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SECO Energy’s Pennies Program Donates $12,305 to Local Animal Shelters – Sumter County

SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program has donated $12,305 to local animal shelters and rescues. In February, the not-for-profit electric cooperative announced that for every new Surge MitiGator meter-based surge protection lease enrollment or purchase, members could choose a shelter or rescue to receive a $5 donation on their behalf.


Between February 1 to June 15, 2,461 members enrolled in SECO’s Surge MitiGator surge protection product that resulted in a total donation of $12,305 in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties. The total allocated in Sumter County is $3,000 donated to the shelters listed below:


Sumter County Animal Control – $1,000
YOUR Humane Society SPCA of Sumter County, Inc. – $2,000


Assistant County Administrator Stephen Kennedy is grateful for SECO Energy’s generosity. Mr. Kennedy stated, “Sumter County is thrilled to receive SECO’s donation to our Animal Services program. Sumter County is an open admission no-kill shelter that receives nearly 2,000 domestic animals annually. Those animals include owner surrender animals, strays, injured animals and animal cruelty investigations. Through solid partnerships with animal rescues, local adoptions, and our stakeholders’ commitment to animal welfare, we are proud to share that we achieved a 92.48% live release rate from January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020. Our volunteers work hard to engage the animals, and your donation will help support our shelter’s focus to enrich the animals’ experience during their stay.”


Kennedy added, “All animals are free to adopt from Sumter County Animal Services. They also come fully vaccinated and can be found on”


CEO Jim Duncan is pleased to help local shelters and rescues. Duncan stated, “Thank you, members, for making our Surgeo Loves Pets charitable initiative a success. I am grateful for members who recognize a need in their community and respond generously. Though the vast majority of Pennies funding is allocated for bill payment assistance and educational initiatives for our members, the animals in our local communities need assistance as well, and SECO is happy that the Pennies from Heaven donations will be put to good use.”


SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator product helps to reduce damaging surges and voltage spikes at the meter. Visit our Surge MitiGator page to learn more about the product, to read its beastly 15-year warranty and to complete the web form to enroll.


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Energy CEO Jim Duncan Named Sumter Chamber Business Man of the Year

SECO Energy CEO Jim Duncan was named the Business Man of the Year by the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce at its Around the World Annual Dinner and Awards Gala on Friday, January 17. The Awards Gala was held at The Villages’ Savannah Center to celebrate outstanding businesses and individuals in Sumter County.


According to its website, the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce is the only chamber of commerce serving Sumter County businesses for over 91 years. The Chamber has grown along with the county, but its commitment to Sumter County businesses is unchanged. The Sumter County Chamber’s mission is to educate, support and promote businesses in Sumter County.


SECO Energy is a Diamond-level Chamber sponsor and a long-time Sumter County Chamber of Commerce member. The not-for-profit electric cooperative was established as Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc. in 1938 with its headquarters in Sumter County. Now doing business as SECO Energy, the cooperative continues to support the Chamber’s efforts in fostering a healthy business climate in Sumter County.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Thank you to the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce for recognizing me as Business Man of the Year. This is truly an honor and I am humbled by the recognition. SECO Energy’s employees and their dedication to our members and the communities we serve are the backbone of our success. SECO’s roots are firmly planted in Sumter County, and we are proud of our partnership with the Chamber. With the Chamber’s support, commerce is flourishing in our area.”


Duncan continued, “SECO is privileged to be a part of Sumter County’s community, its history and growth and its future. Congratulations to all of my fellow awardees recognized by the chamber who work diligently to ensure the County’s success.”


The 2019 awardees recognized by the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce include Primus Pipe & Tube – Outstanding Large Business of the Year; Beth Hunt, Community Outreach Coordinator – Chamber Volunteer of the Year; Mary Beth Locke, Back Road Berries – Business Woman of the Year; Allstate Insurance, The McDonald Agency – Outstanding Small Business; and the Wildwood Rotary – Outstanding Non-profit of the Year.


SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant Jeff Light led the invocation and held a moment of silence for the loss of Chamber member and community business leader Mike Scott. Light was also sworn in as a Sumter County Chamber of Commerce Board Member by the Honorable Judge Militello.


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Energy Employees Pledge Donations of $70,000 for United Way

SECO Energy employees have participated in an annual employee-funded United Way Pledge Drive for local communities for decades. During the 2020 United Way Pledge Drive, SECO employees donated $70,316 that will benefit local families living in SECO’s service area.


The $70,316 pledged by SECO employees for the 2020 drive is an increase of seven percent from the 2019 pledges. The donated funds will be distributed among ten local counties. The bulk of SECO employees live in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties and received the highest dollar amounts in donations. The breakdown by county is:


Citrus: $7,799
Lake: $14,316
Marion: $23,002
Sumter: $21,559
Other Counties (Hernando, Levy, Orange, Pasco, Polk and Volusia): $3,640


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO’s ever-generous employees and their commitment to the communities we serve made our 2020 United Way Pledge Drive extremely successful. Our employees understand that local families need financial support year-round, and United Way is instrumental in leading the charge to improve lives. I truly appreciate the efforts of our employees and applaud their generosity.”


SECO’s Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations Kathy Judkins spearheads the annual employee giving campaign. She stated, “United Way’s mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good.” To join SECO Energy employees in supporting United Way, visit them online to donate or volunteer.


Learn more about SECO Energy’s Concern for Community online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Energy Back-To-School Program Funds $3,000 for Sumter County Schools Enhancement Foundation

SECO Energy’s back-to-school program allocated Sumter County public school students with $3,000 through the county’s Enhancement Foundation. As a not-for-profit local electric cooperative, SECO believes in supporting the communities it serves.


The Sumter County Schools Enhancement Foundation will use the funds for back-to-school supplies for students and support for essential teacher and staff trainings. The Sumter Foundation partners with the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations (CFEF) to advance education in Florida. Collectively, the CFEF-aligned Foundations represent 99 percent or 2.8 million K-12 students.


The Sumter County Schools Enhancement Foundation’s Director Eileen Goodson is thankful for SECO Energy’s support and partnership. Goodson stated, “The Sumter County Schools Enhancement Foundation and the Sumter School District treasures the partnership we have had with SECO for many years. We offer our sincere gratitude for the support that SECO continues to show our students, staff and schools.”


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO Energy is honored to support Sumter County students through its back-to-school program’s contribution to the Sumter County Schools Enhancement Foundation. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO believes an investment in education is a benefit to all of our members. In Sumter County, we serve over 65,000 homes and businesses. Teachers are an invaluable community asset. They enrich our communities by educating our future leaders and as a benefit to SECO, possibly our future employees.”


Learn more about SECO Energy and its efforts to support education and local communities on our Community page. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO News, September 2019

SECO News Duncan's Digest 2019


Welcome to our new Hurricane Handbook. Named storms can cause extended outages even for a system like SECO’s that is well built, constructed and maintained. To prepare for the worst, review our people/pets preparation checklists, outage notification enrollment instructions, Florida Special Needs Registry details, restoration priorities, damage assessment warnings and lessons on hunkering down. Learn about generator safety by to watch our newest video. For the chance to win an 8,000 watt Briggs Stratton portable generator, click on the website’s home page banner to register at SmartHub (SECO’s online account platform) by October 15. All members with SmartHub accounts as of October 15 will be entered in the drawing.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer

SECO News September 2019 Hurricane Handbook



The Saffir–Simpson wind scale classifies hurricanes that exceed the intensities of tropical depressions and tropical storms into five categories distinguished by the intensities of sustained winds.


CAT 1 74 to 95 mph
CAT 2 96 to 110 mph
CAT 3 111 to 129 mph (major)
CAT 4 130 to 156 mph (major)
CAT 5 157 mph or higher (major)


Even tropical storms can cause significant damage and flooding. Most storm casualties are from drowning and not wind. Always heed weather warnings, evacuate as instructed and don’t drive into high water. Keep your family safe.




Many years ago, it was a common practice for utilities to completely de-energize their electric systems ahead of a storm in an effort to proactively prevent damage during the storm. SECO Energy does not employ this practice.




SECO Energy provides world-class reliability to 200,000+ homes and businesses. Outages due to weather, vehicle accidents, equipment issues, animal or tree contact with lines result in utilities being unable to guarantee 100 percent uninterrupted electric service.


During emergency restoration with widespread damage, SECO Energy’s first responsibilities are shelters, hospitals, schools and government agencies like emergency ops centers, fire stations and law enforcement facilities. SECO’s next priority is large commercial accounts providing food, water and damage-recovery supplies. Feeders with the largest number of members served are next. Our goal is to restore service to the highest volume of members as quickly as possible.


SECO News September 2019 Before a Storm



Register with the Florida Division of Emergency Management at before a storm hits to receive county specific lifesaving information. If an evacuation or emergency is declared, you will receive important options from local emergency management by signing up with your county’s emergency alert notifications (Alert Citrus, Alert Hernando, Alert Marion, Alert Levy, Alert Lake, Alert Sumter, Alert Pasco). Visit your county’s Emergency Operations online to sign up for the alerts you would like to receive.




Residential members’ accounts coded as having medically necessary service are not the first priority after a storm with widespread damage. These members should prepare before storm season and anticipate the possibility of extended outages that could last for days. If you are dependent on electric-powered medical equipment, register with your county emergency management center’s Special Needs Registry. Most important, purchase a generator for use during power outages.




Visit us online and click StormCenter at the top right. Scroll down and select “Manage Notifications.” Log in with your account number or phone number. View and update your preferences for email, text or voice notifications. Set do not disturb parameters.




On our website, click StormCenter. Select the Outage Map tile. Tap the Share Arrow. Select “Add to Home Screen” from options.




SECO utilizes this interactive map when the Emergency Response Plan is activated. This map is different from the StormCenter outage map. The Restoration Plan Map displays the areas where crews are working each day and helps you know when you can reasonably expect service restoration. Access this map from the website home page banner during emergencies.




September 2019 SECO News Supply Stock Up - Seven Days


Turn your refrigerator and freezer to the coldest settings. Only open refrigerator and freezer doors when necessary. Move freezable foods into the freezer. A refrigerator will keep food cold for about four hours after a power outage; a full freezer will keep food frozen for about 48 hours. Move your emergency supplies into a secure room with no windows or fireplaces.


SECO News September 2019 During a Storm



During the storm, remain indoors and prepare to wait out the weather safely. Stay informed with a battery-powered weather radio. Be ready to re-locate your family and pets to a secure location in your home with no windows or fireplaces. Break out the family board games and preserve your phone’s battery power.



SECO Energy invests heavily in an aggressive vegetation management program to keep our overhead lines clear. Still, severe storms with high winds create tree-related outages. Once sustained wind speeds reach 35 mph, it is not safe to use bucket trucks or perform restoration. When wind speeds have fallen below 35 mph, SECO deploys employees and mutual aid to begin restoration efforts.



Tornadoes are vertical funnels of rapidly spinning air often referred to as nature’s most violent storm. Winds can reach speeds of 300 mph. Tornadoes are commonly associated with severe thunderstorms. It is extremely likely that during a hurricane you may experience a tornado.


TORNADO WATCH: Tornadoes are possible in/near the watch area. Check supplies and your safe room. Be ready to act fast if a warning is issued or you suspect a tornado is approaching.


TORNADO WARNING: A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. There is imminent danger to life and property. Go immediately to your safe room, interior room or hallway. Avoid windows.


IF YOU EXPERIENCE A TORNADO, stay clear of downed power lines and damaged buildings. Treat downed lines as if they are energized.


SECO News September 2019 Electric System 101



HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION LINES: These supply power to SECO’s 48 substations which serve 200,000+ homes and businesses. If a storm damages a transmission line, substations also lose power. Much of the transmission serving SECO’s substations is owned/operated by Duke Energy. If Duke’s lines are down, SECO Energy cannot restore power to our members until these lines are repaired.


DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION: A substation serves thousands of members. Our line crews inspect substations to determine if problems stem from transmission lines feeding into the substation, the substation itself, or if problems exist further down the feeders and lateral lines.


FEEDER DISTRIBUTION LINES: When problems cannot be isolated at a substation, distribution lines are inspected. These larger lines originate from substations and distribute power to large groups of members in our service area.


LATERAL DISTRIBUTION LINES: These smaller lines deliver power to transformers, either mounted on poles or placed on pads for underground service and deliver power to smaller groups of members in less densely populated areas.


SERVICE LINES: The service line is the line between a transformer and your residence or business.


SECO News September 2019 Generator Safety

STATIONARY GENERATOR: A permanently affixed generator installed by a licensed technician with an approved disconnect and transfer switch that isolates your home’s circuits from SECO Energy and eliminates the risk of backfeeding on utility lines.


PORTABLE GENERATOR: A common type of generator that does not require a licensed technician to install. Use extension cords to plug certain appliances into the outlets on the generator. Never operate indoors.


More lifesaving information on generator safety can be found on our website. Click on the generator banner for a chance to win a new 8,000 watt Briggs Stratton portable generator. Enter by October 15.


SECO News September 2019 After a Storm


If your home or business is damaged and it is safe, turn off your main breaker to prevent fires. If appliances are wet, turn off each appliance’s main breaker. Once you’ve turned the breaker off, unplug the wet appliance.


If fuses blow when your power is restored, turn off the breakers and contact a licensed electrician. Always call an electrician or an appliance repair service if in doubt.




Once the storm has passed, ensure that you and your home are safe while power is being restored. Do not make piles that interfere with utility trucks. Keep piles away from power lines, transformers and downed lines for safety and speedy restoration. Call your county’s emergency operations center if public roadway debris prevents utility and emergency vehicle access.


SECO News September 2019 Move Over It's the Law


• Move over a lane for law enforcement, emergency, sanitation, utility vehicles and tow trucks.
• If you can’t move over, slow to 20 mph less than the posted speed limit.
• If the posted speed limit is 20 mph or less, slow down to 5 mph.




Read the full September 2019 SECO News online.

Local Counties Preparing for Hurricane Dorian

Additional shelters are opening in the counties served by SECO Energy to assist residents in need of shelter during Hurricane Dorian. SECO members who require uninterrupted electricity to power medical devices are advised to wait out Hurricane Dorian at a shelter that meets their special needs. Deadly Hurricane Dorian stalled over parts of The Bahamas on Monday destroying property and is responsible for a reported five deaths.


Hurricane Dorian is spinning at about 120 mph at a forward speed of just 2 mph. Hurricane force winds extend 40 miles and tropical storm winds extend 160 miles. Dorian is expected to pick up forward motion later today and bring rain bands and sustained winds of about 25 mph to the SECO service territory. Overnight and into Wednesday, SECO Energy members east of I-75 will likely experience sustained winds of 35 mph and gusts up to 50 mph. SECO Energy is StormReady with 800 additional line and tree contractors from Rhode Island, Indiana, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Texas, New York and New Jersey.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Hurricane Dorian is forecast to move away from The Bahamas and move northwest with an eventual eastern turn that keeps it just off Florida’s coast. SECO Energy’s service area could begin to feel the hurricane’s effects late this afternoon. Members who live in homes or areas that are subject to flooding, suggested to evacuate, or need guaranteed power to sustain life should check in at a shelter today. If conditions deteriorate emergency personnel may be grounded and unable to help until the storm passes.”


Duncan added, “SECO Energy has been monitoring and preparing for Hurricane Dorian since early last week. The cooperative is prepared for power outages caused by Hurricane Dorian. Out-of-state crews began to arrive on Monday to assist. Please take this storm seriously and put your family’s safety first.”


Two shelters are open in Sumter County. A pet-friendly, general public shelter is available at the Sumter County Fairgrounds at 7620 SR 471, Webster. A special needs shelter is open in Wildwood at the Wildwood Community Center at 5600 Powell Road. Sumter County officials are concerned that flooding in the county will be worse than in 2017 with Hurricane Irma. Shelters are available for residents living in mobile homes, recreational vehicles and low-lying flood prone areas.


Six shelters are open in Lake County. The general public shelter is open at Mount Dora High School located at 700 N. Highland Street, Mount Dora. Two pet-friendly shelters are available at Round Lake Elementary 31333 Round Lake Road, Mount Dora and Spring Creek Elementary 44440 Spring Creek Road, Paisley. Three special needs, pet-friendly shelters are open at Leesburg Elementary 2229 South Street, Leesburg and Lost Lake Elementary 1901 Johns Lake Road, Clermont and Umatilla Elementary 401 Lake Street, Umatilla.


Marion County is opening four shelters. Two general population shelters are opening today at noon located at Fort McCoy Middle School at 16160 NE County Road 315, Ft. McCoy and North Marion Middle School at 20085 W Highway 329, Citra. A special needs only shelter is currently open at West Port High School at 3733 SW 80th Avenue, Ocala. A pet-friendly shelter at Lake Weir High School at 10351 SE Maricamp Road, Ocala opens at noon today.


Citrus, Hernando, Levy and Pasco Counties are not opening shelters at this time, but officials are closely monitoring Hurricane Dorian. Schools are closed on Tuesday (today) in Citrus, Hernando, Levy, Pasco and Sumter Counties. In Lake County, schools are closed Tuesday and Wednesday; in Marion County, schools are closed for the rest of this week.


SECO Energy’s Hurricane Handbook is available on by clicking on the homepage banner. The Hurricane Handbook offers members tips for preparing before, during and after a storm. The cooperative has included tips on generator safety, downed power line safety, electric system 101, Florida’s Move Over Law and more.


StormCenter is SECO Energy’s outage and communications platform for members to report outages, check the status of an existing outage and enroll in outage communications and alerts via email, text, voice or all three. Visit StormCenter today at>StormCenter and bookmark on your smartphone or tablet to report outages quickly and easily. Once the hurricane has passed SECO’s area later next week, members should use our Daily Restoration Plan Map to identify if crews are working in their area that day. Visit and click on the homepage banner to access the map.


Stay up to date on weather affecting SECO Energy’s service area, the latest news releases and cooperative updates by “liking” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter.

Energy Insider – 1st Quarter

Autonomous Taxis Coming Soon to a Village Near You


Autonomous Taxis – Coming Soon to a Village Near You!


The future is now! Autonomous taxi company Voyage Auto has launched a pilot program in The Villages, Florida, specifically the Village of Virginia Trace. The self-driving taxi program, unveiled earlier this year, is as an added benefit for the residents in The Villages. This is simply a taxi service for folks who need to get to or from somewhere but do not have their own transportation or perhaps don’t feel comfortable driving. Ryan McCabe, Operations Manager with The Villages, states; “We believe in what Voyage Auto is trying to do. We couldn’t be happier with the idea.”


The thing that makes this different from other transportation services is that there isn’t a person in the driver’s seat! This vehicle is fully autonomous and a ride can be arranged using the Voyage mobile app. In the near future, Voyage will be expanding their presence in The Villages on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis. Virginia Trace was chosen for the pilot because of its close proximity to Lake Sumter Landing. It is likely the same criteria will be used in choosing which neighborhood is next. Mr. McCabe stated, “With golf carts and Voyage, the residents might not need a car to live here.”


For those concerned with this “out-of-the-box” idea, Tom Hauburger, Director of Product for Voyage, states, “The technology investment we make is centered on safety and comfort.” The Voyage team understands the highest level of safety is expected and consumer comfort is a close second.


Keep an eye out for upcoming “try-ride” events at a location near you. Customers will have the opportunity to experience a ride into the future. Try-ride event dates will be announced once all of the details are finalized and locations are chosen.


Visit Voyage for more information about this revolutionary idea!



SECO Earns Tree Line USA Distinction


SECO Earns Tree Line USA Distinction


The wind is blowing, the rain is coming down sideways and ZAP, your power is out. Power is of the utmost importance to your business. Power drives the machines, lights and most likely everything essential to your operation. The last thing you need is a power outage. However, this is Florida where storms develop quickly and in some cases are severe enough to threaten your reliability.


When storms happen, trees pose the greatest hazards to the electric lines serving your facility. For this reason, SECO Energy has a services agreement with tree trimming contractors and also arranges for a very large contingent of tree trimming contractors to aid with restoration activities prior to a major storm or hurricane. Our vegetation management efforts are ongoing and a very important function to ensure reliability of your electric service. As a matter of fact, for twelve consecutive years, SECO Energy has been awarded the Tree Line USA Utility distinction from the Arbor Day Foundation. We are very proud of this achievement.


SECO Energy’s award-winning Vegetation Management team is comprised of five professionals who manage the program. According to April Hurst, Supervisor of Vegetation Management, “SECO’s goal is to prevent tree-related outages. We plan, direct and execute activities to clear the right-of-ways for any vegetative hazard posed to the electric lines from the substation all the way to the transformer that serves member facilities.” Doing this requires a massive amount of planning, supervision and the actual execution of the plan.


On average SECO Energy spends about $10,000,000 per year to execute the vegetation management plan. Our program is very aggressive and our proactive approach has greatly reduced the number of tree-related outages. “Although what we do is not always esthetically pleasing or pretty, it is necessary for the health of the tree and for line clearances – healthy trees planted in the right place do not cause outages,” advises Mrs. Hurst.


To ensure correct methods for trimming trees, SECO Energy hires certified arborists. Crews that specialize in tree trimming perform the actual work. The correct trimming methods maintain the health of the tree and minimize the threat to the electric system. Follow up inspections are performed by SECO professionals to ensure work has been performed correctly.


How can you help? Take notice of trees/tree limbs in close proximity of electric distribution lines serving your facility. Even if your service is underground, at some point it feeds into an overhead line. When adding landscape, be sure and plant the right tree in the right place – where there is little likelihood the tree will ever impact electric facilities. Talk to your Key Account consultant regarding any concerns you have.


For more information on our vegetation management program or for clarification of what SECO will trim versus your trimming responsibilities, visit our tree trimming page. Want to meet SECO vegetation management team in person? Join us on Saturday, April 27, 2019 for Earthfest at Arbor Day event in Tuscawilla Park in Ocala!



12 Annual Earth Day Celebration Sponsored by CEMEX


12th Annual Earth Day Celebration


If you are looking for a fun family event in Sumter County this April, look no further than the 12th Annual Earth Day Celebration in Center Hill, Florida. So what is this you may ask? The event is a partnership between the Sumter County School Board and CEMEX. This FREE event features a tour of the CEMEX mine and provides insight on the importance of mining and how it’s done while protecting and conserving our natural resources.


The Earth Day celebration includes many local environmental agencies who share useful information on a number of topics from water conservation to preventing pollution. Represented this year will be the UF/IFAS Extension Service, National Resources Conservation Service, Phosphate Research Institute, Florida Native Plant Society, Sumter County Master Gardeners and the Florida Forestry Service. SECO Energy will also be onsite to educate attendees on electrical safety and energy conservation.


Food and entertainment are part of the celebration. Enjoy a Grumpy’s famous ice cream and hot dogs cooked by Ring Power Corporation. Meet the animal ambassadors from the Florida International Teaching Zoo and learn all about bats. You can even hold a baby alligator and learn how to sculpt sand. The ever-popular Kids Fossil Dig will be open for children ages three to third grade along with the opportunity to plant a tree. The Same in Lame Jazz Ambassadors and the South Sumter High School Naval National Defense Cadet Corps will open the event with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner. Chorus and band groups from South Sumter Middle School, Wildwood Middle School and Wildwood Elementary School will perform their favorite songs.


The 12th Annual Earth Day Event is scheduled for April 13, 2019 at the CEMEX mine located at 530 W. King Highway in Center Hill. The fun begins at 10 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m.





Manager of Key Accounts & Energy Services
OFFICE: (352) 569-9787
CELL: (352) 303-3567

Hank Bolduc, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9789
CELL: (352) 303-3546

Ryon Meyers, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9781
CELL: (352) 636-9593

Jeff Light, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9790
CELL: (352) 303-3183



SECO Energy Employees Pledge $66,000 to United Way

SECO Energy employees generously donated over $66,000 to local United Way agencies for the employee-led 2019 United Way Pledge Drive. Employee generosity increased dramatically this year with a $13,000 or 25 percent increase over the 2018 pledge amount.


SECO’s 400+ employees live in or near the seven counties served by the cooperative, which delivers reliable, affordable power to over 200,000 Central Florida families and businesses. During the pledge drive, employees who contribute are able to choose the county where their donated dollars will benefit.


The bulk of SECO members reside in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties and the majority of SECO employees live and work in these counties as well. In Citrus County, employees pledged $6,656; in Lake County, employees pledged $15,591; in Marion County, employees pledged $19,790; in Sumter County, employees pledged $20,598; and other regional counties received $3,484.


United Way’s mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities to advance the common good. Education, income and health are the United Way’s key focuses. Visit United Way to find a local branch, volunteer or donate.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “During this Christmas season, let us all pledge to give back within our local communities. SECO employees are blessed with a giving spirit. Their increased pledges represent substantial individual generosity toward the collective goal of assisting others who are less fortunate. Our employees’ pledges will make a difference in the lives of those in need across our service territory.”


Deputy Director of Civic, Charitable and Government Affairs Kathy Judkins manages SECO’s giving programs, and is a board member of a local United Way agency. Judkins stated, “I know first-hand that every donation provides solutions to health and human services in our community. It is all of us giving collectively to a local cause that unites us.”


SECO members can donate their extra pennies to help fellow members in need or to support local, worthy causes – by enrolling in SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program. Once enrolled, members’ bills are automatically rounded up to the nearest dollar. The donated pennies provide assistance through the Angel Fund.


Angel Funds are used to provide bill payment assistance to members, help those in dire and unique circumstances or support other causes in the counties we serve. Requests for Angel Fund assistance are administered through several local agencies by calling 2-1-1.


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates. Visit our Community page online to learn more about SECO’s corporate citizenship and other community outreach initiatives.

SECO News, December 2018





SECO Energy employees are here to fill the sleigh with toys collected for the Marine Corps Toys for Tots program. As a Marine myself, Toys for Tots is particularly special to me. Our employees have also embraced Toys for Tots because they know the organization is delivering Christmas morning happiness to children in our local communities.

May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


Toys for Tots plays Santa for thousands of less-fortunate children. Toy donation boxes were made available in all Member Service Centers through early December for employees and members alike to donate new, unwrapped toys to this worthy cause.



The collected toys remain right here in our local communities to be distributed to local children. Hundreds of employees and members displayed their Christmas spirit by dropping a toy or two into the Toys for Tots collection box. The number of new bikes donated by our employees this year is definitely a record-setter. For thousands of children, the donated toys are the only gifts waiting for them under the Christmas tree.


I believe Charles Schulz of Peanuts fame said it best, “Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” Many of our employees and members do a little extra for others by contributing to Toys for Tots every year. I thank you all for your generosity and willingness to give.


From the SECO family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer




SECO News December 2018 SECO Champions
Meet SECO Champions Kathy and Kurt – two examples of our 400+ SECO Champion employees. Kathy and Kurt are dedicated to providing exceptional service to members, co-workers and communities.






“We’re here for members.”



Member Services Supervisor Kathy Posso is a SECO Champion who is a friendly face assisting members in our Sumterville Member Service Center. In 2005, Kathy’s family moved to Central Florida, and she joined the SECO team in 2014. In 2017 during Hurricane Irma restoration, Kathy was especially humbled by members’ stories of devastation after the storm. Kathy’s passion is helping members. She recalls a time when a member who recently lost a spouse was grateful when she took extra time to help him read and understand the bill and complete a payment. Kathy and her husband are leaders at their church. Kathy’s family is proud that she works for SECO Energy, a cooperative that believes in putting members first and also appreciates and recognizes its employees.






“My family is proud.”



SECO Champion Kurt Campbell is an R&D Technician working throughout Sumter, Lake and Citrus Counties performing meter work to ensure accurate account billing. During Hurricane Irma restoration in 2017, Kurt worked with the warehouse team transporting supplies to crews restoring power in the field. Kurt interacts with members every day and is grateful that he was on-hand during several emergency situations. While waiting for emergency personnel, Kurt comforted a member whose husband suffered a stroke. He has also helped members with vehicle trouble. Kurt was born and raised in Sumter County and lives with his family in Coleman. Kurt says his family is glad to know that he is part of the effort to restore power to SECO members after a hurricane or major storm.




SECO News December 2018 United Way 2019 Pledge Drive



SECO Energy employees are truly blessed with a giving spirit. Our 2019 United Way Pledge Drive was an overwhelming success. Employees pledged over $66,000 to United Way – a $13,000 or 25 percent increase from last year.


The pledges will make a big difference in the lives of those in need in our service territory. SECO’s 400+ employees live in or near the counties we serve, and employees are able to choose the county where their donated dollars will benefit.


Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties are the four counties in our service area with the highest member count. The majority of our employees live and work in these four counties as well.


United Way’s mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good. Education, income and health are the United Way’s key focuses. Visit United Way online to find a local branch, register to volunteer or to donate.


Donate your extra pennies to help your fellow SECO Energy members in need or to support worthy causes right here in our service territory. Enroll in Pennies from Heaven to have your monthly bill automatically rounded up to the nearest dollar. The donated pennies provide financial assistance through the Angel Fund.


Angel Funds are used to provide bill payment assistance to members, help those in dire and unique circumstances or support other worthy causes in the counties we serve. Requests for Angel Fund assistance are administered through several local agencies by calling 2-1-1.




SECO News December 2018 Lending a Hand in North Florida



On October 10, 2018, Category 4 Hurricane Michael blazed a deadly path through North Florida, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. Destructive and deadly, Michael left 400,000 Floridians without power for weeks.


The day after Hurricane Michael, a team of SECO employees voluntarily packed their bags, leaving their families to help our cooperative neighbors’ restoration efforts.


Initially, the module traveled to Tri-County Electric in Madison before trekking to Talquin Electric Cooperative near Tallahassee. Additional line techs and warehouse personnel joined the module, and some returned home while additional employees accompanied the group as it traveled to assist Gulf Coast Electric in Wewahitchka.


SECO is very proud of our employees’ willingness to assist our cooperative neighbors. 53 SECO employees (named below) worked an almost four-week restoration effort assisting three cooperatives restoring power to thousands.



December 2018 SECO News Traveling Modules named

Read the full December 2018 SECO News online.

SECO News, October 2018





SECO Energy is a company of Champions. Our employees are local people who work hard and raise families in the communities SECO serves. When you call, email or visit a SECO location with a question or a service need, the employees who respond are right here in Central Florida.

May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


The Operations employees who come running – braving the wind, rain and lightning to restore power – are viewed as everyday superheroes when storms blow through or equipment fails. Our Champions live and work all across our service area for the quickest response time. Nights, weekends and holidays are regular business hours for these Champions who are committed to the highest quality, most reliable electric service possible.


Serving your energy needs is personal for us, so we want you to get to know our employees. Whether you run into them in the grocery store, at a ball game or restoring service after an outage, I can assure you that SECO is a company of dedicated employees and upstanding citizens committed to the members we serve.


Meet our first two SECO Energy Champions – Paul Byrd and Aaron Vaughn. Paul is a Service Technician who works in the central part of our service territory. Aaron is a Crew Supervisor who works the second shift and covers all areas of SECO’s service territory. Read more about these gentlemen on the next page, visit our website and click on the Champions banner to watch Paul and Aaron’s videos as our very first featured Champions.


Watch for next month’s SECO News, engage on our social media platforms or on SECO’s homepage as we unveil a few more SECO Energy Champions every month. Each and every SECO employee works to provide you with affordable, reliable electric service. Our employees are the brightest and best in our industry, and I hope you enjoy learning more about them.


Together, we are “StormReady.” It is our privilege to serve your family’s energy needs.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer




SECO Champions Aaron and Paul October 2018


Meet two SECO Champions – Aaron and Paul – two examples of our 400+ SECO Champion employees. Aaron and Paul are dedicated to providing exceptional service to our members, co-workers and communities.






“I love my job.”



Aaron Vaughn is a SECO Champion who supervises SECO’s two-man rapid response line crews who are on-call and ready to dispatch 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Aaron and his family have lived in Central Florida for ten years, and during leisure time they enjoy local church events, fishing, gardening and raising animals in Citrus County. During storm season, SECO crews – led by supervisors like Aaron – are staged throughout our service territory so they can respond quickly when lightning takes out a transformer, a tree falls on a line or winds bring down a pole. Aaron wants members to rest assured that “SECO has crews available at all times to restore power outages whether it’s during a weekend, at midnight or a holiday – SECO is here for you.”






“It’s an adventure.”





SECO Champion Paul Byrd is a Service Technician who is prepared to restore power any time – day or night. A lifelong resident of Lake County, Paul creates amazing works of art in his spare time, and he feels blessed to work for SECO while raising a wonderful family. In 2004, Hurricanes Charley, Frances and Jeanne blazed paths through Florida, and Paul remembers working 16-hour days for two weeks straight during each hurricane. He credits the challenge of three devastating storms as the reason he aspired to be a SECO Service Tech. Paul believes his commitment to keeping the lights on for SECO members has a positive impact on his own family and the community – recognizing teachers, firefighters and law enforcement officers who serve the needs of the community as a whole.




SECO Contributes to Local Public Education Foundations October 2018



SECO Energy’s 2018 back-to-school program has contributed $10,500 to local school districts in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties. These four counties are home to over 200,000 homes and businesses across the SECO Energy service territory.




Citrus County Education Foundation October 2018 SECO News




Lake County Education Foundation October 2018 SECO News




Marion County Education Foundation October 2018 SECO News




Sumter County Education Foundation October 2018 SECO News


As your local not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO Energy believes in bolstering the communities we serve by contributing financial support to local schools, dedicated educators and students.


Read the full October 2018 SECO News online.