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Energy Insider – 1st Quarter

Autonomous Taxis Coming Soon to a Village Near You


Autonomous Taxis – Coming Soon to a Village Near You!


The future is now! Autonomous taxi company Voyage Auto has launched a pilot program in The Villages, Florida, specifically the Village of Virginia Trace. The self-driving taxi program, unveiled earlier this year, is as an added benefit for the residents in The Villages. This is simply a taxi service for folks who need to get to or from somewhere but do not have their own transportation or perhaps don’t feel comfortable driving. Ryan McCabe, Operations Manager with The Villages, states; “We believe in what Voyage Auto is trying to do. We couldn’t be happier with the idea.”


The thing that makes this different from other transportation services is that there isn’t a person in the driver’s seat! This vehicle is fully autonomous and a ride can be arranged using the Voyage mobile app. In the near future, Voyage will be expanding their presence in The Villages on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis. Virginia Trace was chosen for the pilot because of its close proximity to Lake Sumter Landing. It is likely the same criteria will be used in choosing which neighborhood is next. Mr. McCabe stated, “With golf carts and Voyage, the residents might not need a car to live here.”


For those concerned with this “out-of-the-box” idea, Tom Hauburger, Director of Product for Voyage, states, “The technology investment we make is centered on safety and comfort.” The Voyage team understands the highest level of safety is expected and consumer comfort is a close second.


Keep an eye out for upcoming “try-ride” events at a location near you. Customers will have the opportunity to experience a ride into the future. Try-ride event dates will be announced once all of the details are finalized and locations are chosen.


Visit Voyage for more information about this revolutionary idea!



SECO Earns Tree Line USA Distinction


SECO Earns Tree Line USA Distinction


The wind is blowing, the rain is coming down sideways and ZAP, your power is out. Power is of the utmost importance to your business. Power drives the machines, lights and most likely everything essential to your operation. The last thing you need is a power outage. However, this is Florida where storms develop quickly and in some cases are severe enough to threaten your reliability.


When storms happen, trees pose the greatest hazards to the electric lines serving your facility. For this reason, SECO Energy has a services agreement with tree trimming contractors and also arranges for a very large contingent of tree trimming contractors to aid with restoration activities prior to a major storm or hurricane. Our vegetation management efforts are ongoing and a very important function to ensure reliability of your electric service. As a matter of fact, for twelve consecutive years, SECO Energy has been awarded the Tree Line USA Utility distinction from the Arbor Day Foundation. We are very proud of this achievement.


SECO Energy’s award-winning Vegetation Management team is comprised of five professionals who manage the program. According to April Hurst, Supervisor of Vegetation Management, “SECO’s goal is to prevent tree-related outages. We plan, direct and execute activities to clear the right-of-ways for any vegetative hazard posed to the electric lines from the substation all the way to the transformer that serves member facilities.” Doing this requires a massive amount of planning, supervision and the actual execution of the plan.


On average SECO Energy spends about $10,000,000 per year to execute the vegetation management plan. Our program is very aggressive and our proactive approach has greatly reduced the number of tree-related outages. “Although what we do is not always esthetically pleasing or pretty, it is necessary for the health of the tree and for line clearances – healthy trees planted in the right place do not cause outages,” advises Mrs. Hurst.


To ensure correct methods for trimming trees, SECO Energy hires certified arborists. Crews that specialize in tree trimming perform the actual work. The correct trimming methods maintain the health of the tree and minimize the threat to the electric system. Follow up inspections are performed by SECO professionals to ensure work has been performed correctly.


How can you help? Take notice of trees/tree limbs in close proximity of electric distribution lines serving your facility. Even if your service is underground, at some point it feeds into an overhead line. When adding landscape, be sure and plant the right tree in the right place – where there is little likelihood the tree will ever impact electric facilities. Talk to your Key Account consultant regarding any concerns you have.


For more information on our vegetation management program or for clarification of what SECO will trim versus your trimming responsibilities, visit our tree trimming page. Want to meet SECO vegetation management team in person? Join us on Saturday, April 27, 2019 for Earthfest at Arbor Day event in Tuscawilla Park in Ocala!



12 Annual Earth Day Celebration Sponsored by CEMEX


12th Annual Earth Day Celebration


If you are looking for a fun family event in Sumter County this April, look no further than the 12th Annual Earth Day Celebration in Center Hill, Florida. So what is this you may ask? The event is a partnership between the Sumter County School Board and CEMEX. This FREE event features a tour of the CEMEX mine and provides insight on the importance of mining and how it’s done while protecting and conserving our natural resources.


The Earth Day celebration includes many local environmental agencies who share useful information on a number of topics from water conservation to preventing pollution. Represented this year will be the UF/IFAS Extension Service, National Resources Conservation Service, Phosphate Research Institute, Florida Native Plant Society, Sumter County Master Gardeners and the Florida Forestry Service. SECO Energy will also be onsite to educate attendees on electrical safety and energy conservation.


Food and entertainment are part of the celebration. Enjoy a Grumpy’s famous ice cream and hot dogs cooked by Ring Power Corporation. Meet the animal ambassadors from the Florida International Teaching Zoo and learn all about bats. You can even hold a baby alligator and learn how to sculpt sand. The ever-popular Kids Fossil Dig will be open for children ages three to third grade along with the opportunity to plant a tree. The Same in Lame Jazz Ambassadors and the South Sumter High School Naval National Defense Cadet Corps will open the event with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner. Chorus and band groups from South Sumter Middle School, Wildwood Middle School and Wildwood Elementary School will perform their favorite songs.


The 12th Annual Earth Day Event is scheduled for April 13, 2019 at the CEMEX mine located at 530 W. King Highway in Center Hill. The fun begins at 10 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m.





Manager of Key Accounts & Energy Services
OFFICE: (352) 569-9787
CELL: (352) 303-3567

Hank Bolduc, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9789
CELL: (352) 303-3546

Ryon Meyers, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9781
CELL: (352) 636-9593

Jeff Light, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9790
CELL: (352) 303-3183



Energy Insider – 4th Quarter

SECO Energy 4th Quarter 2018 Insider Small Steps with Big Impact


Small Steps With Big Impact


Business challenges at your workplace include work-related injuries, chronic disease, absenteeism and sick employees who return to work before getting well. According to the Centers for Disease Control, an aging workforce also presents unique challenges such as stress, fatigue, depression – all which all contribute to declining productivity. The fact is that small changes at work can add up to big changes in productivity and for employees personally.


A healthy workplace starts with leadership taking the time to remind employees to take care of themselves. Starting small by implementing weekly or even daily safety huddles in a break room or on the tailgate can reap big rewards. Just 5 – 10 minutes spent talking about workplace healthy lifestyles can change attitudes. An example might be to encourage adding a few more steps during the day like walking during breaks or lunch and even taking the stairs instead of the elevator. If space permits, a designated walking path at your location could be a source of encouragement.


Besides coffee and conversation, give thought to implementing a morning stretch routine. Allow employees the time to perform a few basic exercises to limber up prior to beginning their work shift. Just a few minutes of stretching improves performance of physical activities and reduces the risk of injuries. Add a little music which has been shown to reduce stress and promote overall better health.


If your budget allows, consider hosting “Lunch and Learns” at your location by inviting area experts to share with your employees on health-related topics of interest. Your program plan could be as simple as having someone from a local health facility share tips on how to stay well during cold and flu season. Just a reminder to disinfect your phone, wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer and practice good hygiene habits can go a long way.


Something else you can do for your employees is to promote good food choices by providing healthy snacks such as fruit, nuts and vegetables in break room vending machines or through the addition of a micro-market.


For more information to help you get started visit the CDC’s Healthy Workforce Infographic.



SECO Energy Insider 4th Quarter 2018 Member Spotlight Camp Boggy Creek


Camp Boggy Creek


In the heart of SECO Energy’s service area is a unique one-of-a-kind camp beautifully spread across 232 acres east of Eustis. Camp Boggy Creek serves children ages 7-16 who have been diagnosed with chronic or life threatening illnesses. The camp provides a full-time doctor and nurse to help children and parents keep up with the medical needs of each individual camper or family.


Family retreat weekends for spring and winter and summer camp schedules are posted on the website and applications are now available. If you know someone who can benefit, make them aware. Camp Boggy Creek never charges the campers to attend and does not ask for them to contribute anything other than a positive attitude. Aside from all of the different fun activities that the camp provides (including horseback riding, fishing, rope climbs and drama), Camp Boggy Creek gives the opportunity for children and parents for fellowship with others whose circumstances are similar to their own. This serves as a reminder that they are not alone. They are able to form a support network with people who truly do understand their needs.


Founded in 1996 by Paul Newman and General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, Camp Boggy Creek began with the premise that every child, no matter their illness, could experience the transforming spirit and friendships that go hand in hand with a great camp experience.


To learn more about this amazing camp, visit Camp Boggy Creek online. Download applications, gain information about the camp, learn about the medical group, volunteer and donate to the programs.



4th Quarter SECO Insider Your 2019 Expansion Plan


Your 2019 Expansion Plan


Whether you’re applying for a new electrical service, service modification, upgrade or have plans for a new subdivision, contact your SECO Energy account representative as soon as possible. With Central Florida growing by leaps and bounds, this is necessary to ensure all the right people are involved in your project early on and you receive a timely response to meet your expectations for service.


If you’re planning to add a meter, an application for service is required and should be made well in advance of the date the service is needed. Depending on the type of service requested, any or all of the following information may be necessary:


  • Exact location of the property where service is needed (site plan, recorded plat, street address, lot, block number and legal description)
  • Service size (main) and voltage
  • Size of air conditioning, heating, water heating, refrigeration, and cooking when applicable
  • Type and voltage of motor loads, number of phases, horsepower
  • Street/area lighting – type and size (if lighting is to be installed behind the meter)
  • Mechanical and electrical plans (in the case of service upgrades, these must include existing and new load along with a riser diagram)
  • Utility (water, sewer, gas) plans including elevations
  • Plans for paving and drainage


In addition to the above, there may be other considerations such as easements and permits. A new meter set will also require a deposit equal to two times the projected average bill. Deposits are accepted in the form of cash, surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit. Depending on the size load you’re adding, a written power purchase agreement may also be necessary.


Contact your account representative early in the design stage so that engineering, material procurement and construction can be scheduled to meet your timeline.





Manager of Key Accounts & Energy Services
OFFICE: (352) 569-9787
CELL: (352) 303-3567

Hank Bolduc, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9789
CELL: (352) 303-3546

Ryon Meyers, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9781
CELL: (352) 636-9593

Jeff Light, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9790
CELL: (352) 303-3183



Energy Insider – 3rd Quarter

What are Capital Credits SECO Insider 3rd Quarter 2018


What Are Capital Credits?


As the last quarter of the year approaches, we in the cooperative world begin to address Capital Credits. Most members, both residential and businesses, will ask “what are capital credits?” As a not-for-profit electric utility and like most businesses, SECO Energy sets an annual budget to pay operating costs, make payments on loans and ensure a reserve for emergencies. At the end of the year, expenses are subtracted from collected revenue and the remaining balance is referred to as margins. Based on the financial strength of the cooperative and member equity, SECO’s Board of Trustees annually makes a determination to refund a portion of these margins also known as Capital Credits. These Capital Credits represent the member’s share of ownership or “member equity” in SECO Energy.


Through 2017, SECO Energy has returned $57.8 million in Capital Credits to our membership. These distributions, returned to the members, are expressed as general retirements and are typically paid out each November. Current members receive a credit on their electric bill and former members receive a check if the amount exceeds $10.00. Capital Credits are issued to businesses in the same manner as individuals. Therefore, it is important to notify SECO Energy if your account status changes. Having updated contact information on file, especially a valid mailing address, will ensure Capital Credits accumulated in your name continue to make their way to you in the future. Don’t be like others who have moved away and didn’t update their information resulting in unclaimed Capital Credits on our books. For a complete list of unclaimed Capital Credits accounts, both residential and commercial, visit our Unclaimed Capital Credits page.



Team Building at Blackjack Sporting Clays SECO Insider 3rd Quarter 2018


Team Building At Blackjack Sporting Clays


Team building exercises boost morale, improve communication, motivate employees to be more productive and to get to know each other better. If you think team building activities must meet strict criteria to produce benefits, then think again. Sometimes, just an offsite activity that allows your employees to interact away from the workplace is all you need. Maybe, a visit to Blackjack Sporting Clays in Sumterville is in order.


Blackjack Sporting Clays is a beautiful facility nestled among thousands of acres of pristine Florida landscape. Dale Walker, owner/operator, describes his venue as a “country club” for folks that want to shoot with some of the finest equipment in the business. He offers something for everyone at all levels of the shooting sport spectrum. A beautifully decorated clubhouse with TVs and a billiard table are available for non-shooters or those waiting to shoot.


Each course at Blackjack Sporting Clays is laid out along a paved path that meanders through “old Florida” type landscape. There are two separate 16 station courses, and an additional six station Sub-Gauge Course. Along with these courses, there is also a standard five stand range as well. The shooting stations are fully covered with drinking water and restroom facilities throughout each course. Golf cart and gun rentals are available. There is even a large pavilion with seating for 300+ available for public and private use.


To find out more about this “country club for folks that want to shoot,” visit Blackjack Sporting Clays online or stop by and check out their beautiful facility at 3372 County Road 526 in Sumterville, Florida.


SECO Insider NuRF 3rd Quarter 2018

Lake County Water Authority’s NuRF Facility


The Lake County Water Authority (LCWA) is committed to conserving and protecting freshwater resources. In 2007, they invested in a state-of-the-art facility designed to remove 67% of pollutants from water, specifically from the Harris Chain of Lakes. “The facility, known as the Lake County Nutrient Reduction Facility (NuRF), is the largest of its design in the world and is very unique in operation” according to Ron Hart, Chief Scientist with LCWA. The results of the facility are clear and so is the positive impact it is having on our environment.


Served by SECO Energy, NuRF is located at the headend of the Chain of Lakes, west of Astatula, on County Road 48. The plant takes in water from Lake Apopka, the “single largest controllable source of water pollution in Lake County,” according to LCWA. The water is cleaned by a process of injecting liquid alum which binds with the pollutants to create snowflake-like particles. The particles, referred to as floc, fall like snowflakes from the water to the bottom of two 9-acre holding ponds. Once the floc or pollutants have settled on the bottom of the pond they are dredged and pumped to a centrifuge. Like a washer, wringing water from clothes, the centrifuge separates the water from the floc – a process known as dewatering. The clean water is then pumped back into the canal feeding the Harris Chain of Lakes. The floc is allowed to dry and used in several beneficial applications such as landfill cover.


Lakes Beauclair, Dora, Eustis and Griffin are the biggest benefactors of the Nutrient Reduction Facility. The process of removing the targeted algae-feeding nutrients results in increased water clarity allowing for beneficial plant growth and better fish habitat.


In a day and age where water quality is becoming more and more of a hot topic, our hats are off to LCWA for pro-actively taking steps to enhance water quality in Central Florida. Visit the LWCA website to learn more about the NuRF Facility.




Manager of Key Accounts & Energy Services
OFFICE: (352) 569-9787
CELL: (352) 303-3567

Hank Bolduc, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9789
CELL: (352) 303-3546

Ryon Meyers, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9781
CELL: (352) 636-9593

Jeff Light, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9790
CELL: (352) 303-3183



Energy Insider – 1st Quarter

SECO Insider Derby Gold First Quarter 2018


Premium Flakes


SECO member Derby Gold Pine Shavings, located in rural Williston, is Florida’s longest operating shavings and packing facility. Founded by the Hodge brothers Eddie, Johnny and Billy, Derby Gold was established in 1999 and opened their Central Florida mill in 2000. Derby Gold manufactures and ships the finest equine bedding in the industry. The family has more than 30 years of experience in the timber and forest industries in Florida.


Derby Gold shavings and pellets are all 100% pure premium pine harvested from plantations in Florida, managed by Williston Timber Company; another Hodge family business to assure the best in quality pine. The timber is shaved into soft curls and goes into a triple-pass kiln dryer which removes the moisture to 12%. This process eliminates harmful bacteria while maintaining a soft and absorbent bedding material.


The next phase in the multi-screen manufacturing process sorts the flakes by size for the three blends of flakes and pellets. This process renders the product almost dust free. All dust and excess material is sent back to fire the kiln assuring no product is wasted. The loose flakes are compressed from 11 cubic feet into a 2.8 cubic feet UVI-treated poly 100% recyclable bag. The bagged product weighs about 20 pounds and when opened expands to approximately 80 cubic feet.


Derby Gold produces Derby Gold Premium Flakes, Derby Gold Blended Bedding and Derby Gold Fine Bedding. All are 100% biodegradable, ultra-absorbent, hygienic with low dust. Derby Gold offers the best equine bedding on the market today with the strictest quality control methods available. This is why Derby Gold bedding is used by the University Of Florida College Of Veterinary Medicine.


Derby owner Eddie Hodge believes “that if you’re not growing you’re dying.” His goal is to maintain a complete product inventory at the mill, available for rapid delivery, in bulk and by the bag, to points in Central Florida and around the globe. Learn more at Derby Gold Shavings or 1-877-528-9044 (toll-free).



Robbins SECO Insider First Quarter 2018


Member Spotlight: Robbins Manufacturing


Robbins Manufacturing was formed in 1938 by Bruce Robbins, Sr. in Tampa. The company began operations initially as a lumber sawmill for export and use around the Tampa Bay area.


“Interestingly, Florida Southern Pine wood was at the time known for ‘groaning’ before it broke. This made the wood extremely popular with the diamond mining industry in Africa,” states Jay Robbins, grandson of the founder. “This feature opened up a new export market overseas for the company, allowing us to grow as a supplier of lumber for the mining and industrial sectors.” The “groaning” wood provided a much-needed warning system for those working in the mines.


Besides the mining and industrial market, back in the early days, Robbins Manufacturing supplied lumber to three US Military Bases in the Tampa Bay area during World War II. In the 1950s, Robbins began pressure-treating lumber for use in the Central Florida building industry suppling pressure-treated dimensional lumber and other building products for construction. The company expanded to many locations throughout the Southeast during this period.


The current consolidated company, served by SECO Energy, is now located in Tarrytown, Florida. This Sumter County sawmill opened in 1964. Past production at this location included dimensional building lumber and picket boards for privacy fences. Posts and poles were also produced and shipped to Tampa for treatment.


In 2012, Robbins Manufacturing commissioned a new chromated copper arsenate (CCA) treatment process at the Tarrytown plant. CCA is an impregnation treatment meant to protect the wood from biological deterioration from insects, fungus, soil and/or water. This new process was more economical than shipping lumber to Tampa for treatment.


Currently Robbins’ focus is marine, agriculture and industrial applications. They produce posts, pilings and utility poles. Robbins’ sell and distribute marine-treated piling and pressure-treated dimensional lumber, pressure-treated fence posts for the ag industry and poles for the electric utility industry. Their products are available throughout Florida, along the East Coast into Virginia and Ohio. Learn more online.



SECO Insider Time-of-Use First Quarter 2018


SECO Energy’s Time-of-Use and Interruptible Rate options


Have you given thought to peak shaving/demand management?


Are you in need of backup power for production when utility power is not available?


If you answered yes to either of these questions you may want to consider distributed generation (DG) at your facility.
Distributed generation is any electricity generating technology, such as generator, installed to power your facilities. DG gives commercial and industrial members the advantage of flexibility, the power of security and for some, it can equate to savings.


With most utilities, commercial and industrial (C & I) members are billed kilowatt-hour usage and kW demand each month. The demand component of the bill is based on the single-highest amount of electricity used in a 15-minute interval during the billing period. This is known as peak demand. One advantage of having distributed generation installed at your facility is being able to operate it for shaving load during peak demand periods. This flexibility can provide an opportunity to lower costs without impacting productivity. Savings achieved varies depending on the amount of peak shaving, your utility’s rate tariff and the cost to engage your distributed generation.


Although utility grids are very reliable, occasionally there are disruptions and instability because of bad weather or other factors beyond your utility’s control. Due to distances involved in conventional power grids, an issue in one area can completely shut down operations in another. Having distributed generation at your location provides the power of security allowing continued operations when there are problems elsewhere and despite world or weather related occurrences.


So if you’re in the market for 100% reliability at your facility and possible savings, distributed generation may be an option to consider. To learn how your business can benefit, contact your account representative. To view SECO Energy’s time-of-use or interruptible rate options, take a look at our Index of Rate Schedules.





Manager of Key Accounts & Energy Services
OFFICE: (352) 569-9787
CELL: (352) 303-3567

Hank Bolduc, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9789
CELL: (352) 303-3546

Ryon Meyers, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9781
CELL: (352) 636-9593

J.D. Simmons, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9790
CELL: (352) 303-3183



Energy Insider – 4th Quarter

Energy Data the Easy Way

Energy Data the Easy Way


All appliances/devices have unique electrical signatures. These unique signatures can now be identified using electronic monitoring at a macro level. Previously, information needed about a specific appliance required a recorder at the device. Having multiple data recorders is costly and does not provide a method to automatically aggregate the information allowing for a view of the ‘big’ picture.


Although there are various types of equipment on the market to help track energy usage, Sense™, is different. Electric energy measuring recorders capture and calculate energy using voltage readings and current readings. They require a connection to a breaker for the voltage readings and use current transformers to capture amperage readings. Sense™ uses advanced algorithms to monitor electric usage in a 240V single-phase environment. It ‘listens’ to the unique electrical signatures and records them over time.  


Within days or weeks of installing, Sense™ can determine which appliances/devices are using electricity, how much is used and when by analyzing the recorded data millions of times a second. Sense™ records and tracks energy and makes the data available through a wireless connection to an app on your (iOS or Android) phone or tablet. The real-time and historical data allows you to analyze trends in usage, detect anomalies and make modifications that can save you money. Sense™ is available for $299 and installs at your panel box. For more information visit their website. Visit to learn more about our services or for additional energy saving tips.



Help as Close as Your Fingertips

Help as Close as Your Fingertips


At SECO Energy we understand the importance of our commercial and industrial members and are happy to provide you with a great resource – your Key Accounts Consultant. Taking advantage of this representative means you have your own advocate – someone to personally assist you in a variety of ways.


Your Key Accounts Consultant is your single point-of-contact available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They can initiate and expedite resolution of your concerns, provide yearly rate reviews, give advice on security deposits, arrange for energy audits, initiate new service requests, electrical upgrades and more. During a power outage, they will open the lines of communication to help you plan. In addition, your representative can assist you with a wealth of information through both SECO and Touchstone Energy.


Touchstone Energy is a nationwide network of more than 750 local member-owned electric co-ops dedicated to providing its members with safe, reliable and affordable electricity across 45 states. Together we form the largest electric utility in the country. Connecting the people of America’s electric cooperatives to benefit members and their communities.


As a member of the Touchstone Energy network all the resources available to SECO Energy are available to you. One in particular you may find extremely useful is The Business Energy Advisor. The Business Energy Advisor is a great tool offering in-depth energy management articles, case studies and infographics. The Business Energy Advisor includes The Energy Resource Library. This great resource provides specific information for a number of different business types and technologies. It also offers money saving energy advice for your business. Check it out today.



Reporting an area light for repair

Reporting an Area Light for Repair


Typically, three things go wrong with an area light. The light is completely out, the light is always on, or the light flickers. If you discover a light with any of these problems, jot down the GIS number of the pole with the light. The number should be mounted vertically at eye level. The pole designation will be four to six black numbers on a yellow metal background.


If there is more than one light on the pole, tie a ribbon around the light with the knot on the same side as the light that is malfunctioning. If both lights are out, leave the knot in the middle.


Once you have the number, send us an email at or call SECO’s automated outage hotline at 1-800-732-6141. To request additional lighting at your location, contact your account representative.



SECO Energy Insider Novelty Crystal 4th quarter 2017

Member Spotlight: Novelty Crystal


Novelty Crystal in Groveland, Florida, is one of two facilities nationwide manufacturing, warehousing and distributing high quality plastic serving ware of all types. Novelty Crystal has been in business since 1961 with their corporate office/manufacturing facility in Long Island City, New York. The Groveland manufacturing operation opened in 1989 and serves as the company’s sales hub.


From the very beginning, Novelty Crystal has been committed to meeting customer needs through product development, quality manufacturing and at the lowest possible cost. Today they are the largest source for plastic serving ware on the internet. Because Novelty Crystal offers direct to consumer pricing you can save time and money.


The Novelty Crystal catalog consists of hundreds of items ranging from bowls, cake servers, drinkware, stemware, ice buckets, trays, plates, platters, serving utensils, insulated tumblers, coffee mugs and more. Products can be customized with artwork and imprinted to meet a variety of needs. Their primary customers include party stores, supermarkets (in both the retail and on the supply side), food service distribution (non-foods goods), caterers, event planners, party rental, gift shops, gourmet stores, hardware stores, variety stores, nightclubs, bars, and theme parks. They also offer direct to individual prices.


Whether you need one item or a thousand, want plain plastic or something that looks like high-end cut crystal or even a special personalized promotional piece, this Central Florida retailer can meet your needs. For more information visit their website.





Manager of Key Accounts & Energy Services
OFFICE: (352) 569-9787
CELL: (352) 303-3567

Hank Bolduc, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9789
CELL: (352) 303-3546

Ryon Meyers, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9781
CELL: (352) 636-9593

J.D. Simmons, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9790
CELL: (352) 303-3183