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Energy Insider – 4th Quarter 2021

We understand that this year has continued to be a challenge for our commercial and industrial members. COVID-19 variants, supply chain and staffing issues likely disrupted your day-to-day business operations, as well as the lives of your families and employees. The future will most likely present additional challenges as we move through this ever-changing world.


SECO Energy 4th Quarter 2021 Insider


As growth continues in SECO Energy’s service territory and the challenges above continue, it is more important than ever to communicate your 2022 growth plans. Whether you are applying for a new service, service upgrade, new production plants, subdivisions, or road extensions, contact your SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant while still in the planning stage. Our ability to get the right people involved in your project early on is instrumental in meeting your service needs.


All requests for construction service needs should be made well before the service is needed. Depending on the request, below is a list of information that is beneficial for planning:


• Identifying information for the service location (site plan, recorded plat, street address, lot & block number, and legal description).
• Service size (in amps) and voltage required.
• Size of air conditioning, heating, water heating, refrigeration and industrial appliances.
• Types of motor loads including horsepower, voltage, and phases.
• Mechanical and electrical plans (in the case of service upgrades, include existing and new) along with a riser diagram.
• Site plans that include water, sewer, gas and elevations.
• Plans for paving and drainage, if included in the project.
• Easements and/or permits.


Keep in mind, all new services will require a deposit equal to two times the projected monthly bill. Cash, check, surety bond and irrevocable letters of credit are all acceptable forms of deposit.


SECO Energy is committed to providing our members with safe, reliable and cost-effective electric service. Communicating your needs early in the design stage with your Key Accounts Consultant will enable SECO to meet your needs and timeline through the engineering process, material procurement and your project’s construction.



Jeff Light, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Manager of Key Accounts & Revenue Programs
OFFICE: (352) 569-9787
CELL: (352) 250-2863

Hank Bolduc, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9789
CELL: (352) 303-3546

Ryon Meyers, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9781
CELL: (352) 636-9593

SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant Dustin Merritt


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9782
CELL: (352) 303-3183


Energy Insider – 4th Quarter

Energy Data the Easy Way

Energy Data the Easy Way


All appliances/devices have unique electrical signatures. These unique signatures can now be identified using electronic monitoring at a macro level. Previously, information needed about a specific appliance required a recorder at the device. Having multiple data recorders is costly and does not provide a method to automatically aggregate the information allowing for a view of the ‘big’ picture.


Although there are various types of equipment on the market to help track energy usage, Sense™, is different. Electric energy measuring recorders capture and calculate energy using voltage readings and current readings. They require a connection to a breaker for the voltage readings and use current transformers to capture amperage readings. Sense™ uses advanced algorithms to monitor electric usage in a 240V single-phase environment. It ‘listens’ to the unique electrical signatures and records them over time.  


Within days or weeks of installing, Sense™ can determine which appliances/devices are using electricity, how much is used and when by analyzing the recorded data millions of times a second. Sense™ records and tracks energy and makes the data available through a wireless connection to an app on your (iOS or Android) phone or tablet. The real-time and historical data allows you to analyze trends in usage, detect anomalies and make modifications that can save you money. Sense™ is available for $299 and installs at your panel box. For more information visit their website. Visit to learn more about our services or for additional energy saving tips.



Help as Close as Your Fingertips

Help as Close as Your Fingertips


At SECO Energy we understand the importance of our commercial and industrial members and are happy to provide you with a great resource – your Key Accounts Consultant. Taking advantage of this representative means you have your own advocate – someone to personally assist you in a variety of ways.


Your Key Accounts Consultant is your single point-of-contact available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They can initiate and expedite resolution of your concerns, provide yearly rate reviews, give advice on security deposits, arrange for energy audits, initiate new service requests, electrical upgrades and more. During a power outage, they will open the lines of communication to help you plan. In addition, your representative can assist you with a wealth of information through both SECO and Touchstone Energy.


Touchstone Energy is a nationwide network of more than 750 local member-owned electric co-ops dedicated to providing its members with safe, reliable and affordable electricity across 45 states. Together we form the largest electric utility in the country. Connecting the people of America’s electric cooperatives to benefit members and their communities.


As a member of the Touchstone Energy network all the resources available to SECO Energy are available to you. One in particular you may find extremely useful is The Business Energy Advisor. The Business Energy Advisor is a great tool offering in-depth energy management articles, case studies and infographics. The Business Energy Advisor includes The Energy Resource Library. This great resource provides specific information for a number of different business types and technologies. It also offers money saving energy advice for your business. Check it out today.



Reporting an area light for repair

Reporting an Area Light for Repair


Typically, three things go wrong with an area light. The light is completely out, the light is always on, or the light flickers. If you discover a light with any of these problems, jot down the GIS number of the pole with the light. The number should be mounted vertically at eye level. The pole designation will be four to six black numbers on a yellow metal background.


If there is more than one light on the pole, tie a ribbon around the light with the knot on the same side as the light that is malfunctioning. If both lights are out, leave the knot in the middle.


Once you have the number, send us an email at or call SECO’s automated outage hotline at 1-800-732-6141. To request additional lighting at your location, contact your account representative.



SECO Energy Insider Novelty Crystal 4th quarter 2017

Member Spotlight: Novelty Crystal


Novelty Crystal in Groveland, Florida, is one of two facilities nationwide manufacturing, warehousing and distributing high quality plastic serving ware of all types. Novelty Crystal has been in business since 1961 with their corporate office/manufacturing facility in Long Island City, New York. The Groveland manufacturing operation opened in 1989 and serves as the company’s sales hub.


From the very beginning, Novelty Crystal has been committed to meeting customer needs through product development, quality manufacturing and at the lowest possible cost. Today they are the largest source for plastic serving ware on the internet. Because Novelty Crystal offers direct to consumer pricing you can save time and money.


The Novelty Crystal catalog consists of hundreds of items ranging from bowls, cake servers, drinkware, stemware, ice buckets, trays, plates, platters, serving utensils, insulated tumblers, coffee mugs and more. Products can be customized with artwork and imprinted to meet a variety of needs. Their primary customers include party stores, supermarkets (in both the retail and on the supply side), food service distribution (non-foods goods), caterers, event planners, party rental, gift shops, gourmet stores, hardware stores, variety stores, nightclubs, bars, and theme parks. They also offer direct to individual prices.


Whether you need one item or a thousand, want plain plastic or something that looks like high-end cut crystal or even a special personalized promotional piece, this Central Florida retailer can meet your needs. For more information visit their website.





Manager of Key Accounts & Energy Services
OFFICE: (352) 569-9787
CELL: (352) 303-3567

Hank Bolduc, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9789
CELL: (352) 303-3546

Ryon Meyers, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9781
CELL: (352) 636-9593

J.D. Simmons, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9790
CELL: (352) 303-3183