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SECO Asks Members to Take Action

From time to time, SECO Energy calls on its members to stand with cooperatives for or against energy industry related bills introduced to Congress during the legislative session.


Norma Jean Bottoms, a member residing in Paisley, stood with SECO during a recent Take Action sign up campaign and her name was drawn from all members who had signed up at Norma Jean won a Microsoft Surface Go. Along with Norma Jean, approximately 1,838 of SECO’s 210,000 members have decided to get involved by signing up to Take Action when SECO or our statewide organization may call on them to assist with contacting their legislators on critical issues affecting the energy industry.


Some of the proposed bills may affect infrastructure, sustainability, reliability, and most of all, electricity affordability. Those are just a few reasons why cooperatives may ask their members to make their voices heard by signing up to receive email updates on legislative items affecting the electric utility industry.


By visiting SECO’s Legislative Corner, members can learn more about how they can participate in the democratic process on a state and federal level. Members can contribute by joining the political action committee and enrolling in Co-ops Vote to make their vote count.


SECO encourages its members to sign up to Take Action because our members’ participation and influence play key roles in maintaining affordable, reliable energy.


Visit SECO>Your Co-op>Community to learn more about the not-for-profit electric cooperative’s community involvement. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Raises $16,600 for ACS at Annual Relay For Life Golf Tournament

SECO Energy hosted its sixth Annual Relay For Life Golf Tournament at Arlington Ridge in Leesburg on Saturday, May 4. Thanks to generous sponsors and players, the golf tournament was a great success. Over 60 golfers joined SECO’s cause to “Tee-up for a Cure.”


Approximately $16,600 in donations was raised for the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) effort to find cures for cancer and to reduce the burden of the disease in our community. “Each year, we’ve seen a steady increase in the number of golfers and sponsors participating in our golf tournament. The golfers have a fun day on the green supporting this worthy cause,” said Kathy Judkins, SECO Energy Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable and Government Relations.


Golf tournament participants enjoyed a variety of competitions in addition to 18 holes of scramble golf tournament play. Activities included 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winning teams, a men’s and women’s longest drive, longest putt, and closest-to-the-pin game. The event concluded with a hearty lunch and an awards ceremony.


1st place winners – Mathew Woolf, David Woolf, Tyler Wingate, and Todd Blair
2nd place winners – Alan Campos, Kevin Rohr, Darryl Gonzalez, and Nick Reaves
3rd Place winners – Erin Quinn, Mark Grant, Byon Smiddy, and Thomas Gough
Men’s Longest Drive – Ben Pauluhn
Women’s Longest Drive – DJ Hamilton
Longest Putt – Alice Dickard
Men’s Closest-to-the-pin – Luke Pearce
Women’s Closest-to-the-pin – Janet Cox


“This event would not be possible without the sponsorships we received from the business community, our vendors and partners, our large group of golfers and our SECO employee volunteers. A huge thank you goes out to everyone who was instrumental in making the golf tournament an exciting and successful fundraising event,” said CEO Jim Duncan.


Thank you to the following sponsors for supporting the SECO Energy 6th Annual Relay For Life Golf Tournament: Electric Supply, Inc.; RadWear Designs; Power Services, Inc.; Conrad Tree Service; Substation Engineering & Design; Cap & Associates; McFarland Cascade; Barker Law Office; Florida Utility Services; GRESCO; Tri-State; Catfish Johnny’s; John Carter & Associates; IT Resources; Nelson Tree Service, LLC; Pike; Power Services; Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc.; Sparks; Salescorp of Florida, Inc; and SubGrid Solutions.


SECO encourages the community to join the virtual SECO Energy Team and to attend Sumter County’s upcoming Relay For Life event at South Sumter High School, 706 N. Main Street, Bushnell, FL on November 2, 2019.

SECO Energy Supports Local Students’ Field Trip to Kennedy Space Center

As the school year wraps up this spring, SECO Energy sponsored a field trip for local students to visit Florida’s Kennedy Space Center. As a supporter of STEM-based projects, SECO provided funding for bus transportation expenses as a sponsorship for 88 elementary and middle school students from Bushnell Elementary, Lake Panasoffkee Elementary, South Sumter Middle School, Webster Elementary and both Wildwood Elementary and Middle Schools.


At the Space Center, students learned about the scientific breakthroughs of the Apollo missions in the United States’ race to the moon. Students walked under the Saturn V rocket – the most massive rocket ever flown. Attendees got a close-up view of the Space Shuttle Atlantis and used training simulators to learn about the complex systems and components involved in engineering the space shuttle. In the Shuttle Launch Simulator, students experienced first-hand the pull of gravity and its effects on humans.


SECO Energy Supports Local Students' Field Trip to Kennedy Space Center - elementary students
56 elementary students from Bushnell Elementary, Lake Panasoffkee Elementary, Webster Elementary and Wildwood Elementary Schools attend a field trip to the Kennedy Space Center with support from SECO Energy.


Rebecca McCorkle, Gifted Teacher for Sumter County Schools, stated, “At Kennedy Space Center, our students explored the authentic instruments, technology and space vehicles used by the astronauts, engineers and technicians of NASA. It was an immersive learning experience! Every student walked away with new STEM-related knowledge and an appreciation for STEM careers. We are so grateful to SECO for believing in the importance of the Gifted program and helping make these trips possible!”

SECO Energy Supports Local Students' Field Trip to Kennedy Space Center - middle school students
32 middle school students from South Sumter Middle and Wildwood Middle Schools attend a field trip to the Kennedy Space Center with support from SECO Energy.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO Energy is pleased to play a role in supporting student activities that encourage them to consider a STEM-related career. Sponsoring educational youth programs encompasses two key cooperative principles Education, Training and Information, as well as Concern for Community. SECO Energy and the energy industry are hiring enthusiastic employees with an interest in STEM-focused careers. We also support local students through our yearly scholarship program and various community activities.”


Visit SECO Energy’s Community page to learn more about the not-for-profit electric cooperative’s community involvement. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

Kathy Judkins Elected as AABE Florida Chapter President

SECO Energy Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable and Government Affairs was recently elected President of the American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) Florida Chapter. As a 13-year veteran in the energy industry, Kathy’s experience and community commitment serving on a variety of boards in the local area make her eminently qualified to lead the Florida AABE Chapter.


Kathy has been an AABE member for ten years, playing key roles in achieving the AABE mission while furthering SECO Energy’s outreach in the communities the cooperative serves.


For the last five years, Kathy has spearheaded SECO Energy’s role in supporting the Ocala Youth Energy Academy, where local energy experts team up to provide high school students a real-life glimpse into the many careers in the electric utility industry. The two-day event showcases activities that range from learning how electricity travels from the generation plant to homes and what it takes to restore power during an outage to a hands-on live demonstrations and other projects. The students learn about high-skill, high-wage careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). AABE’s upcoming 2019 Ocala event is scheduled for early June.


The Florida AABE Chapter is a premier business organization for energy professionals who are committed to supporting the AABE mission and purposes:


To serve as a resource for policy discussion of the economic, social and political impact of environmental and energy policies on African Americans and other minorities.


To ensure involvement of African Americans in governmental energy policymaking by recommending capable sensitive and informed personnel to appropriate officials.


To encourage both the public and private sectors to be responsive to the problems, goals and aspirations of African Americans in energy-related fields.


To encourage African American students to pursue careers in energy-related fields and to provide scholarships and other financial aid for such students.


The chapter membership represents a variety of energy providers including SECO Energy, NextEra EnergyFlorida Power & Light, Duke EnergyJacksonville Electric Authority, Orlando Utilities Commission, Florida Municipal Electric Association and Gainesville Regional Utilities. Additionally, the Florida Chapter includes a number of entrepreneurs, municipalities, energy services providers, and business partners from Accurate Placement, Net Communications, Florida City Gas, City of Tallahassee, Siemens Energy Inc. and others.

District 3 SECO Energy Members Elect New Trustee

On Monday, May 13, members who attended SECO Energy’s District 3 Special Meeting voted to elect Gerald B. Anderson to represent their District and the members at large on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. The Special Meeting to elect a new District 3 was held to fill the vacant Board seat. Mr. Anderson will serve the remainder of the term that ends in early 2022.


A SECO member for nearly five years, Mr. Anderson served in the Marine Corps and worked for a utilities manufacturing company. Mr. Anderson served as president of his hometown volunteer Fire Department, was elected to four six-year terms on the Board of Supervisors of Warrington, Pennsylvania and after retiring he was appointed as Director of Operations for Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Jane, enjoy making friends through their work with the Belle Aire Social Club in which Mr. Anderson serves as President and Mrs. Anderson serves as Secretary.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric cooperative, operated for and owned by its members. SECO members elect their fellow members to SECO’s nine-member Board of Trustees. Collectively, the Board represents the SECO membership, meeting monthly to monitor the financial status of the cooperative while providing fiduciary oversight and participating in policy decisions that serve the best interests of the members at large.


Members in District 3 gathered at The Villages’ Savannah Center for the election and to hear a short update on the status of the cooperative. In total, eight members residing in District 3 submitted a letter of intent to run. In addition to new District 3 Trustee Gerald B. Anderson, the candidates who expressed their willingness to represent the members of District 3 were: Stephen M. Doran, Paul G. Embs, Barry R. Evans, Gary L. Jackson, Bryan T. Lifsey, Aileen M. Milton and Albert D. Uhryniak.


Mr. Anderson is eager to begin his duties as the new District 3 Trustee stating, “Thank you District 3 members for trusting me to represent you on the SECO Energy Board of Trustees. My previous experience in the utility industry will allow me to readily fulfill my new role in cooperative governance.”


Board President and District 9 Trustee Jerry Hatfield stated, “Congratulations, Mr. Anderson, on your election as District 3 Trustee. On behalf of myself and the Board, I am excited to welcome Mr. Anderson as our newest Board member.”


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Congratulations to Mr. Anderson on his successful election as the new District 3 Trustee. The willingness of District 3 candidates to share their time, knowledge and energy to work for the SECO Energy membership is unprecedented. A Board of Trustees elected by its fellow members is a unique component of the not-for-profit cooperative business model and democratic process. I look forward to SECO’s continued success working with Mr. Anderson and our current Board members.”


Visit SECO’s Your Co-op page for photos and brief Trustee bios along with an interactive District map. “Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

Florida Fauna & Flora – Thoroughbred Horse

Thoroughbred horses are synonymous with Ocala/Marion County area, as it is coined the “Horse Capital of the World™.” These hot-blooded, highly intelligent horses are known for their agility and lightning-fast runs – reaching speeds up to 40 mph. Thoroughbreds are large, muscular, powerful horses that are innately elegant and graceful.


Horses are measured in “hands.” A hand is equal to four inches. A horse’s height is determined from the ground up to the tallest point on its body called the withers – the ridge between the animal’s shoulder blades. An average-sized thoroughbred horse is 16 hands or 64 inches. Average weight is 1,100 pounds.


Male thoroughbreds are stallions and females are mares. Foals (not ponies) are born after a gestation period of about 11 months.


Ocala/Marion County is the proud home of two Triple Crown winning horses – Affirmed in 1978 and American Pharoah in 2015.


Read the full May 2019 SECO News online.