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SECO Energy Announces 2025 Youth Scholarship Program

SECO Energy is proud to continue its commitment to education and community development through its 2025 Youth Scholarship Program. This year, SECO Energy’s Board of Trustees has approved $36,000 in scholarships for up to twelve outstanding high school seniors residing in SECO’s service area. Each scholarship winner will be awarded $3,000 to support their educational journey.


Recognizing the significant labor shortage in the energy sector, SECO understands that investing in education is vital for developing a workforce capable of meeting future challenges. The cooperative is committed to delivering reliable, safe, and affordable electric service to communities. By fostering talent through the scholarship program, SECO is not only preparing students for careers in the energy industry but also cultivating a skilled workforce that can contribute meaningfully to their communities.


SECO Energy’s CEO Curtis Wynn emphasizes the importance of nurturing a future workforce. “As the energy industry evolves, SECO Energy and other utilities are committed to attracting and developing individuals who can thrive in a dynamic environment,” Wynn stated. “SECO Energy’s Vision is to become the employer of choice in our region. The Youth Scholarship Program is a direct investment in local students’ education, equipping them for successful careers in the energy sector. Our local communities are rich with talented students who will be essential assets to future employers and the region as a whole.”


The 2025 SECO Energy Youth Scholarship Program application is available online at > Your Co-op > Youth Scholarship Program and must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 28, 2025.


Through these efforts, SECO Energy is not only supporting education but also empowering the next generation to succeed and lead in the energy industry.


Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must graduate from high school by the end of the 2024-2025 academic year (May/June) and enroll in a Florida-based college, university, or technical school by the conclusion of the same year.


Special emphasis will be given to those aspiring to attain degrees in technology, business, engineering, or mathematics, especially those related to the energy sector. Relevant majors include computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical, nuclear, environmental, civil, agricultural/biological, industrial, materials science, and various branches of mathematics.


Applicants must reside in a household within SECO Energy’s service area or live with a parent or legal guardian who is an active SECO Energy member.


Evaluation Process

When evaluating applicants, SECO Energy will weigh factors such as financial need, academic accomplishments, community engagement, personal statement or essay quality, and the relevance of the applicant’s major in preparation for a STEM-related or energy sector career. Please note that the evaluation process is final, and no appeals or feedback regarding the scoring will be provided.


Application Details 

The 2025 SECO Energy Youth Scholarship Program application is available online at > Your Co-op > Youth Scholarship Program. Completed applications must be submitted to SECO Energy by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 28, 2025. For inquiries regarding SECO Energy’s 2025 Scholarship Program, please contact


“Like” SECO Energy on Facebook and follow @SECOEnergy on Twitter for prize drawings, news releases, and severe weather alerts affecting SECO Energy’s service territory. Manage your outage notification preferences at StormCenter. To see when SECO Energy crews/contractors are working in your area, visit our new System Improvement Map. To learn more about SECO Energy as a not-for-profit cooperative, visit About SECO Energy.

$36,000 in SECO Scholarships Up for Grabs

SECO Energy is renewing its commitment to young scholars through its 2018 Scholarship program. Apply today, as SECO will award up to twelve $3,000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors in late April.


SECO’s Board of Trustees has authorized a total of $36,000 for SECO’s 2018 Scholarship program. For more than two decades, SECO has awarded scholarships to deserving, local students. During the program’s tenure, SECO has awarded over $500,000 in scholarship assistance to more than 250 high school graduates seeking further education.


To be eligible, applicants must be a high school senior graduating in 2018 (May/June) who live in a home served by SECO Energy. Scholarship recipients must be enrolled full-time in an accredited college, university or vocational/technical school located in Florida by the end of 2018 to receive scholarship disbursement.


CEO Jim Duncan stated, “Last summer, SECO was proud to offer an internship in our Engineering department to Megan Elliott, a 2016 SECO Scholarship awardee. We hope to cultivate new relationships and attract future employees through our scholarship program. SECO offers high-skill, high-wage positions in beautiful Central Florida, so that students who grew up in this area can find a promising career path and stay close to family and friends.”


SECO’s Board of Trustees President Ray Vick stated, “On behalf of the Board, it is an honor to continue the scholarship program. Our local communities abound with bright, talented young scholars who are poised to be tomorrow’s community and business leaders, and I am looking forward to meeting this year’s group of recipients.”


Scholarship applications are available at all SECO Member Service Centers beginning January 2, 2018. Applicants can also visit our Scholarship page to print an application or check with your local high school guidance counselor. SECO must receive the completed applications with all required components before March 30, 2018 at 5 pm.


As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO adheres to the seven key cooperative principles. SECO’s long-standing scholarship program exhibits the cooperative’s Concern for Community and belief in Education, Training and Information by offering educational assistance to local young people.


Learn more about SECO’s community involvement by visiting SECO’s Community page. “Like” SECO’s Facebook page and “follow” the company on Twitter for news releases and cooperative updates.

SECO News, June 2016

SECO News, Duncan's Digest, February 2016


If the warmer than normal Spring is any indication, it looks like another hot Florida summer is just around the corner. As Floridians know, hurricane season started on June 1st. I want to assure you, our members, that SECO Energy and its employees are “Storm Ready.”


From the members’ perspective, what does that mean? Storm Ready doesn’t begin with storm season; Storm Ready is designing, building and maintaining a reliable system that delivers power to SECO members rain or shine. Supported by a number of behind-the-scenes departments, the employees from our Operations department – the good guys in the white hats – are the cavalcade of employees and their trucks that members look for during a service interruption. These employees work diligently to restore power quickly and safely. In the meantime, our member service employees stand ready to take your calls, and our Corporate Communications folks update website and social media communications to provide the latest information on outage statuses.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016


Restoring power quickly during storm season is only a small portion of SECO’s reliability focus. Our employees and contractor partners continually inspect, maintain and upgrade existing facilities. In 2015, we inspected 19,923 distribution poles and replaced 3,208 of them. To improve data communication between substation equipment and our System Operations Center, SECO upgraded to fiber optic communications for data transfer. The System Operations Center is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and stands ready to assist members outside of normal business hours.


To maximize outage prevention efforts, we must first identify the most frequent causes. Tree-related outages are the number one reason why members lose power (small animal incidents take a close second). In the last decade, SECO has focused on creating a comprehensive vegetation management program and has dramatically reduced power outages related to trees. For nine years running, SECO has been nationally recognized as a Tree Line USA Utility by the National Arbor Day Foundation.


This is only a small overview of the accomplishments and responsibilities related to outage prevention and restoration. Daily afternoon storms are coming soon, so get to know SECO’s Storm Center by visiting where members can report power outages and watch for updates on restoration efforts in your area. “Like” SECO’s page on Facebook and follow SECO on Twitter for instant updates and news releases. Lastly, visit to review our Emergency Checklist to ensure you and your family are Storm Ready too.



SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - Commitment to community


Commitment to Community

As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, SECO Energy supports its members and the communities it serves by engaging in charitable projects. SECO employees also embrace their communities by volunteering hundreds of hours of their personal time on charitable projects they choose to support. Whether it’s coaching youth sports, running 5K races or volunteering for (and pledging to) United Way, members can find our SECO employee volunteers out and about building stronger communities.


This spring, SECO and its employees participated in events that showcased our beautiful outdoor spaces, contributed to the fight against cancer and awarded financial assistance to young scholars beginning their college careers.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - Commitment to community - Earth Fest and Arbor Day


Earthfest at Arbor Day

In April, SECO Energy’s Vegetation Management team celebrated the great outdoors at the Earthfest at Arbor Day event in downtown Ocala’s Tuscawilla Park. Families enjoyed the lovely spring weather, food, crafts, demonstrations and live entertainment. The SECO team gave away several hundred trees and children loved the face painting, coloring books and additional giveaways.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - Commitment to community - Arbor Day


Visitors took the opportunity to ask our Certified Arborists for tree-care tips and for planting advice for the trees they took home. Supported by our partners, ACRT and Nelson Tree, SECO has been a proud recipient of the Tree Line USA distinction by the National Arbor Day Foundation for nine years.


Sumter County’s Relay for Life

In late April, the SECO Relay for Life team participated in the American Cancer Society’s fundraiser. Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature event. It raises donations for cancer research as well as support for cancer patients and their caregivers.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - Commitment to community - Relay for life


This year’s theme was “Stopping Cancer in its Tracks,” inspired by the iconic television show Soul Train. SECO team members and other volunteers boogied through the night and into the morning to represent their commitment to continue the fight against cancer. Our SECO team’s fundraising efforts paid off, raising over $12,000 for the American Cancer Society.


Scholarship Program

Now in its 20th year, the SECO Board of Trustees approved $36,000 for deserving high school seniors. The 12 students from our service area were each awarded a $3,000 scholarship.


SECO Energy, 2016 Scholarship Awardees


This year the seniors and their families were honored with a reception at SECO’s headquarters on May 23rd. Visit to see their names and photos. Since beginning the program, SECO has awarded 257 scholarships totaling over $500,000 to young people whose families’ energy needs are served by SECO.


As a member, how can you help your community and fellow members in need? Enroll in SECO Energy’s Pennies from Heaven program. Pennies from Heaven automatically rounds up your bill to the nearest dollar amount. The extra pennies (which average about $6 annually) are donated to the Pennies from Heaven program. Every cent collected is distributed here in our local communities and to our members for bill payment assistance.


Enroll online at under Your Co-op > Community > Pennies from Heaven. Or you can call us at (352) 793-3801 or email to enroll.



SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - energy saving tip


Energy Saving Tip

The heat leading up to the 2016 Florida summer is here, and The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts that June will be a little hotter than normal. Now is a perfect time to have your HVAC unit serviced to ensure your unit is running efficiently before summer gets into full swing. Change your filter regularly too. Order discounted filters (free shipping) from


Programmable thermostats offer preprogramed settings to regulate the temperature in your home. Installing a programmable thermostat can help homeowners reduce their energy usage and save on electric bills.


A programmable thermostat will adjust the times that the air conditioning or heating system operates. Most new programmable thermostats adjust while you are away during the day, while you are sleeping, have vacation mode and include an app that allows you to adjust on the fly.


SECO Energy, SECO News June 2016 - energy saving tip


The website reports consumers can save between 5 and 15 percent on electric bills by using a programmable thermostat. For the most savings, set the thermostat to adjust the temperature in portions of time at least four hours in length.


If you have additional questions about installing a programmable thermostat, you should contact a certified HVAC contractor for assistance. [237021] As a member of SECO Energy, your Co-op Connections card offers discounts to many local businesses. Look for a local HVAC contractor that offers members a discount by visiting


Looking for more ways to save energy and reduce your electric bill? Please contact us at (352) 793-3801 or email to learn more ways to save energy and reduce your electric bill.



SECO Energy, Expressions



Recently we had the honor and privilege to participate at the Annual Meeting of SECO Energy. We sincerely hope that we provided what was expected and in a manner that dignified the occasion. The donation was extremely appreciated and will be used to aid needy veterans. Should we be of any future service, please contact us.
Donald Saylor
Commander – Honor Guard, VFW Post #4337
Inverness, FL


Want you to know how much I appreciate SECO. Your company goes far beyond what is expected. Thank you for fighting to keep our cost down. I am on Social Security; it is a blessing to see a low electric bill.
Thank you again & God Bless,
Mrs. Barbara Marsh
Ocala, FL



SECO Energy, Call 811 before you dig


Read the full June 2016 SECO News here.