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SECO News December 2022


Dear Members,


‘Tis the season for giving and sharing the magic of the holidays. I commend our SECO Energy employees who generously support our corporate giving efforts and other worthy charitable causes.


One cause close to many SECO Energy employees’ hearts is our annual United Way Employee Giving Campaign. Many of our employees pledged a portion of their 2023 earnings to local United Ways. Next year, United Ways across our Central Florida counties will benefit from these generous pledges.


SECO Energy employees pledged $38,843 to local United Ways through the employee-led 2023 United Way Pledge Drive. Our employees have been actively supporting United Way for almost 20 years. During that time, employees have pledged over $1,083,287 to support local families through the United Way.


Most of our employees live in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties, receiving the highest dollar amounts in donations. The 400+ SECO Energy employees choose the county and the program their donated dollars will benefit.



Lake and Sumter Counties: $15,929
Marion County: $14,257
Citrus County: $4,182
Other Counties $4,476
The total pledge for 2023 is $38,843


Not only do our employees assist local communities through United Way, but they also help fill Santa’s sleigh with donations for our corporate Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots donation drive. Starting in November, employees brought new, unwrapped toys for the drive. All toys donated are dispersed in the local area where they were collected.


Many of our members joined in the effort by dropping off toys at our Member Service Centers. Thank you for your generosity. Retired Marines and other volunteers picked up donations in early December to distribute to children in need in time for the holidays. Members who want to register to receive toys donated through Toys for Tots can visit > Request a Toy.


From the SECO Energy family to yours, we wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!




Curtis Wynn

Chief Executive Officer



September SECO News Safety Corner

Electric Safety


Everyone who uses electricity should be aware of its risks and dangers. Over 51,000 American homes are damaged or destroyed by fire caused by electrical failures each year, and 500 lives are lost (Electrical Safety Foundation International).


Adults over 65 and young children are at the highest risk of injury or death from a home fire.


You should learn the basics of your home’s electrical system and how to prevent electrical fires. Outdated wiring is a common culprit of electrical fires. Flickering lights, tripped breakers, or a burning smell could indicate overloaded circuits. Hire an electrician to investigate. If the home’s wiring is outdated, the electrical outlets are as well. Outlets are as well. Outlets that are damaged, loose or warm to the touch must be repaired or replaced.


Home wiring and troubleshooting is a job best left to a professional. Contact a reputable electrician who is licensed, insured and adheres to local code requirements. Electricians can update breaker panels and add extra electrical outlets that will avoid circuit overload.


Electrical safety extends outside the home. Never touch utility equipment such as underground transformers or overhead power lines. Always consider power lines to be energized and dangerous. Stay away from downed lines and call 911 and SECO Energy to report immediately.


Teach children electrical safety as well. Never allow children to play on or near electrical equipment or climb a substation fence. Children should not climb trees near energized lines. Keep remote-control toys, hobby drones and kites away from overhead lines.


Learn more about electrical safety at > Safety > Electrical Safety.



SECO News December 2022 Winter HVAC Service A Message from District 4 Trustee Richard Dennison

Winter HVAC Service – A Message from District 4 Trustee Richard Dennison


Your HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) unit is likely the largest energy user in your home. Before winter’s cold temperatures arrive, schedule an HVAC service call to ensure your unit is operating efficiently.


The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts winter 2022 – 2023 will be cold with above-normal rainfall. The forecast calls for temperatures 1 to 4 degrees below average, with the coldest temperatures in January.


Preventative maintenance and routine filter changes extend the life of your HVAC unit. A qualified technician will thoroughly inspect the unit and recommend maintenance or repairs. A well-working HVAC unit operates more efficiently and uses less energy.


Set a calendar reminder to change your unit’s air filter monthly or follow the manufacturer’s suggested filter change schedule.


For more ways to reduce energy usage, visit > Energy Solutions and complete the Home Energy Assessment and Energy Estimator. The Home Energy Assessment is an online energy audit that provides energy efficiency advice tailored to your home’s features. The Energy Estimator calculates the energy used and associated costs for your home’s electricity users. Submit your answers with your email address to receive immediate low-cost energy-saving advice.



SECO News December 2022 12 Ways To Pay

12 Ways to Pay


SECO Energy offers members 12 Ways to Pay their monthly energy bills. Most payment options are available with no convenience fee.


PAY ONLINE – Our account manager SmartHub allows you to view and pay your bill, enroll in bank draft or eBill and compare energy usage by month or year.


BANK DRAFT – Draft your monthly amount from a bank account of your choice – the ultimate in convenience. Enroll in bank draft with SmartHub.


IN PERSON – Five Member Service Centers open in Eustis, Groveland, Sumterville, Ocala and Inverness with walk-in, drive-thru facilities and kiosks.


BY PHONE – 1 (877) 371-9382, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX, debit card or electronic check.


PAY NOW – Instant payment using your account number and form of payment through SmartHub – no registration required.


BY MAIL – SECO Energy (Dept. 3035), P.O. Box 11407, Birmingham, AL 35246-1407


MYWAY PREPAY – Pay for energy before you use it. View daily usage and receive phone or text notifications.


FIDELITY EXPRESS – Locations accept cash, check or money orders. Not recommended for MyWay PrePay members. $1.50 processing fee.


MONEYGRAM – Available at many retail locations and for MyWay PrePay enrolled members. $1.50 processing fee.


WESTERN UNION – In-person payments received in real time. Max amount per transaction is $1,000. $1.50 processing fee.


BUDGET BILLING – Levels out bills by averaging most recent 12 months usage. Debit/credit balances accumulate based on seasonal usage.


VANILLADIRECT PAY – Pay with cash at thousands of locations. Barcode required via SmartHub. $1.50 processing fee.



SECO News December 2020 Surgeo Picks A Winner

Winners’ Circle – Generator


Congratulations to our three members who enrolled in SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator Surge Protection program and won a generator!


SEPTEMBER – Jack Bonniwell from The Villages

OCTOBER – Barney Newbern from Leesburg

NOVEMBER – Kenneth Christensen from Clermont


The Surge MitiGator takes the bite out of damaging surges and spikes. Members can lease the protection for $5.95 per month plus tax and $25 installation fee or purchase for $349 to $399 plus tax and free installation. Learn more about the Surge MitiGator, visit > Energy Solutions > Surge MitiGator and fill out our handy web form.



SECO News August 2022 SECO Energy Foundation Pennies From Heaven Transition

SECO Energy Foundation Enrollment Change – January 2023


SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program transitions to the SECO Energy Foundation in January 2023.


The SECO Energy Foundation will expand community outreach and member bill payment assistance. The Foundation is funded by SECO Energy rounding enrolled members’ bills up to the nearest dollar and donating the pennies to the Foundation. The average donation per member whose bill is rounded up is $6 annually.


At year-end, all SECO members will be automatically enrolled in the SECO Energy Foundation unless they have proactively advised us over the last five months that they wish to unenroll. There are multiple ways (see below) to unenroll from the Foundation’s electric bill round-up program. Please update your SECO Energy Foundation enrollment status before December 31, 2022.


To update your SECO Energy Foundation enrollment status, visit > Contact >  SECO Energy Foundation. Send an email to, call (352) 793-3801 or write to SECO Energy, Attn: Corp Comm, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585 by December 31, 2022.


Read the full December 2022 SECO News online.


SECO Energy Brings Holiday Joy with Toys for Tots Drive

As challenging as 2020 has been for many folks, it has not prevented SECO Energy employees and its members from spreading holiday joy this year by donating toys to Toys for Tots.


The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation depends on local community support to brighten a child’s Christmas with a toy. That is why SECO Energy joined this worthy cause. The toys donated through Toys for Tots remain in the community where they are donated. For many local children, a toy donated through SECO employees’ and members’ generosity will be the only present received for Christmas.


CEO Jim Duncan stated,“Even during 2020’s time of uncertainty, SECO employees remain committed to bringing a smile to children this Christmas. The donated toys will bring happiness and a sense of normalcy to children across our service area. That makes me smile. As a Marine myself, I am proud of our commitment to this organization and our employees’ and members’ generosity.”


Greg Merimee a Lake & Sumter Toys for Tots volunteer is thankful for SECO employee’s generosity. Merimee stated, “SECO Energy has been one of the best supporters to Toys for Tots every year. We must always bring a large truck just for SECO employees’ donations. They bountifully give so many beautiful bicycles and fantastic toys. On behalf of the Marine Corp League and Toys for Tots, we thank everyone at SECO.”


In addition to the hundreds of toys donated by employees, SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program matched toy donations with an additional $5,000 courtesy of the employees and members who participate in the program.


Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable and Government Affairs Kathy Judkins manages the Toys for Tots donation drive for the cooperative. Judkins stated, “The toys collected will give children of many families a glimpse of hope this Christmas. We’re so grateful for the opportunity to continue to spread holiday cheer.”


SECO Energy members who want to partner with SECO Energy to improve the quality of life in local communities can enroll in the Pennies from Heaven program that rounds up monthly bills to the nearest dollar. The small change donated through Pennies from Heaven supports financial assistance to local worthy causes in SECO’s service area. Requests for Angel Fund bill payment assistance are administered through several local agencies by calling 211 or visiting To find a social service agency, use SECO’s online interactive map. Members can simply input their address and search for an agency in their county of residence.


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO News, December 2020


Duncan’s Digest – 2021 United Way Pledge Drive


SECO Energy employees have been exceptionally generous this year. Their philanthropic spirit is fostered by one of our Cooperative Principles: Concern for Community. Many employees, some who are not members themselves, have joined me in supporting SECO’s Pennies from Heaven charitable fund. Employee and member donations to Pennies from Heaven have funded member bill payment assistance and provided funds for local food banks experiencing critical shortages.Employees have also donated generously to our yearly Toys for Tots donation drive.


May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


SECO employees recognize that local community help is needed year-round and not only during the Christmas season. For this reason, employees take part in an annual employee-funded United Way Pledge Drive. This year has been challenging for some local families who have struggled through the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting shutdown. The need may well extend into next year.


For our 2021 United Way Pledge Drive, employees willingly pledged $61,433 to United Ways in ten local counties. This donation makes a big difference in the lives of local families. SECO’s 400+ employees live in or near the counties we serve, and employees choose the county where their donated dollars will benefit.


The bulk of our employees live in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties, and these counties received the highest dollar amounts in donations. The breakdown by county is:

Lake and Sumter: $29,508


Marion: $20,885


Citrus: $6,023


Other Counties (Gilchrist, Hernando, Levy, Orange, Pasco and Polk): $5,017


Total: $61,433


Join SECO employees in their effort to promote the United Way’s mission to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities to advance the common good. Education, income and health care are United Way’s key focuses. Visit United Way to donate or volunteer.


I am grateful for our employees’ generosity and dedication to our members and the communities we serve. From the SECO family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News December 2020 Engage With Electra To Win

Engage With Electra to Win


Earlier this year, SECO Energy upgraded its phone system to a new, user-friendly interactive voice response (IVR) system. Our virtual agent’s name is Electra, and she is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Engage with Electra to win! Starting December 1, members who interact with Electra virtually and don’t request a SECO member service representative will be eligible to win a $25 gift card. We’ll draw one winner each week.


Electra is multi-functional. She can answer thousands of calls virtually and save you from waiting on hold for rep assistance.


BILLING INQUIRIES: Ask Electra “What is my balance?” or ask her “What is the due date?” Need more billing information? Electra can answer questions such as “What was my last payment amount?” or “When was my last payment date?”


PAY YOUR BILL: Tell Electra “Pay my bill,” and she will transfer you to our PayNow payment processor. You can pay your bill by phone using a credit or debit card or electronic check without a convenience fee.


PAYMENT ARRANGEMENT*: Ask for a “Payment Arrangement” or an “Extension.” Electra will schedule terms – all without you having to speak with a rep.


DISCONNECT SERVICE: If you’re moving out of SECO’s service area and need to disconnect service, tell Electra to “Disconnect Service.” Please provide Electra with a forwarding address for future Capital Credit returns.


REPORT A POWER OUTAGE/UPDATE OUTAGE NOTIFICATIONS: Call Electra to report a power outage. Say the word “Outage,” and she will guide you through easy prompts to report the outage for you. To update your outage notifications, say “Update Notifications.” If you’re calling from a cell phone, Electra will ask if you want her to text you a link to StormCenter to update your outage notification preferences on your smartphone or tablet.


CHECK OUTAGE STATUS: Electra can give you details on the status of a current outage. Just say “Check Status,” and Electra will provide the crew status, estimated restoration time and outage cause if known.


REPORT AN AREA LIGHT OUTAGE: Find an area light issue? Just locate the pole number, call Electra and say “Report an Area Light Outage.” Read page four to learn how you can report area light outages online 24/7 with SECO Energy’s LightFinder tool on StormCenter.


SERVICE TROUBLE: Experiencing a service problem such as partial power or a wire down? Call Electra and say “Service Trouble.” Electra will automatically create a service trouble ticket.


Call Electra at (352) 793-3801 and let her assist you virtually for a chance to win a $25 gift card each week. Winning account must be active at the time of the drawing. Look for the first month’s weekly winners in February 2021 SECO News.


Good luck!


*Electra can schedule a payment arrangement for eligible accounts only.



SECO News December 2020 Area Light Out? Report it Online

Area Light Out? Report it Online


Need to report a malfunctioning area light? Report a light that is completely off, flickering or staying on during the day using our easy and convenient online tool called LightFinder, which is available through SECO Energy’s StormCenter platform.


Visit StormCenter 24/7 to report power outages, report area light malfunctions, update your communications preferences and more. To report an area light outage, choose the LightFinder tile. Enter the area light pole number or near address in the search bar, then click on the light icon to report the lighting issue. Review the light’s details and add comments if needed. Include your email address in the submission to receive updates about the light’s repair status.


A green light icon indicates there is no known area light issue. When an area light trouble ticket is issued, the icon turns red. Lights represented by an orange icon have been repaired in the last 24 hours. Member-owned lights are shown as a blue icon, and a gray icon indicates an inactive light.


SECO repairs most area light issues in less than 24 hours.



SECO News October 2020 EV Charger Winner!

EV Charger Winner


Richard and Jill Nash from Clermont are the November winners of a SECO Energy branded JuiceBox Pro 40 EV Level 2 charger. We’re giving one charger away each month while supplies last. To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner.


Learn more about the benefits of electric vehicle ownership on our EV website pages. You’ll find an EV savings calculator, information about CO2 reduction, an EV and PHEV model finder and a nationwide charger-finder map. Visit our Electric Vehicles page for more details.


Watch SECO News for next month’s charger winner.



SECO News December 2020 StormCenter Word Search

StormCenter Word Search


SECO Energy’s StormCenter outage and communications platform is available online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Report power outages, area light malfunctions and update or enroll in outage notifications. Visit StormCenter online.


December 2020 StormCenter word search



SECO News December 2020 Save Energy With A Smart Thermostat

Save Energy With a Smart Thermostat


Give yourself the gift of energy savings this holiday season. Invest in an ENERGY STAR rated smart thermostat to take the guesswork out of indoor temperature settings and to reduce your energy costs.


Smart thermostats are Wi-Fi-enabled devices controlled with your smartphone, tablet, smart speaker or other device connected to the internet. Installing a smart thermostat allows you to schedule your home’s temperatures for comfort. Some units learn your habits and preferences. Smart thermostats will provide you with data on your home’s energy use and other features.


The recommended thermostat setting for energy efficiency is no lower than 78 degrees in the summer and no higher than 68 degrees in the winter. You can save 6 to 8% annually for each degree higher you set the thermostat during the summer and reduce your heating costs by 3 to 5% in winter for each degree you lower the thermostat.


Bright Idea: If you’re going on vacation, set the thermostat to 82 degrees in the summer or 55 degrees in the winter.



SECO News December The Old Farmer's Almanac

Advice from The Old Farmer’s Almanac


Say goodbye, 2020, and hello to 2021. The Old Farmer’s Almanac shares ideas for us to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Make a 2021 resolution to spend at least 120 minutes outdoors each week, schedule doctors’ visits and add online aerobics classes to your workout routine. Give your health a boost by adopting a dog or cat. 92% of dog owners believe their dog makes them healthier, and 85% of cat owners feel the same.


Some of the fun trends for 2021 are restaurants using edible tableware, paperless menus and local farmers selling produce and veggies in traditional supermarkets. Also making a comeback are houseplants and native plant designs in outdoor landscapes.



SECO News December 2020 Surgeo Picks A Winner

Surgeo Picks a Winner


Congratulations, Harriette Lowrey from The Villages who won a free one-year Surge MitiGator lease! We chose Ms. Lowrey’s name at random from all members subscribed to SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator protection on or before October 31.


Take Surgeo’s advice and enroll in SECO Energy’s Surge MitiGator protection to take the bite out of damaging surges and spikes. Our meter-based surge arrester helps prevent unnecessary financial loss by reducing surges BEFORE they enter your home through the meter. The Surge MitiGator is designed to protects your home’s large-motor appliances.


You can lease the MitiGator for only $5.95 plus tax per month plus $25 installation fee. The purchase price ranges from $349 to $399, with installation included. To enroll online or review the MitiGator warranty, visit Surge MitiGator online.


Read the full December 2020 SECO News online.

SECO Energy Employees Pledge $61,433 for Local United Ways

SECO Energy employees generously pledged $61,433 to local United Ways through the employee-led 2021 United Way Pledge Drive. United Ways in ten local counties will benefit from the dollars pledged for 2021.


SECO’s 400+ employees live in or near the counties the not-for-profit cooperative serves, and employees choose the county where their donated dollars will benefit. The bulk of SECO employees live in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties, and these counties received the highest dollar amounts in donations.


The breakdown by county is: Lake and Sumter: $29,508; Marion: $20,885; Citrus: $6,023; and other counties (Gilchrist, Hernando, Levy, Orange, Pasco and Polk): $5,017. The total pledge for 2021 is $61,433.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO employees recognize that local community help is needed year-round and not only during the Christmas season. For this reason, employees take part in an annual employee-funded United Way Pledge Drive. Our employees’ pledge of $61,433 will make a big difference in the lives of local families.”


SECO Energy Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable and Government Relations Kathy Judkins added, “This year has been challenging for some local families who have struggled through the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting shutdown. The need is even greater than before. We appreciate our employees’ personal commitment to participate in our workplace giving campaign and their dedication to making a difference in the communities we serve.”


Members with a philanthropic spirit can assist their fellow members by enrolling in SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven charitable fund. Pennies from Heaven will round up participating members’ bills to the nearest dollar. The extra pennies are used to fund member bill payment assistance and other local worthy causes. This year, Pennies from Heaven has supported local food banks that have experienced critical shortages and donated $5,000 to local Toys for Tots organizations.


To enroll in Pennies from Heaven, visit our Pennies from Heaven page. Members who manage their account through SECO’s online account manager SmartHub can subscribe on the app or desktop version by selecting Billing & Payment and choosing Pennies from Heaven.


“Like” SECO on Facebook and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Energy Member Service Centers Reopening October 5

SECO Energy is reopening its five Member Service Centers to walk-in traffic on Monday, October 5. To promote the health and wellbeing of SECO members, employees and contractors, SECO encourages visitors who enter a Service Center to wear a face mask.


For members who want to continue limiting face-to-face interactions, all SECO Member Service Centers are equipped with an outside automated kiosk that is available for bill payment 24/7. Drive-thru service is available as well. The drive-thrus in Eustis, Inverness, Ocala and Sumterville will operate 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The drive-thru and lobby in Groveland is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Lobby Hours in Eustis, Inverness, Ocala and Sumterville are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


The cooperative offers members 12 ways to pay bills, and most avoid face-to-face contact. Members can pay online, by phone, by mail, enroll in bank draft and more. SECO’s online account platform called SmartHub is the place to start for convenient self-serve options. Log in or create an account profile today. View past bills, usage history, request a payment arrangement and more.


The cooperative will continue to limit member and employee contact in the field. SECO field personnel are practicing the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommended social distancing standard of maintaining a six-foot barrier with members, contractors and vendors. Employees and members are asked to use email, phone and web conferencing communication in lieu of in-person meetings whenever possible and to practice social distancing when in-person meetings are unavoidable.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “On Friday, September 25, Governor DeSantis announced that Re-opening Florida would enter into Phase 3 of the plan. This Phase allows most businesses to begin operating under pre-COVID-19 parameters with social distancing measures in place. While SECO looks forward to welcoming members back into our Member Service Centers, we will continue our adherence to CDC-recommended social distancing guidelines. We ask members, employees, contractors and vendors to wear a face mask while on SECO property or during face-to-face interactions when social distancing is not possible.”


Duncan continued, “While we are happy that Florida is re-opening and we are entering the end of the COVID-19 shutdown, some of our cooperative’s members are still struggling. Members who donate monthly to SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program have helped us provide funding for member bill payment assistance and local food banks during this pandemic. I am grateful for our Pennies from Heaven members’ generosity and support.”


SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program contributes funds every quarter to local United Way organizations and social service agencies. Members who have been economically affected by the COVID-19 shutdown and are unable to pay their electric bills are urged to seek bill payment assistance. Call or text 2-1-1 or visit their website at To find a social service agency, use SECO’s online interactive map. Members can simply input their address and search for an agency in their county of residence.


SECO members who enroll in the Pennies from Heaven program agree to round up their monthly bills to the next dollar. The extra change funds the Pennies from Heaven program. The donated pennies can be used to fund local, worthy causes and to provide bill payment assistance to fellow members. The funds are used locally within SECO’s service area. SECO employees also support the Pennies from Heaven program through internal fundraising efforts and personal donations.


If you’d prefer to write a check, please send it to SECO Energy, P.O. Box 301, Sumterville, FL 33585.


“Like” SECO on Facebook and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

The Villages Democratic Club donates $3,000 to SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven Fund

The Villages Democratic Club has donated $3,000 to SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program. These funds will help SECO members affected by the COVID-19 economic shutdown with electric bill payment assistance.


Like most electric service providers in the state, SECO Energy responded in March to the COVID-19 shutdown with understanding and flexibility by waiving late fees and extending payment arrangement timeframes for members. Since early March, no SECO member has been disconnected, charged a late fee nor denied a payment extension. However, SECO is currently formulating a plan that requires members with high accrued balances to render payment, enter into a repayment agreement or seek bill payment assistance from a social service agency.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “We are grateful for The Villages Democratic Club’s generous donation to our Pennies from Heaven program. Donations such as this remain local to assist the thousands of members who are seeking bill payment assistance as our cooperative begins the return to normal business practices. Assisting members during this time is important to us, and we urge members who need bill payment assistance to visit and find a local social service agency using our interactive map. Requests for assistance can also be initiated by calling 2-1-1 or visiting”


SECO members who have enrolled in the Pennies from Heaven program agree to round up their monthly bills to the next dollar. The extra change funds the Pennies from Heaven program. The donated pennies can be used to fund local, worthy causes and to provide bill payment assistance to fellow members. The funds are used locally within SECO’s service area. SECO employees also support the Pennies from Heaven program through internal fundraising efforts and personal donations.


Duncan urged members who are not already donating to consider Pennies from Heaven enrollment or a one-time donation. He continued, “I support Pennies from Heaven myself as a member as do many of our employees. The average per member donation is about $6 annually if the member is enrolled in the bill round up program. Pennies from Heaven is a great way to make a big difference with your small change – one penny at a time.”


If you’d prefer to write a check, please send it to SECO Energy at 330 S U.S. Highway 301, Sumterville, FL 33585.


The Pennies from Heaven program also provides dollars every quarter to local United Way organizations and social service agencies for bill payment assistance for members.


“Like” SECO on Facebook and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

Citrus County Health Dept Advises of Possible COVID-19 Contact

SECO Energy was informed late Tuesday afternoon that a SECO Energy warehouse administrative employee may have had an exposure to a Citrus County resident who has been tested for COVID-19 but results are not available. The employee serves in an administrative role with the cooperative and has limited contact with the public and other employees. The employee is asymptomatic and has been placed in quarantine as a precaution along with the employees with whom he was in contact.


The reliability of SECO’s electric service plays a critical role in SECO members’ health and wellbeing. To keep its employees healthy and ready to serve its members, the cooperative has made changes to mitigate health risks related to member and public interaction.


SECO Energy’s Sumterville headquarters and adjacent campus are temporarily closed to public access for any vendor or delivery without an approved appointment or scheduled delivery. SECO’s five Member Service Centers are equipped with counter-to-ceiling glass barriers for employee and member protection. As such, SECO has decided not to close any Member Service Centers at this time. SECO field personnel are practicing the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommended social distancing standard of maintaining a six-foot barrier with members. Employees and members are asked to use email and phone communication in lieu of in-person meetings whenever possible and to practice social distancing when in-person meetings are unavoidable.


Most importantly, SECO Energy activated its Emergency Response Plan (ERP) on March 9 in response to the Coronavirus situation. CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO Energy provides electricity which is an essential service in preserving public health and quality of life in today’s world. The cooperative’s ERP ensures it can maintain a 24/7 workforce, preserve SECO’s ability to maintain its electric system and provide an acceptable level of member service even in the face of employee impact with Coronavirus. Our members depend on us to provide reliable electric service, and that’s even more important as our largely senior demographic practices social distancing at home to remain healthy.”


Duncan continued, “SECO has proactively waived late payment fees, and we will allow additional payment arrangement time to members affected by the Coronavirus situation.” If a member has difficulty paying an electric bill during this declared emergency, it’s easy and private to request an automated payment arrangement through our new automated IVR phone system. Members can also log into SmartHub to request a payment arrangement online.


SECO has other ways to help members in need through a corporate citizenship initiative called Pennies from Heaven. The program helps fund local United Way chapters managed through Florida 211 for bill payment assistance for SECO members. Members who need assistance with utilities, food, and other household expenses are encouraged to contact 211.


“Like” SECO’s page on Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Energy Employee Donations Make a Difference at Christmas

SECO Energy’s generous employees are Making a Difference at Christmas by donating hundreds of toys for its annual Marine Toys for Tots donation drive. Members also joined in the gift-giving by adding toys to the donation boxes at SECO’s five Member Service Center locations.


SECO employees’ and members’ donations provide toys and smiles for local children on Christmas day. The toys donated through Toys for Tots remain in the community where they are donated. For many local children, a toy donated through the generosity of SECO employees and members will be the only present received for Christmas.


Among the hundreds of toys were 75 bicycles and tricycles donated by SECO employees. SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program chipped in this year to purchase bicycles and tricycles to match the number donated by SECO employees. In all, over 140 local children will receive a new bicycle or tricycle courtesy of SECO employees and members who participate in Pennies from Heaven.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO employees are a charitable group and they especially enjoy contributions that benefit the communities we serve. As a fellow marine, I’m proud of the Marine Toys for Tots organization whose volunteers work tirelessly to bring joy to children at Christmas. I am grateful to our generous employees and members who are willing to share their Christmas spirit with others.”


Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable and Government Affairs Kathy Judkins manages the Toys for Tots donation drive companywide. Judkins stated, “I am so thankful for the hundreds of employees and many SECO members who chose to join SECO in supporting Toys for Tots this year. Making a Difference at Christmas brings happiness to children across our service area.”


Members who want to partner with SECO Energy to improve quality of life in local communities served by SECO can enroll in the Pennies from Heaven program that rounds up monthly bills to the nearest dollar. The small change donated through Pennies from Heaven supports financial assistance to local worthy causes in SECO’s service area. Requests for Angel Fund bill payment assistance are administered through several local agencies by calling 211 or visiting 211 online.


Watch a slide show of donated toys from SECO’s Toys for Tots toy drive photos on SECO’s YouTube channel. Learn more about SECO Energy’s community involvement online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO News, December 2019


Duncan’s Digest – 2020 Outlook – Rising Costs


The costs of virtually everything required to operate a modern electrical system are increasing rapidly. Our 2020 outlook is a mix of good and bad news. The good news is wholesale power costs are stable, so we’re able to apply a higher, member-favorable Power Cost Adjustment (PCA aka Hot Bucks) credit to your bills starting January 1. The bad news is the customer charge component for both residential and certain commercial members is increasing. The residential increase is 17 cents a day and the commercial customer and demand charge increases vary by rate type.


SECO News Duncan's Digest 2019


SECO’s mission is to construct, maintain and restore the electric system. We construct new facilities to meet growth demands. We upgrade and maintain the electric system to prevent outages. When an outage occurs, we restore as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the costs associated with our three mission-critical focuses are rising at an alarming rate.


The 2020 construction work plan tops $55 million to construct new and upgrade existing infrastructure. Tree trimming, storm hardening and system maintenance work is performed largely by contract labor.


Construction and maintenance costs are rising by a whopping 25 percent in 2020. The job market is tight and contractors who perform system reliability maintenance are paying higher wages to keep workers on their payroll. This isn’t just a Florida utility phenomenon – it’s happening nationwide and was spurred when California utility PG&E was court ordered to significantly beef up their tree trimming and system maintenance programs to reduce fire risk. Florida lost a significant amount of its utility-related contract labor workforce to California and we are paying the price despite a booming economy.


SECO Energy is experiencing systemwide growth. Every part of our service territory requires infrastructure additions, system upgrades, storm hardening, tree trimming or communications improvements whether you live north, south, east or west of our headquarters.


SECO Energy 2020 Project Map


You may be wondering why the financial benefit of customer growth isn’t covering rising costs, and it’s a valid question. The answer lies in the low average residential member’s energy consumption. In our service area, the average kilowatt hour (kWh) monthly consumption today is 1,037. This average consumption is much lower than our cooperative peers due to the growing Central Florida trend of energy efficient homes and businesses, use of natural gas appliances, and a strong increase in solar installations. Low energy consumption equals a lower monthly bill – that is good for our members. Less energy consumption and use of solar are also good for the environment. So, what’s the downside?


There are significant financial challenges to low kWh sales, even for a not-for-profit electric provider in a growth environment. We must adjust the monthly customer charge that is collected to cover the costs associated with the delivery of power and system reliability maintenance.


A recent cost of service study indicates that the cost of delivering power and maintaining infrastructure in the residential sector is nearly $35 a month. Currently, we apply an average residential customer charge of $25 a month (83 cents a day). We are bridging that gap by increasing this customer charge by 17 cents a day. Commercial account customer and demand charge increases vary based on the cost of service study. Those adjustments are detailed in our rate tariff online. These collective increases will raise total revenue by about 3.5 percent.


We have tightened our corporate belts to carefully monitor controllable expenses while striving to maintain system reliability, but as I mentioned previously and as you can see on the 2020 Project Map, new construction, upgrades and maintenance are required across our entire service territory.


In response to growth and to preserve reliability, we must build new substations, add power transformers at existing substations, upgrade voltage and conductor and convert critical overhead facilities to underground. The work plan includes building new communication towers, upgrading our radio system and installing fiber-optic cable and microwave backhaul for automated communications that facilitate faster outage restoration. To storm harden, we must support an aggressive pole replacement and vegetation management program systemwide. All of these components play critical roles in the delivery of reliable power and speedy restoration in the event of an outage.


The bottom line is that none of us like having to increase the customer charge, but it is quite necessary to ensure continued service reliability. At the same time, we are pleased that stable fuel costs are allowing a larger Hot Bucks Credit (PCA) that will offset most or all of the increase depending on your respective usage level. These changes reflect the difficult balance between affordability and reliability.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



SECO Energy Employees Pledge Donations of $70,000 for United Way


Each year, SECO Energy employees participate in an employee-funded United Way Pledge Drive. Our employees understand that local community support is needed year-round and not only during the Christmas season.


The 2020 United Way Pledge Drive was an amazing success. SECO employees pledged $70,316 to United Way agencies in ten local counties. This total increased almost seven percent over 2019.


Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties are where the bulk of our employees live and received the highest dollar amounts in donations. The breakdown by county is:


Citrus: $7,799
Lake: $14,316
Marion: $23,002
Sumter: $21,559
Other Counties (Hernando, Levy, Orange, Pasco, Polk, Volusia): $3,640


Join us in United Way’s mission to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities to advance the common good. To donate or volunteer, visit United Way online.



December 2019 SECO News Champion Kathy Judkins


Kathy Judkins – Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations


Length of Service: 12 Years



“SECO IS COMMUNITY FOCUSED.” Kathy Judkins, Sr. Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations is a fourth-generation Floridian residing in Marion County. Her role with SECO Energy focuses on the cooperative principle of Concern for Community. Kathy manages annual SECO employee-giving campaigns and is excited that SECO is nearing the $1 million United Way contribution mark in the coming year. Kathy is honored to give hope to members in our service territory through SECO employee contributions to United Way. She also manages the Toys for Tots campaign companywide and is proud of SECO employees’ efforts to bring joy to children in our service territory on Christmas. Kathy also develops relationships with State Legislators and U.S. Congress members in Washington, D.C., to engage on issues related to the energy industry that could affect SECO’s ability to provide affordable, reliable service to our members.



December 2019 SECO News Relay For Life


SECO Energy and our employees are long-time sponsors of Relay For Life events that support the American Cancer Society. Our superhero employees participated in the Sumter County Relay For Life event on Saturday, November 2. The SECO team’s theme was “Superheroes Finish The Fight.”


In 2019, SECO raised $25,655 for the American Cancer Society to support cancer research, patients and caregivers and to fight for a cure.


Learn more about Relay For Life or donate to the American Cancer Society online.



December 2019 SECO News Toys for Tots drive


SECO Energy and our employees are Making A Difference at Christmas by donating toys for local children through our Annual Marine Toys for Tots collection drive. Members also joined in the gift-giving by adding new, unwrapped toys in the donation boxes at our five Member Service Centers.


Toys donated through Toys for Tots are delivered to local children. The donated toys remain in our local communities. For many children, toys donated by our generous employees and members will be the only gifts under the Christmas tree.


SECO employees rallied to pack Santa’s sleigh by donating over 60 bicycles and tricycles for local children, along with hundreds of other gifts. New this year, SECO’s member-funded Pennies from Heaven program matched this number with additional bike purchases. It’s clear that our employees enjoy playing Santa for local children through
Toys for Tots.


Thank you to our generous employees and members who are willing to share their Christmas joy and spirit with others. Making A Difference at Christmas brings happiness to children across our area.



December 2019 SECO News Pennies from Heaven


December is the month of giving, goodwill and cheer. Keep the Christmas spirit alive in the new year by joining SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program. By joining Pennies from Heaven, SECO rounds up your bill to the nearest dollar and donates those pennies to charitable causes in the communities we serve.


The small change donated through Pennies from Heaven supports financial assistance to worthy causes in our service area. Requests for Angel Fund bill payment assistance are administered through several area agencies by calling 211 or visiting 211 online.


This year, we are excited to announce that Pennies from Heaven will purchase bicycles and tricycles to match the number donated by SECO employees! Thus far, employees donated over 60 bikes and trikes and SECO will double the amount. This means hundreds of local children will get their Christmas wish of a new bike courtesy of SECO employees and SECO members who donate to Pennies from Heaven.


Enroll in Pennies from Heaven to put your extra pennies to good use in charitable causes in our communities. Just a few cents every month can change lives. Learn more about the program or enroll online.


Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Read the full December 2019 SECO News online.