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SECO News, March 2018

March is Annual Meeting month at SECO Energy. Employees are excited to host the thousands of members, friends and family who will attend the upcoming meeting on Saturday, March 24. Registration opens at 8 a.m. and the business meeting begins at 10:30 a.m.


Duncan's Digest March 2018


I’m providing a sneak peek into the festivities with our 2018 Annual Meeting Map so you can navigate the compound that morning.


But first, did you RSVP online? Visit Annual Member Meeting or click on the home page banner. Members who RSVP online and attend the meeting are entered into a drawing for a $300 bill credit.

Save the Date


Upon arrival, you’ll find plenty of parking and golf cart service to shuttle those with disabilities to the registration tents. Registration lines move quickly with a copy of your bill. Photo ID is required. An additional registration tent is reserved for members using scooters, wheelchairs and walkers. Registration is where you receive tickets for gifts, breakfast and door prizes. After registration, be sure to stop at Station One – the prize ticket barrel. Drop your ticket and cross your fingers for luck.


Next, bring your ticket to Station Two to receive your 2017 Annual Report, SECO gift and Bylaws Voting Booklet. Amble over to Station Three with your ticket in hand for a hot breakfast sandwich (one per guest please). Enter the coffee line for a cup of joe or visit a drink station for water or a soft drink. We also serve plenty of doughnuts and cookies. Limited picnic tables and high boy tables are available on the south side of the Annual Meeting Pavilion. You are welcome to bring your own folding/camp chairs or grab a seat under the Pavilion.


After breakfast, make your way to the Energy Showcase and present your Station Four ticket for an additional gift – an LED provided by Seminole Electric, our wholesale power provider. Browse SECO’s energy efficiency displays. Visit with our employees and energy-savings partners. Drop by the solar demonstration on the northeast side of the Annual Meeting Pavilion to see SECO’s Solar Square project in action.


While cruising the grounds, locate a member of our Facebook Help Squad. Take a selfie or a picture with a SECO photo frame that shows you having a blast at the meeting. Members who “like” SECO’s Facebook page and post a photo or comment during the meeting are eligible to win a $300 bill credit. Need help? The Facebook Help Squad will help you snap and post the picture and “like” SECO’s page.


Head over to the Annual Meeting Pavilion to find a seat. We’ve added almost 1,000 extra seats this year to accommodate about 4,200 under the Pavilion. Snap your fingers and tap your heels to live music by Margo Rochelle and Rodeo Drive Band. Enjoy another bottle of water or soft drink or a fresh cup of coffee, and munch on a cookie or doughnut. Read through the Board-recommended Bylaws Voting Booklet before the business meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. Participate in the cooperative democratic process and vote on the Bylaws revision. Or ask me a question during the Q&A session.


At the close of the business meeting after the Bylaws vote, have your ticket stub available to see if there is a match during the door prize drawing. Prizes include a refurbished 2009 Chevy Colorado, an electric golf cart, cash prizes and bill credits. We have lots of other door prizes to give away including iPads and gift cards.


You must be present to win, so I hope to see you there!




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer


Read the full March SECO News online.

SECO News, December 2017


Duncan’s Digest

United We Live & Give


It’s time to bid farewell to 2017 and welcome 2018 as the Christmas and New Year’s holidays approach. Dreaming of a white Christmas in Florida is probably a long-shot, but with the help of our charitable SECO employees, dreaming of a giving Christmas is a reality. SECO employees, myself included, renewed their commitment to local communities through their generous pledges to United Way in the new year.


SECO Newsletter Duncan's Digest United We Live and Give


SECO employees pledged $52,214 for United Way’s 2018 Live United campaign. Every dollar contributed by SECO employees is used to endow service programs that benefit the residents in the counties we serve and in our footprint. Much of the funding is locally designated by each employee to the agency of their choice and administered through United Way. Yearly, 61 million people across the world benefit from the programs and services funded by the United Way.


SECO United Way Fundraising GoalEvery penny makes a difference. Would you like your small change to make a difference in your community? Enroll in SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program and round up your monthly bill to the nearest dollar. Every penny collected through Pennies from Heaven is distributed locally to directly benefit SECO members. The donated funds may be used to purchase emergency medical supplies, support charitable organizations or provide bill payment assistance to your fellow members experiencing dire and unique circumstances. Enroll online or give us a call.


To learn more about United Way, find a volunteer opportunity or to be connected with a local agency, visit


I couldn’t be prouder of our employees’ goodwill toward others, and I am grateful to work with employees who care about our members and our communities. I applaud our employees’ generous spirit with their promise of $52,214 to support United Way’s 2018 campaign. This giving spirit reflects the very essence of our not-for-profit electric cooperative business model.


May peace, love and prosperity follow you all through the year. From our SECO family to yours, I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year.


Jim Duncan
Chief Executive Officer


SECO Claus Delivers: Toys for Tots 2017


Toys for Tots — “SECO Claus Delivers”


In early November, it began to feel a lot like Christmas as hundreds of SECO employees performed the role of Santa Claus for SECO’s yearly toy drive. SECO chooses to support the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program which collects new, unwrapped toys and distributes them as Christmas gifts to local children in need who live in the communities we serve.


The halls were decked, and Christmas joy and cheer were present at all SECO locations. Our perpetually generous employees donated hundreds of toys for needy children in Sumter, Lake, Marion and Citrus Counties. Each of our five Member Service Centers were open to the public as local Toys for Tots drop-off locations, and many charitable SECO members donated toys as well.


As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO adheres to the seven key cooperative principles – one of which is Concern for Community. SECO employees personally demonstrate their Concern for Community by volunteering their time and supporting community involvement projects in their areas. Our employees give generously during the Christmas season to the Toys for Tots toy drive and the United Way as referenced on the front page.


Employees donned their Santa hats, and smiled for the camera while displaying the toys gathered across the cooperative. The toys collected through Toys for Tots will bring joy to thousands of local children who will wake up to presents under the tree on Christmas morning.

Merry Christmas!


SECO Energy Toys for Tots


Read the full December 2017 SECO News here.


SECO News, November 2017


Duncan’s Digest

Greener Grid – More Megawatts


SECO Energy’s purpose is “To provide exceptional service to our members, co workers and communities.” The very foundation of that purpose requires developing long-range energy supply plans for the future. Looking ahead, not-for-profit utilities like SECO Energy must adapt to the changing landscape of energy production, while being prepared to deliver safe, reliable, low-cost power to current and future members.


SECO News, November 2017 - Duncan’s Digest, Greener-Grid More Megawatts


In late September while many of us were still reeling from Hurricane Irma, SECO’s wholesale provider, Seminole Electric Cooperative, announced a five-year plan to build a new natural gas-fired generating plant at its current Seminole Generating Station (SGS) facility in Palatka. The plan includes Seminole’s intention to shutter one of its two coal-fired generating units at the SGS site and enter into agreements to purchase power from other facilities that use solar and natural gas resources.


A key element of Seminole’s new long-term plan is increasing the diversity of fuel sources in its energy portfolio and generating mix. The decision is supported by continued natural gas market stability and historically low prices. Seminole is adjusting to the market by shifting its fuel mix to increase natural gas-fired power generation. This portfolio shift allows Seminole to meet the demand for more megawatts and provide safe, reliable, affordable power to its members while investing in a greener grid.


Seminole has invested over $530 million in environmental controls at its SGS facility, making it one of the cleanest coal plants in the United States. Clean-burning coal is a reliable and affordable means to produce energy, and portions of Seminole’s coal-burning generating plant will remain in use. When the presidency changes hands every four or eight years, the nation faces the possibility of new, costly regulations and policy changes aimed directly at reducing America’s dependency on coal. Additional policies and regulations usher in new expenses that risk increased energy rates and higher bills for members. Reducing coal use, however, reduces carbon emissions.


Similar to a financial portfolio with its mix of stocks and funds, Seminole’s expansion of fuel sources minimizes future risk and offers stability to its member-owners, including SECO. As your local not-for-profit electric cooperative with an expanding member base, we must embrace forward thinking ways to meet demand. Under Seminole’s new long-term plan, SECO can ensure an adequate supply of quality, reliable, affordable power is available to meet the current and future needs of our growing area.



SECO News, November 2017 - Capital Credits, Build Membersʼ Nest Eggs


Capital Credits

Build Membersʼ Nest Eggs


In November, SECO members are indeed lucky ducks – and you are much more than simply a consumer of energy. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative owned by our members, your annual purchase of energy builds a nest egg – your share of the company’s patronage capital.


A little bird flew in to tell you how it works: Your membership in SECO Energy builds ownership through your energy purchases. That ownership is defined through the annual process of allocating each member’s share of the co-op’s margins from the prior year. The annual amounts for each member who purchased electric service from SECO during that year are referred to as Capital Credits allocations.


Capital Credits are the accumulation of all prior year’s revenue after the co-op’s operating costs and expenses have been paid. These credits are allocated on a pro-rata basis to each SECO Energy member’s account as “Capital Credits” and represent a portion of the member’s patronage with the cooperative in the prior fiscal year.


During its September meeting with their ducks in a row, SECO’s Board of Trustees approved a record $5.4 million to be returned (retired) to members. Since SECO Energy’s inception, the co-op has retired more than $57.8 million to current and former members. This year’s Capital Credits return is made possible by the sound financial stewardship of SECO’s Board, leadership team and flock of dedicated, cost-conscious employees.


No wild goose chase here; each member receiving a Capital Credits retirement this year will see the amount on their November bill listed as a line item labeled “Capital Credit Ret.” Business members with retirements over $1,000 will receive an actual check. If you have questions about Capital Credits, visit > Your Co-op > Capital Credits.


SECO News, November 2017 - Capital Credits, Build Membersʼ Nest Eggs


Energy Efficiency

The Centsible Weekend DIY


Do you plan to conquer your honey-do list this weekend? Add these inexpensive, DIY tasks to save energy and reduce your monthly electric bill. Now that’s centsible.

    1. Seal doors and windows: Remove old, cracked caulking from windows, and apply new caulking around the joints and frame. Replacing worn weather-stripping around exterior doors keeps cool air in, and hot air out.
    2. Reduce phantom loads: TVs, DVRs, cable boxes and home computers use power when turned “off.” reports phantom load can cost an average household up to $100 a year. What to do? Use power strips with multiple plug-ins, and turn them off when electronics aren’t in use.
    3. Stop the leaks: Repair leaky faucets and fixtures that are not only wasting water, but causing your well and, if the leaking water is hot, your water heater to cycle on more often.
    4. Build an outdoor clothesline: On average, a clothes dryer costs $.40 to dry one load of laundry. Skip the dryer and air-dry one load of laundry a day, and save almost $150 a year.
    5. Vacuum refrigerator coils: Once a year, vacuum away dirt and dust collected on your refrigerator coils to keep it running efficiently. Coils are located on the bottom or back of the appliance, and don’t forget to always unplug the refrigerator before servicing.


For more centsible energy saving ideas, visit


Read the full November 2017 SECO News here.


SECO Solar Square Demo at March 25 Annual Meeting

Solar power is on the rise in The Sunshine State. Per the Florida Public Service Commission, SECO Energy has the most solar customers of any electric cooperative in the state and almost all municipally owned utilities as well.


As of March 20, a total of 530 SECO Energy members have interconnected solar systems at their homes or businesses. These systems produced 1,789,373 kilowatt hours in 2016, resulting in payments from SECO to these members totaling nearly $140,769.62 last year alone. Over the life of these systems, the cooperative has paid $510,039 to members who produced more electricity with their solar systems than they consumed. Per the PSC, this is the highest payback of any utility in the state.


SECO’s net metering policy provides for the payback for excess solar energy at the company’s “avoided cost.” In essence, members with solar arrays are treated as small-scale wholesale providers. The cooperative pays these members for their excess power at the same rate SECO pays Seminole Electric Cooperative for power produced traditionally from fossil fuels.



CEO Jim Duncan states, “I’ve been pretty vocal over the years in candidly explaining the merits and drawbacks of rooftop residential solar installations. SECO has been successful in supporting members who generate their own power without resorting to rebates or credits that inadvertently create financial burden on other members.”


SECO’s philosophy is that those who choose to invest in solar should bear the long-term costs to receive the benefits. It is clear from the number of members installing solar that people are willing to make the financial investment. The Cooperative encourages members to exercise caution when considering solar. If you have questions or need an unbiased opinion, contact SECO’s Energy Services team for a free assessment. A team member will evaluate whether solar is right for you by examining orientation, roof pitch, usage history and potential payback.


Members are also encouraged to attend the SECO Solar Square demonstration at the March 25th SECO Annual Meeting at 293 South US Highway 301 in Sumterville. The SECO team will display various types of systems and installations, costs, contract requirements, net-metering, billing, and projected generation.


SECO’s own array (the Solar Square) and its online production dashboard will be on display and accessible to members. The solar demo’s house replica displays a bi-directional meter for net metering, an inverter and a photovoltaic module on a simulated rooftop. Members interested in solar energy can use the SECO Solar Estimator to help determine costs and output.


Members who are not interested in investing in their own solar array but want to live a greener lifestyle can enroll in SECO’s new Solar Life program. The member pays a flat $32 monthly fee in exchange for the kilowatt hour output of four panels.


Come out to the SECO Energy pavilion this Saturday, March 25th for free food, fun and fabulous prizes. Gates open at 8 a.m. and the business meeting starts at 10:30 a.m. Prize drawings are held after the business meeting – members must be present to win.

SECO News, August 2016

SECO News, Duncan's Digest, February 2016


In 2015, the J. D. Power Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study ranked SECO Energy “Highest in Customer Satisfaction Among Midsize Utilities in the South.” Words cannot express the gratitude our Board of Trustees, leadership team and employees felt after winning such a prestigious, humbling award. The entire cooperative was inspired, setting our sights on a repeat performance with continued improvement in serving our members.


You, our members, ranked SECO highly again in 2016, honoring us with another J.D. Power trophy. We are referring to the pair as our “Dynamic Duo.” This year’s ranking placed SECO Energy in a segment with the toughest competition – all cooperatives across the nation with over 100,000 meters.


On July 12, J.D. Power announced that SECO Energy has been ranked “Highest in Customer Satisfaction Among Electric Cooperatives.”
J.D. Power’s six scored factors are:

  1. power quality and reliability
  2. price
  3. billing and payment
  4. corporate citizenship
  5. communications
  6. customer service


SECO’s 2016 overall customer satisfaction score this year is an astonishing 769, which is a 20-point increase from our 2015 score. This increase reflects significant efforts by our employees to improve the level of service you receive from SECO.


SECO Energy, SECO News August 2016, Duncan's Digest


Our Operations & Engineering employees focused on reducing outage durations and improving facilities to deliver safe, reliable power. Member communications have been modernized through our redesigned website, online “Contact Us” web form and stronger social media usage. SECO News is more interesting – promoting energy efficiency, safety and ways for members to win bill credits and prizes.


Customer Service folks answered more than 300,000 phone calls in the last year and handled nearly 250,000 transactions in our Service Centers. Our Billing team generated nearly 2.5 million billing statements in the last 12 months.


SECO’s sound financial management allowed us to retire $4.6 million in Capital Credits to members in 2015 ($47.3 million since inception). And most important, we dropped the cost of electricity again on June 1st – the 8th decrease of members’ bills in the last three years.


Historically, electric cooperatives rank the best of the best in customer satisfaction compared to municipal and investor-owned utilities. Electric cooperatives are owned by the members they serve, which means our Board of Trustees, leadership team and employees focus on our most important asset: you, our member.


Thank you, members, for ranking YOUR electric cooperative as the best in the nation. It is our privilege and pleasure to serve as your electric provider.





Community Support


Red Nose Day

SECO Energy employees and members brought the laughs and raised $1,181 to support FUN-raising on Red Nose Day. Wearing big, red noses may be fun, but Red Nose Day is serious support for many global charities. Donations contribute to meals for children in homeless shelters, antibiotics to treat pneumonia, eye exams, medical supplies and support homeless shelters for children.


Trees Donated to Habitat

This summer, SECO added to the beauty of the urban forest and energized the community by donating trees and shrubs to Habitat for Humanity Lake-Sumter. For nine years in a row, SECO has been recognized by the National Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree Line USA utility. The collection of cypress trees, loropetalum bushes, bougainvillea and lily hybrids will be planted at various Habitat projects in Lake and Sumter Counties.


Trees beautify communities and save energy when planted in the right place. Shade from trees can reduce cooling costs and trees block wind in the winter to reduce heating costs. To learn more about planting the right tree in the right place and saving energy, visit the Reliability section of our website.


Community Action Luncheon

SECO Energy representatives attended the Central Florida Community Action Agency (CFCAA) Annual Awards Luncheon. As a Diamond level sponsor, SECO joined community leaders in honoring the CFCAA board members, staff and area residents who dedicate their time to enrich the lives of Alachua, Levy and Marion county citizens. The CFCAA’s purpose is to reduce poverty and help low income individuals and families become self sufficient. Photo inset: CFCAA CEO, Charles J. Harris Jr., with the Honorary Senior Judge Sandra E. Champ.


SECO Energy COMMUNITY SUPPORT 2016, Pennies from Heaven


Extra Pennies?

Partner with SECO to help your neighbors in need. SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program rounds up your electric bill to the nearest dollar. The pennies donated are used to assist fellow SECO members with bill payment and to help members in dire and unique circumstances. Sign up for Pennies from Heaven today.



SECO Energy, New Fleet Look


New Fleet Look

Have you seen our new look? Our entire fleet’s branding has been redesigned to display SECO Energy’s new logo. We think it looks pretty snazzy; do you?





Community Solar Project

In June, SECO Energy’s wholesale power provider Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc. began construction on its 2.2 megawatt solar facility. SECO members will have the ability to live a greener lifestyle and reduce their carbon footprint by enrolling in this upcoming Cooperative Solar Project. The enrollment process is slated to begin in October, and the project should be operational by 2017. Watch for more details on our website.



SECO Energy, Energy Efficiency, Cash-saving Splash


Energy Efficiency: Cash-saving Splash

Florida summers are long and hot. One of the best ways to beat the heat is in the family pool. Although the cost of running a pool adds a little to your electric bill, there are ways you can save.


Variable-speed pumps are the best energy saver. They are much more energy efficient than traditional, single-speed pool pumps. Before spending the money on costly repairs for an older pump, consider upgrading to the newer technology. Regardless of the type of pump, install a pool timer and set to operate 6-8 hours daily during the summer and 3-4 hours daily during the winter.


If you’re thinking about heating your pool, think solar. Solar panels are the most economical way to heat the water. The next best energy-saving option is a heat pump pool heater. To reduce heat loss, utilize a pool cover. Covering your pool when not in use is the single most effective means of reducing heating costs and can save you as much as 70% in electric costs.


For more information on how to save energy or to learn more about SECO Energy products and services, visit our website’s Energy Solutions section.



Scam Alert

Slam the Door on Scams

SECO is cautioning members to slam the door on utility scams. Exercise caution when answering the door – don’t get scammed. All SECO employees carry – company issued identification – don’t hesitate to ask to see an employee’s identification. All approved SECO contractors display an “Authorized SECO Contractor” sign on their trucks, and members can view the list of authorized contractors at SECOEnergy. com under the Reliability tab.


If you receive a call threatening disconnection of service if the bill is not paid immediately, or have a question about an employee or contractor call SECO at (352) 793-3801. Prevent any bill payment confusion by enrolling in automatic bank draft today – call us or establish an online account at Don’t let scammers in – slam the door!



SECO News May 2016, Winner Winner! $300 Electric Bill Credit!


Facebook Winners

Congratulations to SECO Energy member Mary Wimberly of Wildwood who correctly answered our three outage prevention trivia questions on Facebook. Mary was randomly selected as our winner of the $300 electric bill credit. Congratulations, Mary!


Scott Bidgood of Ocala is the winner of our “Dodged a Bullet” gift basket. Scott posted photos and offered members additional storm preparedness tips on Facebook. Congratulations, Scott we hope you enjoy your goodies!


Be sure to “like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” us on Twitter for more chances to win. Also, look for the last six digits of your account number in this month’s SECO News for a chance to win a $25 restaurant gift card. Call or email us if your number appears. Good luck!


Read the full August 2016 SECO News here.


Supreme Court Puts Brakes on EPA “Clean Power Plan”

Yesterday, Tuesday, February 9, in a landmark 5-4 decision the United States Supreme Court halted implementation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) so-called “Clean Power Plan” until its legality can be reviewed in federal court. This pause in implementation is referred to as a “stay.”


“I can’t tell you how pleased I was to find out that the Supreme Court has put the brakes on this massive overreach of the EPA’s regulatory authority,” said SECO Energy CEO Jim Duncan. “At SECO we always work to provide affordable and reliable electricity to our members. We needed the Clean Power Plan stay so that Seminole Electric Cooperative, our wholesale power provider, would not have to make premature compliance decisions that would harm the affordability and reliability of our electricity.”


“Seminole Electric Cooperative operates the Seminole Generating Station, a coal-fired power plant located in Palatka, Florida,” said Lisa Johnson, Seminole’s CEO and General Manager. “This power plant is responsible for more than half of the electricity that we generate and provide to members like SECO Energy. It is the most efficient coal-fired facility in the state of Florida, and has been rated by Power Magazine as one of the top coal-fired plants in the world. Seminole has also invested more than 530 million dollars in environmental control technology at the plant. Despite this, the Seminole Generating Station does not meet the emissions rate requirements of the Clean Power Plan.”


Lisa continued, “The Seminole Generating Station has a professionally rated useful life through 2045, and is financed through 2042. It employs more than 300 individuals in rural Putnam County, the poorest county in the state of Florida. The plant is also the largest property tax payer in the county. Had the stay not been granted, Seminole would have been forced to take immediate, costly, and irreversible steps to comply with the rule, including possibly reducing operations at the plant, or even closing it. If the plant were closed, rural Putnam county and the city of Palatka would be devastated. We would also have to pay for the plant through 2042. These costs would be borne by our members like SECO Energy.”


Supreme Court Puts Brakes on EPA “Clean Power Plan”

Last fall, SECO Energy, through Seminole Electric Cooperative and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, petitioned the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to review and ultimately reject the Clean Power Plan. While the stay ruling is welcome news, it is not the end of the story. The underlying legal challenge on the rule itself continues, with a ruling from the D.C. Circuit court expected later this year, or early in 2017.