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SECO News, December 2019


Duncan’s Digest – 2020 Outlook – Rising Costs


The costs of virtually everything required to operate a modern electrical system are increasing rapidly. Our 2020 outlook is a mix of good and bad news. The good news is wholesale power costs are stable, so we’re able to apply a higher, member-favorable Power Cost Adjustment (PCA aka Hot Bucks) credit to your bills starting January 1. The bad news is the customer charge component for both residential and certain commercial members is increasing. The residential increase is 17 cents a day and the commercial customer and demand charge increases vary by rate type.


SECO News Duncan's Digest 2019


SECO’s mission is to construct, maintain and restore the electric system. We construct new facilities to meet growth demands. We upgrade and maintain the electric system to prevent outages. When an outage occurs, we restore as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the costs associated with our three mission-critical focuses are rising at an alarming rate.


The 2020 construction work plan tops $55 million to construct new and upgrade existing infrastructure. Tree trimming, storm hardening and system maintenance work is performed largely by contract labor.


Construction and maintenance costs are rising by a whopping 25 percent in 2020. The job market is tight and contractors who perform system reliability maintenance are paying higher wages to keep workers on their payroll. This isn’t just a Florida utility phenomenon – it’s happening nationwide and was spurred when California utility PG&E was court ordered to significantly beef up their tree trimming and system maintenance programs to reduce fire risk. Florida lost a significant amount of its utility-related contract labor workforce to California and we are paying the price despite a booming economy.


SECO Energy is experiencing systemwide growth. Every part of our service territory requires infrastructure additions, system upgrades, storm hardening, tree trimming or communications improvements whether you live north, south, east or west of our headquarters.


SECO Energy 2020 Project Map


You may be wondering why the financial benefit of customer growth isn’t covering rising costs, and it’s a valid question. The answer lies in the low average residential member’s energy consumption. In our service area, the average kilowatt hour (kWh) monthly consumption today is 1,037. This average consumption is much lower than our cooperative peers due to the growing Central Florida trend of energy efficient homes and businesses, use of natural gas appliances, and a strong increase in solar installations. Low energy consumption equals a lower monthly bill – that is good for our members. Less energy consumption and use of solar are also good for the environment. So, what’s the downside?


There are significant financial challenges to low kWh sales, even for a not-for-profit electric provider in a growth environment. We must adjust the monthly customer charge that is collected to cover the costs associated with the delivery of power and system reliability maintenance.


A recent cost of service study indicates that the cost of delivering power and maintaining infrastructure in the residential sector is nearly $35 a month. Currently, we apply an average residential customer charge of $25 a month (83 cents a day). We are bridging that gap by increasing this customer charge by 17 cents a day. Commercial account customer and demand charge increases vary based on the cost of service study. Those adjustments are detailed in our rate tariff online. These collective increases will raise total revenue by about 3.5 percent.


We have tightened our corporate belts to carefully monitor controllable expenses while striving to maintain system reliability, but as I mentioned previously and as you can see on the 2020 Project Map, new construction, upgrades and maintenance are required across our entire service territory.


In response to growth and to preserve reliability, we must build new substations, add power transformers at existing substations, upgrade voltage and conductor and convert critical overhead facilities to underground. The work plan includes building new communication towers, upgrading our radio system and installing fiber-optic cable and microwave backhaul for automated communications that facilitate faster outage restoration. To storm harden, we must support an aggressive pole replacement and vegetation management program systemwide. All of these components play critical roles in the delivery of reliable power and speedy restoration in the event of an outage.


The bottom line is that none of us like having to increase the customer charge, but it is quite necessary to ensure continued service reliability. At the same time, we are pleased that stable fuel costs are allowing a larger Hot Bucks Credit (PCA) that will offset most or all of the increase depending on your respective usage level. These changes reflect the difficult balance between affordability and reliability.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



SECO Energy Employees Pledge Donations of $70,000 for United Way


Each year, SECO Energy employees participate in an employee-funded United Way Pledge Drive. Our employees understand that local community support is needed year-round and not only during the Christmas season.


The 2020 United Way Pledge Drive was an amazing success. SECO employees pledged $70,316 to United Way agencies in ten local counties. This total increased almost seven percent over 2019.


Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties are where the bulk of our employees live and received the highest dollar amounts in donations. The breakdown by county is:


Citrus: $7,799
Lake: $14,316
Marion: $23,002
Sumter: $21,559
Other Counties (Hernando, Levy, Orange, Pasco, Polk, Volusia): $3,640


Join us in United Way’s mission to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities to advance the common good. To donate or volunteer, visit United Way online.



December 2019 SECO News Champion Kathy Judkins


Kathy Judkins – Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations


Length of Service: 12 Years



“SECO IS COMMUNITY FOCUSED.” Kathy Judkins, Sr. Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations is a fourth-generation Floridian residing in Marion County. Her role with SECO Energy focuses on the cooperative principle of Concern for Community. Kathy manages annual SECO employee-giving campaigns and is excited that SECO is nearing the $1 million United Way contribution mark in the coming year. Kathy is honored to give hope to members in our service territory through SECO employee contributions to United Way. She also manages the Toys for Tots campaign companywide and is proud of SECO employees’ efforts to bring joy to children in our service territory on Christmas. Kathy also develops relationships with State Legislators and U.S. Congress members in Washington, D.C., to engage on issues related to the energy industry that could affect SECO’s ability to provide affordable, reliable service to our members.



December 2019 SECO News Relay For Life


SECO Energy and our employees are long-time sponsors of Relay For Life events that support the American Cancer Society. Our superhero employees participated in the Sumter County Relay For Life event on Saturday, November 2. The SECO team’s theme was “Superheroes Finish The Fight.”


In 2019, SECO raised $25,655 for the American Cancer Society to support cancer research, patients and caregivers and to fight for a cure.


Learn more about Relay For Life or donate to the American Cancer Society online.



December 2019 SECO News Toys for Tots drive


SECO Energy and our employees are Making A Difference at Christmas by donating toys for local children through our Annual Marine Toys for Tots collection drive. Members also joined in the gift-giving by adding new, unwrapped toys in the donation boxes at our five Member Service Centers.


Toys donated through Toys for Tots are delivered to local children. The donated toys remain in our local communities. For many children, toys donated by our generous employees and members will be the only gifts under the Christmas tree.


SECO employees rallied to pack Santa’s sleigh by donating over 60 bicycles and tricycles for local children, along with hundreds of other gifts. New this year, SECO’s member-funded Pennies from Heaven program matched this number with additional bike purchases. It’s clear that our employees enjoy playing Santa for local children through
Toys for Tots.


Thank you to our generous employees and members who are willing to share their Christmas joy and spirit with others. Making A Difference at Christmas brings happiness to children across our area.



December 2019 SECO News Pennies from Heaven


December is the month of giving, goodwill and cheer. Keep the Christmas spirit alive in the new year by joining SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program. By joining Pennies from Heaven, SECO rounds up your bill to the nearest dollar and donates those pennies to charitable causes in the communities we serve.


The small change donated through Pennies from Heaven supports financial assistance to worthy causes in our service area. Requests for Angel Fund bill payment assistance are administered through several area agencies by calling 211 or visiting 211 online.


This year, we are excited to announce that Pennies from Heaven will purchase bicycles and tricycles to match the number donated by SECO employees! Thus far, employees donated over 60 bikes and trikes and SECO will double the amount. This means hundreds of local children will get their Christmas wish of a new bike courtesy of SECO employees and SECO members who donate to Pennies from Heaven.


Enroll in Pennies from Heaven to put your extra pennies to good use in charitable causes in our communities. Just a few cents every month can change lives. Learn more about the program or enroll online.


Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Read the full December 2019 SECO News online.

SECO Energy Trustee Joseph Kusiak Earns NRECA Board Certificates

SECO Energy District 7 Trustee Joseph Kusiak has completed two cooperative-focused board certifications from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). Mr. Kusiak completed the courses required to earn both the Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) and the Board Leadership Certificate (BLC).


The NRECA’s CCD is the first certificate in a three-part education program for Board of Trustee members of Directors of an electric cooperative. The courses encompassed in the CCD curriculum prepare Trustees to fulfill their fiduciary duty as elected officials who serve on behalf of the cooperative’s members.


Trustee Kusiak also earned the BLC, the second part of NRECA’s Board of Trustees Director curriculum. The BLC courses focus on specific industry and governance issues that directly affect electric cooperatives today. Lessons focus on risk management, power supply, parliamentary procedure, technology and policy development.


Mr. Kusiak resides in Dunnellon and has been a SECO member since 2002. He was elected to serve as District 7 Trustee in a special election to fill a Board vacancy on October 25, 2018.


Trustee Kusiak stated, “I am honored to continue my professional development by completing the CCD and BLC courses offered through the NRECA. This knowledge will help me in my role serving as the District 7 representative on SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees. I appreciate the trust my fellow members have placed in me.”


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Congratulations, Mr. Kusiak, for completing the Board certificate courses to advance your knowledge of the energy industry. SECO Energy is grateful for your time and dedication to serve the cooperative’s membership through your Board service. Thank you.”


Learn more about SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees and read a short bio about Joseph Kusiak. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Energy District 3 Trustee Gerald Anderson Earns NRECA Certificate

SECO Energy congratulates District 3 Trustee Gerald Anderson who has completed the requirements to earn the Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) certificate from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA).


The CCD is the first of a three-part certificate program offered by the NRECA for Board of Trustee members or Directors. Participants complete courses on director duties and liabilities, understanding the electric business, board operations and processes, strategic planning and financial decision making. The courses encompassed in the CCD curriculum prepare Trustees to fulfill their fiduciary duty as elected officials who serve on behalf of the cooperative’s members.


Mr. Anderson has been a SECO member for five years and resides in The Villages. He was elected to represent the members of District 3 at a special election to fill a Board vacancy on May 13, 2019.


Trustee Anderson stated, “I am pleased to continue my education through the NRECA’s Director Certificate Program. The lessons I’ve learned help me to sharpen my skills in the energy industry. I look forward to continuing as the District 3 Trustee to represent my fellow SECO members.”


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Congratulations, Mr. Anderson, on completing your Credentialed Cooperative Director certificate. I am grateful for your commitment to SECO members through your service on the SECO Board of Trustees. Thank you.”


Learn more about SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees and read a short bio about Gerald Anderson. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Energy Employees Pledge Donations of $70,000 for United Way

SECO Energy employees have participated in an annual employee-funded United Way Pledge Drive for local communities for decades. During the 2020 United Way Pledge Drive, SECO employees donated $70,316 that will benefit local families living in SECO’s service area.


The $70,316 pledged by SECO employees for the 2020 drive is an increase of seven percent from the 2019 pledges. The donated funds will be distributed among ten local counties. The bulk of SECO employees live in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties and received the highest dollar amounts in donations. The breakdown by county is:


Citrus: $7,799
Lake: $14,316
Marion: $23,002
Sumter: $21,559
Other Counties (Hernando, Levy, Orange, Pasco, Polk and Volusia): $3,640


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “SECO’s ever-generous employees and their commitment to the communities we serve made our 2020 United Way Pledge Drive extremely successful. Our employees understand that local families need financial support year-round, and United Way is instrumental in leading the charge to improve lives. I truly appreciate the efforts of our employees and applaud their generosity.”


SECO’s Senior Consultant for Civic, Charitable & Government Relations Kathy Judkins spearheads the annual employee giving campaign. She stated, “United Way’s mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good.” To join SECO Energy employees in supporting United Way, visit them online to donate or volunteer.


Learn more about SECO Energy’s Concern for Community online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO Energy Returns $3.5 Million to Current and Former Members

Just in time for the holiday season, SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees approved a Capital Credits return (retirement) of $3.5 million to current and former members. Since SECO Energy was founded in 1938 as Sumter Electric Cooperative, Inc., the cooperative has retired more than $66.8 million to current and former members.


SECO Energy is a not-for-profit electric utility. As such, SECO’s almost 210,000 members own a portion of the cooperative’s equity and their energy purchases build patronage capital. Ownership is defined through the annual process of allocating each member’s share of the co-op’s margins from the prior year. The annual amounts for each member who purchases electric service during the year are referred to as Capital Credit allocations.


Capital Credits are the accumulation of all prior year’s revenue after the co-op’s operating costs and expenses are paid. These credits are allocated on a pro-rata basis to each SECO Energy member’s account as Capital Credits. Annually, SECO examines the financial position of the cooperative and makes a recommendation to the Board of Trustees on the “retirement” of Capital Credits.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “This year’s Capital Credits retirement of $3.5 million means that a portion of the cooperative’s equity is being returned to current and former members. Each current member who receives a 2019 Capital Credits retirement will see the retirement amount on the November billing statement listed as a line item. Commercial members with retirements over $1,000 will receive a check.”


Current members will find their retirement on the November billing statement a on line item labeled “Gen. Ret. Credit.” Former members receiving a retirement will be mailed a check. Former members should update their current address with the cooperative to receive future Capital Credits returns.


This year’s $3.5 million Capital Credits retirement is a lower number than in years past. The cost of delivering power to new members, constructing new facilities to meet new members’ demand for power and maintaining existing infrastructure is rising faster than SECO’s revenues.


To learn more about Capital Credits online. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

Sunshine State Stats October 2019

October 2019’s monthly average temperature was a warm 79 degrees – which was 2 degrees warmer than last October’s average temperature of 77 degrees. The highest daily recorded temperature was 92 degrees and the lowest daily recorded temperature was 65 degrees.


Sunshine State Stats October 2019


Central Floridian’s felt the effects of Tropical Storm Nestor in the middle of the month with increased rainfall. In October 2019, rainfall came in at 4.73 inches – up from 1.81 inches last October.


October 2019’s average high temperature was 87 degrees which matches the average high temperature for October 2018. The average low temperature was 71 degrees, which was 3 degrees higher than the average low of 68 degrees in October 2018.


Based on the warmer average temps and higher than projected kilowatt hour sales, many members received an electric bill for October usage that is higher than the bill received for usage in October 2018.


November 2019 forecast:


November 2019 is forecast for an average high of 78 degrees which is the same as the average high temperature in November 2018. The best chance for rain is at the beginning of the month and the forecast looks to be drier in November 2019 compared to November 2018.


If you want to check historical usage, log into SmartHub to view past bills and charts. If your usage is high, SECO offers several energy-efficiency tools to help you identify energy wasters. Take the Home Energy Assessment to receive a detailed email tailored to your home’s features and lifestyle. The energy-saving advice will provide low-cost ways to decrease your usage – and your electric bill.


To easily calculate how much energy your appliances, lighting, electronic devices, and other energy-using items in your home consume, use the Energy Estimator.