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SECO News, April 2021


Duncan’s Digest – Inverness Substation Upgrade


SECO Energy’s service territory covers 2,100 square miles, which is about the size of Delaware. At year-end 2020, we were serving 216,477 homes and businesses in seven Central Florida counties. The bulk of our members live in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties, with smaller numbers of members in Hernando, Levy and Pasco Counties.


May 2018 SECO News Duncan's Digest


Our cooperative purpose is to provide exceptional service to our members, co-workers and communities. That exceptional service is reflected in SECO Energy winning coveted J.D. Power awards in 2015, 2016 and 2017 when our satisfaction scores topped all utilities in the nation. In 2020, we upheld our position as an American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) frontrunner in Florida and nationally with a score of 91.


We definitely have a strong reputation to uphold. Another example of our exceptional service is a meticulous inspection and maintenance schedule that ensures day-to-day reliability while expanding an electric system that meets both current and future members’ energy needs.


In the July 2020 SECO News edition, I communicated about the Marion Oaks substation rebuild underway in Marion County. That project, including the demolition of the older adjacent substation, is almost complete.


A new project in the works is the Inverness substation rebuild in Citrus County. The Inverness substation was reconstructed in 1982. Due to its age, the substation needed a complete rebuild. This substation serves just under 6,000 members. The rebuild includes a high-side ring bus and steel structures that support the heavy, high voltage transmission line. The high-side ring bus will increase service reliability for all members served by the Inverness sub by creating redundancy through looped service.


The Inverness substation rebuild also improves reliability for members served by the nearby Floral City substation as well. Both substations are looped in with two separate Duke Energy transmission lines. Currently, members served by both substations experience an outage if even one of the Duke transmission lines experiences a fault or operates. When the new ring bus is in place at the Inverness substation, members served by our Floral City sub will no longer experience an outage if the fault occurs between the transmission line and the Inverness substation.


Along with the ring bus on the high side, we’re working to re-gasket the existing power transformer, install a new metering package and implement a state-of-the-art relay schematic. The new foundation is in place, the fence surrounding the substation has been installed, and a new control house is being constructed on-site. The Inverness substation rebuild is on schedule for completion in early summer, just in time for storm season to arrive.


The total value of our electric facilities systemwide is inching closer to the $1 billion mark. At year-end 2020, the value of SECO’s utility plant was $955.9 million. We’re spending about $3.2 million per month to improve existing members’ service reliability and to build new infrastructure to meet the growing demand in our area.


Without question, your electric service is supported by an extensive, robust and well-maintained infrastructure.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer



SECO News April 2021 Advice From The Old Farmer's Almanac

Advice from The Old Farmer’s Almanac


The Old Farmer’s Almanac recommends the best days in April and May to complete indoor and outdoor projects. Ready for spring cleaning? Wash windows on April 10 and 11 and May 7 – 9, and wash floors on April 8 and 9 or May 5 and 6. The best days to bake are on April 18 and 19 and May 15 and 16. If spring yard work is on your list, the best days prune to encourage growth are April 20 and 21 and May 17 – 19. Prune to discourage growth on April 1, 2, and 10 and May 7 – 9.



SECO News April 2021 Call 811 Before You Dig

Call 811 Before You Dig


Longer days and sunny weather make spring the perfect time to tackle your honey-do list. April is Safe Digging Month and Florida law requires you to call 811 or visit online before you dig.


811 is a free service that will locate and mark underground utilities on your property or in the area you plan to dig. Never install a fence, plant a garden, add new landscaping or trees before contacting 811. Are you working with a contractor on a project? Make sure your contractor has connected with 811 before beginning the project on your property.


Wait for the flags! Keep shovels out of the ground until the 811 locating service has responded to your request and flagged the approximate area where underground utility lines (electric, water, gas, communications, etc.) are located.


Know what’s below – call 811 before you dig. In Florida – it’s the law.



SECO News October 2020 EV Charger Winner!

EV Charger Winner


Pamela Gladd from Minneola is the March winner of a SECO Energy branded JuiceBox Pro 40 EV Level 2 charger. We’re giving one charger away each month while supplies last. To enter, text “EV” to (352) 320-4500 for a link to enter. Or click on the EV Charger Giveaway homepage banner.


Learn more about the benefits of electric vehicle ownership on our EV website pages. You’ll find an EV savings calculator, information about CO2 reduction, an EV and PHEV model finder and a nationwide charger-finder map. Visit our Electric Vehicles website section for more details.


Watch SECO News for next month’s charger winner.



SECO News April 2021 Spring For Energy Savings


Spring for Energy Savings


The Department of Energy (DOE) at estimates the energy used to cool and heat your Central Florida home is 35 to 40% of your total energy consumption. You control how and when you use electricity. The condition and age of your home’s HVAC system, insulation, roof, windows, ducts, appliances and lifestyle also affect your energy consumption. Newer, well-insulated, properly weatherized homes with double-pane windows and ENERGY STAR-rated appliances consume less energy.


The number of people living in your home and weather also affect energy consumption. More people living in the house create more laundry, heating, cooling, cooking and increased hot water and electronics use. Central Florida is known for scorching summer temperatures that cause your HVAC to work overtime to keep the home cool. During a cold snap, the heating system also runs more frequently to warm the house.


Want help to reduce your energy consumption and lower your monthly energy bill? SECO Energy’s online energy-efficiency tools can help you spring for energy savings with low-cost and no-cost tips and ideas to help you reduce your energy use.


Home Energy Assessment


Our Home Energy Assessment is an online energy audit that you can complete from the comfort of your home. Fill out the assessment based on your home and lifestyle. Submit your answers and email address, and in just minutes you’ll receive energy-savings advice tailored to your home and lifestyle. Complete the energy-saving ideas, and you’ll be on your way to consuming less energy – and saving money.


Energy Estimator


Are you interested in seeing the math associated with your energy usage? Visit our Energy Estimator online to calculate the estimated costs for each of your home’s appliances and electronics. Submit your email address to receive no-cost and low-cost energy-savings suggestions via email.



SECO News April 2021 Energy Savings Word Search


Energy Savings Word Search


After completing our Home Energy Assessment and Energy Estimator, sharpen your energy-saving knowledge with this month’s Energy Savings word search.


April 2021 SECO News Energy Saving Word Search



SECO News April 2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season Early Warning


2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season Early Warning


Traditionally, the Atlantic hurricane season begins on June 1. But the past six hurricane seasons have seen hurricanes and tropical storms form in mid-May. Because of this change, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) will begin its Atlantic Tropical Weather Outlook earlier on May 15 instead of waiting until June 1.


What does this mean for SECO Energy members? SECO is StormReady, and we encourage you to begin your preparations for hurricane season now. Don’t wait until a hurricane or tropical storm is heading our way to prepare.


Learn more about hurricanes and tropical storms in our Hurricane Handbook. You’ll find helpful information on emergency supplies for people and pets. We’ve also included tips for before, during and after a storm. Pick up a copy of our Hurricane Handbook at one of our five Member Service Centers or visit our Storm Preparation page.



SECO News February 2021 Winners' Circle


Winners’ Circle


Have you engaged with our virtual assistant Electra who can answer thousands of calls without missing a beat? Ask Electra for assistance instead of waiting to speak with a representative. Each week, we’ll draw one winner who will receive a $25 gift card. Winners are drawn from all members who called and successfully took care of business with Electra.


February’s Winners Are:


Mark Fagan from Clermont


Lynn Pulchano from Inverness


Don Whittigton from Dunnellon


Sandra Ennulat-Davis from Eustis


Congratulations to our three March winners in our Go Green and Win: Paperless Billing and Bank Draft incentive.


Narasimha Murthy from Tavares is the winner of a $200 SECO Energy bill credit.


Karen Chapman from Ocala is the winner of a NEST thermostat.


John Johnson from Summerfield is the winner of an Amazon Echo Dot with Alexa.


Read Winners’ Circle next month for more winners.



SECO News February 2021 Thank A Lineman License Plate

Thank a Lineman License Plate


Members can show their support for the thousands of Florida lineworkers and utility personnel who restore power to millions of Floridians after devastating natural disasters by ordering a “Thank a Lineman” license plate. The 2020 Florida Legislature approved the plate after Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 1135 into law.


This cause is local and benefits a key SECO Energy employee recruitment partner. For every “Thank a Lineman” plate sold, $25 goes to Lake-Sumter State College (LSSC) to support their Electric Utility programs. According to LSSC’s website (, the college is ranked in the top 150 Community Colleges nationally. Their student job placement or continuing education rate is 97%. The scholarship boost is an exciting opportunity for LSSC, utility personnel across the state and cooperative members.


Reserve your plate today by purchasing a pre-sale voucher. Purchase avenues vary from county to county. Contact your local county tax collector’s office for guidance or visit, where you can pay for the pre-sale voucher and process your order online. Learn more at


The actual “Thank a Lineman” license plates will be available once the pre-sale threshold is met.


Read the full April 2021 SECO News online.

SECO News, August 2017

SECO News, August 2017 - Duncan's Digest, Third JD Power Award


Duncan’s Digest

Third J.D. Power Award!!


Thank you, members, for honoring SECO Energy with a third J.D. Power award. J.D. Power’s 2017 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study, has once again ranked your not-for-profit electric cooperative “Highest in Customer Satisfaction among Electric Cooperatives.” Our 2017 trophy marks a three-year streak of J.D. Power awards for SECO Energy’s customer satisfaction.


In 2015, J.D. Power named SECO “Highest in Customer Satisfaction among Midsize Utilities in the South.” The next year, J.D. Power placed cooperatives in a separate category and the cooperative set its sights on another win. We accomplished our original goal with a second win in 2016. And this year, we far exceeded our original goal with a third win, gaining the top spot and earning our “Triple Crown.”


The J.D. Power study measures customer satisfaction with electric utility companies by examining six factors:

  • Power Quality and Reliability
  • Price
  • Billing and Payment
  • Corporate Citizenship
  • Communications
  • Customer Service


SECO’s 2017 overall score is an incredible 789, which is a 20-point increase from our 2016 score.


SECO News, August 2017 - Duncan's Digest, Third JD Power Award, Triple Crown, visit for more information


How does SECO continue to rise above the competition and retain its customer satisfaction crown? The quick answer is the 400+ employees who make SECO the nation’s top electric cooperative. SECO employees are the best in the state, if not the nation. Our local employees are your friends, neighbors and family. SECO employees are the heart of the cooperative and without them, awards and recognition wouldn’t be possible.


I am beyond grateful for our employees and their dedication to not only customer satisfaction, but their dedication to our members. I am also thankful for the forward-thinking vision of our executive leadership team and the SECO Board Members who oversee the governance of the cooperative.


This third J.D. Power award culminates a decade-long effort to increase reliability, maintain low rates and provide world-class customer service to members. I am humbled by the praise and goodwill from our members and privileged to be employed by the best electric cooperative in the country.




Jim Duncan

Chief Executive Officer


SECO News, August 2017 - Right Tree Right Place


Right Tree Right Place


Trees interfering with power lines are a leading cause of unexpected outages. When trees contact power lines they can create sparks, fires, shock hazards and as mentioned previously – power outages. To avoid these problems, SECO has developed a holistic Vegetation Management program that includes regular tree trimming and educating members about how trees save energy and reduce monthly bills.


Don’t plant trees close to power lines. Consider how tall the tree will be when it is mature. Plant small ornamental trees or shrubs at least 15 feet away from lines and plant the tallest trees at least 70 feet away. That small oak sapling planted today may one day grow into a majestic live oak towering 80 feet in the air.


SECO also encourages members to plant the right tree in the right place to reduce annual energy costs. Planting deciduous trees to the south, southwest or west side will provide your home with shade during the summer, which reduces your cooling costs. To reduce heating costs, plant evergreens and shrubs on the north and west sides of your home to block winter winds.


Learn more about how trees can reduce energy costs and tree planting ideas at


SECO News, August 2017 - Safety Corner: Move Over Law


Safety Corner


Move Over Law


When you see an emergency vehicle, tow truck, sanitation crew or utility vehicle on the road shoulder with lights flashing, do you reduce your speed or move over a lane?


You should. In fact, under Florida’s Move Over Law it’s mandatory. Utility workers, law enforcement personnel, EMTs and sanitation workers are at risk of being injured or killed by vehicles traveling at high rates of speed when working on the road shoulder.


SECO technicians routinely park near roadways and are particularly vulnerable to careless/distracted drivers who cause accidents. It is common to see a SECO Energy line technician replacing a pole or repairing lines while inside a bucket that is 40 or 50 feet aloft. Oftentimes this mid-air roadside work takes place in the dark and during thunderstorms. Technicians are focused on their assigned tasks and working safely, they may not be able to get out of the way if a vehicle crashes into their work area.


On a multi-lane road, the Move Over Law requires drivers to move over a lane away from the vehicle on the shoulder. If you cannot move over safely, the law
requires you to reduce your speed to 20 mph below the posted speed limit. On two lane roads where there isn’t a lane to move over into, the law requires you to reduce your speed to 20 mph below the posted speed limit. Drivers can be ticketed for failure to comply with the Move Over Law, which will cost you over $100, add points to your driving record and raise your insurance premiums.


Please do your part to ensure workers return home safely to their loved ones. Pay attention to the road, don’t text while driving, move over and slow down for emergency vehicles – it’s the law.


SECO News, August 2017 - Energy Savings: Solar Window Screens


Energy Savings


Solar Window Screens


Florida summers certainly offer chances for fun in the sun, but when humidity is at 100% and temps reach the triple-degree mark, energy bills increase. The sun’s heat transfers through your windows and raises the temperature inside your home. In turn, your HVAC unit runs more often and uses more energy – thus raising your electric bill.


What low-cost step can you take to prevent heat transfer into your home? Install solar window screens. Indoor shading techniques such as curtains and blinds block light and heat after it is already inside your home. Solar screens fight heat transfer through your windows on the outside of your home. These screens are designed to reflect up to 90% of the sun’s heat and glare before it enters your home without compromising visibility. Solar screens also provide a level of daytime privacy by preventing outsiders from peeking in your windows. The heavy screens provide a level of bug protection as well.


Solar screens come in a variety of colors to complement the aesthetics of your home. Visit our website for additional tips to reduce energy usage and lower your monthly bills.


Read the full August 2017 SECO News here.


Fun, Food and Prizes at SECO’s 79th Annual Meeting

SECO Energy members are invited to spend a morning attending the cooperative’s 79th Annual Meeting of the Membership on Saturday, March 25. The meeting is held at the Annual Meeting Pavilion, located across the street from SECO’s corporate headquarters at the junction of highways 301 and 471 in Sumterville.


Arrive early and hungry. Registration opens at 8:00 a.m. and SECO is serving breakfast. Dine on fresh sausage, egg and cheese breakfast biscuits, Krispy Kreme donuts and a variety of cookies. Sip a hot cup of coffee, enjoy a soda or water, and tap your feet or line dance to live country music hits by Margo Rochelle and Rodeo Drive.


Learn more about energy efficiency and savings by exploring this year’s Energy Showcase. Visit with vendors providing energy efficient ideas and products, or drop by the SECO information booth to ask a question or inquire about a SECO product or service. Just outside the Energy Showcase, take a few minutes to view a brand-new rooftop solar photovoltaic system and solar demonstration. Use the Solar Estimator to eyeball what your costs might be for a solar array at your home or business.


Members who attend receive a gift bag containing two commemorative insulated steel tumblers, 2016 Annual Report, and an LED bulb – along with other giveaways in the Energy Showcase. Upon registering, drop your door prize ticket in the prize barrel for the grand prize drawing which will include cash prizes, an electric golf cart, a refurbished Dodge Dakota pickup truck and many other door prizes – many of which are donated by local businesses that are also SECO members. The business meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. and the drawing for the grand prizes and door prizes takes place immediately after the business meeting ends – members must be present to win.

Fun, Food and Prizes


Stroll the grounds, look for our special characters, and find a member of SECO’s Facebook Help Squad to help you take and upload a photo. Members who “like” SECO’s Facebook page and interact online during the Annual Meeting, will be entered into a random drawing for a $300 bill credit. “Like” SECO Energy’s Facebook page before the meeting and find a Facebook Help Squad member during the meeting for assistance in entering the drawing for the $300 bill credit. Drawing for the Facebook bill credit takes place just before the business meeting begins – as with all of the prizes, the member must be present to win.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Mark your calendar and plan to attend SECO’s Annual Meeting. Enjoy breakfast on us, dance to the band, mingle with your neighbors and fellow members, determine new ways to lower your energy usage and maybe win a prize. Come out and experience the hospitality of SECO employees, which I believe is second to none.”


Ray Vick, Board of Trustees President, stated, “SECO’s Annual Meeting is the Board’s favorite event. Myself and my Trustee peers like to share SECO’s latest news and relish the chance to meet and get to know our fellow members. My fellow Trustees and I hope to see you there.”


Members should look for their personal invitation to the Meeting to arrive with their monthly energy bill between February 8 and March 10.


“Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO News, January 2017

SECO News, January 2017 - Toys for Tots and United Way


Duncan’s Digest: Toys for Tots and United Way


The Christmas spirit was upon us all as we participated in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program. SECO’s employees helped me load hundreds of toys, donated by employees and members, for local children.


Toys for Tots collects new, unwrapped toys and distributes as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community. As a Marine myself before my hair turned gray, I know thatToys forTots is a special program for children in need. Hundreds of children will wake up to Christmas presents under the tree, thanks to the generosity of our employees and members.


SECO News, January 2017 - Toys for Tots and United Way


During SECO’s 2017 United Way campaign, employees opened their checkbooks and donated generously. SECO employees pledged $50,171 for United Way’s campaign for local communities.


United Way improves the quality of life for millions of people. I am grateful to work with employees who have the power and goodwill to improve the communities we serve. SECO employees are a generous bunch of folks, and their efforts are applauded.


From my family to yours, I wish you a healthy, Happy New Year!


SECO News, January 2017 - New Year, New Efficiency Tool


New Year, New Efficiency Tool


Happy New Year! What are your resolutions this year? Start off on the right foot with SECO’s new online Energy Estimator tool.


The estimator helps members understand the amount and cost of the energy that appliances, lighting, and other electronics use in their home. It calculates your monthly refrigeration costs, the price for each load of laundry, the annual amount of energy your oven uses and more. Submit your results and within minutes you will receive an email comparing your usage to the average Central Florida household and tips to save energy and money.


SECO has three great prizes up for grabs for members who explore the Energy Estimator and increase their energy efficiency IQ. After completing the Energy Estimator and emailing your results, your name will be entered into a random drawing to win a $300 bill credit, a package of energy efficiency tools that includes a $100 Lowe’s gift card, and a programmable Wi-Fi thermostat. Winners will be notified via email on February 16.


Make a resolution to reduce your energy usage and lower your energy bill. Here’s to an Energy Efficient New Year!


SECO News, January 2017 - Protection Begins at the Meter


Protection Begins at the Meter


Today’s appliances are sensitive to power surges caused by lightning, accidents, animals and more. Surges can cause catastrophic damage or degrade appliance circuitry over time.


Protection begins at the meter. SECO’s meter base surge arrester reduces most surges to a safe level before they enter your home. The arrestor helps protect large motor appliances like the air conditioner, washer and dryer, refrigerator, stove and dishwasher.


Beat the upcoming storm season rush and subscribe to SECO’s meter-based surge protection by February 15 for a chance to win a $100 Lowe’s gift card. All SECO members currently enrolled in SECO’s surge protection are also eligible to win.


Enroll online or call us at (800) 732-6141. A random winner will be chosen February 15.


SECO News, January 2017 - Does a Fireplace Save Energy?


Does a Fireplace Save Energy?


Wood burning fireplaces provide a soothing ambience and warmth, but can actually increase your energy usage. Fireplaces pull oxygen and heat from other areas within the home. Approximately 30% of heat goes up the chimney, creating a drop in temperature, prompting your central heating unit to cycle more frequently.


Installing glass doors or a fireback can increase your fireplace’s efficiency. Glass doors act as a barrier to reduce the amount of indoor air escaping through the chimney. In the summer, glass doors help prevent warm air from entering into your home. Firebacks are decorative, cast iron plates that when placed at the back of the fireplace absorb heat and radiate it back into the room.


Although glass doors and firebacks may improve a fireplace’s efficiency, your best course of action is to use your fireplace when it’s just a little chilly and forgo operating your central heating unit during that time. Learn more about SECO’s products and services and energy savings online.


SECO News, January 2017 - SECO Scholars


SECO Scholars


For over 20 years, SECO Energy has awarded more than $500,000 in scholarships – launching young scholars on their path to a college education. Once again, SECO’s Board of Trustees has approved up to $36,000 in scholarships for twelve deserving high school seniors.


To be eligible, the student must:

  • Reside in a home served by SECO.
  • Graduate high school by the end of the current school year.
  • Provide proof of acceptance to an accredited college, university or vocational/technical school by the end of 2017.
  • Plan to be enrolled as a full-time college student.


Applications are available beginning January 4, at SECO’s five Member Service Centers in Lake, Sumter, Marion and Citrus counties, area high school guidance offices, at the SECO corporate offices in Sumterville and online.


To be considered, completed applications must be received no later than 5 p.m. on March 31. Applications may be dropped off at any SECO Member Service Center or mailed to:


SECO Energy<br\>Attn: Youth Scholarship<br\>330 South U.S. Highway 301<br\>Sumterville,FL 33585-0301


Winners will be notified by phone or mail on or about April 28. Learn more about SECO’s scholarship program online or call (352) 569-9561.


Read the full January 2017 SECO News here.


New Year, New Chance to Win with New ENERGY ESTIMATOR

SECO Energy introduces its newest online energy efficiency tool – just in time to make New Year’s resolutions that count. The Energy Estimator helps members resolve to save energy and lower their monthly energy bills in 2017.


The Energy Estimator is a usage calculator based on SECO’s current residential rate with the Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) credit factored in. The Estimator helps members understand the amount of energy and costs that appliances, lighting, electronics, tools, etc. use in their home. The Estimator calculates your monthly refrigeration costs, the price for each load of laundry, the annual amount of energy your oven uses and more.


After submitting their data inputs to SECO, within minutes members will receive an email comparing their usage to the average Central Florida household, along with specific tips to save energy and money.


SECO has three great prizes up for grabs for members who explore the Energy Estimator and increase their energy efficiency IQ. After the member completes the Energy Estimator, his/her name will be entered into a random drawing to win a $300 bill credit, a large package of energy efficiency tool that includes a $100 Lowe’s gift card or a programmable Wi-Fi thermostat.


Winners will be notified via email on February 16, 2017. Members must explore the Energy Estimator and submit their data input by February 15 to be eligible to win. Make a resolution to reduce your energy usage and lower your energy bill this year. Take SECO’s Energy Estimator for a test drive.


For other chances to win electric bill credits and prizes, “like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” @SECOEnergy on Twitter.