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April 2021 Sunshine State Stats

Will the adage prove true? Let’s hope the above average April 2021 showers will bring May flowers. April 2021 brought both rain and hot temperatures to Central Florida. Temperatures reached as high as 90 degrees and as low as 45 degrees. The month ended with an eight-day streak of high temperatures that reached over 80 degrees. In total, 21 days in the month reached above 80 degrees and 2 of these days the temperature reached 90.


April 2021 Sunshine State Stats temps


Hotter temperatures are just over the horizon. Members may notice an increase in their April electric usage due to cooling needs increasing to combat hotter daily and nightly temps.


For April 2021 the average temperature was a comfortable 71 degrees, which is 4 degrees lower than the average temperature in April 2020. The highest recorded temperature was 90 degrees and the lowest recorded was 45 degrees. The average high temperature was 81 degrees, and the average low temperature was 61.


Average April rainfall is 2.8 inches, April 2021 was much higher at 6.08 inches. Comparatively, precipitation in April 2020 was lower at 2.92 which is closer to the normal average.


Again, members may see an increase in their energy usage for April 2021. Central Florida is entering into the late spring and summer months. Hotter temperatures mean HVACs will run for longer periods of time to keep the temperatures cool inside. Daily temperature fluctuations also increase HVAC usage. The highest daily temperature fluctuation in April was 28 degrees.


May forecast:


The forecast for May 2021 includes mostly sunny days with intermittent chances of daily thunderstorms. Expect highs in the 90s with lows in the high 60s to low 70s.


To check historical usage, log into SmartHub to view past bills and consumption charts. If your usage is high, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.

Sunshine State Stats, September 2017

September 2017’s Sunshine State Stats and the local weather was about the same as the previous September – with the exception of Cat 2/3 Hurricane Irma that barreled through the center of the state on Sunday, September 9.   The average temperature came in at 82°, while September of 2016 was a degree higher with an average temperature of 83°. Rainfall came in at 9.68 inches compared to last September at 6.14 inches. This was mainly due to Hurricane Irma.


There were 514 cooling degree days and 0 heating degree days for September 2017, while last year there were 502 cooling degree days with 0 heating degree days. The Degree Days are based on how much warmer or cooler the average temperature at a particular location is than 65°F. In other words, if the average temperature is 70° degrees outside on a particular day, there are 5 Cooling Degree Days for that day in that location.


SECO Energy's Sunshine State Stats for September 2017 - September's monthly averages and stats


October is forecast to be slightly warmer than normal with precipitation being higher than normal compared to last year. The hot and humid days of 2017 are almost behind us –  bringing lower energy bills. If you want to check historical usage, log into SmartHub to view past bills and charts.


If your usage is high, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator. If you want a member of our Energy Services team to come to your home to perform a free energy audit, contact us today to book an appointment.

Sunshine State Stats, August 2017

August 2017 was slightly warmer than the previous August. The average temperature came in at 84°, while August of 2016 had an average temperature of 83°. Rainfall came in at 7.91 inches compared to last August at a mere 0.69 inches.


There were 595 cooling degree days and 0 heating degree days for August 2017, while last year there were 568 cooling degree days with 0 heating degree days. The Degree Days are based on how much warmer or cooler the average temperature is at a particular location is than 65°. In other words, if the average temperature is 70° degrees outside on a particular day, there are 5 Cooling Degree Days for that day in that location.


SECO Energy's Sunshine State Stats, August 2017 - monthly averages and stats


September is forecast to be slightly warmer with precipitation higher than normal compared to last year. Hurricane Irma wreaked havoc on the area as well, so it will be interesting to see how the natural disaster affects the overall Sunshine State Stats at the end of the month. Fall is around the corner bringing cooler temperatures and allowing your air conditioners a much needed break. If you want to check historical usage, log into SmartHub to view past bills and charts.

If your usage is high, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator. If you want a member of our Energy Services team to come to your home to perform a free energy audit, contact us today to book an appointment.