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SECO Members/Employees Donate 5,000 Pounds to Local Food Pantries

Hundreds of SECO Energy members and employees graciously gave 5,000 pounds of non-perishable food during the “Feeding the Cooperative Spirit” food drive initiative at SECO Energy’s 81st Annual Meeting of the Membership which garnered a crowd of nearly 5,000 attendees on Saturday, March 23, 2019.


SECO Energy and local United Way agencies partnered to identify 14 regional food banks in SECO Energy’s service territory to receive the collected food. Volunteers from some of those food banks along with United Way representatives and SECO employees collected, sorted, packed, and delivered 5,000 pounds of non-perishable food items to:


  • Brother’s Keeper
  • Salvation Army of Marion County
  • Interfaith Emergency Services
  • St. Theresa’s Social Services
  • Community of Gratitude
  • Salvation Army of Lake County
  • Leesburg Food Bank
  • Faith Neighborhood Center, Inc.
  • Lake Cares
  • Salvation Army of Sumter County
  • Wildwood Food Pantry
  • Hope Ministries Center, Inc.
  • Daystar Life Center
  • Community Food Bank Citrus County


According to Rebecca Brislain, Executive Director of the Florida Association of Food Banks, “Florida food banks have been distributing food at disaster levels over the last three years with increases of 80 percent in some areas of the state.”


CEO Jim Duncan said, “We recognize disasters don’t always hit during a hurricane or severe storm but can occur at any given time to individuals or families. We continue to adhere to our seventh cooperative principle, “Concern for Community.” I believe this is why hundreds of our members showed their concern for community by donating to this worthy cause.”


“Some of our members suggested they would visit one of the identified food banks at a later date to drop-off their food items. Others gave money for SECO to purchase items for the food drive. We ask the community to continue our theme of ‘Feeding the Cooperative Spirit’ by giving to the local food bank closest to them,” stated Kathy Judkins, Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations.


View our video footage of the food drive and learn more about the not-for-profit cooperative’s community outreach efforts online. Enroll in Pennies from Heaven to have your bill rounded up to the nearest dollar and donate the extra pennies for worthy causes like bill payment assistance for members in need. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

Energy Insider – 1st Quarter

Autonomous Taxis Coming Soon to a Village Near You


Autonomous Taxis – Coming Soon to a Village Near You!


The future is now! Autonomous taxi company Voyage Auto has launched a pilot program in The Villages, Florida, specifically the Village of Virginia Trace. The self-driving taxi program, unveiled earlier this year, is as an added benefit for the residents in The Villages. This is simply a taxi service for folks who need to get to or from somewhere but do not have their own transportation or perhaps don’t feel comfortable driving. Ryan McCabe, Operations Manager with The Villages, states; “We believe in what Voyage Auto is trying to do. We couldn’t be happier with the idea.”


The thing that makes this different from other transportation services is that there isn’t a person in the driver’s seat! This vehicle is fully autonomous and a ride can be arranged using the Voyage mobile app. In the near future, Voyage will be expanding their presence in The Villages on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis. Virginia Trace was chosen for the pilot because of its close proximity to Lake Sumter Landing. It is likely the same criteria will be used in choosing which neighborhood is next. Mr. McCabe stated, “With golf carts and Voyage, the residents might not need a car to live here.”


For those concerned with this “out-of-the-box” idea, Tom Hauburger, Director of Product for Voyage, states, “The technology investment we make is centered on safety and comfort.” The Voyage team understands the highest level of safety is expected and consumer comfort is a close second.


Keep an eye out for upcoming “try-ride” events at a location near you. Customers will have the opportunity to experience a ride into the future. Try-ride event dates will be announced once all of the details are finalized and locations are chosen.


Visit Voyage for more information about this revolutionary idea!



SECO Earns Tree Line USA Distinction


SECO Earns Tree Line USA Distinction


The wind is blowing, the rain is coming down sideways and ZAP, your power is out. Power is of the utmost importance to your business. Power drives the machines, lights and most likely everything essential to your operation. The last thing you need is a power outage. However, this is Florida where storms develop quickly and in some cases are severe enough to threaten your reliability.


When storms happen, trees pose the greatest hazards to the electric lines serving your facility. For this reason, SECO Energy has a services agreement with tree trimming contractors and also arranges for a very large contingent of tree trimming contractors to aid with restoration activities prior to a major storm or hurricane. Our vegetation management efforts are ongoing and a very important function to ensure reliability of your electric service. As a matter of fact, for twelve consecutive years, SECO Energy has been awarded the Tree Line USA Utility distinction from the Arbor Day Foundation. We are very proud of this achievement.


SECO Energy’s award-winning Vegetation Management team is comprised of five professionals who manage the program. According to April Hurst, Supervisor of Vegetation Management, “SECO’s goal is to prevent tree-related outages. We plan, direct and execute activities to clear the right-of-ways for any vegetative hazard posed to the electric lines from the substation all the way to the transformer that serves member facilities.” Doing this requires a massive amount of planning, supervision and the actual execution of the plan.


On average SECO Energy spends about $10,000,000 per year to execute the vegetation management plan. Our program is very aggressive and our proactive approach has greatly reduced the number of tree-related outages. “Although what we do is not always esthetically pleasing or pretty, it is necessary for the health of the tree and for line clearances – healthy trees planted in the right place do not cause outages,” advises Mrs. Hurst.


To ensure correct methods for trimming trees, SECO Energy hires certified arborists. Crews that specialize in tree trimming perform the actual work. The correct trimming methods maintain the health of the tree and minimize the threat to the electric system. Follow up inspections are performed by SECO professionals to ensure work has been performed correctly.


How can you help? Take notice of trees/tree limbs in close proximity of electric distribution lines serving your facility. Even if your service is underground, at some point it feeds into an overhead line. When adding landscape, be sure and plant the right tree in the right place – where there is little likelihood the tree will ever impact electric facilities. Talk to your Key Account consultant regarding any concerns you have.


For more information on our vegetation management program or for clarification of what SECO will trim versus your trimming responsibilities, visit our tree trimming page. Want to meet SECO vegetation management team in person? Join us on Saturday, April 27, 2019 for Earthfest at Arbor Day event in Tuscawilla Park in Ocala!



12 Annual Earth Day Celebration Sponsored by CEMEX


12th Annual Earth Day Celebration


If you are looking for a fun family event in Sumter County this April, look no further than the 12th Annual Earth Day Celebration in Center Hill, Florida. So what is this you may ask? The event is a partnership between the Sumter County School Board and CEMEX. This FREE event features a tour of the CEMEX mine and provides insight on the importance of mining and how it’s done while protecting and conserving our natural resources.


The Earth Day celebration includes many local environmental agencies who share useful information on a number of topics from water conservation to preventing pollution. Represented this year will be the UF/IFAS Extension Service, National Resources Conservation Service, Phosphate Research Institute, Florida Native Plant Society, Sumter County Master Gardeners and the Florida Forestry Service. SECO Energy will also be onsite to educate attendees on electrical safety and energy conservation.


Food and entertainment are part of the celebration. Enjoy a Grumpy’s famous ice cream and hot dogs cooked by Ring Power Corporation. Meet the animal ambassadors from the Florida International Teaching Zoo and learn all about bats. You can even hold a baby alligator and learn how to sculpt sand. The ever-popular Kids Fossil Dig will be open for children ages three to third grade along with the opportunity to plant a tree. The Same in Lame Jazz Ambassadors and the South Sumter High School Naval National Defense Cadet Corps will open the event with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner. Chorus and band groups from South Sumter Middle School, Wildwood Middle School and Wildwood Elementary School will perform their favorite songs.


The 12th Annual Earth Day Event is scheduled for April 13, 2019 at the CEMEX mine located at 530 W. King Highway in Center Hill. The fun begins at 10 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m.





Manager of Key Accounts & Energy Services
OFFICE: (352) 569-9787
CELL: (352) 303-3567

Hank Bolduc, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9789
CELL: (352) 303-3546

Ryon Meyers, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9781
CELL: (352) 636-9593

Jeff Light, SECO Energy Key Accounts Consultant


Key Accounts Consultant
OFFICE: (352) 569-9790
CELL: (352) 303-3183



SECO Energy 81st Annual Meeting Draws Thousands

SECO Energy held its 81st Annual Meeting of the Membership on Saturday, March 23, 2019, drawing a crowd of nearly 5,000 members, guests, VIPs and employees.


The theme of this year’s meeting – “Feeding the Cooperative Spirit” – was also a mission. SECO spread the word that local food pantries are experiencing critical shortages limiting their ability to assist residents. SECO partnered with United Way and food pantries to conduct a food drive at this year’s meeting. Hundreds of members donated non-perishable food items that will be delivered to food banks later this week.


Members and guests were treated to breakfast, snacks, live entertainment by Margo Rochelle & Rodeo Drive Band, energy-efficiency displays, gifts, the chance to win door prizes and more. All registered members received a SECO gift, an LED from SECO’s wholesale provider Seminole Electric, a copy of the cooperative’s 2018 Annual Report and additional giveaways.


SECO Energy’s Board President and District 9 Trustee Jerry Hatfield called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. During the President’s Report, Hatfield explained the cooperative business model and benefits of being served by a not-for-profit electric utility. Hatfield also encouraged members to enroll in SECO’s Pennies from Heaven program. Hatfield stated, “Please help us support SECO’s great community outreach program Pennies from Heaven. SECO will round up your bill to the nearest dollar to help members in need of assistance and to support other local, worthy causes.”


CEO Jim Duncan took the stage for the CEO Report. Duncan led the crowd in a rousing military tribute and provided a cooperative business update that highlighted SECO’s continued growth, member satisfaction scores and system improvement projects.


Duncan overviewed current and future issues impacting Florida energy consumers. He spoke about SECO’s wholesale power provider Seminole Electric Cooperative and meeting future power needs. Duncan stated, “As SECO grows, our wholesale power provider Seminole Electric Cooperative must also keep up with our power demand. Seminole is removing one coal-fired unit and replacing it with a state-of-the-art natural gas fired unit that will come online in 2023. Seminole has finalized a deal to add 40 megawatts of solar to its mix and is considering the addition of another 300 megawatts of solar.”


Duncan continued, “These moves are environmentally friendly and provide a stable power supply for years to come.” Duncan explained the Board-recommended Articles of Incorporation amendment and Bylaws revision. Cooperative Attorney Lewis Stone led the voting process for the amendment and revision. Members voted overwhelmingly to accept both measures.


After the member votes, Hatfield concluded the meeting and the grand prize and door prize drawings began. U.S. Congressman Daniel Webster who serves Florida’s 11th District joined SECO on stage to draw the first grand prize winning ticket. Robert Morrill of The Villages won the gas-powered golf cart; Arnold A. Gomke of Tavares took home the 2009 Ford SuperCab 4×4; $1,500 in cash went to Robert James of Ocklawaha; Carolyn Hadley of Bushnell won the $1,000 cash prize and both Nancy Burgess of Summerfield and Phyllis Mullin of Ocala won $500.


Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Energy Partners with United Way at 81st Annual Meeting

SECO Energy is partnering with local United Way agencies during its Annual Meeting of the Membership on March 23, 2019, with a food donation drive to help restock local food pantries. Food donation drop-offs will be situated near parking areas between registration and the big American flag displays.


“Feeding the Cooperative Spirit” is the theme for this year’s Annual Meeting and is also a mission. Many local food banks are running desperately low on critical need food items. These shortages compromise their ability to support area residents. SECO and its local United Way partners have a plan to change that.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “This year’s Annual Meeting is a perfect opportunity for community-minded members and guests, along with SECO and the United Way, to fill a community need. Almost 7,000 members and guests attended last year’s Annual Meeting, and we are expecting an even larger crowd this year. Please donate canned, boxed or jarred foods upon arrival at this year’s Annual Meeting food drive. Together, we can make a tangible difference in the communities we serve.”


Consider donating low-sodium, low-sugar options including canned meats, fruits, vegetables, soups and stews. Canned or dried beans, whole grains such as oatmeal, rice and pasta, assorted baby foods and prepared meals are also good options.


Local food pantry needs for 2019 Annual Meeting food drive


Gates and registration open at 8 a.m. To register bring a copy of your bill and photo ID. Members who attend the meeting are treated to hot sausage egg and cheese biscuits, cookies, doughnuts, coffee and soft drinks, a SECO gift and a 2018 Annual Report. Find a seat in the Annual Meeting Pavilion because Margo Rochelle & Rodeo Drive will be center stage. Visit the Energy Showcase for energy efficiency ideas and product information from SECO’s partners, and pick up a free LED provided by our wholesale provider Seminole Electric.


Members are invited to stroll the grounds and locate a member of the Facebook Help Squad. Snap a selfie or take a picture while at the Annual Meeting and post it on SECO’s Facebook page for the chance to win a $300 bill credit. Be sure to “like” SECO’s Facebook page before the meeting begins.


The business meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. Toward the end of the business meeting, members will be asked to vote on the Board-recommended Articles of Incorporation amendment and related Bylaws revision. After the votes, the drawing for grand and door prizes begins. Grand prizes this year include a refurbished 2009 Ford SuperCab 4X4, a gas-powered golf cart and $1,500 cash. Door prizes include cash, gift cards and assorted high-tech items.


Click on the RSVP home page banner to RSVP online before the meeting to help SECO with breakfast and gift headcount. Members who RSVP online are entered in a drawing for a $300 bill credit. As with all other prizes you must be present to win.


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Energy Trustee Richard Belles Resigns

SECO Energy announced today that District 3 Trustee Richard Belles has resigned from the Board of Trustees. Belles was elected initially in 2013 and has been a SECO Energy member since 2001.


Per the SECO Energy Bylaws, the cooperative will hold a special District 3 Meeting in the near future to elect a new Trustee. District 3 members will be invited to the special meeting and provided with instructions about Trustee candidacy and the election via a District Notice letter.


SECO Energy is the third largest cooperative in the state and the seventh largest in the nation. At the end of 2018, the not-for-profit cooperative was delivering power to 205,887 service locations.


The reliability of SECO’s $878.7 million electric system remains stellar. In 2018, the cooperative invested $3.3 million per month to extend facilities to new members and improve reliability to existing members. The cooperative’s 2018 ACSI (American Customer Satisfaction Index) score rose to 89.