June 2021 Sunshine State Stats

June 2021 Sunshine State Stats

Precipitation in June 2021 was higher than average leading to a soggy but hot month. The highest daily temperature measured in at 94 degrees, and the lowest temperature came in at 67 degrees. While June 1, 2021, is the official start of Atlantic hurricane season, our area was left unscathed by tropical storms or hurricanes […]

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May 2021 Sunshine State Stats

May 2021 Sunshine State Stats

May 2021 weather was a study in extremes – the highest daily temperature measured in at 94 degrees, while the lowest temperature came in at 58 degrees. Daily high temps ranged between 94 and 74 degrees, and daily low temps spanned from 74 degrees to 58 degrees. While May was extremely dry with rainfall of […]

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SECO News, June 2021

SECO News, June 2021

  Duncan’s Digest – StormReady: Hurricane Season Warning   The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season began June 1. SECO Energy uses a unique and well-tested response plan that stands ready when typical afternoon thunderstorms occur and when our service area is affected by tropical storms or hurricanes. SECO is StormReady, and I urge you and your […]

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SECO News, April 2021

SECO News, April 2021

  Duncan’s Digest – Inverness Substation Upgrade   SECO Energy’s service territory covers 2,100 square miles, which is about the size of Delaware. At year-end 2020, we were serving 216,477 homes and businesses in seven Central Florida counties. The bulk of our members live in Citrus, Lake, Marion and Sumter Counties, with smaller numbers of […]

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January 2021 Sunshine State Stats

January 2021 Sunshine State Stats

January 2021 weather was a mix of hot and cold. Mother Nature kept us guessing with high daily temperatures in the 80s and low daily temps in the 30s. Members may notice an increase in their January electric usage due to heating and cooling needs during the month.     For January 2021 the average […]

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Sunshine State Stats December 2020

Sunshine State Stats December 2020

Happy New Year! There was no white Christmas in Florida for December 2020, but the temperatures were chilly dipping into the low 30s. Central Florida closed out 2020 with sun, cool morning temperatures and lower than average rainfall for December.     For December 2020 the average temperature was a cool 58 degrees, which 8 […]

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SECO News, November 2020

SECO News, November 2020

  Duncan’s Digest – Capital Credits – Co-op Membership Pays $6.1 Million   Last month I announced a higher member-favorable Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) or “Hot Bucks” credit. This month, I have more good financial news. During the September Trustees’ Meeting, your Board approved a record-high Capital Credit retirement of $6.1 million to current and […]

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SECO Energy Lowers Members’ Bills October 1

SECO Energy Lowers Members’ Bills October 1

SECO Energy is once again lowering the cost of electric service. The not-for-profit electric cooperative will apply a higher member-favorable Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) to members’ bills beginning October 1, 2020. The PCA calculation appears on monthly statements as a line item titled “Hot Bucks.”   Since January 1, 2020, SECO’s rate for the first […]

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SECO News, October 2020

SECO News, October 2020

  Duncan’s Digest – Power Cost Adjustment Lowers Bills   SECO Energy’s mission is to construct, maintain and restore the electric system that serves over 210,000 homes and businesses in the counties we serve. As a not-for-profit electric cooperative that operates for our members, we are proud to provide safe, reliable, affordable electric service and […]

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Sunshine State Stats August 2020

Sunshine State Stats August 2020

August in Central Florida was hot! The average high temperature was a melting 92 degrees while the average low was a warm 76 degrees. The average temperature for the month was 84. The highest recorded temperature was 96 degrees and the lowest recorded temperature was 73 degrees.     August was hot and drier than […]

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