Processing time is approximately two days. This payment option is not recommended for MyWay PrePay members or those who have received a disconnect notice. There is a $1.50 processing fee per payment.


MoneyGram – Another option available is MoneyGram. MoneyGram has locations in Central Florida and is recommended for MyWay PrePay members who aren’t using SmartHub. Visit to learn more or find a location near you. There is a $1.50 processing fee per payment.


Explore SECO’s ways to pay, find an office location or sign up for SmartHub.


SECO News, April 2017, Energy Estimator Winner

Energy Estimator Winners


Congratulations to our three Energy Estimator Contest winners. John and Barbara Gardner of The Villages are the winners of the $300 bill credit. Bruce McClain of Ocala is the winner of the energy efficiency tools and John Baccoli, also of Ocala, won the programmable Wi-Fi thermostat. Want to learn more about energy efficiency and lowering your bills? Calculate your monthly and yearly energy usage on a variety of appliances and electronics with the Energy Estimator. Interested in an in-depth audit of your home’s energy efficiency? On the website Contact Us page, request a free in-home energy audit with one of SECO’s trained Energy Specialists or if you are short on time, explore the Home Energy Assessment, a comprehensive online energy audit you can complete in the comfort of your home.


SECO News, April 2017, Safety Corner - Call before you dig

Safety Corner


Spring is here, the sun is shining and it’s time to update your landscaping. Before you dig, call 811 – it’s the law. 811 is a free service that locates and marks the underground lines on your property. Don’t be caught unaware, cause an accident or an outage – call 811 before you dig.


Read the full April 2017 SECO News here.

SECO News, May 2016

SECO News, Duncan's Digest, May 2016


If you were one of the over 3,000 SECO members and guests who attended SECO Energy’s 2016 Annual Meeting of the Membership, you will probably agree that our 78th Annual Meeting was one of the most comprehensive in recent memory. Members joined us for breakfast biscuits, cookies, coffee and donuts; and to listen and dance to classic and recent country music hits by Margo Rochelle & the Rodeo Drive Band.


Several hundred SECO employees arrived before dawn to prepare for a very large crowd of excited SECO members and guests. The light rain didn’t deter attendees from enjoying breakfast biscuits, browsing energy saving displays at the Energy Showcase, receiving gifts, winning door prizes, hearing an update on the business side of the cooperative and enjoying the renowned hospitality of SECO employees.


SECO News May 2016, Annual Meeting


The 78th Annual Meeting boasted some of the newest product ideas and displays designed to save energy and help members lower their electric bills. The revamped Energy Showcase tent displayed a working rooftop and ground mounted solar panel system along with a touchscreen tool to estimate the amount of utility-supplied energy a home might off-set using a rooftop solar panel system.


As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO Energy is operated for and owned by its members; as such, SECO does not share dividends with investors or stockholders. Members are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting for an update on cooperative business and information on how your cooperative is meeting the challenges occurring within the industry and controlling costs. SECO’s Board of Trustees, senior staff and 400+ employees are committed to successfully managing the challenges SECO faces in a changing arena while continuing to offer members low rates, reliable power and excellent customer service.


SECO News May 2016, Hot Bucks Bill Decrease


SECO Energy is expanding its presence on social media with the goal of engaging its 200,000 members online. These communication channels save the cooperative money and improves satisfaction. Members who “liked” SECO’s Facebook page and uploaded a photo to or commented on the Annual Meeting page during the event were entered into a drawing to win a $300 electric bill credit. The photos make it clear that members having a good time with the Facebook Help Squad and were treated to our one of a kind SECO hospitality. You can “like” SECO’s Facebook page today for outage information, company news and future chances to win.


A number of members voiced their concerns about how the EPA’s Clean Power Plan will affect the reliable service and low rates SECO offers. These members pledged $25 annually to The Action Committee for Rural Electrification (ACRE). This political action committee uses contributions to fund candidates who support the interests of electric cooperatives such as SECO.


SECO Energy 2016 Annual Meeting Slideshow, Facebook contest winner


Prize winners and event photos are posted on SECO Energy’s Facebook page. The video of the Business Meeting with reports is available at here. Next year’s meeting date will be announced in the coming months once the Board of Trustees approves the date. I invite members to come for breakfast and stay for the band. From the number of line dancers and two-steppers who kicked up their heels this year, SECO may need a larger dance floor next year! Thanks again to all who attended. It is our privilege to host this event every year for you.



SECO News May 2016, SECO is storm ready


SECO is Storm Ready


Whether it is an afternoon thunder and lighting storm, tropical storm or hurricane, at SECO Energy our members can count us to be Storm Ready. SECO Energy’s Dispatch center is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and uses the latest technology available to track weather patterns affecting our area. A brigade of employees stands ready to respond to members experiencing power outages. They jump when called, brave the storm and work quickly and safely to restore power.


SECO is Storm Ready, and as a not-for-profit electric cooperative, we are committed to being our members’ first source for accurate storm communications and updates. SECO utilizes today’s mainstream communication channels to inform members when inclement weather is approaching. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and follow us on Twitter to stay in touch with SECO and receive instant updates on storm activity and news releases.


As a member, how can you be Storm Ready and stay up-to-date on the latest restoration efforts in the event of a storm that takes down lines and poles? If you haven’t already, invest in a smartphone or tablet and batter-operated or solar charger. Pack the charger in your emergency supply kit with water, flashlights and other emergency items.


Bookmark our website on your desktop browser and smartphone for quick access to SECO’s Storm Center to report a power outage and stay updated on restoration efforts.


SECO is Storm Ready. Are you?



SECO News May 2016, Winner Winner! $300 Electric Bill Credit!


Winner, Winner! $300 Electric Bill Credit!


Congratulations to SECO Energy member Richard (Rich) Scheiterle from Center Hill. Rich’s name was randomly selected from those who correctly answered three trivia questions related to our 2015 Annual Report on SECO’s Facebook page.


Do you want to be our next winner? Log in and head over to SECO’s Facebook page today. First, please “like” SECO Energy’s page. Second, correctly answer the three outage prevention trivia questions on SECO’s Facebook page for a chance to win a $300 electric bill credit. All answers can be found in SECO Energy’s 2015 Annual Report, available on our website at


Outage Prevention Trivia Questions:

SECO Energy works diligently to offer members reliable power by inspecting and upgrading its distribution and transmission poles, underground equipment and substation infrastructure each year. We invest in a comprehensive vegetation management program that dramatically reduces outages as well.

  1.  How much does SECO spend on vegetation management annually?
  2.  How many distribution poles were inspected in 2015?
  3. What web address (URL) can members visit online to find SECO Energy’s website?


Want to double your odds with another chance to win? “Share” the trivia post on your page for a second entry into the drawing. Not tech savvy? If you’re not a Facebook user, there’s a simple way to win every month. Just look for the last six digits of your account number in this month’s SECO News for a chance to win a $25 restaurant gift certificate. You can email us at or call if you number appears. Good luck!



SECO News May 2016, Safety Corner: Generators


Safety Corner: Portable Generators


During storm and hurricane season, a portable generator can come in handy if your power is interrupted, but portable generators must always be used with safety in mind. Read and follow the manufacturer’s safety instructions contained in the generator operations manual.

According to the National Safety Council,, portable generators should NEVER be used in an enclosed space; always run the generator outdoors away from windows, vents and doors. Portable generator engines emit carbon monoxide (CO) that if inhaled can be fatal to humans and pets. CO is a colorless, odorless, invisible killer. Do not attempt to use a generator when it is wet, this poses a risk for electrocution and death.

For more information about generator safety, visit our generator safety page or contact us for additional assistance.

Permanent Generators:

Are you thinking of installing a generator at your home or business for use during power interruptions? If so, heed these tips before purchasing and installing:

  1. Installing a generator is not an average do-it-yourself project.
  2. A qualified electrical contractor must perform the installation of the emergency generator, as well as the disconnect and transfer switchgear.
  3. Do not attempt to connect the generator directly to your electric panel.
  4. Always properly disconnect from SECO’s service before starting your generator.
  5. Before use, read and follow the safety instructions contained in the generator operations manual.

Improperly installing or using a generator can lead to property damage, injuries or even death. Learn more about generator safety here or contact us for additional assistance.


Read the full May 2016 SECO News here.