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SECO News, December 2018





SECO Energy employees are here to fill the sleigh with toys collected for the Marine Corps Toys for Tots program. As a Marine myself, Toys for Tots is particularly special to me. Our employees have also embraced Toys for Tots because they know the organization is delivering Christmas morning happiness to children in our local communities.

May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


Toys for Tots plays Santa for thousands of less-fortunate children. Toy donation boxes were made available in all Member Service Centers through early December for employees and members alike to donate new, unwrapped toys to this worthy cause.



The collected toys remain right here in our local communities to be distributed to local children. Hundreds of employees and members displayed their Christmas spirit by dropping a toy or two into the Toys for Tots collection box. The number of new bikes donated by our employees this year is definitely a record-setter. For thousands of children, the donated toys are the only gifts waiting for them under the Christmas tree.


I believe Charles Schulz of Peanuts fame said it best, “Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” Many of our employees and members do a little extra for others by contributing to Toys for Tots every year. I thank you all for your generosity and willingness to give.


From the SECO family to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer




SECO News December 2018 SECO Champions
Meet SECO Champions Kathy and Kurt – two examples of our 400+ SECO Champion employees. Kathy and Kurt are dedicated to providing exceptional service to members, co-workers and communities.






“We’re here for members.”



Member Services Supervisor Kathy Posso is a SECO Champion who is a friendly face assisting members in our Sumterville Member Service Center. In 2005, Kathy’s family moved to Central Florida, and she joined the SECO team in 2014. In 2017 during Hurricane Irma restoration, Kathy was especially humbled by members’ stories of devastation after the storm. Kathy’s passion is helping members. She recalls a time when a member who recently lost a spouse was grateful when she took extra time to help him read and understand the bill and complete a payment. Kathy and her husband are leaders at their church. Kathy’s family is proud that she works for SECO Energy, a cooperative that believes in putting members first and also appreciates and recognizes its employees.






“My family is proud.”



SECO Champion Kurt Campbell is an R&D Technician working throughout Sumter, Lake and Citrus Counties performing meter work to ensure accurate account billing. During Hurricane Irma restoration in 2017, Kurt worked with the warehouse team transporting supplies to crews restoring power in the field. Kurt interacts with members every day and is grateful that he was on-hand during several emergency situations. While waiting for emergency personnel, Kurt comforted a member whose husband suffered a stroke. He has also helped members with vehicle trouble. Kurt was born and raised in Sumter County and lives with his family in Coleman. Kurt says his family is glad to know that he is part of the effort to restore power to SECO members after a hurricane or major storm.




SECO News December 2018 United Way 2019 Pledge Drive



SECO Energy employees are truly blessed with a giving spirit. Our 2019 United Way Pledge Drive was an overwhelming success. Employees pledged over $66,000 to United Way – a $13,000 or 25 percent increase from last year.


The pledges will make a big difference in the lives of those in need in our service territory. SECO’s 400+ employees live in or near the counties we serve, and employees are able to choose the county where their donated dollars will benefit.


Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties are the four counties in our service area with the highest member count. The majority of our employees live and work in these four counties as well.


United Way’s mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good. Education, income and health are the United Way’s key focuses. Visit United Way online to find a local branch, register to volunteer or to donate.


Donate your extra pennies to help your fellow SECO Energy members in need or to support worthy causes right here in our service territory. Enroll in Pennies from Heaven to have your monthly bill automatically rounded up to the nearest dollar. The donated pennies provide financial assistance through the Angel Fund.


Angel Funds are used to provide bill payment assistance to members, help those in dire and unique circumstances or support other worthy causes in the counties we serve. Requests for Angel Fund assistance are administered through several local agencies by calling 2-1-1.




SECO News December 2018 Lending a Hand in North Florida



On October 10, 2018, Category 4 Hurricane Michael blazed a deadly path through North Florida, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. Destructive and deadly, Michael left 400,000 Floridians without power for weeks.


The day after Hurricane Michael, a team of SECO employees voluntarily packed their bags, leaving their families to help our cooperative neighbors’ restoration efforts.


Initially, the module traveled to Tri-County Electric in Madison before trekking to Talquin Electric Cooperative near Tallahassee. Additional line techs and warehouse personnel joined the module, and some returned home while additional employees accompanied the group as it traveled to assist Gulf Coast Electric in Wewahitchka.


SECO is very proud of our employees’ willingness to assist our cooperative neighbors. 53 SECO employees (named below) worked an almost four-week restoration effort assisting three cooperatives restoring power to thousands.



December 2018 SECO News Traveling Modules named

Read the full December 2018 SECO News online.

SECO Energy Employees Gather Donations for Toys for Tots

SECO Energy employees helped to fill Santa’s sleigh with toys collected for the Marine Corps Toys for Tots program. SECO’s five Member Service Center locations are available as public drop off locations.


Toys for Tots plays Santa for thousands of less-fortunate children. Toys for Tots is a world-wide organization, but the toys collected locally are distributed to children within the area. Hundreds of local children will benefit from the generosity of SECO employees and members alike when they wake up to toys under the Christmas tree donated through Toys for Tots.


This year, SECO employees donated an unprecedented number of new bikes for local children. SECO members have also added to the donations by dropping off toys at their local SECO Member Service Center. SECO has Toys for Tots donation boxes available in its Eustis, Groveland, Inverness, Ocala and Sumterville locations.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “The Marine Corps Toys for Tots program is a worthwhile organization in our community. As a Marine myself, Toys for Tots is particularly special to me. SECO employees have also embraced Toys for Tots because they know the organization is delivering Christmas morning happiness to children in our local communities.”


Duncan added, “Stop by a local SECO office and donate a new, unwrapped toy or two to Toys for Tots. The donated toys remain local. This Christmas season, join the SECO family in supporting Toys for Tots.”


Toys for Tots donation boxes are available at SECO Member Service Centers through early December. Find a SECO location in Eustis, Groveland, Inverness, Ocala or Sumterville online.



“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates. Visit our Community page online to learn more about SECO’s corporate citizenship and other community outreach initiatives.

SECO Energy Donates Cell Phones to Troops for the Holidays

SECO Energy and Florida Senator Dennis Baxley worked together to ensure overseas active-duty servicemen and women receive 355 new and gently-used cell phones. This worthy cause will help service members call home from overseas at no charge this holiday season.


In 2004, two teenagers, Robbie and Brittany Bergquist, decided troops should be able to call their families from overseas for free; thus “Cell Phones For Soldiers” was born. Cell Phones For Soldiers is a national nonprofit relying on generous cash contributions and donations of gently used cell phones to provide free communication services for active-duty service members. Since 2004, the Cell Phones For Soldiers organization has received more than 15 million cell phones and has acquired more than 300 million minutes of free talk time through fund donations equating to more than 5 million calling cards donated to servicemen and women.


“From time to time, SECO Energy upgrades its computers, cell phones, and other electronic equipment. Rather than utilizing the traditional recycling process, SECO has elected to donate those items to schools and charitable organizations within its seven-county service territory in the spirit of patriotism and community service,” said Jim Duncan, CEO.


Duncan added, “Today, it is our honor to contribute these new and gently-used cell phones to the troops of this great nation through an organization that is near and dear to Florida State Senator Dennis Baxley’s heart. These phones will enable our servicemen and women to communicate with their families while being so far away from home.”


Senator Baxley stated, “Thank you to SECO, a fantastic community partner, for working with us to redistribute technology to nonprofits and the needy. This is what makes the community work.” Hiers-Baxley Funeral & Cremation Life Event Center located at 3975 Wedgewood Lane in The Villages is just one of more than 4,000 public cell phone collection locations across the nation for Cell Phones For Soldiers. Visit the Cell Phones for Soldiers website to find a donation location in your area.


Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates. Visit our Community page to learn more about SECO’s corporate citizenship and other community outreach initiatives.

SECO Energy and Dunnellon High School Partner for Energy Careers

SECO Energy and Dunnellon High School in Marion County are working together as Power Partners to develop local students’ interests in energy careers.


Dunnellon High School’s Power Generation Academy helps prepare students for the thousands of high-skilled, high-tech, in-demand jobs in the power and energy industry. Upon program completion, students will receive a National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) certification in Power Generation Maintenance as an Industrial Maintenance Technician.


To celebrate this Power Partnership, SECO Energy’s Kenny Rodrigue, Manager of Substation and Transmission, and Rina Rivera, Senior Human Resources Generalist, delivered SECO sponsored Power Partner t-shirts, gloves, safety glasses and scrap aluminum for welding. Rodrigue spoke with the students about the utility industry and careers at SECO. Rodrigue and Rivera also discussed the education path required to best prepare students for the energy industry, along with technical knowledge and skills needed for future employment.


As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO believes supporting students and schools in local communities is a worthwhile investment. Annually SECO awards $36,000 in scholarships to 12 graduating seniors who live in a home served by the cooperative. In Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties, SECO recently contributed $15,500 to the counties’ public education foundations benefitting students and teachers.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Our partnership with Dunnellon High School’s Power Generation Academy is an exciting opportunity for local students and SECO. The students enrolled in the program are introduced to careers in the utility industry and local utility leadership. For SECO, we lend a hand in cultivating the future work force and possibly offer future employment or internship opportunities at SECO.”


Duncan added, “Our local utility offers a variety of career opportunities for students who want to work in a stable environment with competitive compensation while remaining close to family and friends.”


Applications for SECO’s 2019 Scholarship Program will be available starting January 2, 2019. Find program criteria and a printable application online on our Scholarship page. Applications are also available through school guidance counselors.


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.  Visit our Community page online to learn more about SECO’s corporate citizenship and other community outreach initiatives.

Sunshine State Stats, October 2018

October 2018’s average high of 87° was 2 degrees warmer than last October. The average temp was 77° – still pretty warm for October. Rainfall for October of 2018 was 1.81 inches compared to last October at 2.63 inches.


SECO Energy Sunshine State Stats breakdown October 2018


There were 373 cooling degree days and 1 heating degree days for October 2018, while last year there were 379 cooling degree days with 15 heating degree days. The Degree Days are based on how much warmer or cooler the average temperature at a particular location is than 65°F. In other words, if the average temperature is 60° degrees outside on a particular day, there are 5 Heating Degree Days for that day in that location.


November 2018 is forecast to give us daily high temperatures in the 70s and 80s right through Thanksgiving. Rainfall is forecast to be heavier than normal compared to 2017. By replacing a dirty HVAC filter, you can lower your air conditioner’s energy consumption by 5% – 15%. Per ENERGY STAR, investing in a programmable thermostat can save you up to $180 a year on energy costs. Ask for one for Christmas!


If you want to check historical usage, log into SmartHub to view past bills and charts. If your usage is high, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters.


Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator. If you want a member of our Energy Services team to come to your home to perform a free energy audit, contact us today to book an appointment.


** Past weather data sourced from Leesburg Airport weather station.